Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

Hex's jaw dropped, "ok, now that's cool." he said grinning. He never knew you could get weres that could turn into bear and never mind freaking polar bears!
Jack laughed. "Of course it's cool,"he said matter-of-factly. Jacqueline laughed at her brother. "Don't mind him, he's an airhead. So, are you ready to get it on?" Midori nodded. "I think we are. He's practically been jumping out of his clothing since this morning." Midori and Jacqueline both laughed. Jack turned to him. "So, Hex... Who's team would you like to play for. Mine or Jack's?"
Hex shrugged, "I think," he looked between the two Jack's. "Yours," he said pointing at the Jack who had asked him the question. He grinned this was going to be so fun.
The big guy smiled. "Great choice." Jack handed him a blue vest. "Put this on and wait over there with the rest." The other Jack handed Midori a red vest. "Looks like you're with me this time," she said smiling. Midori put her vest on and waited with the others in the blue team. "Alright dearest sister... Are you ready?" "You know I am." "Everyone, enter the waiting rooms,"Jack boomed. Midori followed her team in. Jacqueline handed the guns out.

Jack went with his team into the waiting room. "Now, other Jack wins most of the time. We need to change that today team. Are you with me?!" he handed out the guns. "I hope you are, men."
Hex went and stood with the rest of the team before following them into the waiting rooms. He took his gun and looked it over grinning, "yeah, tables turn today." he said half to himself and half to Jack. Now he was in well known territory.
Jack clapped Hex on the back. "That's the spirit!"

Jack looked at Midori. "Always taking in the newcomers. I remember when Jack and I first met you. New to town, didn't know a thing. And here was this fish-person who was kind enough to take us in and show us the ropes." Midori smiled. "I like helping newbies. I like how you are so calm and collected when it comes to doing this with your brother." "He may seem intimidating but cleverness was never his strong suit." They both laughed.

The lights went out in the waiting rooms. There was a slight ding and doors opened, releasing the players into the room. Fog machines made mists that covered the ground. The room was very dark, very little light was being produced. There were obstacles that you could take cover behind. The game had begun.
Hex grinned up at Jack and nodded. He looked at the doors as they opened and dashed in taking cover behind a barrel and waiting, listening for anyone coming out.
Midori always relied on her stealth. But this was a game, not something what was life threatening. She entered the room, and hid behind a large obstacle. She waited for any movement that was blue. She was never good at the game, but she always had fun playing.
Hex turned around and looked from the top of the barrel for a second to see if anyone was up there. "Everyone hiding.." he whispered to himself as he dodged back down, "damn." he looked around choosing whether to move or not.
She waited until a blue vest came around the corner. Shot all five markers on the vest. One down, three to go. She could tell both sides were trying to fight off each other. She just smiled, enjoying herself.
"Time to move." Hex said standing but still staying lower and sprinting from obstacle to obstacle jumping some and ducking behind others.
Members were shooting at the opposite team. Every once in a while you could see female Jack stalking big Jack. For them, it was back and forth. She would get him, he would get her. Everyone was having fun. Midori decided she would move from her hiding spot, just to get in on the action. She moved deftly from one obstacle to the next, getting a person from the opposite team now and again. She had two lights lit up on her vest.
Hex saw someone from the red team run in front of him. He shot at them many times, one light, two light, three lights, four lights, five lights. "And you're out." he grinned before ducking down as he saw Midori just across from him.
Midori came out from hiding to finish a blue vest off. She was smiling and laughing, just having a lot of fun.

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She saw Hex just as he ducked behind a barrel. He was able to lite up one thing on her vest. She got down and went over to the barrel very quietly.
Hex listened at he could, he could hear slight footsteps but not very loud and not at all sometimes. "Time to move." he whispered to himself before standing up and sprinting behind another obstacle.
She watched as he ran for another obstacle. She stood and shot at him, getting him in the right shoulder. "Yes!" She smiled and fist pumped the air.
"Damn!" Hex exclaimed before snapping his gun around the corner of the obstacle. "Ok so show only a tiny bit of your head and keep your body behind the hear and shoot." he said to himself before shooting at Midori.
She got hit again, making it four. "Oh no, whatever will I do?" She giggled and ducked down, sneaking around, make sure that she wouldn't be caught of guard.
Hex grinned and moved back behind the obstacle. Now just to sneak around and find out where everyone was.
Most people were out, leaving the two Jack's and Midori and Hex. She knew that she would go down next but she would put up a fight.
Hex grinned, "ok so if I take out Midori then it leaves just Jack." He nodded to himself and started creeping around trying to find her.
All of a sudden Midori's last light lit up. "Awe, poop." She laughed and exited the arena. She sat with the other players and chatted with them, waiting for the game to end.
"Is it really just me and the Jacks?" Hex asked himself as he saw Midori exit, "ok, lets put an end to this game." he grinned and looked around still staying covered.

(can I just say. That was the most epic timing ever xD )

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