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SAO- Land of Elements Online


Aspiring Author
A hundred years ago the SAO Incident occurred. Now virtual reality is a part of daily life, schools; businesses; sports... everything was linked to Virtual Earth. The world was taken over, becoming one large country with separate provinces where the old countries where, the Virtual Earth Republic. Virtual MMO's are still being made as a result of The Seed.

One such world is the LEO, Land of Elements Online. It consists of seven playable areas, much like Alfheim Online. Six playable races existed... Aquarians (Water Spirits)- blue, Gaians (Earth Spirits)- green, Avians (Air Spirits)- white, Flarians (Fire Spirits)- red, Shades (Darkness Spirits)- purple, and Celestians (Light Spirits)-yellow. There is a seventh race that one is assigned to randomly....

Lunarians- the Moon People. They are the only group capable of using all six elements for magic, in any way, though quests unique to them must be completed to unlock each element and they are weaker spells than a user of the one element. Upon unlocking all six a new power will be given to them... one unique. Their hair and eyes change shade with the lighting, giving them a look similar to gems.

The grand quest is simple... Destroy the Void, Spirits of Hatred, or cause them to succeed in destroying Elementia. Flaria- magma-filled volcanos and desert, Aquaria- lakes and ocean, Gaia- forests and meadows, Avia- grasslands and mountains, Celestia- metropolises found in the poles of the world, Shady Hollow- underground tunnels through all lands and deadlands.

The seventh land, Lunaria... is a floating island with a volcano, forest, lake, and plains. It is the most peaceful land... and has a teleportation ring to take them down.

Two people logged on one day. By some incredible luck they were both chosen as this seventh race. They were also the only two chosen who weren't planning on using the game for some hidden purpose. Somehow they live nearby, but have never interacted until now.
It had been a tiring day. Virtual Earth was always active, she often took class at night in order to avoid people in her own province. She could speak fluently in English, at least, so she could talk with those in other provinces. It was a requirement of her household, to use their technology. Walking into the room, pajamas on.... and she glanced at the pod. She'd never used it, but apparently it was designed to make your body grow in strength alongside your mind... to make it so you could do anything in-game and have it affect your muscle strength. She'd been asked to test it, and had been meaning to try something. A soft sigh.

She turned to her journal, took in a breath, and decided that if she was going to start one it would be best to explain her mental state first. That way anyone who read it would at least understand that she was severly biased. The book was opened, pen in hand, and onto the paper she wrote- in English- her opening statement. There was still a few minutes before it started, after all...

I am a simple woman, so I'll keep this simple. My name is Tsuki Saphire, or as Westerners say it, Saphire Tsuki. I come from the TsukiTech company's main family. I am the last of said main family. That makes me technically the owner, I guess. Not that it matters. To me the world is a place of boring everyday actions. There are secrets of the world, and people are always trying to solve these... but to me it's all so much noise. I am nothing... I'm not brave, strong, or kind, though I am smart. Everyone says this, so it has to be true.

The world is simple.... and my place in it more so. I don't live... I just exist. Every day is the same, and nothing important happens. Yet I don't want to die... so I just continue to exist. To be, even though there's nothing about me or my life that's worth anything to the world. As long as I live the company does, so I suppose that's the entire sum of my life's worth. Nothing else matters about me. The clock's just struck 10. I guess it's time to go, I've got to test the TsukiCapsule.
Jacob was in one of his usual moods when he got home from school... his day hadn't gone well for him. And it didnt help that once he got home his parents complained about the state of his room again. the only thing that was going for him today, was the fact that he had gotton a copy of Land of Elements Online, right as it came out. he had preordered it a few weeks ago. So as soon as he could he escaped to his room, and looked at the nerv gear on his desk. it was an ancient relic he knew, but it was his grandfathers, who had passed away and left it to his dad, who gave it to him. surprisingly, it still works and keeps up with the newest games well. he knew it was dangerous to use, remembering his grandfathers stories in the journal, about the game called SAO. He had actually gone to Castle Aincrad a few times in ALO but he never got very far. he was ready to start a new Character in this new game, because ALO wasnt holding his attention much any more...
(You has Yui? AWESOMENESS!!!!)

