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SAO- Land of Elements Online

"haha you do that. you need one." he said, as he hacked away at enemies, cutting a few in half when they got to close and tried to rush past. the numbers were thinning, he could tell that much.

any other new player would be screwed.....

lucky you. you have armor and that girlie has her bow.
One last arrow into him... and a window popped up in front of her. That was it... one of the last enemies... and she was ignoring the screen for the sake of shooting at each of the lesser enemies... "Didn't this seem to be the wrong quest? A bit too dangerous for normal newbs..." One two three... wha? "D-do I need to refill? My quiver is empty." One hand danced around, her kicking the monster that tried to get close to her, Where is the arrow? Come on....
seeing that saph was in trouble, he finished off the monster he was dealing with and threw his sword into the beast that she was trying to kick away. the beast disintegrated and the sword clattered to the ground. "you ok?" he said, walking over to her. then a pop up screen appears saying "quest completed"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Panting slightly she refused to meet his gaze, instead staring at her bow. A bit of her calming down and she straightened up. Once more blank-faced she turned to Vlad, putting her bow back in it's spot on her back. And took one more shuddering breath. "Right, our quest is over... so that means the kid's safe." A soft look went into her eyes... He's with his mother. ANd faded away.
"yeah." Vlad said as he checked the rewards. "hey there's the flight spell...." he says as an annoyed expression crosses his face. "lets go check back with the Npc..."
"Why were you annoyed?" Because you had to cast the spell? A shrug, not that it mattered. She followed him back into the city zone, stretching slightly... "That's going to be sore in the morning..." Well, she'd not looked up at the night sky in a while... actually, even though it was night when she logged on, she hadn't, so she looked up.... and her hands dropped limply to her side. Though she kept walking the sudden silence, and wide-eyed look she was giving, weren't like her... unless she was seeing something amazing.
Vlad continued walking then noticed that saphire stopped. "what is it?" he said as he turned around, noticing she was looking up towards the sky and looked up as well....and his heart dropped...
The moon... it's so close. But... those cracks.... Coming up behind the first moon was a second one, this smaller and less so, but... you could see the damage done to it. "What... what happened?" She had a desire to cry... it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. One hand went to cover her mouth, the open-jaw look.... This would have been an amazing view, if they weren't so obviously in need of repair... is there some way to fix it? No, what am I thinking... of course there isn't. It's part of the background.
"that, looks bad." he said. "and i certainly hope it'll be explained at the announcements......anyway, we need to finish up this quest." he said continuing to walk to the npc, now hugging the kid from earlier.
This time the crying NPC grabbed Vlad's hands, crying loudly and talking incomprehensibly. Saphire, ignoring the hysterical mother, knelt down to look at the kid. "Are you ok, kid?" He nodded, and she ruffled his hair... "Good. Learn well, little one... someday it'll be your job to save the kid surrounded by monsters." She'd always had an easier time talking to kids... and judging by the way he continued to steal admiring glances at her party member he had decided to make the player his new hero. For a few seconds she smiled, before returning to normal and standing up straight.
Vlad finally disentagling himself from the crying mother, backed up and looked at saph. "so....what now... she didnt say anything about the sky....and i dont see anyone else for quests....."
She frowned.... "Now we look at our me-" She had decided to open the menu, and noticed a new section. Uasa, Rumors.... "I've got a rumor board. Maybe that random incoherent rambling was good for something after all." She touched it, bringing up two rumors... Black blobs; Cracked Moons; Lands Below. "The first two seem connected to our just finished quest, but this third one... "Lands Below"? Do you have it on yours as well?"
pulling up his menu, he noticed he had the same ones. only his lands below had more information. "yeah i do, heres what it reads: 'The lands below are filled with the six races of this world. we are of the seventh, special race, the lunaria. we live on the moon of this world, and are the only ones gifted with flight, but, we are few in number compared to the others'" *stopping to look around* "definetly. anyway...'you can also use all six elements of magic, but at weaker levels than those of the races.' seems cool."
Holding her chin with one hand she looked at it.... "How strange. There's seven lands, including ours, but... without a map we can't get down there. Which means we're stuck here.... I wonder if we could get a map. From the looks of it, this is the main town..." Which, in fact, it was, and the town had an odd mix of architecture from around the world. "But I doubt it's the only one..." Especially since... "Well, first things first... let's check our inventory, sell what we don't need, and make sure we've the money to stay in an inn if we have to."
"ok. first of all we need to find the shops....." then he opened up his inventory and his eyes went wide.

