Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

Hex shook his head, "no that not it. It even kills demons.." He told her head slightly down, "I'm meant to be dead. So everyone wants me dead."
"There's not a cure for it? And not everyone wants you dead. I haven't killed you. I may have threatened but I wouldn't have. You haven't wronged me so why kill you?" She smiled at him.

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"When I was younger people used to say I was cursed," Hex grinned slightly, "how you can curse a demon I don't know.."
"Oh I'm sure there are ways." She laughed. "Do you know of a way to stop it from killing you?"

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Hex shrugged, "I don't have any idea how to stop it killing me. I just live in the here and now. My parents, they said it wouldn't kill me they said I'd be fine but I know they were lying when they said I'd be fine."
She looked over at him. "I could help you find way to stop it. I mean, if you want." She smiled.

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Hex smiled back, "thanks but, for now I have more important things to think about. Plus the demon poison is literally in my blood now. I don't see how I can get it out." It was nice of her but he'd given up hope a long time ago.
"More important things? It sounds like your life isn't as important as these other things." She stood and walked over to him. "Just because someone says its impossible doesn't mean it is. There has to be some kind of cure for it. And no on wants to die young. If we can figure a way to get a cure or create one, I think it would bode well for us both." She smiled at him.

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Ok so she's more persistent than I thought, he thought to himself then nodded. "Thanks." He said smiling. If she was willing to help him and that serious to do it then he would take it. After all he didn't want to die.
She smiled happily. "Well I think its time for a shower. There's another bathroom for you if you wanted one."

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Hex shrugged, "might aswell." He said looking around the room again. He couldn't get over this place, not one bit.
She smiled and led the way. "These two rooms connect to one bathroom. So you can pick whichever you like. My room is across the hall, so if you need something and can't find it, just ask." She smiled and left him to the rooms.

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Hex nodded, "thanks." He said before moving towards one of the rooms and going inside. It was big and there was quite a bit in here. "How to get a big house. Step one, become rich." He told himself.
Midori showered quickly. When she was done, she wrapped a towel around her. She sat on the edge of her bed and opened the shades. She liked the glow of the city. It helped her sleep. She put her pajama's on and crawled under the covers. She said a small prayer before she fell asleep.
Hex just had a short shower he then raked through his own stuff in a backpack before finally going into bed and drifting off to sleep. He hadn't slept in a bed like this since...well ever.
As the sun rose in early morning, Midori stretched in her bed. Sleep was very much needed that night. She got out of the covers and stood up. She walked to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Then she looked in the fridge to see what she should make for breakfast. She took out eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. She made extra of each, in case Hex wanted some when he woke up.
Hex groaned as he woke up, he didn't want to get up but it was his usual pattern that made him. He looked around forgetting where he was for a second. Once he figured that one out he got up and looked in the mirror . "Ok.." He said looking at his left eye. Slowly it turned to the normal crimson red of the other one and looked absolutely fine.
Midori finished cooking. She placed everything on a serving plate and dished herself some breakfast. She set her plate at the table and went back to get a cup of coffee. When she got her coffee she sat down and began eating. She looked out the window. It was a very lovely morning. Fog had settled in over the city. It was thick enough that one could not see the streets or sidewalks below.
Hex sighed, "good." He said looking at his eyes in the mirror. He then got changed and headed off out of the room to find Midori.
Midori looked up just in time to see Hex come out of his room. "Good morning. Would you like some breakfast?"

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She got up and put her plate in the dishwasher. She got him a plate and some utensils. "Eat however much you would like," she said handing him the plate. "Would you like coffee too or do you prefer something else to drink with your breakfast?"

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"I-I don't mind.." Hex said, hex never really been asked so just said whatever popped into his had first. He took the plate and some food and started eating, not really wanting much.
She fixed him a cup of coffee. "Do you like cream and sugar or just black," she asked smiling.

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