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SAO- Land of Elements Online

One eyebrow rose, but she nodded. "Yeah, let's go." She stood up, deciding to ignore the odd difference in his tone towards the end. It probably had something to do with his own stuff at home, and she'd not ask about that. Even if it mattered to their stuff, she doubted he'd appreciate someone prying anyway.
probably better she didnt pursue that slip...... he thought to himself as he followed her.

you still having problems?

i dont wanna talk about it.
"To the giant building then!" A bored look on her face as she pointed upward, and then she was off, walking forward without a look backwards. Onward, forward.... and she didn't much mind the idea of being seen as a cold woman, it was practically true anyway. She violently shook her head, hair swaying slightly as a result... now wasn't the time for that. I've my mission... I need to see if this technology can handle hard-core gamers, so I gotta become one! ONWARD WITH THE RUMOR HUNT!
"you ok?" he asks as he follows. "you were much.....more........chipper. what happened?" vlad said catching up with saphire.
"I was.... reminded of something, watching my family." She looked stubbornly at the rapidly growing building. How much could she say? Was she going to constantly have to answer his questions? Well, keeping names out of it would be fine... no skin off of her teeth to tell him her basic situation. Think it's ridiculous how it's rude to ask about that kind of thing. "Or rather, my cousin and Grand-Uncle."
"oh.....sorry i asked......"Vlad sensed that she didnt want to talk about it. *whistling* "thats a big building....." *gradually looks up as the building gets closer, then leans back so far that he falls over*
(You can bypass the asterisks by just saying "he began to whistle", and then something like "curious he looked up at the large building, doing so so much that he fell over, letting out a slight "umph")

She stopped, sighed, and bent over slightly. Hand outstretched she offered to help him up while saying, almost incongruous with her actions, "You really enjoy falling, don't you? First with the attempt at flying, and now with this." Were her face not a deadpan at the moment one might think she was joking. Which, in fact, she was... but it would be near impossible to tell with her expression.
"hey i've got flight down now...." Vlad said, taking her hand and getting up rubbing his head with his other hand. "owwwww.....that one actually hurt....."
For just a second a flash of something came across her eyes, but it was gone so fast that it might have been a mere trick of the light. "You need some rest? There's a bench right there." She didn't care either way, save that she needed to check and make sure logging in had the desired effect on her inventory. Namely none. Well, there was a hint of worry.... but it was so small she thought it was just regular concern for someone else.
"I'm fine." Vlad says, stumbling forward, but maintaining his balance, "let's go." he said, taking a few more shaky steps forward.

you are not fit for a fight.....

were going to some noble's place. what fighting will there be....

for once i agree with kayaba, you need rest.

aww thanks kirito.....
"Come, at least get something to eat." That was an obvious stumble. People rarely stumbled in a game if they weren't dead tired. She reacted the only way she knew how, Grabbing his arm and wrapping it around her, and preparing to drag him to the bench, if she had to. He was heavy, but she was determined, so she'd drag him even if it meant she got sore enough to be unable to move for a while. I wish I knew where the inns were....
"I'll be fine. I'm more interested in finding out what the problem is with the sky...." Vlad said, taking his arm back, and promptly falling to the ground. he tried to push himself back up, but he quickly fell over.

why is this happening? why cant i hold my self up?

maybe the hit to the head you took?

but its a video game... maybe the games have gotten better since my time....
"I'm worried about that too, but that can wait until you've rested!" her expression was obvious, worry evident even behind her normal cold expression. It wasn't normal for people to A) stumble that much, even when tired; B) fall over after refusing help, or C) focus so much on something other than their health when it was being so affected. So, she once more knelt down to him and asked, almost forgetting that he was someone she'd just met, "Are you sure you don't want to rest? We can find a place to do so, or an inn..."
"yes, im sure. im fine." Vlad said, finally getting up, and making his way forward, getting steadier as he went. "see im fine." he told her turning around, and holding his arms out wide, but then overturning and falling on to the ground again, suffering another nasty hit to the head. he doesnt stir.
She walked over to him, quickly, and turned him onto his back. With a grunt and the sounds of quite a lot of effort. "Vlad? Vlad? You awake?" If he wasn't awake then she would proceed to drag him over to the bench and hover over him worriedly. After all, she could manage to sound worried even before proof existed to make her worried.
A "logged out" sign appears in front of his face.

IRL: Jacob threw off the NERVE gear and curled up into a ball, hyperventilating. he could see his screen going crazy, red and blue lettering running across the screen. god dammit not another..... as he starts rocking back and forth on his heels.

FLASHBACK: he was helpless. again. the bully was throwing him around again, all because he was trying to be vlad irl again...he didnt give up his seat on the bus.... and everything went dark after the third hit to his head against the side of the school.....

LEO: KID!!!! GET UP!!!!!!


is he seriously having an attack now... of all times....? and in front of his new friend too....
For a good few seconds she just stared at him. Then she sighed, and waved over an NPC. After figuring out a place to rest, she proceeded to attempt to drag him to the inn, ignoring the 'logged out' sign. After all, whatever his reason was she would make sure he was safe enough. It took her a good while to make any progress, but the inn was on the next street over, so she'd be careful about it. "Come on, Vlad... we're going to get your body nice and safe in an inn. Then you can log on again and say something about it."
IRL: his mind finally coming back to his own control, he buried the memory deep, hoping it and the others wouldn't comeback. he then got out of his ball, and retrieved the NERVE gear, and put it back on. making sure it was secure and he was comfortable, he started the game again.

"link, START!"

LEO: Vlad woke with a start, noticing he was in an inn, and saphire was seated next to him. "what happened?" he asked her, rubbing his head.
She looked down at him, surprised at his sudden return to her, and then said almost calmly "You logged out. Then I dragged you here." A shrug, and now she was as before, looking cold and separate, taking a sip of the drink. It was just warm milk... she'd have payed for two rooms and logged out if he hadn't logged in before she finished. The now completely nighttime area was finished and calm.
"huh? oh.....yeah......" Vlad said, his voice getting quiet. he stayed laying there for a while. "are we going to get going now?"

Another attack?

yeah......caused by the hit to the head i took....

we really need to find a way to stop those....
"Do you want to? You can get some sleep if you want." She told him, shrugging. The only reason he wasn't in a room was because she didn't have enough money. Somehow. To her that just seemed kinda stupid, since not everyone would have time or power to pay for a room that cost a hundred core per person. Especially in groups larger than two, since she got only enough for the two of them and then used it to buy a potion.
"i-i'm fine. it wont happen again" Vlad said, slowly standing up to make sure he stayed standing, and offered her a hand to help her up. "sorry about that. and thanks."
Really? We're getting up again? Forcing her complaint to the back of her mind she took his hand, letting Vlad help her up. It was not all that important, even if it might be a while before she tried to carry him anywhere... especially in that heavy armor. Once standing she stretched, hiding the soreness of her arms and back. "If you're sure, then let's get going."
"alright." Vlad said, walking confidently forward towards the big building. he stayed silent, his thoughts straying to the cause of these interruptions, and to talk with kayaba and kirito.

hey gramps, did you ever experience anything like this?

yeah every now and then. hell, even in this form i still do sometimes...no thanks to a certain someone.....

hey. your the one that chose to live that life. you could have just sat around and lived peacefully.

were not doing this right now....
She shrugged, and then just moved on with her thoughts. Namely, for all their constant movement, and now finally being on the proper road, she still couldn't see the entrance. Not even a wall to separate it from the rest of the town... "hmmm. What is it with this town.... it seems like as close as we get there's no way into the castle." Even though she knew they could. Otherwise it wouldn't be here... for some reason.

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