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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Daemon looked down. "Why are we on top of a falling airship again?" He stomped his foot and broke the top of the blimp. "Also, where exactly are we going again? As I said, I was not paying attention earlier, so...."
"We're supposed to escape the forest, we can find the exit using the height of the ship as an advantage for our vision"

Daemon and the others again disappeared and reappeared ten feet above the ground, still a fall, but not a seriously high one. "Sorry!" He said as they crashed into the grass. "I get a bit less accurate when I'm tired!"
((Yo, can you keep us on the airship, we should just chat or something till the others get back into time))

Anise blinked again and created a glyp below them so they don't end up crashing into the ground and great. She sighed a little " is everyone ok?" She asked as she looked around.

"I'm fine," Jay said. She clenched her wings tightly together, hoping no draft caught her and knocked her off her feet. She stretched her arms, the joints of her elbows cracking loudly.
Thema Zhanbene

Thema frowned at the woman who acted as if she were in charge. What kind of professor motivated people with threats? She reluctantly boarded the aircraft. As there were no seats, she slotted in an ampoule of dust to help magnetize herself to the metal floor.

She gave the two students rough-housing a look at first, then realised perhaps they had the right idea. This was as good a time as any to stretch and limber up.

Thema turned as the woman finally introduced herself. And then tipped almost everyone out the plane. Cursing furiously under her breath, she shot Verdant Shyll a glare before punching in a green vial.

She skipped off the treetops like a flat stone over water, too uncontrolled to think about adjusting course. As her speed decreased, she could tell she put too much distance between herself and the main party. Instead of rebounding off the next branch, she fell through feet first to reach the main trunk, pivoted, and jog-skid down along the bark to the forest floor.

She kept running.
When she was told to jump, she jumped. It wasn't the first free fall action she had done before. She knew how to aerodynamically prepare heself- cut the wind resistance down

One good thing about Erika;s Semblace- she never had to worry about fall damage. It wasn't falls that killed people- it was the sudden shift of force in their body, from rapidly accelerating to suddendly stopping. As she was falling, and when she landedd, she was shifting the energy in her body elsewhere, so she didn't hit the ground nearly as hard as she should. Jsut to be on the safe side, she always rolled when she landed to distrub teh shockwave around her body, instead of just one place

Well, she didn't know who to group with, so shefigured she would let fate deciddde her and begin understanding the lay of the land. First thing to do was clear her area of Grimm to make a perimeter, then begin from there. She oulled out Gae Bolg, and began doing what she missed the most- hnting


Thresh looked at the old airship and instantly knew what was gonna happen, they were going to crash land or blow up, either way it was questionable. Thresh followed Jinie on and the other girl and sat down near the front because he was sure going to jump if something was going to happen, the headmaster or teacher or whatever was a crazy person so something was going to happen. Thresh thought about who he wanted on his team, for sure he did not want that grouchy girl from the start of the day and would love to take Jinie and Anise but he knew that would not happen, he would lose them in the fray and be stuck with some other people. And hopefully not people he would hate for years and years to come. That would really suck.

Thresh watched as the lady started to talk, she seemed to be acting super weird and just as Thresh was starting to put it together the airship began to fall her exclamation was so fake he wanted to gag. Thresh Instantly jumped without thinking about it. F that he was not gonna die on a airship because some lady was a crazy person. Thresh was now in free fall and he began to think it through now, he looked behind him, a tree was fast approaching so he cocked back his glove and aimed at the tree shooting ice at it creating a slide. When he initially hit the ice it hurt like hell but as he slid down and he made his own path down to the bottom it got better. Once he reached the bottom the ice sent him into the grass spinning. He got up and dizzily shook himself trying to not puke. Thresh eventually felt better but he looked at the words in the sky and felt worse, this was going to be fun. Where was Jinie and Anise?

Anise looked at the sky and then at her surrounding. Her eye and ears were on high alert and from the looks off things they were making alot of noise. She can hear the forest getting restless, as the animals were moving about trying to get to safety. She softly sighed and then heard growls multiples of them. She held her weapon and a glyp appeared beneath her and shot her in the air just before a grim creature pounce where she was a few seconds ago. A glyph appeared above her and she did a flip and landed on it upside down. Her staff turned into a scythe and it shot her towards it and it turned into a scythe and cut its head clean off.

She huffed and had her guard down for a slight second and then suddenly she was grabbed by a bird like grim and carried off. She blinked ' i know animal like me... but this is ridiculous....' She thought as her scythe turned into a spear. The blade was glowing red, she shot it at the bird's head and as soon as it made contact with the flesh it's head caught on fire and blew up.

The grim started to fall and Anise quickly grabbed her weapon and landed on a glyp. She watched the grim fall and started to desend herself. She quietly landed on the ground and looked at her surroundings 'huh... I guess I am alone now...' She thought and started walking.

Daemon watched Anise being carried away, but was sure she'd be fine. "Good luck!" He yelled.
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Ah, nothing quite like a hunt to get the blood pumping. Erika had quickly picked up on a trail some Grimm had left behind.... Boarbatusks, judging from thensize of the tracks... three of them, she figured. She used the grappling hook in her lance to swing onto a treetop, and began following the trail

Found them. Three of the annoying Boar type Grimm. It looked like they found some pray- a felllow new student that had just landed, presumably after fighting a Grimm. Erika huffed- she wasn't about to let someone else take her prey.

