School Days [RP]

Joshua laughed heartily.

"Well,isn't that nice! So,who all is here? So far we have the studmiester,the bouncy girl,the quiet girl,and me,Joshua Gills! But you can just call me Josh!"

Josh walked up behind Aime and hugs them all at once.

"Group hug!" Josh whispered in Lloyd's ear, "So,you're gonna share,right?"
Lloyd had gone red enough when Aime had hugged him and Charlotte, but at this Josh guy's newest lewd comment, Lloyd literally felt his face burning up.

"NO!" He yelled at first, a little freaked out, then realizing what he implied, he started to babble.

".... I mean, no, they.... I mean they, if they want... It's none of my....." He fell silent, face more red than a bloody steak.

He started to squirm in this four-way hug, and got out by ducking out of everyone's arms. Crawling on the floor, he got a few desks away, and got up to claim a new seat with some distance from the madness.

He was panting a bit, images of naughty things dancing through his mind. Lloyd glared at the Josh-guy with a fury unrivaled by anything he'd ever felt before.

Then he broke out in another massive blush, unable to even look in Aime and Charlotte's direction.
During his conversation with the new guy and his mouthed plea, all she could do was smile at him; she couldn’t really do anything. The girl got up after wards and gathered the two of them in a hug, she could feel the heat in her cheeks. Charlotte’s blush intensified when “Josh”, the new guy, entered this group hug and in moment, caused Lloyd to leave the group.

When he ducked out of everyone’s arm Charlotte was stuck with the somewhat-stranger and the crazy girl, she frowned.

“Can you please let go now?” she squeaked.

Grabbing onto both their arms, she tugged slightly at them expecting them to listen to her plea
The new guy scared her. What right did he have to touch her. Gibberish!

She unhanded Charlotte and moved back to the other side of the desk. While sitting there in her chair, she adjusted her thigh highs. School regulations on clothing were always suck a pain. She looked back up to see Josh.

"So what class is this anyways? Actually Your one of them aren't you?"
Josh lets go of everyone and takes a step back,still smiling ear to ear. He calls to Lloyd "Oh,come on! I was only kidding!"

He looks at Charlotte,and notices her discomfort and says, "Sorry about that. I just felt like hugging everyone."

Joshua looked at Aime,smiled devilishly,and said, "Why,as a matter of fact,I am! How'd you guess?" And with that remark,he winked at Aime,to show he was joking.
Lloyd sighed, rubbing the back of his head, eyes downcast.

"Joking or not...... That's not the right subject......" He mumbled, face still red a beet.
"See!!! Conspiracies!!!"

She put her hands up and waved her hands all deadly aura rays type of thing. She was totally sending him negative auras. She frowned as she watched him. Josh was far to charismatic for her likes.

sitting there in the chair, she shifted, crossing her legs in a female fashion and after pulling her braid over her shoulder, she started playing with it. She loved the feeling of her soft silky blond hair. Her leg kicked up and down slightly in her boredem. She waited to see what the others did.
Simon watched everything that happend with amusement, he was seated near the back of the classroom with his mp3-earplugs in and let his eyes wander around the classroom. It seemed like he was in a class with a bunch of funny people.
“It’s okay…” she said, taking a step away from him

Listening to their conversation, she unconsciously touched her right arm when she heard the words “one of them”. It was after Aime flailed around a bit and sat down that Charlotte sat across from her looking from the two boys, then back to her.

“What exactly do you mean by ‘one of them’?” she noted, asking the question that was on her mind.

It seemed like the girl was a bit paranoid of everyone, if you asked her, but she wanted to know why she was.
Joshua sat down in a seat as lightly as he could near Charlotte. A hollow 'klunk' could be heard if you were listening hard enough.

He tossed his pack under the desk and lightly set his violin case inside the desk's shelf. After this,Josh leaned back in his seat and put his hands on the back of his head.

Josh then said,to the room in general, "Soooooo...Who wants to do something? Charades? Pictionary? Listen to me play my violin? Blow this joint? What?"
Lloyd sighed in exasperation. What....... The....... Hell?

He head-desked, resting his head in the desk. He could cry. He really could.

All he wanted to do was read, and now weird people were popping up like crazy!

He heard the new (and slightly unwelcome) boy's offer to do something.

Lloyd sneered.

"Why don't you go slay a dragon?" He asked sarcastically, his tone indicating his 'none-too-happy' mood.
Aime just continued to watch everyone. Slay a dragon. Like there was any dragons around, Though there was a huge cave like dungeon a few miles from her manor, but she was kind of scared about bringing fleshlings by the manor. Her parents definitely wouldn't approve.

"Sure why not. Adventure calls. But we still need a plan. Obviously a dragon would just eat us on the spot."

Dragons were obviously something she had seen before, but she did not believe any where in this area, not that she could tell anyone anways.
Biting her lip at the blatant ignorance of her question, she waited politely for another chance to ask. It never came though, as the suggestion to slay a dragon had come from Lloyd’s mouth and she was momentarily surprised,

“Slay a dragon!?” she questioned.

In a moment it was agreed upon by the Aime,

“Are they even real?” she asked, curious as to their existence.

“How are we going to find one?” another questioned spilled out and she blushed, realizing she was talking too much.
Josh laughed heartily,and sat upright and said to Charlotte, "Why,of course they do! They're magnificent beasts!"

