Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

She seemed to be grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah. It's fun. Lots of people enjoy playing it. I will just have to show you how fun it is."
She pondered. "Well, you put on this vest and you are given a 'gun' that shoots laser light. You are put into a dark room with lots of obsticles. You go around and you try to shoot someone from the other team. Once all the lights are lit up on the vest, that person loses and it out for the game."
Hex's grin grew when he heard the word gun, "Sounds like my sort of game." he said looking around the elevator, "how long does this thing take. I want to go to laser tag already."
The elevator dinged. The doors opened and Midori rushed out. "Let's go! I will lead the way." She was very happy this morning. she never got out much and showing someone the city was always fun. She always seemed to find the new people, those who were able to move here from another city without dying. It was always a good time for her.
Hex jumped when the elevator dinged, but he was happy to get out of it. He grinned and followed Midori out, "ok." this would be fun. He'd have to learn about the game but it would still be fun.
She led the way, pointing out certain interests along the way. Over there is the best burger joint. Over there has some really fancy clothes. Way over there is where the one of the city halls is. And all the time she was grinning.
Hex nodded and listened, it was all interesting to him and Midori seemed to enjoy showing him around.
They arrived at the laser tag arena. The building was tall and most of the floors didn't have windows. Midori led him through the doors. She walked up to the counter and talked to the receptionist. "Hi, my friend and I would like to play laser tag." The man smiled. "Alright, did you want to join a group or do you want it to be just you two?" She turned to Hex. "Well, what do you think?"
"I think....." Hex started, "a group. It's more fun that way." he grinned and crossed his arms looking around. This place looked really fun, he couldn't wait to get in.
She grinned mischievously. "Alright." She turned back to the guy. "Are Jack and Jack in today?" The man looked at the computer. "Yup. Floor 3 arena number 2." She nodded. "Alright, we'll join them." "Great,"he said as he typed away on the computer. "Here's your pass Midori and your friend...?" "This is Hex. He's new to the city so I'm showing him the ropes." He nodded smiling. "Alright and here's Hex's pass" Midori took it and gave it to Hex. "Thanks Gene. See you later." She waved to the man and led Hex down a hall to the elevators. "Exciting, isn't it?"
Hex grabbed the pass and followed Midori, "this is cool. I can't wait!" he exclaimed almost jumping around.
She stepped into the elevator. "Now don't be surprised about Jack and Jack. They are brother and sister. She is very small, blonde haired and blue eyed. He's very tall, muscular. Also blonde haired and blue eyed. They like to be called Jack and Jack because most think they are two guys. They're not. Jacqueline shortened her name to Jack to be like her twin. Oh, and I should let you know that they are weres." She smiled, this being very familiar to her.
Hex nodded, understanding most of it. He walked into the elevator and sighed leaning against the wall. "Ok, well lets do this." he said grinning.
She grinned as the elevator dinged. She stepped out and led him down the hallway.

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She stopped at a door with Arena 2 over it. "Well, here we are. I'm sure they haven't started yet. Let's go in." She smiled and opened the door. As they walked in, there were two groups of three standing on opposite sides of the rooms. One team was wearing blue vests, and the other red. Two people approached them. "Fishy! Welcome back. It's been a while,"a large booming voice said. It came from a very large man with blonde hair and very blue eyes. He was smiling very widely. A tiny woman was standing next to him with the same blonde hair and blue eyes. She hit him in the arm. "It's not nice to call someone by their race, Jack. I told you that before." She turned to Midori. "Sorry Mi. You know how he is." Midori just laughed it off. "It's okay Jacky. I came here with a new friend today. This is Hex,"she said, pointing to him. Jacqueline walked over to him and shook his hand lightly. "Welcome to the city Hex." She smiled at him. Jack, the very large man walked over to him. "Yes, welcome indeed,"he boomed. He shook Hex's hand roughly.
Hex walked in and looked around with awe. The guy with the loud voice he guessed was Jack and the girl that looked like him was obviously Jack aswell. He grinned, "So you're twins Jack and Jack Midori mentioned." he said before looking at the other people standing in the room and then back to Midori.
"Haha, so she does talk about us, dear sister,"he said jovially. She just shook her head. "I never doubted she didn't. Yes Hex, we are twins. And I suppose she told you we are weres? I bet she did. But we're not wolves. Nope, we're bears." She grinned happily. "And not just any bears! The polar kind. Ones that roam around in the snow." Jack just grinned. Jacqueline just shook her head. "I think he knows what polar bears are brother." Her snide remark seemed to wound him. Midori grinned.

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