Your doing shit again.....

no it just recognized something and gave you all the money i had accumulated in my previous games....

eh. ill share it.

browsing through the inventory, he noticed he had a book, and brought it out. "i wonder what this is... *reading the cover* THE MAGIC BOOK oh. thats what it is."
Eyes wide Saphire scooted over to him at the words THE MAGIC BOOK. "Magic..." She nearly pouted, but instead checked if she had her own... please let me have my own. PLEASE LET ME HAVE MY OWN. Nope, she didn't have one... instead she had 'noble's court fan'. WHAT was she having something like that for? It wasn't even something she needed... wait, what did that flavor text say? Inscribed with a family crest, this works as a pass into many locations... Oh,and that was an armored kimono, apparently woven with some leather underneath... "Why does this have the Exact same pattern as my base armor?" And ... oh, the bonus item from that big monster. "Hey, is a Dragon Scarf good or something?" Slightly scale-like, but blue...
"ooh pretty.... i honestly dont know...try equipping it. see what happens." Vlad said as he opened the book. "awwwww.....the only spell in here is the flight spell....not cool...." he said as he closed it and put it away.
"Hmm...." She clicked on both of them, the new armored kimono and scarf, and came out wearing exactly the same thing, plus the scarf. Save.... "This is heavier. How strange..." She twisted around, still able to move perfectly fine, but it was obvious there was an unusual weight to the clothing. "Anyway, let's..." The rumor board popped up, "It's the lands below again.... 'According to legend there was once a method to return to these lands. This legend circled around the nobility, perhaps the courts will have more information?"
"hmmm....lets go!" he said, raising his arm forward pointing forward. "after we find the shops first. i want a better weapon...." he said dropping his arm....
She nodded, walking behind him almost instinctively, fingering her bow. "Hmm... a bow's fine and all, but obviously when I run out of arrows it's a problem.... I might need to get a self-defense weapon for myself." But what kind of weapon? She could use some weapons, of course, but which one should she focus on... "You've got strength, but I've speed.... hmm... I'll keep an eye out." She also wanted boots, even if they didn't match her outfit. It was hard walking in these. "Healing items, if we can.... that'll be good."
"ill be fine, my armor will keep me safe when it comes to health... but potions aren't a bad idea. " looking around "now where could those shops be...."
"Why not ask someone?" There were a few people coming out now, after all. Not quest people, but... npc's all the same. Some were wearing suits, others kimono, and still more robes. And then the sounds of someone from a while away were heard... and she grabbed Vlad's hand, unknowingly, and walked forwards... "Maybe that guy yelling something into the street will know?" Weren't the NPC's here supposed to be particularly human-like?
"why not ask?" he said as he walked over to him, unconsciously blushing when she grabbed his hand. "hello good sir."
"OH, hello there young man. And woman. I see this is a noble's holiday as well." Of course it was, Saphire rolled her eyes but kept quiet. "Might I interest you in some fruit? A charm?" The man seemed completely calm, peddling his wares... and ignorant of the fact that his "customers" wanted to ask him for information... not food and trinkets. Typical, buisness first... everything else a distant second. If I didn't want to avoid attention I'd sigh...
a uninterested expression crossed Vlads face and he walked away, looking around and seeing buildings with swords and shields on th fronts, and a few with potions as well. "hey i found the stores. "

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