School Days [RP]

Aime was bored with all of them now. She quietly got up and left the class room while they all jumbled about. Truly she jealous of the bunch, but maybe some other time she would get to adventure with them all.

She wondered down and outside. She never really enjoyed the sun much, she always seemed to burn easily. School was not to start for awhile so she left campus, making sure of time, and wondered down to the beach. It was only a 5 or 10 minute walk so she would have time to clear her mind and plot the days making.
Sean laughed and the sighed.

`Man I so sorry for scaring you, I have tendencies to do thatsince I am a gobl-...good sneaker" Sean almost did it again, let his disguise go, again.

Sean stared back, at the girl who fell down, raising his hand for a hand shake.

`Names, Sean Gillis, nice to meet you."
Lloyd watched as Aime left, and felt a little worried about her. Why was she leaving?

"......... Yeah hey, I'm Lloyd, she's Charlotte." He said dissmissively, shaking the other new guy's hand in Charlotte's place. He turned back to Charlotte after this, his eyes conveing a sense of urgency.

"........ Do you think we should go after her?" He said, motioning to the door.
Aimeka came to the edge of the beach. There was a medium barrier with a 15 foot drop on the other side to prevent high tide from flooding the town during a storm. Though it was good to sit on, feet dangling and watch the sun rise and set. Cool moist air against her face, with a strong gentle breeze from the ocean.

She sat there on the edge, legs crossed, hands in her lap, enjoying her solitude this early in the morning.
Tired, and a bit scraped up from falling a couple times, Serena put down the tennis racket she had been using. " that burn." She said to herself as she stretched her muscles a bit as she walked off the courts. Looking at her watch, she still had a lot of time left and she didn't really want to be stuck around the school waiting for it to start like a nerd.

With a sigh, she started walking not really caring where she was going. A little while later, she ended up at a place of sand and sound of water. She smiled to herself before taking her shoes, socks, and lace off, stuff the two fabrics into her shoes and walking across the warm squishy sand barefoot. Loving the feel of it she giggled a bit, kicking some up and started to run across the sand before diving into it with a sort of roll like motion her laughter increasing.
Aime watched as some crazed girl frolicked in the sand. She randomly looked super happy and fell into the sand rolling around. She watched and couldn't help but giggle at the girls fun. She wondered who she was as her clothing was very similar to her own.

"Are you OK?" She asked the girl politely.
At being spoken to, Serena sat up, legs bent to the sides of her, her hands pressed into her lap still holding her shoes, part of her hat covering her face covered with sand in random areas. "Um.....yes?" She responded trying to look in the direction the voice had come from.

Her face went a bit pink at having been caught acting so weird but, it was who she was, and even as a djinn she couldn't grant a wish to fix that one. Not that she'd want to, it was too much fun. Giving a smile at the direction she had thought was best she did another roll and ended up on her back staring up at the girl before blinking a few times. "Oh...your cute."
Smiling at the new character in the group; Sean, as he introduced himself, talked a little weird almost like he was stopping himself from saying something. Just as she was about to introduce herself Lloyd stepped in for her and they met eyes as he gave her a meaningful look.

Charlotte blinked and understood it when he asked his next question,

“No!” she answered quickly, eying both Josh and Sean.

Something about these two seemed different to her, and she wasn’t about to let them get close to her.

“Uhm, But…” She paused and swallowed, getting ready for what she was about to ask.

“I need the washroom, can you come with me?” she winked, trying to act suggestively
Lloyd's eyes widened. His face didn't go completely red, but he did blush a bit.

"...... Uh..... Well I-I would...." He stammered, completely out of it. He pit his hands behind his back, and looked down at the ground meekly.

"I guess....." He said, without looking up.
After hearing this exchange between Charlotte and Lloyd,Joshua's smile grew so wide,you could have sworn it cut his head in half.

"Oooh...The Studmiester is really gonna do it! Don't forget to be safe about it! OH! And watch out for people who may walk in unannounced! If you get caught,you're gonna get tossed out!"
When he blushed, it made Charlotte blush she knew he would agree to this idea, and it made them seem more innocent to the other two. Innocent in leaving at least, as Josh kindly reminded them of what she plotted; a fake sexual romp to get them alone.

“We’ll be sure to be careful, and don’t worry there’s a beach nearby” she noted at Josh, smiling.

“It was nice meeting you” she cheered,

Giving both of them a light hug, she grabbed Lloyd’s hand and motioned for them to go, smiling broadly.
Lloyd gulped, surprised and a bit shocked by this sudden suggestion. He pieced together a few ideas in his head, and came to the conclusion that this was most likely a cover for something else entirely.

As they got out of the classroom, Lloyd sighed.

"That wasn't real, was it? I mean, that's good..... Er, not good.... Or maybe I should stop talking now."

Lloyd sighed, a sheepish grin on his face as they ran, his hand in hers. He bit his lower lip, willing himself not to blush. It was just really sudden and stuff....

"....... So, what do you really want?" He asked. "Are we gonna go find Aime?" He pondered, more thinking aloud than asking a question.
Charlie openly started laughing at Lloyd, and she shook her head still dragging him along and at his next questions, she smiled. Maybe, just this once, she could play around with him

“No, we’re going to the beach…” she explained, turning to Lloyd.

“…You have a condom right?” she asked

After a brief moment, she giggled unable to help herself.

“Sorry, I had to” she noted, smiling cheekily

"Yeah we're looking but let's check the beach first, just in case they follow us" she decided.
Aime's face turned bright pink when another girl said she was cute. She had never been told she was cute by another girl before. Usually it was the boys trying to go out with her, or hold her hand. She swung her legs a little, high up on the edge, watching the girl, she was pretty cute herself too.

