School Days [RP]

Lloyd face-palmed.

"...... You're not actually being serious, are you? I mean, were twelve now, right? We know there's no such thing as a dragon." He said, un-convincing even to himself.
“Who cares about school when you can see a real life dragon, whatever we miss we can catch up on anyways” Charlotte said, excited to see this dragon.

“I’ve kind of always imagined them in caves” she suggested to Aime

“…that or forests, mountains or swamps” she continued, smirking.

She turned to Lloyd at his outburst and didn’t really know what to say, so just shrugged

“You can stay here with the cat, if you like?” she offered.
:: Jordan stood up ::

Jordan: "look, even i know Dragons don't exist... but i won't let you guys get hurt doing something stupid in this little chase... i'm coming too"

:: she leant on one leg and crossed her arms, she then bent down, and grabbed a long t-shirt and a pair of hot-pants, and her sandals, she put them on over her swimsuit ::

Jordan: "okay... i'm ready for whatever now"
She puffed at Lloyd's comment. He was such a sour puss. Even these human girls wanted to find adventure.

"You just don't want to have fun Lloyd. If you want you can stay here, and we will have our epic adventure without you. But if we never return, you can blame yourself for not being our knight in shining armor."

She giggled evilly at her plot to make him come with them. Aime could tell he liked being around this many pretty girls. /but now they needed to leave. She took Lloyd and Serena by the hand and pulled them up towards the board walk. Once they were there they needed to discuss where to start. Though when she heard Jordan's comment she shot her a hot look and a smart remark making sure she understood the situation.

"You can come, but don't assume you can protect us like we are weaklings. I find it insulting."
Sean is enjoying his ride, so he is purring, he snuggles close to Charlotte. He is also signaling that he want to go see the dragon.

"Mew" :D
Lloyd sighed.

"..... I'm only going with you guys so I can laugh when you're wrong." He said with a bit of a scowl on his face, eyeing up Aime.

"...... I'm no knight." He said in a low voice, barely audible to even himself.
With the plan back on track, it seemed like everyone wanted to join the party again as Jordan offered to come with them. As she got dressed, Charlotte wondered where exactly she could put the cat so she could bring it along with them. Listening idly to their conversation, she noticed them start walking off and followed them, still having the cat in her arms.

It snuggled closer to her and she could only smile hurrying along behind the group of four; she heard the only boy's comment of just coming along to see if their wrong and frowned.

“What if were right?” she questioned
Moving along with Aime as she walked, Serena just kept her mouth shut since it seemed everyone else knew more of what they were talking about than she could hope to catch onto with just the few things that had been said. Dragon hunting was apparently what they were doing but, why? And she was already certain that they had no plans on going back to school today, which probably wasn't good.

Not meaning to sound rude, Serena put her hand up in the air as if it was in school so she could be called on. "Um, what, exactly, are we doing and why? And why would we need to have a 'knight in shining armor' It's not gonna be dangerous is it?" A hint of worry snuck into her voice at the end of her questions.
:: Jordan tilted her head toward Serena ::

Jordan: "what're you worried about? dragons don't exist, i mean, i'm only coming along to make sure no-one does anything stupid"

:: in reality, Jordan was thinking ::

Jordan: {oh god, i hope they don't find dagon, the dragon imprisoned under the city, and why do humans like dragons so much? they are just 10 tones of muscle powered by a brain the size of a strawberry}
Aime tightened her grip on Serena and Lloyd's hands, trudging them along behind her. Looking back to make sure they were complying, she saw Charlotte had a kitty. She looked at it strangely for a second, Something was off about the cat. Usually she could hear their thoughts when she tried, but not this one. Though she didn't let it bother her. Turning around they finally reached the board walk. She released their hands and turned around only to place them on her hips.

"OK So. Now is the make or break, either your in, or your out."

She pointed at Lloyd first. A huge grin on her face.

"You have no say, your coming with us girls as the sacrifice."

Then she pointed at Serena and Charlotte.

"We are dragon hunting. It will be the adventure of a lifetime. If you think it's to dangerous, then you may leave."

Lastly she pointed at Jordan. She was furious about her actions.

"For the last time. You aren't protecting us. Say it again, and we will outcast you from the group. Come because you want to hunt dragons and for adventure. If not for those reasons, than your hanging with the wrong people."

With both hands on her hips again she puffed out her chest all commander like and addressed the group as a whole

"I'm pretty sure there is a cave up near the road to my house. But first we need hunting gear so we are going to the mall."

She pulled out her wallet and a golden visa card was there. Stars appeared in place of her pupils and a lustful look cut across her face. It was time to shop!!!
Seans ears perked up a sone as he heard mall, and gear. Since he is truly a goblin, he had a weakness to items, and free ones coming from a weakling human. He started to stare at the girl right in the eyes, she doesn`t seem normal, see want to hunt a dragon. humans think dragons don`t exist. He keepedd his stare.

"Mew." Sean meowed, in a purring way.
Finally making it to the board walk, she put the cat in her purse, making sure to leave it open hoping that it could pop it’s head out. Finally, the ground rules were laid in place and Charlie had to choose now whether she wanted to or not.

“I’m in for sure” she noted, smiling
Lloyd sighed.

