School Days [RP]

:: Jordan went and sat down next to Aime ::

Jordan: "heh, i have my ways of getting these things... anyway, you never know when something like these come in handy, my cousin Gilbert once used a crossbow to shoot arrown into a wall, so he could climb them to get out of a ditch"

:: she ran a finger over the knife ::

Jordan: "there could be a million uses for this"
Shelooked at the girl next to her and scooted a few inches down. The sharp pointy object kind of frightened her. Jordan reminded her of the psycho paths that went ballistic and killed all their friends when they were alone.

"As long as you dont use it on me i guess it's. My things were a little more for fun than serious."

She looked in her bag to see her less-than-lethal weaponry she had bought.
:: Jordan just smiled and tustled Aime's hair ::

Jordan: "allright then, Cutie, whats the plan for this little "Dragon hunt" you got planned then?"
"Nothing really" She explained.

"It was just an excuse to go do something. There are some old caves on the hills near my home. Figured any adventure into them would result in something fun. Plus the woods are nice this time of year."

She twiddled her thumbs patiently waiting for the others.

"Never know, might actually find something up there."
Lloyd, still sitting near the entrance, sighed. People were sure taking their time......

Maybe he could go get something.

......... Nah.

He noticed Aime and Jordan not too off, and went to sit wih them. Looked like they were getting along, sorta.

He sat on the other side of Aime from Jordan, and waved, a small smile on his face. He then looked around, seeing nothing interesting. He sighed.

He still hadn't picked anything out.
Aime saw Lloyd sit by her. He appeared of have gotten nothing.

"Not gonna get anything? Even something less related to hunting, like a snack?"

She watched him carefully for his answer.
A very large fishermen's net slung over her shoulder, folded neatly into a small square, a pack of 24 blow darts complete with dart shooter, and a container of extra strength sleeping pills in her hands Serena marched up to the counter paying for everything completely in cash. Why? Because neither her or her parents liked Credit cards or checks. Something about being out swindled by something you should be able to loop hole yourself around being bad.

Smilingly weakly as the strange look she was given by the cashier she took her bag of stuff and went to find the others while pulling out the sleeping pills and starting to crush them in her hands.
He looked at with a questioning look.

"...... Why would I need anything?" He asked rather uncomfortably, shifting his weight around. He just couldn't play the over-confident, and now the girl would wonder why he hadn't picked anything out.

"...... I don't need anything, okay?" He said in a harsh voice, turnin his head so he didn't have to look at her. He really hadn't mean to sound so harsh, but it had just slipped out like that.....
He looked at Jordan, almost seeming a bit disapointed.

"..... I don't need calming down. I'm just fine." He said firmly, before getting up and going into the aisles, not really payig attention to what was in them. He walked in, grabbed something at random, and walked back out, not even looking at it.

Lloyd put whatever he brought out, and put it in Aime's lap.

"There." He said, sitting back down.

Ooc- your pick, Kaine. Whatever you want it to be.
Aime sighed but as she looked down she saw a box of condoms; Flavored ones too. Her face turned solid red. and she quickly put them in her bag before anyone else noticed.

"I... i... didn't know you...felt that way Lloyd..."

Her whole body tensed up as she wasn't sure how to react.
Lloyd, who had noticed what they were as he sat down, gasped in shock.

"..... No, I.... I mean..... Ugh." He gave up trying to explain.

His jaw hit the floor when he saw Aime put them in the bag.

"..... Y-You're keeping them!" He asked loudly, jumping back up, arms up in shock.
"What! It's not like i can let the others see! Charlotte would ring my neck!"

She nervously watched the people around her and told Lloyd what to do.

"Just don't say anything or i'll drain you of all your blood and leave you to die!"
After a while of looking around Serena found Aime, Lloyd, and Jordan sitting around. She awkwardly walked up to them, crushing the last sleeping pill and putting the powder back into the bottle as she pulled out the darts and started packing them with the powder. "Uh...." She shuffled around a bit on her feet.
Lloyd laughed awkwardly, looking at Aime as Serena came into ear-shot.