She stared at the capsule, worried... a full dive was different than partial, where you can move your avatar with a controller. Did she want to deal with it? A sigh... she had been told to test, and debug, the capsul... so into it she went. Luckily she'd had an early copy of the hardware for LEO, so she just had to lay down in it and put on the headset. So prepared, she took a deep breath... and poked the 'start dive' button.

Flashing light, her standing in front of a terminal... about to pick Shade, the screen flickered, and all of a sudden she was standing in a city. Wearing a kimono. A Noble's kimono. That was blue and white. A quick look down, and her now free hair shimmered slightly in the light, a lighter shade of blue than she'd expected... looking oddly like water. A few steps forward, and was that a pair of wings on her back?! She could feel them... move them instinctively, but she couldn't fly. Eye wide she turned around, found an alleyway, and walked over to it to take a few calming breaths out of sight.

She had wings. And was moving around as though it was her normal body. And she was a noble in the game. WHAT WAS GOING ON?! In her panic she still noticed that everyone was walking around in native clothes commonly worn by nobility... was this the unarmored appearance of her race, nobility clothing?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c056eb0ba_SaphsKimono.jpg.8bee812c1a255d6fed1c3e00071a901c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c056eb0ba_SaphsKimono.jpg.8bee812c1a255d6fed1c3e00071a901c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jacob loaded up the game, put on the nerv gear and laid down on his bed.

"link, start!"

the normal flash of light, and then he was in a terminal, with six different races in front of him. he typed in his name, Vlad the name i always use...

he was about to choose a race when suddenly he was standing in a plaza, and when he looked down he was in a suit of red armor, and when he looked in the pool of water, he had short black hair. and wings. good, i have the wings back....

before long, he had the basics of flight down, but he noticed it was severely limited. thats when he noticed the girl hiding in an alley way. oh look, a noob. maybe i should help.... he thought as he walked over. "need help?"
The sound of someone's voice... she marveled at the fact that not only was there a shadow over her, from him... but that his voice came from exactly the same spot. In partial it was always like they were next to you, but in full... was this the difference? She sighed a bit, and looked up at the armor-wearing man. He looked older than his voice suggested, but it might be a disparage between him and the avatar's age. Or something. "J-just not used to the wings." He was a person she'd not met before, so she of course acted calm in front of him.

She worked her way into a standing position, ignoring the instinctive flap of her wings, which were FEATHERED, as though they were trying to help her. Obviously she was too young a character to fly... everyone was, but... wait. When did age work into it? Now the wings were folding in... and she shook her head. Instinctive use of wings was one thing, shining hair was another. Wait, had she put in a username? It was Saphire, right... deep breaths. "Or anything. It's my first full-dive, so..." Shrug, make it seem like nothing's wrong.
"hahaha i come from a game where we were flying all the time." he said watching her struggle up. "my names Vlad by the way. yours?" he asked, helping her steady herself. "the first dive is always the hardest...."
"Is it?" Sounding bored now she bowed to him once she was standing. Not that it would matter all that much... she'd have to get used to it. Was the whole skipping-race choice thing a bug or part of the game? Only one way to figure it out... she'd look at the game's help desk. As soon as she figured out what to do to make the system work. One hand swiped down, her still talking to him, "Saphire. Pleasure to meet you." Not that it looked like it. Still, he must be a kind person, as he had stopped to help her.
"nice to meet you as well." he said. "what are you looking for?" he asked, inwardly laughing at her trying to bring up the menu.

