Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

"Sugar.." Hex said, he honestly didn't know what to say so just said the simplest thing. He felt kind of awkward in this situation but didn't know why.
She grabbed the sugar and poured some in the cup. She handed it to him. "If its not sweet enough or you don't like it, I will add some creamer. It all depends on the person."

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Hex took it thankfully and started to drink. It was nice, in fact more than nice. He grinned up at Midori, "its great thanks." he said.
She smiled. "No problem. What would you like to do today?" She sat across from him and looked out the window.

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Hex shrugged, "whatever," he said, "I don't really know." he followed her gaze and looked out of the window himself.
"That's not much of an answer. I can order you some city clothes and have one of my good friends give you a makeover. Then we could go out. And you can really see what the city is like." She smiled happily.

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"Really?" Hex asked, "cool!" he didn't know what he would get himself into but just seriously wanted to see they city, nothing else mattered to him.
"I will make some calls right now." She got up and went to the phone. She made her calls and returned. "Your clothes will be here soon and my friend will be here in an hour. I didn't know your clothing size or what colors you liked so I ordered a few items." She grinned happily.

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Hex grinned and looked out of the window. Finally he'd be able to get a look around this place but if anyone found him here...would they kill him?
She smiled. "Alright, you don't have to tell me how you feel." After a little bit, the elevator dinged. A female bird-like humanoid stepped out. Midori walked over to her and payed her. The woman gave her a box with a ribbond tied to it. "Thanks, see you later," Midori said to the woman. The woman left them as Midori walked over to Hex. "Here, go try these on. Like I said I didn't know your size so there should be about six different shirts in three sizes. I kinda guessed about the size you were. There's six pairs of pants the same, some socks, and shoes." She smiled. "Go and try them on."
Hex nodded and took the stuff walking over to his room, "Ok then." he said dropping the stuff on the bed and starting to go through it. Eventually after trying on what he liked he chose a black shirt and some blue pants. He walked out hands in pockets and looked up at Midori, "I don't know what to think." he said.
She looked over to him and grinned widely. "It looks great on you!" She seemed to be beaming. Soon after the elevator dinged again. Midori walked over and opened. A very small woman with black hair and very pale skin walked through. "Nina!!" The woman smiled at Midori. "Miss Midori, it's wonderful to see you." The woman hugged Midori. She looked over at Hex. Her gray eyes seemed to probe him. "Is this who you talked about." Midori nodded. "Sure is. Nina, this is Hex. Hex, this is my good friend Nina Ichihiro. She is the best make-up artist I know." Nina blushed. "Hush you." She lightly swatted Midori on the arm. She walked over to Hex and inspected him. "Hmm... I think I can manage making him into one of us."
Hex looked at the woman always staying one pace back from here. He didn't like it when people stared at him, he didn't really even like being looked at so this was uncomfortable. He looked around for a place to just walk off to but there was no way he was getting out of this one.
Nina pulled out a chair for him. "You're going to need to sit. Everyone is uncomfortable when having makeup put on them like this but you will just have to bare with it." She walked back toward the elevator and brought back a huge black box with a silver lining. When she opened it, it opened up into a make-up like stand. She looked in in a few minutes, then picked out a few different very pale colors. She turned to him as he sat down. "We are going with the easiest transformation we can do. You will fit in perfectly. I am going to make you a vampire. We just need to 'deaden' your skin a little and you are going to need to put in these red contacts,"she said handing him a contact case. She then began applying the makeup to him.
Hex sat down and watched as Nina got the stuff, he took the contacts from her and nodded. "Ok.." he said putting them in quickly and then trying to stay still. This was going to be so weird, he was so used to looking like a human. But vampire wasn't much different. Just dead he guessed... Just deal with it Hex, he told himself.
She worked quickly. She made sure that whatever skin might poke out beneath his clothing had makeup. when she was done, she stepped back and admired her work. Midori smiled. "You wouldn't be able to tell that you were never a vamp,"she said. "Good work Nina." The small woman beamed. "Thank you. The makeup won't wear off easy. You will need to wash it away with this,"Nina said handing him a small bottle of makeup remover. "It's not like standard makeup removers. It's for heavy makeup like I've put on you. Whenever you need me again, just call." She waved to them and left. Midori looked at Hex and smiled. "Well, what do you think?"
Hex blinked once or twice and then grinned at Midori holding the bottle in his hand, "well I sure look dead."" he said looking at his reflection out of the window. "I just don't know how she does that. Its strange but everything in this world is strange I guess."
Midori grinned. "She's been doing it for a long time. She knows a bit of magic so that helps. So, are you ready for our day on the town?" You could almost see the excitement in her eyes and she seemed like she was close to jumping up and down.
Hex nodded, "yeah." he said. He was pretty excited too, its not like he'd ever been in the city so this was a first for him. Finally after so many years of wondering he'd get to find out about this place.
"I'm going to change then be right out." She went to her room to change into some day clothes. She decided that today she would wear her orange kimono. The flowers on it were white and her sash was a kind of red-orange. She was quick to put it on. She exited her room and met with Hex. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go!" She drug him into the elevator and pressed 1. "So, what would you like to do first?"
Hex grinned followed before leaning against the wall of the elevator. He didn't know what you could do in this city, "what can you do?" He asked.
She smiled. "Just about anything. There's arcade, and shopping, and eating, and drinking. Ever played laser tag? Probably not huh? Why don't we do that first?"
"Laser...tag?" Hex said half to himself he thought about it for a second and then looked up at Midori and nodded, "yeah."

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