S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]


he was in the front office heading out schedules and then he started to hear is more than what he should have like he heard all the kids in the school
"That would probably be a good idea. I'll head to the office now, you can come with if you want." Ryon started walking towards the office. Once he neared the office, he noticed someone handing out slips of paper.

"Are you handing out schedules? I need one."
Lara followed ryon to make sure he didnt get lost, since he didnt kniw anything about the school. She was leaning against the wall as he watched him get his schedule from the principal.

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"yes so what's your name so I can find your paper easier"
he starting to get a headache with all the voices that he can hear
"I'm Ryon... are you all right? You don't look well." It was apparent that the man was troubled. He was either ill or just had a headache, possibly just having a bad day.

"Ryon it is okay just a little headache"
"he you look through the papers that is in his hand and found two papers with that name"what's your last name"he shows him the two papers
"My... last name?" He shook his head. "I don't know." Ryon racked his memoryless brain for what his last name might be. I hadn't occurred to him that he had one. "My name... my name..." Images of faces he didn't recognize flashed through his mind. With his mental stress starting to build, Ryon could feel himself lose control of his mind and a cold sweat formed on his forehead. "I uh, I have to go." He half ran down the hall. When he finally stopped, he was just by the back doors and proceeded outside. From here, he walked several feet away from the door and leaned against the building.

"What is my name... " he said quietly to no one.
Lara followed him worried about his powers going out of control. She cautiously approached him "are you ok?"

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"well then I don't know but oh well weight I can still hear him that is weird"
gave the schedules to another person but the two in hand and went after the kid he found in easily"yes are you alright"he stood behind the girl
Ryon looked at Lara with a somewhat scared look, his blue eyes had turned white but he wasn't having a mind short. "Don't stand to close to me. I don't want to see what might happen." He warned. Small bits of gravel slowly drifted through the air around him as if gravity was nonexistent. Ryon wondered if he should take his medication but decided not to as he had a limited supply.

Ryon looked at the two helplessly, "I don't know who or what I am."

"don't worry I think we can figure this out soon"
he says when looking at the kids with a blank face
"Ryon...take a deep breath and relax. Dont be scared of your powers." Lara said trying to clam him. "You can control them just calm down"

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Ryon poked one of the flying pebbles, sending it adrift in the air. As soon as it was five feet away, it dropped to the ground. He took a deep breath then exhaled. "At least it's not fire this time." He said, trying to lighten the mood. Now focusing his concentration, the floating objects around him dropped to the ground. "Thanks." Though he seemed to be in control now, his still white colored eyes said otherwise.
"Just keep taking deep breaths until you feel like your in control" lara said

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Lara sense danger and quickly moved the principal's hand away.

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"don't worry I am not actually here you guys are not the powers"
"he turn into a puddle of liquid and came out of the door"I can control all liquids that is paint"
"You were in the bus too?" Lara asked slightly surprised

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Ryon closed his eyes for a moment as he willed himself to calm down. The stress had built up a fair amount of mental energy. Once he opened his eyes, blue had started fading back into them until the white was no more. Standing up, he rubbed his forehead, which was now warm. "Okay, I'm feeling better now. That could've been much worse, just ask one of the techies at that hospital, if you can find one."

"yes I was I saw you but I didn't see you boy"
he says have as he looked at Ryon

"you might and might not multiple buses was gassed it was all over the news think it was 20 of them"

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