S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]


"and you might be right girl. I heard you in the gym teacher talking I say we should take his offer and team up it be safe thing to do. what was the name of the lab if you can remember it"
"The name of the lab? Uhmm... I believe G.A.S.H.E.D. was the name of it. I think that's an acronym for something." He recalled the general layout of the lab, starting from the operating table he was clamped to. "I don't know how to get there again, I kinda blacked out."
" what if the gym leader is one of them and is here under cover. He might be just trying to gather up all the super power students?"

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"that is S.P.S enemy so they made a super soldier very interesting they're gonna come after you and who knows what's going to come I will help you the best I can"

"he could be and he could not be sometimes we gotta take the risk"
"That also brings up the fact that anyone here could be a sort of undercover agent. That includes us three as well. We can't just go around pointing fingers at people but we can only allow so much trust. My plan, I'll do the same to anyone who comes after me as I did to the lab techs and security."
"I didn't mean to make you upset. But that's the way things are, a gamble. Just play your cards the best way you see fit that way you don't regret anything okay?" Ryon paused to consider the irony of the situation. "Look at this, you're getting consoling from an amnesiac that you just did the same thing for."
Lara smiles "yeah... its funny when you think about it"

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Ryon smiled back. "And now to tackle the next problem, explaining to the other teachers why we're late and why I have no idea where to go." The mood had finally brightened up. It was, so far, the best mood Ryon has been in since he woke up at the hospital.
Lara thought for a minute. "Well we could I took you to the nurse since because you weren't feeling well and that you were lost..."

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"Heh, or we can just tell them I have amnesia. Seems like a perfectly reasonable and true excuse to me."
Lara laughs a little. Ryon was an interesting kid. "I think my excuse is better"

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"I think both excuses are pretty much the same actually. They just give out different information to the same problem. I'm lost because I can't remember the layout of the building and I wasn't feeling well because stress was getting to me." Ryon rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"That sound more convincing" lara then looks at the principal. " what classes are you gonna put him in Mr Daniel?"

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"well I have two sheets paper that has schedules on them here I got a excuse for you you helping out the principle that I can make you note for it I can find which ones which I can go on the computer and look at his picture and then find his file"
he looks at a van that is across the street just sitting there and he can hear voices inside talking about them"anyway I think we should go inside now"he starts to go inside and go to his office
Lara follows his gaze and also sees the van. She looks at the principal and nods "yeah I tjink we should...come on ryon" she starts walking behind ryon. She used her powers to keep and eye on the truck so she didn't keep tirning and looking at to herself away.

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"I am out man see you later"
"he looked at his schedule his first class is English so he started to head to it
"Yeah, that sounds good." Ryon followed Daniel's gaze to a van nearby and grew suspicious. His eyes turned red as he focused on the vehicle. The van started emitting steam from where its radiator had silently burst and the engine overheated, rendering the van broke down. Ryon's eyes returned to normal as he went inside.

"yes someones inside watching us I feel darkness coming from it too now let's go"
he started to hear someone get out of the van 3 people in fact he quickly ran back outside 

"be careful these men are powerful I don't think we can run away right now they came here looking for someone or something"

he look towards the three men that was coming towards him and Ryon
"what do you guys want"they didn't respond

((these are pictures of the three men))


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Ryon turned around and stared at the three men blankly. They were probably mad that Ryon had burnt up there car engine, oh well. "What? You three aren't going to introduce yourselves? It's common courtesy to introduce yourself after you approach someone." Hr stuck his hands in his pockets casually and waited for the three to do something.
the 3 men

the one with the blindfold smiles a creepy smile" where here to bring you 3 in as agents of s.p.s we swear to take you down"a black ball piers in his hand and he through it at Ryon


'scene what was happening got in front of Ryon and got hit by the black ball that was going towards him its sent him flying over Ryon it was more powerful than what he thought"ow ow ow okay that hurt"he tried to stand up but he can't it was like his legs for paralyzed

the 3 men

the one with armor on started to talk
"we are not supposed to hit him""it's not my fault if he got in the way""stop you're fighting and let's take them down"
Lara turned around and was ready to attack the 3 men if necessary. She had one hand ready on one of her knives, that she carries around. " well are you gonna introduce yourselves?" She asked innocently

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Lara quickly used her powers and created a dust cloud to block their vision and lifted ryon and mr daniel in the air and sent to the rooftop of the school.

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He landed on his feet on the roof. "Take me down?" Ryon's eyes changed white. "So, three men are going to do what a few hundred couldn't?" He took his hands out of his pockets. With a grunt, Ryon telepathically ripped a large fissure through the concrete that the three men were standing on and pulled up a slab of sidewalk. The sidewalk swung downwards as Ryon attempted to flatten them.
the 3 men

"let me take care of the girl"he drew his blade and ran into the dust cloud until he saw the girl they you are you ready for a fight"I got this pebble"'he stop the rock with his bare hands "I guess I got the two up there"the one man easily jumped up to the rooftop 

"what's going on"



the one in black texis is tyrosine the one wearing the blindfold

the one in white texis is dashi is the one with the sword and armor

the one in Orange texis is doneon he just stop your rock and called it a pebble))


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