(ugh i really cant come up with stuff....jeez.....DX)
"Menu. I need to know if an abnormal boot is because of my hardware or the game." Nope, that hadn't worked... and she'd seen that face somewhere before. Someplace importa- Her passive face became slightly different, her eyebrows dropping down slightly to look a bit confused, her looking from him to her hand. Why does he look like the Hero Kirito? Genetic coincidence? Something else? Does it mean anything? "I'm... testing some new hardware." She wasn't even sure it was abnormal.... but it seemed like it.
"oh cool. i dont have money for the new stuff so i still use plenty of old equipment..." he says scratching the back of his head. "and if your talking about why were in this race, its a rare happening in this game. weve been randomly chosen to be part of the lunarian race. i can garuntee its not from your tech. i did my research and this was a supposed rumor..."
Rumors became fact? Unusual. Or not. Depended on who made the game. Not that it mattered.... A small shake of her head. "Ok, then I still need to figure out how to turn on the menu." Obviously she was using the wrong hand motion. Even though she was sure it should have been the same across. Maybe she just wasn't doing it right? "Anyway... so, this game includes flying." Even if she wasn't able to do it herself... and why that was was lost on her.
"yeah it must..." he said extending out his wings, which were a deep black. "also, you open the menu like this..." he says as he takes his right hand and swipes it down in front of him, a menu screen popping up in front of him. subconsciously, he checks and notices that there is in fact a log out button.
She nodded, copying his movement... and wow, there popped up a holographic white-screen. Of course she also checked that there was a logout button... but for her it was part of making sure the hardware was working. Once she was there, ready to act on the pushing of the button... she paused. To test it now or later? Usually, she'd heard, there were some important announcements in the beginning hours of the game... and she was logging on during the night.... Well, it didn't matter. She had to test the rest of the menu as well. Inventory worked, character menu worked....
As he looked through the menu, he came to the character screen. *whistles* "i've got some good stuff.....better then alot of stuff had back in ALO...." he said flipping through his inventory.

you guys had something to do with this didn't you....

not at all i dont know what your talking about....*sarcasm*

yeah i'm sure you don't.....
Once more she looked at her inventory... confused by his words. Would her weapons be any good? Or equipment? A wince... yep, just as she'd thought. It was a perfect Noble's Kimono she was wearing. And next to it... what kind of weapon was that? It was just a fan. she obviously wasn't given a sword... that was a bow. Why had she been given a bow, though? Sure, she was good at archery, but still. Would it be of any use in this game. "That's going to be tough in the beginning."
Vlad looked over at what she was looking at. his eyes widened, "Actually, thats amazing to have, even for an expert. your lucky." he said examining her bow.
She read the bow's information, one eyebrow rising in surprise. Tsukizakura, The legendary bow given to royalty on being accepted as the leader of the Lunarians. It was lost thousands of years ago, though rumors of it's resurface in a certain Noble family had abounded. Attac- She stopped reading once it got into the statistics or anything else. "I have no clue how this got into my inventory... I should have had a regular start weapon." Not that it was her problem, so she shrugged and just closed the window. "You seem to know you're way around... do you mind teaching me a few things?" just enough for her to be able to solo... it didn't matter much for her.
"i dont know, just like how i shouldnt have had this armor." *internally glares at kayaba* "and sure what would you like to know? i can answer some questions, but i cant answer a whole lot about LEO..."
"I just need to know how to use this game's combat system, and it's magic system... and what's normal for a full dive. That way I can go about testing for bugs in the new hardware, and start fi- reporting them to the manufacturer." She'd almost admitted that she was debugging the hardware, which would have lead to him knowing she was at least in college, which would lead to him probably asking questions... wait, net etiquette. He wouldn't ask questions like that. Most likely.
"well theres a training field over on the otherside of the plaza, we can go there and figure stuff out." Vlad said pointing over there. "anyway itll give you some practice at walking."
Another nod, it had been harder getting to standing, with the wings throwing her balance off, but as she walked forward she noticed that it was easier if she just let them do their thing. Which was actually hugging her back, staying in place... well, if they were going to make things easy for her she'd let them. "Right." Should she invite him into a party? How did one do that, anyway? Bah, it didn't matter.... she'd probably not meet him again in a long time.
Vlad started walking over, then deciding he wanted more practice ran a bit flapping his wings harder and took off, and hovered a foot or two off the ground, then tried to move forward, and ended up on the ground landing on his face. *gets up and dusts himself off* "ok so flight is nothing like ALO....."
A snort.... one hand shot up to cover her mouth. He just... on his own? Her shoulders started shaking.... and she shook her head to try and stop. In, out, in out.... "That was... You know our wings are too small for that right? Flight probably has something to do with magic, or something...." Oh, the snickers! She had to stop or she'd burst out laughing randomly. Focus on something.... anything else! Actually, why was she finding this funny?
"well then. that was fun." Vlad said. *glares at the two laughing at him in his mind.* Laugh it up fuzzballs..... he continues walking to the practice field and equips the greatsword he found in his inventory. well its an ok sword but i definitely want to upgrade it....

sorry i couldnt do anything about that....

why would you? i wasnt expecting someone to give me near inpenetrable armor.....*glares at kayaba*

*puts his hands up in the "i didnt do anything" gesture*

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