S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

"Huh? Er, okay." Ryon followed Dex into his office hesitantly. Once in, he closed the door behind him and stood just behind the chair. "What did you want to talk about?" The reason Ryon didn't take a seat was his form of insurance in case something went wrong with this 'private talk'. Having easy access to an exit was always a blessing.
*sits under a tree in the school garden* *takes a book out and starts reading* *enjoying the peace*

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the lock the doors and shut the blinds and make sure known was listening in and then he took off shirt and show him the mark on his back"you have something like this on your neck but it is a bar code this mark was on me in the morning when I woke up and it came with a power what is yours"he made a clone of himself appear right beside him"this is what I can do"
"The bar code, it was there when I woke up at a hospital... maybe a laboratory. I can show you what I can do but you can't blame me if you get hurt." Ryon's eyes turned a slight gray as a pencil floated off of the desk. His eyes changed red just before the pencil burst into flames which extinguished as the charred writing utensil fell on the ground. "I can do more to." Reaching his hand out, Ryon touched his fingertips to the office phone and right on contact, the phone rang. It stopped as soon as he removed his hand. He let out a small sigh in relief that his mental abilities didn't go haywire during the demonstration but he did get a slight headache.
After a while lara heard some meowing in the area she looked up and saw a cat sitting on the tree. She used her power lifted the cat in the air and gently put it on her lap. The cat didn't seem to mind it, so lara just started petting the cat. "Well aren't you a cute thing " she said while smiling

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"that is pretty cool I think we powered people need to stick together to try and figure out what else is going on one why would someone gas a bus and have no casualties to it"
he put his shirt back on in made the clone disappear"what do you say you want to team up and teride together more super powers people""he waits for answers
"I don't no anything about a bus being gassed but I'll think about your proposition. Seems a bit risky to team up with somebody that I just met." And with that, Ryon left the room. From here, he aimlessly walked around the halls, wondering what had happened to him and if the incident involving him was tied to the other super powered individuals of the school or not. It seemed to be a bit early to rack his brain over the thought so he focused his attention onto who he was instead.
After a while lara decided to check out her classes that she will be attending starting tomorrow. "Looks like its time for me to go"She place the cat down on the ground put the book she was reading in her bag and went of to check out her classes. While she was going to her first class she was thinkong about that kid morishige and was wondering if there were others with powers like. While she was deep in thought she wasn't seeing where she going and she bumped in Ryon. She looked at him and said "sorry I didn't see where I was going..."

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Ryon's eyes flashed a white color for an instant as being suddenly bumped into caught him off guard and his pulse sped up. He hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings. "Sorry..." He shied a few steps away from the older girl. "I wasn't watching either." Luckily, Ryon was able to calm himself before his powers acted up.
"... is my hair and eyes the reason he backed away from me..." lara thought. Her past memories of her old town started to comeback to her. Lara apologized again and went of to find her classes in this big school.

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Ryon rubbed his head as a memory that wasn't his own echoed in his mind. It would seem that his sensory power had activated upon being bumped into. Seeing as how nobody was around, now seemed as a good a time as any. He turned and briskly walked back to the girl and lightly touched her wrist to get her attention. "What do you know about that bus and the mark on your back?"
Lara stopped and looked at him. "I dont know whatbyour talking about"

((The mark is on the top part of her arm))

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With a sigh, he responded, "You can't lie to me. I can't explain how, but I recalled your memory of the event. What can you tell me about it?" It was important if she knew whether or not he was involved. His amnesia prevented him from knowing.
Lara sighed crossed her arms, leaned against the wall and said"...some people jumpes on the top of the roof of the bus from a helicopter....the put an exposive and blew a hole on the roof and then drop some kind of explosive that gased the entire bus...its was really foggy and I could see anything...when the smoke cleared they were gone..." she then asked "you should know what happened on the bus since you also have powers"

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"I can't even remember where I live or even if I have a house. I woke up in a hospital inside some sort of laboratory. The only thing I remembered was this school." Curiosity getting the better of him, Ryon had to ask. "What can you do? You don't have to tell me if you don't want but I am curious."
"...you already know I have powers...so there is no need to hide it" lara waved her hand a little bit and light breeze blew through ryon's hair. "I control air" she replied back to him. "...what about you?"

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"I can do something kind of like that." His eyes turned white as Ryon compressed a thin layer of air particles and lightly pushed it towards Lara, created a small breeze. "I'm psychic. I can move stuff and lite them on fire just by thinking about it." After a blink, his eyes were blue again. "Using my powers gives me a headache and I sometimes can't control it."
Lara nods "...whats your name?" She asked awkwardly

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"My name? Ryon, I think. You're Lara right? I learned that when we bumped into each other." He rubbed his head for a moment, "That doesn't happen all the time just so you know." he quickly explained.
"...did you see any other memory by accident?" Lara asked wanting to know if he saw a memory of her childhood

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"I dun'no, the bus incident seemed important so that's what I was focused on. Why do you ask? Trying to hide something?"
"No...just wondering if you saw my past..." she replied back not wanting to think about her bad childhood. "Do you know what classes your taking?" She asked trying to change the subject.

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Ryon tilted his head slightly to the right. "I have no idea. I don't much about this school." He went ahead with the subject change, seeing as how she obviously didn't want to talk about it. This just led to another problem with his amnesia though.
" do you want to go to the front office and get your schedule?"

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