School Days [RP]

:: Jordan watched the entire lesbian-esque scene unfold between Aime and Serena ::

Jordan: "hey, either give me some of that or quit it, i don't like being left out!"

:: she noticed a bunch of guys looking at them ::

Jordan: "better lay back, you're making a scene..."

:: she opened the can of Fanta, and drank deeply, her Sucubus nature meant that everything, even drinking from a can seemed seductive ::
At the extreme close contact, Serena flushed deeply before gently pushing away from Aime. "You didn't answer my question." She said sternly before turning and looking at the other girl. "Join in any time." She said as she stood up, picking up her shoes while she did so.

Moving back a couple feet Serena shook the sand off herself, taking her hat off only long enough for the sand to be shaken out of that as well before taking a seat on the ground again, giving enough room for another person between herself and the two other girls.
:: Jordan giggled ::

Jordan: "mind if i join?"

:: she moved into a more comfortable possition, and lay down ::

Jordan: "hey, what yeart level are you? i'm a new arrival"
Finally Aime had snapped back to reality when Serena pushed her away. She saw what she had done, and saw the woman lover next to them asking to join in. Her face turned solid red and she lowered her head in embarrassment. She couldn't calm her breathing down. She was having a panic attack. Everything went blurry and the next moment she fell backwards in the sand, passed out.
:: as the smaller girl passed out, Jordan jumped to her side and lifted her head ::

Jordan: "its okay, shes just asleep, looks like things got a bit too much for her"

:: she could feel her heartbeat, and rested Aime's head on her lap ::

Jordan: "she'll wake up soon"
As the girl passed out Serena blinked a bit frightened before the other girl said that she was okay. "T-that's good." She let out a sigh of relief before pulling on her socks and shoes and slowly doing up the laces. Why? Because she knew that if she stuck around she was going to end up a bit behind on the school's starting bell and might as well not make it any later than it would be with having to deal with that chore.
:: Jordan saw Serena putting her shoes on ::

Jordan: "good idea, lets get back to school"

:: she stood up, Aime was in her arms, she held her close ::

jordan "come on, lets go"

:: she looked down at the girl she was holding, and blushed a bit, she then shook her head a little bit and walked on ::

Jordan: {no! you're supposed to be like a human, stop acting like a Succubus!}

:: she caught up to Serena ::

Jordan: "so, whats you're name? i'm Jordan Kruger, a first-year"
"Serena." She said a bit annoyed, before looking the girl up and down and scoffing, "No wonder you have a boys name." She wasn't trying to be rude, she was just, a bit bugged, she didn't want to leave yet and didn't this person know you weren't supposed to move a passed out person because they could like, get hurt or something.

She carefully took Aime out of the girl's hold and sat back down carefully putting the cute girls head in her lap and started absently petting her hair, "Besides, we still have a loooooooong time before school starts." She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out towards Jordan.
:: Jordan sat back down ::

Jordan: "suppose you're right... but not about my name"

:: Jordan had a closer look at the passed-out girl's face ::

Jordan: "anyway, the name "Jordan" is like "ALex", it can be used for both men and women"

:: she looked up and down the passed-out girl's body ::

Jordan: "she is really cute..."
Before she opened her eyes, she over heard both of them talking and felt Serena playing with her hair. She was so embarrassed about earlier.

"But Alex is short for Alexander and Alexandra. Two different names. Jordan is just Jordan."

She opened her eyes and looked up to see serena. Aime's checks were still pink and she wondered how long she had been out.
:: Jordan noticed Aime wake up ::

Jordan: "hey there cutie, how you feeling?"

:: she leaned in and looked into Aime's eyes ::

Jordan: "pretty...."

:: she leaned back ::

Jordan: "anyway, you should stay down for a minute, you had quite a panic attack or something like that"
Serena suppressed a growl at Jordan for getting close to Aime before turning her head and continuing in petting the girls hair. "It's really soft, what do you do to it?" She asked, feeling a bit socially awkward. She quickly apologized, "I'm sorry I'm such a creep. I'm really not meaning to be, I just come across that way." She frowned before shutting her mouth not wanting to say something else stupid.
Aime looked at both Serena and Jordan. They seemed to not like each other for one reason or another.

"My mother does my hair. She also braids it for me in the morning. Your not a creep and I'm sorry about earlier, i got carried away. You just smell so good~"

She looked over at Jordan and smiled slightly.

"I feel fine now. Thank you for the soda and all."

She opened the soda she was given earlier and sipped it with her head slightly tilted. She loved Orange soda.
Charlotte was startled when the cat jumped in front of them and seeing the cute feline, she finally let go of Lloyd’s hand and went to pick it up. Brushing off the weird feeling that she knew the cat, she snuggled it,

“I love animals” she explained to Lloyd.

Looking back at him, she noticed he was grinning and she quirked her brow, unsure of what exactly he was so happy about, then shifting the cat so she could carry it. Continuing to walk across the sand, she saw that the beach was occupied by three girls, the only recognizable one being Aime. Who at the moment; had her head in another girl’s lap, which made Charlotte briefly pause. Continuing on she made her presence known;

"Excuse me, am I interrupting something?" she asked.
Lloyd simply followed behind Charlotte, stifling his grin, saying a meek 'hello' to the three people on the beach.

