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SAO- Land of Elements Online

"hahahahaha ok. you get me list, and ill buy them." Vlad said laughing as they walked out of the shop. he then started looking for the potion shop.......
Only for her to tug on his newly dyed armor, before walking into said shop. She went over in her head what they would need, mana potions for both, health potions for both, status potions that she would take care of.... did it have any items for transporting them out of a dangerous situation? Not that she knew how to make a list, but thinking of it was enough to get her to start pacing inside the building.
"here just show me what you need... and ill buy it and divvy them out later." Vlad said as he followed saphire into the shop, and immediatly gravitated to the damage increasing potions....
She rolled her eyes, of course he was going to the damage potions. Letting him hover around them she looked at the various potions... healing, mana, status curing potions.... and a transportation one. Good. "Ok, I think we should each have at least five of the weaker healing potions, mana potions, and at least three of each status-curing potion, and one transportation potion just to be safe. Then we can move on to the other ones we like..." Since he was so interested in the so-called damaging potions.
(^^) "ok" he says as he goes around and buys the amount of potions she said. "alrighty then now to divy them up, *does so* and now for the damage inducers...." he says as he buys attack up potions.
She had barely enough for one "up" potion, and so she looked around at them all... and thus it was a good idea to look over the various options. As her... partner? was focusing on attack, she looked into defense. Obviously she had relatively bad defense, but considering she'd gotten a new armor then she would attempt to look over the nonphysical defense potions. There were ones for each element, but... not knowing anything about them she just bought one all around magical defense potion.
"you ready?" Vlad asked looking over at Saphire, deciding he had bought enough for now. "do you need any more of those?" he asked looking at what she was buying.
"Hmm... I'm just buying it in case, I don't think they'd force us to use something this expensive so early." Though if she were guessing based off of that one quest... a shake of her head, a harrowing first quest does not make an overly-hard game. Which meant she didn't want to jump to any conclusion, hence her buying the one magical defense potion. "Not that I don't think it was odd to have such a hard first quest, but still..." shrugging she bought it and closed the window.
"alright then. what'd your rumor say? something about a portal to the surface?" Vlad asked, walking out of the store and stopping, waiting for saph to catch up.
Hurrying over to him, too interested in her own thoughts about the nature of that first quest to have caught his words. And then she sighed, "Yes. It said something about the nobility having that rumor circulating, and it seemed to be suggesting we look into it by going to court." How would you ask the nobility about something like that? Or even go to court... sure, she had her fan, but it might not be the kind of place where you could ask about rumors.
"well lets find this court place. i'm itching for a fight again...." he said a grin crossing his face. "and i really want to test this blade out..... heh heh heh...."
She silently hit him on the back of his head. A slight huff and she just kept walking... that desire is fine and well when he's on his own, but when it's something like this he needed to cool down. A half-minute later she realized that unlike her family, or her subordinates rare as they were, he didn't know what she meant... "You need to calm down. There's no guarantee we'll even find information today... it might take weeks to get anywhere."
"hahahahaha ok......" Vlad said, a wide smile crossing his face. "so do you know where were going?"
"Not a clue, but for nobility..." She pointed to the large, grand building seen even over the buildings. "Always head for the big building, if they're not there someone will know where to find them." Or they might hear a few new rumors, which wouldn't be a bad thing. Obviously rumors were going to play a big part, if something as important as the portal was first introduced in it. WHich meant patience would be necessary... "Why don't I do the questioning? You seem kinda... impatient."
"fine by me. im good in a fight, and apparently for money. so you can handle the talking." Vlad said as he started walking in the direction of the big building.
And apparently for money? She nearly snorted.... it was some kind of glitch that got him such riches, of course he would have good money! Meh, he'd agreed... and this way she could use her skills learned by being in business for the sake of their information gathering. What were they supposed to be, thought? Some worlds had you being a warrior from another world, others as mere residents who went out in search of fame... in a game with things like this, NPCs that acted (and may well be) alive...
"hey....." Vlad looked jokingly hurt at the snort. "so........what do you think were here for?"
"I'm not sure... but it doesn't seem like there would be that harsh a starting quest without reason." There was also the whole black-blob monster thing in the rumor section. And was that a joke? Really? Well, some people were lighter in mind than her. How long would it ta- what the fudgestickles was that! A red window had popped up in front of her. A window saying something about an attempted interruption.... She should have the whole night? what in the world would possess her family to try to get her attention?
"oh im sure there is a reason." then seeing she has the interruption window, "you should log out if people are needing you. ill go to the practice field and meet you there."
"I should have the whole night...." A sigh, it's not like she could just log out, if she did she might get PK'd while in town, but... a nod, "Fine. I'll just see what they want." Her family was, well... unique. They might want her to sign another document, or something... and if that was all they wanted from her she'd get mad... they were interrupting her testing. Which they had told her to do. For what may be nothing. She pressed the button, logging out calmly... and her avatar dropped to a sitting position on the screen. Meanwhile she herself woke up inside the capsule, glaring at the thing as it asked if she wanted to wake up or no.
Vlad about to head off but then realizing that she's susceptible to player kills, so instead he practiced flying using the spell and practiced various maneuvers using his wings manually, never straying to far from saphire.
Finally out of the capsule, and having written a note to get that fixed, she walked out... only to see her 'family' trying to get her to eat something. It was now 11. And they were trying to get her to eat food. For dinner. One eyebrow rose, "Really?" Even as she moved to sit down, knowing they would just nod and say yes.

"So... we get to eat dinner together!" Ah yes, her cousin... brown-haired, green-eyed, and short.... the picture of femininity. She was also very manipulative, able to make everyone do exactly what she wanted. "Let's eat now, right grandpa?"

"OF course, Chihiro!" The older, greying and rapidly shrinking man laughed wholeheartedly, and Saphire ignored their constant talking as she just ate the food. It wasn't that big a deal, for her Granduncle and cousin to drag her to eat with them. Even if it was her second dinner... she ate quickly, finishing up not long after being dragged out, and walked back to the game.

"This time don't bother me for something as trivial as food." and she was out, back in her room, and logging in again.
"hey there. welcome back!" Vlad said as he dropped out of the sky five feet from the waking saphire. "what was it?" he asked, folding up his wings.
"My.... family woke me up for a pointless exercise in bonding." A shrug, her rolling the shoulders of the avatar calmly. "They wanted to have a very late group dinner." The slight growl in her voice was a clue of how annoyed she was, since things like that didn't matter much to her. They weren't even her "real" family, just distant relatives taking care of her. "More importantly... do you need to get off soon? Where I am it's pretty late."
"oh im used to staying up late, this is nothing." Vlad said looking at the time. "and you should revel in family bonding, even if it is sometimes pointless, and stupid..." he said, voice wavering towards the end, but then bouncing back. "anyway ready to go?"

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