"What are you..."

A gust of wind hit her, and from the wrong side. She lost her balance for somehow fell off the side, falling all the way down to the sand. She screamed all the way down as she belly flopped the sand next to the girl. She laided there for a second, face down. Finally she looked up to see the girl next to her. Aime had sand on her face and she figured she would finish her question.

"What are you doing at the bleach?"
:: Jordan had seen the whole predicament as she was walking along the beach ::

Jordan: "'scuse me, mind if i put my towel down here?"

:: she lay her towl down before waiting for a reply, put her esky down and offered a Fanta to both the other girls ::

Jordan: "want one?"
Lloyd's face had gone bright red at Charlotte's joke. Like, his entire face. He was speechless. Didn't know what to say.


He then breathed a sigh of relief, once she explained that their intentions were far more pure.

"............ Good, because I don't have a condom." He joked back, a huge grin on his face.

Before Charlotte could say anything else, he chimed out a little 'kidding' to cover his back, and looked off to the side as they ran.

That had been pretty daring of him..... He sighed.
It seemed her joke had worked, as he responded with one of his own and she smiled they would be friends in no time.

They were pretty close now, so she slowed down and remembered that they had been running all this time. She didn’t feel very tired because of her robotic handicap; she looked briefly back at Lloyd to see how he felt.

“You tired?” she questioned

They could already see the shoreline, and looking down they were already on the rocks that lined the beach.

“We’re almost there” she reminded him, now walking
Being asked what she is, Serena blinked her mind going into a nervous break down as she quickly started checking over her appearance to see if she had some how let part of 'her' slip out. Then she blinked as the girl fell onto the sand before asking again, only this time, it was a normal question.

"Uh, I didn't want to wait at the school for it to start." She said before looking at the other girl who had just sat down there. Serena looked up at her before frowning.
Aime sat up the same way the girl in front of her was. She took the drink, but her eyes were locked on the girl. She scooped over directly in front of her, their knees touching. She stared intently for a second before a questioning look appeared on her eye brows. She placed her hands on her knees and leaned over a little. She was honestly looking for flaws in the girl but could find non. It kind of made her jealous. She reached up slowly and placed her hand on the girls cheek, brushing off some of the sand.

"What's....what's your name?" She asked quietly.
Sean was just watching as everything just kinda went down the drain.

"hm...I have to remember not to but in on conversations"

It seems to be that everyone is leaving the school...or going to the girlswashroom...with a girl. ackward situation that is Sean thought.

"Well...then I am going to go for a...strole around town." Sean said to the guy making sex jokes.

Sean ran out of the room and out of the school in to a forest nearby. He turns himself into his Nightcat form, and runs off over roof tops, and fences, after stealing a fish from the fish shop by the beach he spots the girl and the guy how were going to the bathroom. Sean eats the fish and runs over to them and hops on a garbage can right in front of the a meows. "Meeooww?"
At the sudden close contact with the cute girl, Serena blinked a bit before going a bit red in the face. Having her face touched, she bit her lip nervously but didn't pull away or say anything to stop her. "Serena." She replied before giving the girl a nice smile. "And your little cutie?" She asked with a wink.
When her hand made contact with Serena's face, she could feel her pulse as if it were her own. It compelled her. Aimeka moved in closer, her nose nearly touching Serena's. Aime's other hand came up and touched her cheek. She could see her rosy cheeks beneath a little sand, and even her own were a little flushed. It had been so long, maybe even too long since she was this close to someone. She could smell the sweet aroma from Serena. It was infatuating. She could feel her warm breath against her face and her own breathing seemed very shallow. She had already lost control.

"I'm Aime...ka. Nice to m..." And the rest of her words were lost.
Serena laughed lightly before sticking her tongue out and licking Aimeka's nose. "Nice to meet you too." She giggled before placing a hand over her mouth as she yawned. "So, Aimeka, are you dating anyone? Cause I mean, pretty little thing like you it wouldn't be surprising." Serena didn't mean anything by it, or at least, anything creepy.

"Are you okay though?" She said with a worried tone reaching up and placing a hand on the girl's forehead.
Lloyd, wondering how the hell Charlotte could go so fast for so long without even a hint of being tired, managed to pant out his response.

"I-I'm fine, just......... Just fine." He sputtered out.

Seeing the beach ahead of them, he saw three girls on the beach, one of them being Aime....... Why was he the only male around? He pondered the logistics of the current gender ratio and broke out into a grin, barely being able to cover it up..... He couldn't help it.

He caught sight of a cat as they closed in on the beach.

Weird cat.... He thought, I swear I've seen it before...... Meh.

Lloyd turned his thoughts back to the more important matters at hand, like his being surrounded by four girls in about thirty seconds.

He grinned again, trying his best to hold it back, but failing epically.
Aime was almost like in a trance. Serena's words seemed to just blend in and she didn't really understand anyone of them. The warmth of her tongue on her nose didn't help any. Aime's right hand slid softly down the side of Serena's face and near her neck, pushing her clothing and any straps to the edge of her shoulder. At the same time she pulled her head in close, her cheek was up against Serena's and Aime could see her soft skin, the tenderness of her neck and shoulder.

Aime's heart beat quickened. Her same hands now embraced Serena, under the arm, holding some of the clothing out of the way and the other around her head like a hug. Her head slid down farther and her lips met as the tender spot in her shoulder just above the collar bone. Her lips parted, sitting snug against her skin, she was ready to bite.

((Prolly looks like im giving her a hicky to anyone else xD !!))

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