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Realistic or Modern Salinate Academy (A school for heroes. Always accepting!)

"Shit! shit! shit!" Lilitha cursed as she storming through the corridor. She overslept and is late to her class on the first day. On top of that, she didn't even know which class she will be in. She was furiously searching for the faculty office.
"hey do you think we could train after school i'm supposed to go on a mission later and I need some practice" he looked hopeful knowing that the boy would be an awesome sparring partner

FrostXShadow said:
"uh hold on" he pulled out an phone from his bag "8:36" he said before dropping the phone back into the bag
"Alright, thanks." Said the boy, as he would let his focus raise, as he made the knife he made earlier fade from existence, hoping the boy who his was beside, didn't see, and he hoped this plan to find out his powers worked out.

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FrostXShadow said:
"hey do you think we could train after school i'm supposed to go on a mission later and I need some practice" he looked hopeful knowing that the boy would be an awesome sparring partner
"Sure." Said the boy hoping Klaus wouldn't notice the knife, around one minute and not the next, if the boy did ask something, he had a plan for that too, as he asked. "What time should we spar?" as he would do this once, not planing on using his powers in the spar.

"hmmm around 3 o'clock maybe" Klaus noticed that the knife was gone from his pocket but chose not to say anything "hmm I wonder if he is going to go all out" he thought to himself he smiled anxious to fight him he thought for a second "wait don't we have a combat class after this" he said realizing they have been talking all class and not listening to anything the teacher was saying

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FrostXShadow said:
"hmmm around 3 o'clock maybe" Klaus noticed that the knife was gone from his pocket but chose not to say anything "hmm I wonder if he is going to go all out" he thought to himself he smiled anxious to fight him he thought for a second "wait don't we have a combat class after this" he said realizing they have been talking all class and not listening to anything the teacher was saying
"I don't know." Said the boy, not really knowing, the order of his classes, he would have to learn them overtime, as he would think to himself "When we fight I'll hold back." He would think to himself, not even knowing if he should fight the boy, knowing he shouldn't show all his powers.

he pulled a schedule out of his bag and checked it "hm combat and then weapon training" (I really don't know what the classes are so im making stuff up xD ) "we could spar then?" he asked the boy he was really excited it's been a long time since he fought someone that isn't related to him

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FrostXShadow said:
he pulled a schedule out of his bag and checked it "hm combat and then weapon training" (I really don't know what the classes are so im making stuff up xD ) "we could spar then?" he asked the boy he was really excited it's been a long time since he fought someone that isn't related to him
(That's the main reason I don't know what classes i have iccly) "Sure..." waiting for his partner to speak back "So where should we spar?", this would be the first time he has ever spared someone, already having a plan for how to handling this spar. Beaming a smile at his friend.

he chuckled "does this school have a room for sparing or at least a gymnasium" he questioned being that today was his first day and he didn't know where anything was in the school

FrostXShadow said:
he chuckled "does this school have a room for sparing or at least a gymnasium" he questioned being that today was his first day and he didn't know where anything was in the school
"I don't know really, maybe we could go outside and do it?" he asked today still being his first day, not having any idea how to get about the school, so he thought fighting outside would be the best action.

"yea outside should be good " he responded (ill try and get on later im being forced to play just dance with my little sister xD )
FrostXShadow said:
"yea outside should be good " he responded (ill try and get on later im being forced to play just dance with my little sister xD )
"Right sounds like a plan." He said, as he waited for the boy to move. (Alright, see ya)

He got up and walked towards the door he looked back and motioned for the boy to follow him (I need to make up my mind I can respond because she is picking all theses girlie songs that I do not want to dance to xD anyway BTRP)
FrostXShadow said:
He got up and walked towards the door he looked back and motioned for the boy to follow him (I need to make up my mind I can respond because she is picking all theses girlie songs that I do not want to dance to xD anyway BTRP)
As he stood up, he followed, his friend, ready, to do this, saying. "So, tell me more about your mother, if you don't mind." He said walking with his friend. (Welcome back) @FrostXShadow
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FrostXShadow said:
"scarlet witch?" he thought about it "she helps the avengers out from time to time...you do know the avengers right...? "
"Not really." Said he boy, as he wavered for a second, walking with his friend. (Alright I'm going to bed, I'll be back on later)

(ok see ya later) he gave a shocked look " really.. it's a group of superheroes awhile back my mom sided with a really bad person but in the end she turned to the good side and she has been helping the avengers and shield for awhile now she is really cool" he exclaimed

Alexis walks down the corridor typing quickly on her new phone, she had taken her time this morning not really caring she was going to be late. Not knowing which class she had she was just wondering around the school hoping to bump into someone who could tell her where to go.

Walking past two guys she hears someone talking about avengers, she turns to them.

"Did someone say avengers?" She says glancing up from her phone, but still typing on it.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback
Outside the school, Artie took a steadying deep breath before entering. This was the beginning of a new chapter of their life. Hopefully it would be better than the last. The sight of a few fellow students brought them from their thoughts of the past. They stepped forward to introduce themself. "Hello, my name is Artie. Could you please assist me in finding my first class?" @Libra259 @FrostXShadow @Zedisback
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"Oh of course! Whats your last name? Im a student teacher here and you may be in one of my classes." Jax says while smiling a bit.

"Prince, Artie Prince." They would have rather not tell their last name in front of everyone, as it was the last name used by the Amazons and Artie disliked anything tying them to the people who had rejected them, but there was no getting around it without causing a scene. @Libra259
"Second period, in room 234. But your first class is in room 152. If you take a right from here its your 6th door to the right." Jax replies while point to where the room is.

"Thank you" Artie replied before setting off for the classroom. She seemed kind, maybe the two of them would see more of each other. Artie smiled, that would be nice.
Jax sighs a bit, are there any other student teachers?... Or Professors... Or anything here?... This is boring.. Seems like ive fooled these insolent people...

Meanwhile a young women walks down the hall. Her heels click against the tile floor and echoed through the hall. Her short black hair neatly framed her face. A look of confidence surrounded her, she had an air of power you could say. It was quite obvious she held a high position and she knew it.


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