He sat down in the sand, and began to draw out complex algorithms with a stick in the sand.
:: Jordan grinned at both the other girls ::

Jordan: "well, this was eventful"

:: she streched out on her towel, it almost snappet her bra-strap, but it held tight ::

Jordan: "anyway... i'm not looking foreward to this school, you know? i just wanna stay out here.. but..."

:: she leant back up, her face was beetroot red ::

Jordan: "except for all the hot guys AND girls that are bound to be there"

:: she glanced back at the other two girls ::

Jordan: "oh don't act so shocked, i'm bi you see, i'm not shy about it"

:: she looked in her esky, it was almost empty ::

Jordan: "hey, smexy"

:: she was refering to Serena ::

Jordan: "want a Coke?"

:: Charlotte and Lloyd came around ::

Jordan: "hey, welcome to the party"
Aime kind of glared, now she knew why Serena was so apprehensive about this girl, she was a little to open. Definitely a trouble maker and boyfriend stealer.

She looked up to see Charlotte, her rival, and Lloyd. She figured they were off at school but now they were here also. She sat up slowly and spoke, slightly surprised.

"Oh hey! Guys, I found these two, they go to our school to..."

She pointed and Serena and flicked her nose, from the top down, so she didnt flinch, more like a rub, with her index finger and then kind of shrugged over towards Jordan behind her.

"Serena, Jordan, this is Charlotte, and Lloyd."

She had kind of a ":3" look on her face, like she had completed something great and magnificent.

"Soooo why are you two down here?"
Lloyd spoke up in a quiet voice.

"..... You ran off so quickly in such a huff, we were worried about you. And, I didn't like that Josh kid......" He replied to Aime, before wiping away his algorithm, standing up and stretching.

"...... It's kinda nice out here." He stated, genuinely surprised.
"I'm glad I smell good," She laughed lightly, "I think it's like, this misty perfume stuff my mom sprays every where. I don't think it will ever come out of my clothes." She tilted her head for a second, "Your mom does hair amazingly, is she a hairdresser? or one of those fashion people?"

Serena looked at Jordan for a second, "I suggest you not call me that again bug or I'll make sure something bad happens." With a death glare sent at the annoying girl, she blinked as Aime spoke to some one else before introducing them, and touching her nose, not even having heard them before then. She giggled lightly before giving the two a small wave before returning to the playing with the hair.
Jordan: 'hey, catch!"

:: she threw a coke to Lloyd ::

Jordan: "enjoy"

:: she glamced at Serena ::

Jordan: "jeez, you should learn to take a joke.. look, i think we started off on the wrong foot, lets start over"

:: she cleared her throut ::

Jordan: "my name is Jordan Kruger, i come from the north-west, about 735 miles so i'm boarding"

:: she looked in the esky, it was now empty, so she took a bit of ice out and broke off a bit, and put it in her mouth ::

Jordan: "anyway, i kinda cut loose when on places like the beach, im much more... refined in school or at home"

:: she held up her hand, keeping a sudden gust of wind and sand out of her eyes ::

Jordan: "pleased to meet you Lloyd and Charlotte, i would offer you a drink but i'm afraid i'm fresh out"
"Yeah, sort of, she's a stay at home person. And we have a big family with lots of relatives who come and go. So i guess she has a lot of experience. She would probably love your hair. I love when she Braids mine. Maybe some time you could come over."

Aime didn't want to be mean to Jordan but her attitude and the other girls obvious clashes. Something she would deal with as best she could without resorting to violence. She scooted up against Serena so she could play with her hair easier as she talked to Charlotte and Lloyd.

"So what now, what happened to dragon hunting?"
Lloyd looked at the coke in his hands, a bit of a scowl forming on his face.

"...... Uh, yeah, thanks." He said, giving Jordan a small smile. He then looked around at the four girls, a bit of a grin on his face.

"..... I don't like Coke all that much. Who wants it?" He said, holding it up for someone to take. He looked at Charlotte specifically, her not having a drink seeming a bit unfair.
When they had finally got to the group Aime introduced the two of them to the girls, Serena and Jordan as she called them. Waving back to the one who had Aime on her lap, she listened to the conversation as Lloyd told them why they were down there; he sat in the sand, writing up what looked to be an algorithm. At what seemed to be Jordan’s second introduction, she finally got it sorted on the names

“Its fine” she assured, even shaking her head when Lloyd offered.

“…I just didn’t want to slay the dragon without you” she explained to Aime, looking away and petting the cat.
Aime was all excited cause of her new friends. They were totally going to find a dragon. Even if it took them to the depths of hell to do so. She jumped up in the sand and tried to brush it all off but she had sand in places that well, quite frankly it shouldn't be. She wiggled around to get it all out and off before Grabbing Serena's hand and pulling her to her feet also. She liked her shoes and the Lace that wrapped her around her legs.

"So where should we begin! I don't really know where to find one."
Getting pulled up, Serena almost fell forward again but she thankfully caught herself before that one happened. "uh, don't we have to get back to school though? I mean, it's gonna start soon." She said nervously, shuffling from foot to foot, partially out of hating asking such a silly question and partially to shake the sand off her butt from where it had stuck when she was sitting.

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