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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Daemon climbed onto the Ursa as well. "So...are Ursa's buses now?" He asked. Holding onto the creature's fur, he settled in on its back. "So, what, you can control animals? Interesting power, Liam...but no, I can't buy you coffee. Sorry about that. But you did lose my five dollars." Daemon turned over onto his back. "Although, this is comfortable."
With a small grin, Weyland offered his hand to Jinie "climb on, plenty of room for pretty much everyone"

After a short pause, he gave Daemon a sideways glance "I don't think it's very polite to call Geoffrey a bus, but in every sense of the word you're sorta right... Oh, and a Major Ursa isn't as comfortable as this lil guy~" he petted the Ursa's he'd lightly. Another pause before he lay back, looking up at the sky "Man, I hope I'm not the only one bored outta their minds right now"

Daemon yawned and stretched. "I actually feel a bit better now. So, Liam, you can talk to Grimm, is that it? Or can you just control them like puppet-buses? You never told me what your semblance was, so I'm kinda curious at this point." Suddenly, Daemon added, "Oh, and sorry, Geoffrey. Didn't mean to offend you. But, thanks for the ride, it's just what I needed after so many teleports. I too know what it is like to be a pack mule."
The Ursa gave a simple groan in response, akin to that of as frustrated groan

Erika looks to the group, sighing and shaking her head. She hated using animals in hunts- their scents often collided with the scent of the prey she wanted. Humans always wanted things to go easier, which kind of annoyed her. She grappling hooks up to a branch, using a large boost of kinetic force to launch her abouve the trees, where she is able to get a decent view. It wasn't too far. If anything, they would arrive faster if that bear ran ahead, carrying the slower ones... She andd Anise could keep up easilyl.

She lands. "Let'sget moving." She says, quickien her pace.
Ethan Drake walks along the floor of the forest, not really sure where to go. His hand constantly shot up to the hilt of his combination katana and lever-action rifle. His landing hadn't really been the best, seeing as he may have broken a few trees on the way in. He heard a nearby groan and now fully unsheathed his weapon, Hawkmoon. He sat behind a bush and peered through, seeing a group of people riding an Ursa like a horse.
Anise was giggling and petting the Ursa ' Grims are cure when they aren't trying to kill you....' She thought as she continued to pet it. She looked back at the exhausted teleporter and helped him up on the Ursa. She looked back at Jinie and nodded "I'll walk with Erika and.... him" she said referring to Weyland. She then quickly caught up with Erika and asked " when we get out this forest csn you tell me more about your clan?" She asked her.

After another long yawn, Weyland lazily pulled out Hope, and after a motion of pulling it back ever so slightly, it impacted into the ground beside Ethan "yo kid, get out of the bush! Geoffrey's feeling uncomfortable!" He glanced to the bush where he hid "ah, and can you pass me my scythe?" He chuckled, then rested once more. Sinking lightly into the Ursa's hide for comfort.


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"I suppose I could, yes." Erika says in response to Anise's questions. "The differences between how i was raised and how humans are raised...sometimes I can't coprehend how they could be so vastly different. I guess the past really does have a lot to do with everything..." She. "It even decides the technology used...I hadn't even used a phone until I first attended academy." She says, shaking her head. "Seek me out whenever you wish. I'll provide what I can. Don't get used to Grim being an ally." She syas, looking at the bear with disdain. "that man is playing with fire. He'll get burned sooner or later, and It'll scorch us in the process"
Weyland picked up on an insult and grumbled at her, though he had little to actually say realistically. With another sigh, he stroked the Ursa's head "Sowwy barely anyone is accepting you for who you are Geoffrey~" he patted the Grimm's crest gently. His yawning routine continued.

Tagging along, Daemon followed Erika and Anise. As much as he was enjoying riding the Ursa, he really shouldn't get used to using the Grimm as his mode of transportation. Such as shame that he needed to keep getting exercise; if only he didn't get tired from teleporting. "But fire is fun!" He pointed out to Erika as he did a cartwheel behind the two. "So, what're your semblances, by the way?"
Anise smiled and nodded at what she said and at her advice on the Ursa " don't worry.... I am not planning on getting use to it....but thanks for the advice and warning" she said to her with a smiled. She stretched a little "oh.. and if you want... I can't teach you how to use a phone..." she offered and at Daemon "well... I like to keep mine a surprise until others see it" she said to him.

I stumble backwards and fall on my rear, dropping Hawkmoon beside me. I quickly thought to myself, 'Geez, already? Crap....' I push myself up and pick Hawkmoon up, sheathing it across my back. I pick up the scythe the belonged to the weird kid on the Ursa and stepped into the clearing, just casually holding the scythe.
"Only enemies pry for personal secrets." Erika says to the annoying man. "You seem intent on being a pest." She says,a nnoyed by his reaction to her statement and his question, neither of which should have been said. Turning back to Anise. "Yes.. it would be nice to learn more about the humans world. There is stilll a lot i don't understand." She says "I can elp you learn about survival skills in return... not much else I can teach." She laughs. It shouldnt be much further now.

