Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

There was a giggle around the room. "Looks like its just you and me newbie." A couple lights lit up on Hex's vest. There was a telltale sign of blonde hair rushing by.

(Was it?)

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Hex growled, "Jack.." he said but grinned, "ok, lets do this." Hex had experience with guns maybe not with this game but he could put up a fight. He looked around before ducking down between two obstacles ready to move within a second.

(yeah I literally just got online that moment ^^)
She laughed again. Only this time is was coming from different directions.

(Ah. Well I had to go to class so my replies are behind.)

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(Ok ^^)

Hex turned quickly from side to side, "how can you be in.." he said not really finishing his sentence. He wouldn't lose this game, now way.. But this girl was good could he really win?
She rushed past him again, getting another light on his vest. "Come on Hex, I know you can get me at least once" She laughed again.
Hex sighed, "Fine Fine," He said, he'd watched exactly where she had gone this time and was still listening. He ran out using cover and shot multiple times. But not in the same area, he chose different places to shoot 3 shots each time. That way he had a better chance of hitting her and he knew she was somewhere in that area.
"So close, but shooting randomly isn't going to help you. Look closer." There was a blue laser trained on Hex's vest.
Hex looked at the laser and followed it with his eyes, "You got it.." he said before shooting just above the laser. If that was coming from a gun.. she had to be there.
A light lit up on her vest. "Very good. But you've left yourself open." The last light on his vest lit up. She jumped down from her hiding spot. "I saw you get a few people. You have a very good shot." She smiled at him. "Let's join the others."
Hex sighed, "Damn!" He said but he couldn't help grinning he looked at Jack, "I'm alright I guess." he put his hands in his pockets and started to follow her out, that had been fun.
The group watched as they came in. "She got you, huh,"big Jack asked. He laughed jovially. "She's a slippery one." Jack just beamed at her brother. Midori was smiling. "So, was that fun or what,"she asked Hex.
Hex shrugged at Jack before turning back to Midori, "Yeah it was." He grinned. He was happy even though he'd lost to Jack.
"Well we gotta get going. Thanks for playing everyone,"Jacqueline said cheerfully. Midori turned to Hex. "So, is there something else that you would like to do today?"
Hex waved over at Jack and then looked back at Midori, "I don't know." he said before thinking for awhile, "Show me around?" he asked.
She nodded. "Of course. Let's go!" She led him out of the building. She showed him some of her favorite spots. A park, an arcade, a nice restaurant.

(Sorry I haven't been real creative. My class is draining me.)
(Ahaha, it's fine )

Hex looked arounch in awe, this place really was amazing. He liked it a lot, it was a shame that humans and demons wern't allowed in.
"Are you getting hungry at all,"she asked looking over to him. The make up was holding out well. As it should.
Hex shook his head, "I'm fine." He said but couldn't help scowling slightly to himself. Idiots, idiots everywhere, that's why the left side of the city was destroyed. Hex grinned at the thought of it but he shook it all off. Why was he thinking about that at this time?
No this is a private RolePlay. Shock wave, you need to go to introductions. The SB is also helpful.
((It was a shock to find someone posted in here xD ))

Midori watched while a strange look came across over Hex's face. "Okay. How about we go to the public library? I would like to help you a bit before today is over. Researching for something that can stop the poison can be done there. And if I find anything, I can take the books with me and study them more at home." She said the last part for more herself than for him.
(I know yeah. That's how I felt ^^)

Hex turned to Midori, "oh yeah," He said, "I forgot about that." He didn't know that much about demon poison himself but it was something he would have to find out about.
She led him to a very large, ornate building. "This is it. Let's go." She walked up the steps and entered the building. She walked up to the woman at the front desk. "Midori and guest." She smiled and handed Midori two cards. She handed one to Hex. It was laminated and said Guest. She led him farther in. There were a few rows of computers but after that there seemed to be endless rows of books.

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Hex followed Midori up the stepws he stood a bit further away from the desk than she did and then took the card from here. As he was led further in he could see the rows and rows of books and seemed to go on forever.
She went and sat at a computer. "Hmm, let's see. We want to know about demon poison." She typed it in and a few books popped up. She printed the page. She next typed in cures for the uncurable. There were actually a few books that also popped up. She printed that page. "Alright, I think that's good for now. If we need to we can come back." She picked up the pages and turned to him, smiling. "Let's go." She led the way, trying to find the area where the books were.

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