".... Funny joke, Aime......" He said, starting to sweat a little bit.

He prayed to whatever God or gods there were that nobody saw or would see what Aime had just put in her bag.

........ He started to ponder about what Aime had said about Charlotte as Serena walked up.

"Hey." He said, still a little awkwardly.
"hah hah... yeah... hey Serena~"

She shifted in her seat a little before getting back on topic.

"So what did you get??"
Serena gave an awkward smile as she loaded another dart, something was up with these kids. "A big net." She said shrgging the thing off her shoulder. It made a large loud twack when it hit the ground. "And make shift tranq darts." She said, holding up one of the finished sleeping pill loaded darts.
"Sleeping darts... Interesting. Kind of makes my stuff look lame. But it shall work, i swear!"

She looked around for charlotte but she was no where to be seen.

"Did we lose Charlotte?"
:: Jordan picked out the condoms from Aime's bag, and had a look at them ::

Jordan: "ooh flavoured... yummy" she said, teasingly

:: she giggled as she put them back into Aime's bag ::

:: she then leant back, placing herself over Lloyd's lap and resting her head on Aime's lap ::

Jrdan: "damn.. i'm so tired"

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 AM ----------

:: Jordan picked out the condoms from Aime's bag, and had a look at them ::

Jordan: "ooh flavoured... yummy" she said, teasingly

:: she giggled as she put them back into Aime's bag ::

:: she then leant back, placing herself over Lloyd's lap and resting her head on Aime's lap ::

Jrdan: "damn.. i'm so tired"
Charlotte was having a really hard time figuring out what else she wanted, walking up and down aisles briefly glancing at each side. Carrying the duct tape and nothing else, she sighed...

“What to get, what to get” she repeated to herself.

Her first choice when she got to the hardware section was the nail gun, but she soon realized she didn’t really want to hurt the thing. So she was stuck where she was, strolling down aisles until she found something interesting in the sale bins. It came when she entered the pet food aisle and saw some dog toys there; taking the biggest there, a rubber steak, she continued on. Idly she wondered if she was taking too long and thought about the other people in the group, which gave her an idea.

Walking on to the health section, she strode down the rows until she found the proper aisle and darted down it. Picking up a first aid kit she paused and thought about her robotic parts, maybe picking up a small mechanical pack would be good too…

Since she was late already, she made her way to the nearest register and bought the items with her debit card. Rushing back to the meeting spot, she saw the whole group there and slid to a stop holding up her bag,

“Done.” She noted, with a small smirk.
Lloyd sighed, gettin out from under Jordan.

"........ This can't get any weirder. Or more awkward, for that matter....." He said, stretching.

He then caught sight of Charlotte, and waved.
"Well if you want them so bad, they are yours."

Aime took the box of adultries and put them in jordans pocket making sure they were definitely hers and out of sight.

"OK so are we ready? Everyone get what they need?"

She put her stuff in her backpack and put it on. When the time was right she would use her stuff.
:: JOrdan broke out laughing ::

Jordan: "hey Lloyd, you dirty boy! keep you're own purchases to yourself!"

:: she threw them at Lloys, they landed exactly in his pocket ::

Jordan: "BULLSEYE! did you see that!?"
"............." Lloyd just couldn't say anything.

It was too far gone to try and go back.....

".............. Whatever." He said, putiing his hand in his pocket and holding his 'purchase' there for now.
:: Jordan stopped laughing ::

Jordan: "heh... i went too far with that didn't i?... i alwayys go too far... sorry"

:: she sat back down, and looked around ::

Jordan: "man... anyone else wanna do.... something? this is gettin kinda dull"

:: she pulled a pen from her pocket, and began spinning it through her fingers, little did she know though, this little hunt would be more interesting than she thought ::

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