Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

Midori was walking along happily. All of a sudden someone came up behind and tried to grab the books from her. The person as dressed in black and masked. "Hey!" She kept a tight grip on the books and refused to give any leeway.

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Hex turned, "What's that all about?" Hex mumbled before walkin forwards to try and help Midori.
Midori kicked the person in the chest. There was a definite "oof!" She grinned and did it again making them let go.

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She grabbed Hex's hand and started to run. They weaved through people, trying their best not to shove them. Midori wanted to lose whoever was or may have been following her. The conversation with the strange man in the library flashed through her mind. She now wondered if he was the one that took the book that Hex was looking at. When she thought they were safe, she stopped. Her breathing was ragged and quick.
Hex span quickly as he was tugged along. Who could want these books so badly? It's not like they couldn't take them out themselves. As the weaves through people he thought about possible theory's. He breathed out when they stopped and looked around, "safe?"
She nodded. "I think so. Or at least I hope so. We should get these books to safety as soon as we can." She took one long deep breath and decided to move on. "Do you have any idea of who might be following us?"
Hex put his hands in his pockets and started walking after her. "No," he said, "I can't think of anyone except the people who were chasing me yesterday but they wouldn't want books."
She nodded. "Maybe I can use the database to research a little about it. Then maybe we will have an idea of who might be behind this."
"Yeah.." Hex agreed, "who wants books that badly? Doesn't really seem like the most precious thing.."
She shook her head. "It shouldn't be. I mean, it seems as if someone doesn't want us to cure you." She looked over to him. "I don't suppose you could tell me a reason why? I know that you've said many people want you dead. How come?" Maybe the insight would help her, and maybe it wouldn't. She wouldn't know for sure until she knew the reason.
Hex shrugged, "I don't know." He said innocently, "they just do." He looked at Midori with a expression that said he really didn't.

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