Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

Hex stepped out of the shadows, a human and a demon. So why were they over here? They obviously had some unfinished business with that woman, he could see why. So that's most likely why she wanted to kill him, because she'd killed many others? Or because they wanted to get her? He looked at the man fighting her, she seemed pretty strong.
The woman turned to him. "Well I guess it's just you and me." She took out one of her guns and shot at him.

"The only reason you are here is because you don't look like the rest of us," he said grinning at her.

"You're right," she said grinning. She brought up her other hand and stabbed him between the ribs. Taken by surprise, he spit blood on her. His grip on her other arm lessened. She brought her knife down and sliced his neck. She pushed him over and stood over him.
Hex grinned dodging the bullet with ease, "you're prepared to kill a kid?" He asked before something appeared in his hand, "and one of your own kind aswell. Shameful!" He shook his head.
She laughed at him. "Honey, you're not the first kid I've killed." She drew her other gun and fired from both.

Midori stood over the man. She crouched, smiling at him. "Not one of you has been able to get rid of me. I may be an abomination like you, but at least I am different." She stabbed him in the heart with a silver knife and began exercising him. When she was done, he turned to ash.
Hex was suddenly concentrating on the lady over the demon man. His attention was totally- nope. As the bullets had been fired he'd held up the thing that had appeared in his hands. A wide black gun, as the bullets hit it they dropped to the ground. He turned, "I never thought I'd be killing my own kind." A grin appeared on his face and he shot at the woman multiple times with the gun.
Midori looked up to see the woman get hit. She fell back and hit the ground hard. Midori walked over and stood over the woman. "We will... have our... r-revenge," the woman gasped.

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Hex walked over letting go of the gun, it disappeared before it hit the ground. He stood over the woman on the ground, "sorry I had to do that," he said, "but you were going to kill me." he sighed and moved backwards.
The woman just smiled. She coughed and hacked. Then she took her last breath. Midori looked over to the boy. "You handle yourself pretty well. Thanks for the help." She smiled at him.
Hex shrugged, "well.." he said he then looked up at the lady, "why were they after you? I mean, humans and demons don't usually enter the city to kill without a reason. So what was theirs?" he crossed his arms and looked at her.
She shrugged. "Some unfinished business with me because of my family. I would rather not talk about it much."
Hex shrugged, "ok whatever." he said, he honestly couldn't care less what they came for. He was more dwelling on the fact he'd just murdered a human. His own kind, how could he do that?
"We should leave in case more come for me." She wanted to take him back to the gates but it was too risky now. She sighed heavily. "You will need to come with me. We will go to my house to hide out for a while."
"But-" Hex started but stopped as her heard some people running down the street. He looked in that direction and saw a few people just run straight past them. "Wonder why they were running.." he said almost to himself.
She grabbed his wrist and began running through the alleyways. "We will have to be quick. I wish there was a faster way to get there, but unfortunately there is not." She wound her way quickly through the narrow pathways, hoping that he could keep up with her. She stopped and turned to him. "Can you create illusions?"
Hex stumbled at first but followed easily, he didn't understand what was going on but when she asked if he could create illusions he nodded, "for a short amount of time.." he told her looking around, "why?"
"Because to get into my apartment complex, you will need to look like one of us, those that dwell within the city. If you can't maintain it that long, I will help you. Do you think you can do it?" She hoped he could.
Hex nodded, "I try my best." he said. He was still very cautious around the city but she was right if he was to get into that building he'd have to look like someone from the city.
She waited for his illusion to take effect before stepping out onto the street. He followed right behind her. She walked into the apartment complex. The woman at the counter smiled at them. "Good to see you again miss. Have a good night." Midori nodded and kept walking. She made it to the elevator and pushed the up button. The elevator opened and they stepped inside. When the doors closed, she breathed easily. "We made it." She pressed the P button and up they went.
Hex tried to stay quiet as he went past the front desk. He didn't know how long he could keep up an illusion since he'd never had to do it often. He breathed out as the entered the elevator, "good." He said with a smile.
"I know it's not ideal for both of us to be doing this but I would rather be safe than sorry." She smiled at him. "I'm Midori Shimo."
Hex nodded, "I guess." He said with his head down. He looked up, "Hex Cailier." He told her with a slight grin.
"Nice to meet you Hex. I must apologize for the way I acted earlier. I'm not fond of humans or demons." She leaned against a wall and breathed deeply.
Hex grinned, "yeah I can see." He said, "I'm a mix of both those races, just thought I'd warn you." If she didn't like either of them then he guessed he better be careful about what he did.
She looked at him. "I see. I have some of both blood in me. But it's very watered down. My great-grandmother was a half-human demon hybrid." She stopped talking. "Not sure why I told you that. Not many know the truth."
Hex shrugged, "people find me trustworthy." He said grinning, "plus I'm a kid. Who can I tell really." He looked around leaning against the elevator wall/

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