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SAO- Land of Elements Online

Giggling fit under control she coughed. "If you're done having whatever internal debate just took place... might I suggest we move forward?" At least you couldn't equip anything to your wings, which would probably hurt when you tried flying... it also made that the weakest part of your body, and now she was depressing herself.... not that it mattered that much. It was just a game... sort of. As far as she knew, anyway...
*looks surprised at her* "wait how'd you know about them?" he stopped walking and turned to face her.

shoot weve been found out.

dangit...im not leaving my grandson. and anyway, i literally cant i know you can...*glares at kayaba*

hey your the guy that uploaded to the nerv gear, not the internet itself....

"About who? You're staring off into space with a stern look on your face. Of course you're debating something." She'd spent years watching people who had something important to hide or announce. It would be more strange for her to not pick up on whatever was going on with him. "What, do you have some kind of... AI or something? I just thought you were deciding something." A shrug, and she just kept walking past him. "Nevermind... it doesn't matter anyway."
"yeah, i have AI..." there. covered for you guys. "and you know what, why dont we take a quest. im sure there's a tutorial somewhere..." Vlad said looking around for a terminal or something.
Quest? What's that? Her eyebrow rose again, but once more she threw her shoulders up and down, looking around again. Weren't quests given by NPC's? She was glad she'd read up on gamer terms... that was so much easier to say/think than Non-Player Characters. No, that wasn't the problem right now... "What are you looking for?" Quest, quest.... there was someone holding... was that a fan? And talking to one of the people in noble's attire. And then walking away. Huh... that was... interesting. Well, not really, but it's better than doing nothing.
Look for npc's or other players to help. thats where you'll get your quests.

thank you gramps.

Looking around he finally spots someone else, a girl holding a fan. he started after her then stopped realizing that Saphire probably didnt know what to do. so he turned around to look at her. "i was looking for npc's, they should have the quests. and theirs one over there so lets go interact."

He said, turning on his heel and walking after the girl.

You werent looking for npc's....you were looking for a terminal. you wouldnt have even known if kirito hadnt helped....

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A small shrug, and over there she went... it was... was that a girl? Yes, now that she looked closer it was. She kept slightly behind him... only to jump when the woman started crying, covering her face with the fan. "P-please, help me! My son's gone missing!" And the fan was shut, the woman grabbed the hands of whomever was closest.... wait, why was it hers? He was closer! "Please, he's the only heir we have... and if anything happened to him... anything..." The tear streaked face surprised her, Saphire's face looked slightly troubled, her trying hard to look sympathetic while not sure what was going on.
Knowing she was the quest giver, he reached over and patted her back gently, "its ok, we're gonna help. where did you last see him?" he asked her in a calm, soothing voice.

haha my npc's were better....

90% percent of your npc's tried to kill us....

only 80%....




ok fine....90.......
"H-he was supposed to be going out to learn to use his sword.... over in the practice grounds. But I've been kicked out of there... and and... lately there have been weird monsters hanging around there! I suddenly lost the tracer I put there, and now I've been told there's a huge.... huge... " Saphire's face suddenly composed. NPC or no, her son was in trouble.... and now that she knew it was a sort of time-limit thing.... how long could even an NPC stay alive...

"The practice field, right?" Hands dropped she started walking purposely towards that field... "I- We'll make sure you're son is safe, so calm down, Ma'am." Over her shoulder she nearly smirked, "we'll figure something out."
"well, sounds like a problem...." Of course its a problem!!!! walking to catch up with saphire, Vlad looks ahead towards the practice field, heart getting jittery, anticipating the coming battle. "let the fun begin....." he said, a smile crossing his face, one that could easily be taken as one of malice, and he held his right fist in his left and popped his knuckles. then repeated with the left.
Saphire herself took in deep breaths, stretching her arms as she walked.... and then used the menu to get her bow to show up on her back. What kind of magic did this world have? Nope, she shook her head and held the bow, sideways, and practiced drawing it. "Hmm... odd, it's exactly my size...." Wouldn't a game have it all set on a default? Another shook head, and then... "Ok, so I'm new to games, but it seems kinda fishy to have a missing kid for a new quest. Am I wrong?"
"sort of, itd be more fishy if there wasnt a monster to fight..." his grin still on his face. "so you ready for this?" he asked as he stopped in front of the practice field, and made sure his equipment was all ready.
"Hmmm.... well, we'll be careful then." Especially as she didn't know how to fight just yet. One hand reaching for the arrow in her quiver, and she was ready. "Ok, ready?" One step forward, and she was into the practice field zone, all of a sudden black blobs were facing her. Except, they were rapidly changing from blobs to things that look like boars, or other animals. "I guess these are the basic monsters...."
"FOR THE LITTLE MAN!!!!!" he cried as he took his sword and ran into the fray, hacking and slashing, killing things left and right, searching for the little boy.
Saphire sighed, letting him run ahead and instead focused on shooting anyone who ended up behind him. "No plan, Mr. Game Veteran?" One, two, three... each time she performed the full process, calm and careful... fire, fire, fire, AND THERE! "Oi! I see him!" She continued to fire, moving steadily towards the kid, always keeping an eye out for a monster heading close to her... Sometimes I wish I had a smaller bow... then I remember that I need to be able to hit from far away.
"HAHA NEVER!!" he yells as he moves towards the kid as well, continuing to take out the monsters when he can. he was taking a few hits here and there, but the armor was taking a lot of the damage. he could see his health bar dropping but every few seconds or so, it would start to rise untill he was hit again.

