Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

She shrugged. "You could tell anyone you wanted." The elevator dinged. The doors opened to a very fine, elaborate penthouse. Windows that were as tall as the floor to the ceiling were the first thing you saw when stepping out. Everything was very modern. The paint on the walls were various light greens and blues. She walked over to the couch and sat down. "Welcome to my home."
Hex walked out very slowly, jaw dropped. "This place..." He started but was too in awe to finish the sentence. The place was amazing, especially when he came from, well, from no real house whatsoever.
She smiled. "Pretty cool huh? I got it as compensation for... what happened with my parents and siblings." Midori got up and walked over to the windows. She motioned for Hex to join her. "Look out the windows, it's marvelous."
Hex shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut to get himself over this place. He then walked over to looked out of the window and his jaw dropped again, "that's....amazing.."
The city shone brightly below them. She walked away from the window. "I have a couple extra bedrooms. You can choose one when you are ready for sleep." She sat back on the couch and turned the tv on.
Hex nodded staying at the window for a bit longer. "Why." He said but stopped and then decided he wanted to say it, "why aren't we allowed in the city? And why have people tried to kill me so much?"
"Because humans and demons are seen as the most violent creatures that exist. Quests for power have gotten them into trouble many times before. And so it was decided that never again would they be able to have any. It's messed up, I know. But there's not much anyone can do about it."
"I suppose they're right. Some demons have that psychotic streak aswell." Hex told her, "demons like me." He added under his breath. "I don't get it though. Other people want power."
"Power is what most want. I don't know why. What's so great about being a ruler? I wouldn't want to try and govern a group of people. It would be hard and I want to be free with what I do."
Hex shrugged, "I guess they want to feel in control. Be able to do anything to anyone or get away with anything and no law to stop them.. That's what some people want."
She nodded. "I suppose. But if you do what you want then the people you govern want the same freedom. Its just a violent spiral downward."
"I guess it is," Hex agreed, "but people don't think like that do they? Once they starting wanting power they can't stop."
She nodded. "Exactly. And they take all the precautions they can, but in the end they are killed for the power they have. So is power worth one's life? Some believe so but I think that's just silly."
Hex shrugged, "I don't care for power." He said, "I guess when I was slightly younger I did but I had reasons back then... There's no point now."
She looked at him and nodded. "I see. I've never wanted power. Just revenge. That's all I've ever cared about." She touched the scar on her face.
"Revenge huh?" Hex said, "trust me, once you get it it doesn't feel as good as you think it will." He gritted his teeth.
She shrugged. "It happened when I was young. My family and I were attacked in the middle of the night. It was a gang of humans and demons. They didn't think we deserved to live within the city walls just because we had an ancestor that was half and half. They thought it was unfair and I can see why. Why should we be able to if we have some of it in our blood. The only thing that made us different was that we look like fish. We were classified as 'mutated.' So I guess we didn't count. But anyways, they were there to take us with them. Mom and dad and my older brothers put up a fight. They were slaughtered. I managed to escape, but I got this in the process, among many others." She pointed to the scar.
Hex nodded, "Well I get your hate for us." He said. His left eye seemed to faulted like it was a shield or something but he blinked to try and cover that up. "My parents are dead too..." He said.
"Meh, people from the city came after them. Just murdered my dad while my mum hid but they found her and me. I honestly don't know how I'm alive. It's not really that mucin of a story.." He told her trying not to bring his hand to his eye.
"So they just left the city? Well, if I think about it that sounds about right. It's hard to keep one from the other." She glanced over to him. "Are you okay?"

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