Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)

She turned and walked into the kitchen. "You know, you shouldn't lie when I've brought you into my house. Would you like something to eat or drink?"
Hex sighed and grinned slightly, he shook his head. "No thanks," he said putting his hands in his pockets.
"Okay." She opened the fridge door and looked inside. She brought out a bowl of strawberries. She closed the door and popped one of the sweet fruits in her mouth. She smiled and sat back down.
Hex looked out of the window again, "It's a shame I wasn't born here." He said sighing, "looks much better than where I live."
She nodded while eating another berry. "I've been out there a few times. I've seen how bad it is. It's not fair, really."
Hex shrugged, "life's not fair." He said, "but that's what you get for being idiots right?"
She grinned. "I suppose. You can make yourself at home here. I don't mind. You have full use of everything in here."
"Thanks." Hex said with a small smile. He let his head go down for a second before looking back out of the window.
She put the bowl down on the coffee table in front of her and stood up. "I need something more comfortable than these." She walked away, to her room and shut the door. She reappeared a few minutes later wearing a black tank top and sweat pants. "I can have some different clothes delivered for you if you would like."
Hex shook his head, "I'm ok." He said before turning back around to face her, "hey, what's this city like? I mean, normally, without all the fighting and stuff."
"So you Just go around doing whatever you want?" Hex asked. He couldn't do that, back outside the city he was constantly watching his own back.
"Pretty much yeah. The deeper in the city you are, the less you have to worry about... well you know." She didn't want to insult him. "If we could find a better way to disguise you, I could take you."
Hex looked down for a second before looking back up, "I could do it," he said, "but I'd have to let down the illusion I'm doing right now down and get a little rest.l" he sighed kind of scared to actually let the illusion down.
"Oh?" She wasn't aware that he was using an illusion. "Well you're safe here. You can let it down all you want." She smiled at him.
Midori nodded. "I know that feeling all too well." She touched her face. "People stare all the time. If they could see more of my scares, I know they would stare even more."

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Hex smiled slightly, "it's only a small illusion but it takes a whole lot of work." He said before lowering his hand. She'd understand right? She was the same as him, she'd understand. His eye had gone from a crimson red to dark bloody red. The pupil wasn't black anymore it was a dark purple that seemed to spike out like it was cracked or spilled ink.
She smiled. "That's pretty cool. I wish one of my eyes was different colored. Instead of these." She lifted up her shirt enough to just show her belly. There were scars going width and lengthwise. Scales were missing in chunks. She put her shirt back down.

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Hex felt sorry for her, "a lots happened to you I'm guessing." He said, "it's not just different coloured, it's demon poison..." He lowered his blinking once.
"It's a type of poison only demons know about. Easy to make but pretty deadly to anyone and everyone. I should be dead."

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