what kind of armor is this.....?

well, its a little vampiric.....hahaha

of course you would give him something evil like that.... but nice.
If she weren't constantly firing at the monsters which were rapidly surrounding the kid she'd have facepalmed. "FORGET THE MONSTERS! Can't you see the kid's health bar?" Another one was shot, but not before another chunk of his health dropped.... "You get over and play guard. I'll take care of the surrounding monsters..." another one shot, "HURRY!" Was that half gone? No, it was only a quarter.... THis doesn't seem right....
Vlad finally looked back seeing the kids health bar, and used his wings and jumped at the same time to push him up and over everything so that he landed right next to the kid. "hey there." he said as he started to swing faster and took out monsters as fast as he could. "watch my back!!" he yelled at saphire.
The kid, who had been crying, managed to get out a small greeting. Saphire, rather than answer him, just shot a monster from the other side. Two more arrows right after, and she managed to get out a "ch." A small glare at the kid, softened by him crying, and then she shouted at him "HEY! If you're a noble then you know how to use that sword right?" The kid looked up at her, even as she glared at the monsters, three more shots down. "You don't have to attack, but block ok? I'm sure you know how to do that. We can only hold off so many."
you need to get him out of there. hes not going to survive if you dont.

"im always good for a fight but even i know when somethings slightly pointless. we need to get out of here." Vlad yelled to the other two. "i can take the kid, if you can cover our escape."
She nodded, "Already on it." Fire, fire, something was behind her, so she poked it with the arrow she was going to grab, only to get hit by it, thrown forward a few steps. "Ouch..." And back up on her feet and firing at the monsters following the two of them... "You get him out of here, I'll get their attention." And it was true, about half of the mob had decided to attack the girl who was firing from behind, instead of the swordsman... including that large shadow.
"I'll get him out of here, then i'll be back to help." He said as he grabbed the kid and did that wierd jump maneuver again, this time flapping in the air once to get extra distance. setting him down, he told him: "get on out of here" then he charged through the mob to rejoin with saphire after watching the kid leave the area.

trust the armor. you can do this.

now you admit to giving him the armor.....
Another couple of them managed to hit her, health dropping down to half, even as she shot constantly. She was too close to deal with all of them, but also so much that she could justify ruining her posture. If looks were an ability her eyes would be killing half of the group, her glare worsening as she shot. Get him out of here! Hurry! There were so many she couldn't afford to lose focus for even a second... what was with this huge number of monsters? Even in a game like this there should be a limit to the number, right?
"im back." He said as he pushed saphire back and jumped in front of her, just swinging to damage, so that his armor could give its vampiric abilities to him. "stay back i can take the hits, you cant. and focus on the big one towards the back."
"Right..." A tiny hint of relief as she resumed her constant firing, now that she had a bit more time once more returning to proper posture. One, two, three, four.... The crowd was thinning, but she didn't notice... instead focusing on the large one. Over and over she shot, eyes narrow.... and a slight shimmer following the arrow. She blinked away the message about extra damage, something to do with the weapon... and as she fired a snarl escaped her... right as the big one's health hit the red, the rest of the monsters seeming to back off a bit. Or had it been that the nearly infinite amount was lessening? Whatever the case their surroundings slowly lessened in danger... and she could actually take a few breaths before each shot. "Next chance I get I'm looking for a healing spell."

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