S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

"Just one guy is going to stop two people? Come on then, I dare you to injure me." Ryon held stretched both hands out in front of him. Focusing his mental energy directly in front of him, just a foot in front of the strange man. The invisible energy compressed and released, creating a shockwave strong enough to collapse a fully loaded van.

These people aren't taking us anywhere! I don't care if I have to tear apart the entire parking lot, I am not going back to the institute!

"weeeeee this is fun"as he looks like he was sent flying into the air what just stands there floating in it and standing on a black disc"yes there is not much water for your friend to control and what about the kid behind you"he started to laugh like a madman and made 4 black balls around him and send them flying towards mrishige


he stood there frozen in fear he cannot run or move away"big bro come and get me"


'heard his little brother call for him and head off in the direction of his voice"I'm coming over bro hang in there"
With some heavy concentration, Ryon ruptured the three black balls before they could reach their mark. Ryon's eyes changed to red as he turned back to the stranger. "What are you, 5 years old? Let's see if this is as much fun." With a wave of his hand, the air around the man on the disc erupted into intense flames.

The flames would buy Ryon enough time to build energy for a much more effective attack, as he concentrated his mental energy on the enemies molecules.

the flames on him turn to black flames"ya still fun I can turn anything into dark energy anyways I had more training then you with my powers I am ready to destroy you"he made 4 balls appear around him again and hand in spend very fast speeds



"let's bring out my friend shall we"he someone out a big angel


"I can't move Steeland I can do anything with my powers it's like he drained me of all my energy"


he got to the roof and got in front of his little brother"will someone tell me what the hell is going on here"he pulled out his Desert Eagle and pointed at the man in the air that was on fire and start a fire at him
Lara tried to going after the man that went after ryon and mr daniel but was stopped. She glared at the man a removed all the oxygen from the air and tried to suffocate him.

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"angel take care of this before I suffocate"
'the angel slammed her hand down on pawn Lara
Lara created an air cushion before she hit the ground. She was still suffocating the man. "I am not letting you lay a finger on ryon or anyone else in this school!!" She yelled. She took out 8 of her knives and use 4 to attack the man and 4 to attack angel.

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By exciting the molecules of the man's body, Ryon caused him to burst into flames. Switching powers, Ryon's eyes turned white as he grabbed the flaming man with a psychokinetic force and slammed him straight into the angel thing's head. Wincing from his growing headache, Ryon jumped off of the building to join the fight at street level. He then pulled out a syringe holding a green liquid and injected it into the back of his neck.

Ryon's hair stood up as his kinetic abilities doubled in strength. Holding both hands outward, The ground began to shake violently as the air pressure condensed. "Raaahhhh!... Lara, get out of the way!" Ryon shouted at her, his eyes now had a bright glow.
Lara did what she was told and quickly moved out of the way.

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'he dodge the knives and summoned a giant 6 tail fox and jump in its mouth to get to air


he hit the angel in the head and fail to the ground "yes you did you fool"he became a mass pile of dark energy that looks like a demon

Lara made 2 pressurized air bombs and threw it at the fox. It hit the fox and created a large crater on the ground.

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When the bombs hit the fox, the pressure in the area increased crushing the fox and hopefully the man inside its mouth.

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the Fox got knocked around a little bit and it started to bleed but it just stood there he summoned out a giant ice troll


he's charged at Ryon


"boys is taking too long"he dropped a orange ball on the ground and it expanded quickly catching everybody on ground level in it
Lara used the 8 knives that were out and send out mutiple pressurized air cuts and cut the huge ball in into mulitiple pieces.

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voice came out of the ball while it is still expanding"sorry girl my ball is hard as diamonds"it stop expanding when it covered Lara and Ryon


"hey guys wait for me"
he jump in the orange ball before a covered Lara and Ryon
Lara tried cutting the diamond. "Damn it!!!" She yelled

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Ryon's irises and pupils faded as he started to enter a mind short. "No, not yet..." With his current abilities, Ryon was easily capable of stopping Tyrosine and tossing him into the ground like a ragdoll. Waves electricity sparked around Ryon's head. His mental stress peaked as he released multiple shockwaves straight down on Tyrosine, then one large mental blast at the man in orange.

The intense air pressure relaxed as Ryoon dropped to his knees and cradled his head in his hands. Bolts of electricity shot through the air a short distance away from him as the atmosphere around his immediate vicinity distorted.

The deadly mental energy emitted from Ryon's mind shorting was causing the ball to rapidly decay around him.
((Are both in the same diamond ball or are they seperate?))

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"hahahaha welcome to my world you 3 your powers don't usually work here you 3 are separated and period to be an orange maze have fun trying to find us or your friends"
Lara started walking through the maze. To look for ryon, drake and the exist.

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"I need to find a way out fast I think the left door"when he grabbed the doorknob he got shocked
Ryon stood up slowly and winced. His mind short was still in effect, which meant that his psychokinesis and pyrokinesis wouldn't work regardless of where he was. Blood started to drip from his nose and left eye as he limped to the left door and touched his fingers to it to try and activate his dowsing ability. This at least, would let him know where he might be and if it was the right way.
After a few minutes of walking. Lara started to sense people. It wasnt as strong as it suppose to be. But it gave her an idea of where everyone is, but the bad thing is that she couldn't tell who is who. "Just my luck..." she muttered as she started walking towards the person that seems to be the closet.

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"are you looking for some pills I decided to take away from you they are somewhere in here a boy is next to them"


"ok it is the right door"he open the right door and he saw the that same room but with 3 doors and a bag in the middle of it he grabbed it and look inside there some type of medication in it
This maze was just another nuisance to add on his shorting condition. He reached into his pocket for his medication but was unable to find it. "Where... did it go?" He checked his other pocket but couldn't find the small tablets that shutoff his shorting. He couldn't find his PSI strengthening drugs either. Those items were pretty important to him. Not only were they meant especially for people with his powers, Ryon wasn't sure if he'd be able to get more anytime soon.

(what is the roll to get powers?) 
"Hrmm... I'll find my stuff later." Ryon grabbed the doorknob, the short caused the door to split slightly on touch, and walked through to see what was on the other side. He was expecting to see another room.

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