She passs some guy holding a scythe, but keeps moving. No need to chat up some person holding a weapon like he wasn't really doing anything
I hold the weapon up, grabbing it at the top of the pole, inder the blade, with the other end extended to the weird kid that tamed an Ursa. "I believe this is yours."
The very idea of riding such a beast, such a terror filled Linnae with disgust, and she allowed a disgust-filled grunt to burst from her lips as she turned to glance away sharply from the people clambering onto the Ursa, including the rather despicable red-head. They begin to move once more, and Linnae glanced over as Weyland's voice broke the silence that had descended upon the group, talking to a boy who'd been previously concealed by a bush. Rolling her eyes, she looked away distractedly, tuning out the rest of the voices as she examined the sky. A large, dark shape was flying high up in the sky. It seemed to be getting closer and closer, its shape getting larger as well as more detailed the closer it neared. She quickly noticed the shape was actually a great number of different shapes, making them out to be - Wait, was that a nevermore?

"Everyone, look up!" she yelled a warning to the group, blue eyes lighting up with surprise.
Weyland smiled in response, simply missing before craning his head to Erika "you're rather high and mighty, aren't you, brawler girl?" He yawned again, gently moaning something about coffee again before Geoffrey nodded in agreement; even if the Ursa had little to no understanding of what was going on, it'd agree with him.

After a brief pause, he finally followed Linnie's gaze, naturally, he gave both an unusual, and typical reaction "Woooooh, looks like I've found an Airbus!" He was chuckling to himself, but snarled after noticing how Linnie was acting, yawning then speaking again "Yo? Blondie, got a problem?"

"My my." Erika says, turning and looking up at the giant bird. "Just when I was getting dissappointed that I couldn't have any fun." She smils. "Sorry, but that thing isn't going to live long enough to be your puppet." Eriika says. Gaebolg becomes a Sniper Rifle and she gets the thing in her sights, leading it on. She fires two shots in sucession, using force to speed the projectiles up, before turning, revering her lance to normal form, and begins running, looking for a wy up on that overgrown pidgeon, a smiles on her face as she does so.
(It's a large group of them so assume yes.)

Her initial response to the boy's inquiry was a mean one, but they needed to work as a team if they hoped to get rid of the group of Grimm swooping down to assault them. A frustrated moan burst from her lips as she pointed her index finger upwards, towards the herd of nevermore.

"Look up, you -" breaking off before she said something that would make her feel better, but most likely have her pegged as 'mean'. Ah, what the heck. Since when did she care what they thought?

"You idiot, look up before you get killed!"

A shot rang out, alerting her to another teammate's noticing the Grimm. Pulling out her weapon, she swung her fan in the air, hitting the nevermore with the wind in an attempt to slow them down.
Weyland have a look of distaste, then sighed, muttering "sorry Geoffrey..." Before removing its head with a swift swing of his scythe. He cracked his knuckles all at once and finally smiled "Daemon, one last teleport? I need to get on a Nevermore~" after a pause, he turned to Linnie as well "Blondie, you seem interesting~ let's have a chat after this exams over? Though I'm not sure who's cockiest out of you or Brawler Girl" he yawned in a docile fashion again.

((She didn't shoot at the Nevermore))


Anise was walking with Erika and looked back at the blonde who let out a grunt. She softly sighed and shook her head as she heard some flapping noise and then the blonde yelling. "Hmm?" She looked up and saw a Nevermore flying towards them. Her staff turned to a scythe and she was about to dash towards it before Erika reacted first and dashed towards it and the blonde tried to alow it down with the wind. She looked at Weyland " can you b please be quiet and focus on the Grim?" She snapped getting tired of his talking.

A glyph then appeared beneath her and then shot her up in the air. Another one appeared at an angle towards the Nevermore, she landed on it and it shot herself at the Nevermore at high speed. Since the wind slowed it down slight she wanted to try and cut it's wing off.

Weyland grumbled "You're soooo boring, I mean why are you getting so fussy over fighting, life's about enjoying the little things~ not killing the big ones" he grumbles at Anise, hopping off the bled out corpse of Geoffrey as he walks to stand with Linnie "Hmm, got anyway of getting me up there Blondie? I can keep them focused for a while whilst you guys open fire, but even then, the best way too deal with these things would be blunt force trauma~"

(And yes, yes she did)

Daemon looked at Weyland. "Hey, I have an idea. You control Grimm, correct? I can teleport again, so what if I put you on the back of that Nevermore? Do you think you could control it, or no?"

Daemon looked up at the Nevermore and hoped it wasn't too far away already. Hopefully it wouldn't get too far away too quickly, otherwise his idea was more than a little bit pointless. "So...want to, Weyland?"
Weyland walked up to the boy, raising his arm to high five "Correct, of course if you can't teleport far enough I will most likely plummet to my death~ I can take about two of them, the confusion should mess with them adequately" his grin appeared to be never ending in its current state, he wasn't excited or serious like the rest, simply happy.


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