He then addressed the room as a whole, "Now,to find one,we need to think like a dragon. They live in caves in mountains,right? Any mountains nearby?"
Lloyd laughed rudely Aime and Josh's reactions to his sarcasm. He then sighed, sinking into his chair, a look of pure exasperation on his face.

"That's gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You two really are something...." He said in a low, meek voice.

Lloyd was kind of grateful for Charlotte's more realistic response. Thank GOD I'm not the sole sane person in here.... He thought with a scowl.

When he looked back up at her, he couldn't help but look at her with a sense of gratitude, a warm smile and a raised eyebrow conveing his mood.

He looked back at Aime and Josh, and he noticed they were completely serious.


What the......? He thought, lost for words.

"....... You've gotta be kidding me." He finally said.

"Yeah....." He spat out just afterwards. "Let's go hunt a dragon. I'll kill it with my superpowers." He said with a bit of a sneer, a mocking ring to his voice.

"Don't worry guys," He started again, not letting this one go. "I've killed a few dragons in my day. I'm actually a licensed dragon-hunter." He finished up, crossing his arms and sinking deeper into his chair.

This was torture...... He thought, rolling his eyes and sighing.
Aime just flared her cheers at his snide comment. Surely a lowly human would not know of dragon kind. But even she had only heard stories, of how vicious they were. She was a little frightened to actually find one, and even if they did. These humans would surely not believe their own eyes. she quickly made up an excuse for the reason to "dragon hunt"

"Obviously it's just an excuse to get out and do something. Better than sitting here, doing nothing. Besides, then we can all get to know each other. If we absolutely must, we could always go after school when we have time."
Josh smiled wryly and looked Aime in the eye,and said slyly, "Why not now? It's not like we'll learn anything in school today,anyway! At any rate,by the looks of Studmiester's book there,he's a genius! We can just say he was tutoring us!"
Sean was walking around the school looking at all the cool things they have here, and all the boring things like the library. Sean walked into the school and looked through all the classes,and stuff. He walked past 3 people, he over heard the word dragon hunt, and some other words. He couldn't help but to join the conversation.

"Did I hear dragon hunt, like the one I have for a pe-, i mean toy." Sean almost let his disguise go for a second there, he has to learn to control the the real thing hee is...a goblin. "I heard stories of them, and read stories, they seem like intesesting creatures, if I do say so myself" He should know what a dragon is like he seen many before, but always ran when it breathed fire at him, even if it snorted Sean ran.
Josh laughed at her and she unconsciously started straightening her clothes and hair; then as he continued talking, she noticed Lloyd give her a warm smile and she giggled not being able to help it. As he began talking her joy started slipping away, as he mentioned things about superpowers and dragon-hunting.

Wasn’t he human?

When Aime cooled down her thoughts with her assuring words, she felt a little more comfortable around her. It seemed by how her and Josh were talking, they were going dragon-hunting…right now and it was that thought that got Charlotte somewhat antsy.

“Did I-” an unknown voice started,

The rest of their sentence was drowned out as Charlotte screamed, jumping forward and grabbing onto someone.
Lloyd had been too busy thinking to notice Charlotte pretty much jump on him. He was surprised, and fell back in his chair, Charlotte on top of him on the ground. He had hit his head, and was a bit dazed.

He looked at Charlotte on top of him, and blushed bright red, but made no move to get out from under her.

".... Uh, what.... What happened? Are you okay?" He asked her, rubbing the back of his head.
Aime raised her voice to announce to the other her plans. Still sitting in her chair.

"So then lets decide now. Shall we go Dino huntin' before or after school."

She then shot a hot look over at Charlotte. She was obviously going to be her rival. She puffed her cheeks at the thought of her stealing friends from her. She would get her back. Just wait.
Josh was observing the room's occupants,listening for cues from others. When he saw Charlotte tumble over and land in Lloyd's lap,he burst out laughing.

When he got enough of a grip on himself,he spoke, "Woah,easy there,Studmiester! We she may look nice,but remember;We're all still here and in school!" With this,Josh gave into another fit of laughter,loud enough to echo in the room. Or is it echoing in his hollow body...?
“Uhm, he kind of snuck up on me….” She noted,

Then she looked at Lloyd’s face and noticed he was rubbing his head; clambering onto her arms so she was involuntarily straddling him, she blushed.

“Sorry…A-Are you okay?” She asks

Idly she wondered how heavy she was, practically being all metal, and she sprang up on her feet

“We should go now, if you don't mind...” she noted, offering her metallic hand to the boy on the floor.

Charlotte span on her feet at the other’s joke and frowned, blushing

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience” she noted, looking away from both of them to stare at the newcomer.
Lloyd, noticing that Charlotte was getting a little flustered, decided not to take her hand. He though it would just be awkward....

"........ I'm fine." Lloyd said, his blush going down, as he got up by himself.

He sighed. This was turning out quite strange.

"I'm just fine." He said again with a small smile at Charlotte, before wheeling around on Josh and whipping an eraser at him, getting him right in the head.

"....... Don't say stuff like that." Lloyd stated firmly, before meekly sitting back down, quite troubled by his own out-burst.
Steven was laughing like a hyena. If he had lungs,he'd be gasping for air. His laughing was interrupted by a projectile thrown at his head. He stopped laughing,and looked at Lloyd with a grin.

"Well,if you don't want me to say things like that,then stop getting in those types of situations! I say it so no one else will!"

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