Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

Hex nodded and followed along behind her. A librarian walked past Midori accidentally bumping into her, "Oh I'm sorry." she said moving back slightly, "is there anything I can help you with?"
She nodded. "Yes, we are trying to find these." She showed the librarian the books she wanted to find. "And though I've been here many times before, I don't quite know where the sections are."
The librarian looked at the books they wanted to find and raised an eyebrow. "Peculiar choice," she said smiling afterwards though." They are just down here. Let me show you."
The librarian nodded and led them through and maze of different books. She finally stopped in a small section and looked at the two. "Here you go."
"Thank you very much. I think we can handle it from here." She smiled at the librarian then turned to the book case. She took out a few of the books and handed them to Hex. "Why don't we skim these books to see if they are relevant to what we are looking for?"
Hex nodded, "ok," he said taking the books he was given. They were going to find out about this for sure.
She took a couple of books and skimmed them. "Well that one isn't going to work." She stuck it back on the shelf. She kept two that she had picked up. She looked at the shelves again and the other paper. "These other ones should be right around... ah!" The others were close to the floor. She sat down and placed the books she was keeping next to her. She took a few books off the shelf and decided to skim them.
Hex grinned , "I'm gonna go over here and look at these ." He said running around the corner to sit down .

"Why ever would you want to look for demon poison?" A voice said from behind Midori.
She shrugged, not looking at the person who had talked to her. "A friend of mine has the unfortunate poison running through his veins. If I can figure out how to get a cure, then many lives could be saved. Not just his."
" that so?" The person said in a more serious tone, "well I just have to warn you about this. If your friend has that poison running through their veins you should be careful. You're hanging out with the wrong people."
The man shrugged , "well. I know you might not believe me. I'm a complete stranger after but demon poison is outlawed. It was outlawed years ago, now only security and police can use it and they can't use it unless it's a fire situation. And by dire I mean the worst thing you could ever think of, even then it's supposed to kill the enemy, it's certain death, no exceptions."
She pondered this. "That is true, but for those who venture too close to the walls end up getting it. Just because it's outlawed within doesn't mean that they don't sneak in and use it on us. I would know. I am one of the patrol officers."
"Well..." The stranger said his tone changing slightly, "Then Miss I am to inform you about something I know. Do you remember that time when a part of the left side of the city was destroyed."
"I have some information on who did it." He said, "we were told that anyone who saw that person had been killed but no, there's one person who survived."
"If I gave away the name I'd surly die but I can help you along. It's someone you wouldn't expect."

"Midori!" Hex exclaimed coming around the corner, "Midori, these didn't really have much either."
She looked up at Hex and smiled. "Alright. I'll just put them back. Here, take some of these and skim through them. They're about magical places and curative properties. See if there's anything that we could possibly use." She took the books from him and gave him some more.
Hex nodded, "yeah," he said taking the books and running back to the table.

The man had disappeared for a brief moment but now he stood just behind Midori, "that boy..could it possibly.." He said to himself but shook his head, "no." Then he really did walk away.
Midori was a little confused at the man who visited her. She shrugged him off and went back to her books. "Most of these don't have much that could help us." She was becoming a bit despaired.
Hex came back with a book in his hand and shook his head, "nothing in this one." He said walking over to Midori and putting it back on the shelf, "I'll go try the other."
Hex nodded, "yeah." He said before looking around and heading back over to get the other book. But when he got back it was gone..

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