"Oh no. If I'm getting dragged along on this insane trip, as a 'sacrifice' nonetheless, you're coming too Charlotte." He said in a rather stern voice for him.

He scowled, and looked up at the sky while he kept walking along with the group.

He scootched over to beside Jordan, and whispered in her ear.

"Aime's a bit weird, so just go along with it. Maybe try apologizing." He finished with a shrugg, moving back to his original place behind Charlotte, looking back up at the sky again.
Serena let out a laugh, a mix of thinking they were insane and seriously how strange Aime actually was. "Oh I am Defiantly in." She said, rubbing her hands together and letting out an evil Mwhaha laugh. A perfect one at that, before going back to normal and smiling at them all. "Only 1 question left, we're not going to kill the poor creature are we?" She looked at Aime with large eyes, she had a thing against killing creatures. Even ones that liked to flame roast and eat other things. It was just, too many times had people wished someone dead and her kind had to oblige due to a blasted lamp trap, not that she would say that of course.
"I would think so, i mean if not, im sure it'll use our bones as tooth picks."

She shrugged and started walking off towards the store. The mall was attached to a walmart, which was weird but meant they had anything and everything a person could ever need. She kind of had a skip to her walk as she was joyful from thinking about shopping. Oh how she loved shopping for anything and everything.

She waved back for them to hurry up and follow!
“I’ve already agreed” she reminded Lloyd,

Following them along towards the mall, Charlotte paid no attention to the chitter-chatter only knowing she wasn’t a part of it. Briefly hearing people whisper to each other, and answer the other’s questions, she stared up idly. What exactly could she buy at a shop to slay a dragon, it’s not like they sold swords and shields or anything. It was that thought that drifted her mind, as she followed behind the group, spaced out
Lloyd sighed as he got dragged off with a bunch of insane people.

He had pretty much gotten a grasp on everyone's personalities since meeting them.

Charlotte; extremely nice, patient, caring, e.c.t. For some reason, Lloyd thought she'd make a great mom. He sort of winced as he thought this.

Aime; psycho, loud, but in a fun way? The kind of person you didn't want to make cry, because you'd make yourself cry doing it.

Serena; eccentric, strange, a good match for Aime. Lloyd almost thanked the heavens she had someone to be glued to like that.

Jordan; open, but in a nice way. She seemed a bit quiet, like she was thinking a lot. Lloyd didn't know I this was good or bad.

With all these girls around, Lloyd felt a bit out of place. He wasn't one of those 'player' types, he was pretty much a meek little bookworm.

He sighed. He wanted to know what these girls thought of him. He didn't like not knowing where he stood with people.

And just like that, they were at the mall.
"Ta da!~" And like that they were at the mall.

"OK SO!!! The rules are you can buy three things to take with us. Lets all meet up near the registers in like 20 minutes."

She scampered off to find some tools of the trade. Stars in her eyes she headed for the toy aisle first. Weapons were of most importance.
Serena blinked a few times at being in a place she felt so out of person to be in before sighing. "Might as well just go find a fishing net or something." She mumbled as she started off for the hunting and fishing section still planning on net letting them kill the poor thing if they did find one. Of course, she'd probably just get shot or something by one of them but it was worth a shot. Right?
They made it to the mall and Charlie had no idea where to start but after a bit of thought made her way to the hardware section. Maybe picking up a nail gun or something less painful that can harm the dragon like a hammer.

“I’m crazy…” she noted to herself, grabbing some duck tape on her way down an aisle.
Lloyd, seeing the oodles of worthless crap, decided to sit down, and wait.

It's not like Aime can force me to buy three things, he thought with a sigh, as he remembered he couldn't but three things here even if he wanted to.
:: Jordan sighed ::

Jordan: "i'll head to the "hunting supplies" section, im underage but i have my ways"

:: she left for the hunting area, and came to the counter ::

Jordan: "i would like the multi-fire crossboy with 12 re-load wheels and that large hunting knife"

Shopkeeper: "uhh.... that comes to $250, and aren't you underage?"

:: Jordan glared at the shopkeep, using her Succubus powers of hypnosis upon the male shopkeeper ::

Shopkeeper: ".. that comes to... free... please enjoy"

Jordan: "thank you"

:: Jordan scurried off, and the shopkeeper broke out of the hypnosis ::

Shopkeeper: "wha...?"
Aim wondered in the toy isle and what what she was looking for. Taking this and that she loaded it into a bag. Very happy at her ordeals in finding the equipment, she quickly paid for it and wondered back up to the front, waiting for everyone to return. This way she could pay for their stuff if needed. She sat down, with an expression of complience on her face; this was quite satisfying.
:: Jordan came up to Aime, with the crossboy slung across her back, her knife just under her belt and a fishnet-undershirt could be seen just around her collarbone ::

Jordan: "you sure you got what you need? i got weapons and..."

:: she opened her jacket, to reveal the fish-net that could be seen was holding a slap of hard leather armour just under her shirt ::

Jordan: "and some armour... you sure you need those?"

:: she pointed Awkwardly at the town in Aime's arms ::
Aime was a little scared of Jordan. She didn't actually expect her to get REAL weapons. How did she even manage to get those and did she even really know how to use them? She sighed.

"Well i think mine are enough. Try not to kill anyone while your at it please."

She waited around to see what everyone else got.

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