Forcing energy to her feet, she ran at a much faster pace, using the hook to swing between trees, landing behind the girl, and in front of the Boars. “Always keep a close eye out.” She says, returning her lance to normal form. As the boar was about to hit her, she redirected the kinetic force in it's charge into an upward one, knocking it upward when she hit it. She quickly twirled Gae Bolg, making sure not to slice the petite young girl, and make a quick thrust to it's chest.

Erika didn't stop moving, continuing to the next two, who began charging at her from different sides. Attacking her grappling hook to a tree, she pulled out at the last moment, letting them hit each other. Pulling the hook out, she swung it underneat the boar and caught its leg. Cnverting the energy of her pull and the boars fall, she was able to flip it belly up, where she stepped on it. “Ah, it's been a while~” She says, stabbing it and jumping off.

“Victim number three...” She blinks, looking at it, wondering how she was going to enjoy this. It seemed more wary of her now, it's focus shifted. “Fight or Flee, big boy. “ She says. Twirling her lance, she focuses a burst of energy, firing it at the boar, making it charge at her in fury. He was quickly dealt with
Anise's ears were still on high alert. As she walked heard some noises behind her ' grim... and it sound like a boar type' She didn't really know grim creatures by their name and would by animal type. She was often pretty accurate about it.

When she was about by to turn around to attack a girl, to be more precise a female fauna jumped between her and the boar and killed it. After telling her to be more aware of her surroundings 'Wow...' She thought. The girl looked like she was dancing and having fun. She smiled a little as she watched her kill all three of the boars.

" that was amazing! Your as fast as me! She said her eyes twinkling a little " and that is a cool weapon did you make it?" She asked

Erika turns to the woman, nodding. "Back in my clan, all the hunters had to make their own weapons. It was better that way so we could know every inch of it, and be able to maintain it themselves." She says, giving the girl a once over. Long red hair, eyes that reminded her of emeralds... she was very petite, bit she knew better than to a judge based on that alone. Judging from her words, she was a speed type fighter. Made sense, as people with her frame usually didn't brute force the enemies.

"We should continue moving. This area is more or less clear. Our orders were to survive, so it might be wise to begin gathering supplies. Do you know anything about gathering or making shelter? "She asked, getting right to business, as usual
"Before I applied to Beacon I went to Signal and that how I got Slicer" she said referring to her weapon " i made her from scratch and I am proud of her" She said still smiling. She then added " and our orders were to get into groups and get out the forest alive... so I don't think we need to make shelter and such" she said to her.... we should find our companions and look for a way out"

"WAs it? Huh, I heard survive... or perhas that's what I wanted to hear." She laughs. "It's been ages since I've been out here." She says, looking around. "It isn't the forest where I grew up, but it's not bad." She sas, looking around with a smile. "Group up.... hmm. Easiest way is to light a signal fire." She says. "I can do that easily, we just need to gather some supplies... and enjoy ourselves off the locals." She smiles, eager to hunt some more. "Finding a way out will be easy enough."

She turns to the girl. "YOure focused for a human... and i didn't think people had the tradition of building weapons... What is your name?" She asks
Jinie raised an eyebrow at what the lady in front had said. She was utterly surprised that they were indeed going to ride those aircrafts that seem like they were going to fall apart any time. She put a hand on her face, a little exasperated at what they were asked to do next. Nonetheless, she followed through, walking with Thresh and Anise into the airborne machine.

As expected, the inside of the aircraft is no more as unimpressive as it was inside. It totally ruined this magnificent impression of Beacon when they just arrived from the first craft they rode on. Looking around, it seemed she wasn't the only one feeling that way. She expected a better presentation to at least impress the first years, but it seemed they can't have everything, or expect all their visions to be true. She decided to just stand, not that she didn't want to sit on the makeshift box-chairs. She leaned on the wall with her arms crossed, listening to the woman who had introduced herself as Verdant Shyll. Before she could even finish her speech, the aircraft seemed to have malfunctioned. She sighed, wondering if the staff were really taking this seriously.

"Well, here goes nothing." she said as she jumped out of the opening of the vehicle. She briefly enjoyed the wind on her face as she fell. A refreshing feeling, and a daring way to start their exam, assuming this was the exam. She landed on a tree, using the branches to slow herself down and upon coming in contact with the last sturdy branch, she caught herself with her hands. "I'd say that was a pretty good landing." she said to herself, landing softly on the ground. She brushed away any leaves or twigs stuck to her clothing before using her semblance. Apparently, she was a little further than the average area where the others had landed, but she didn't plan on regrouping with them just yet even though the whole point was to make a group and get out first.

A large shadow covered the sun, effectively taking her attention. She looked up to see a Grimm carrying someone awfully familiar... "Anise!" she called out before going into a sprint to follow the bird. Unfortunately, their chase didn't last long when she found herself surrounded by Grimm, blocking her path to the direction the bird was heading too. She took her weapon before charging towards one of the Ursa, punching it hard on the stomach before jumping up and kick it downwards on the head. She used the moment to jump onto another whilst changing the form of her tonfas into a gun. She shot at its head and it fell to the ground lifeless. She turned to the other Grimms, pointing her gun at anyone of them that moved.
Anise smiled as she looked around the forest " it's a lush and healthy forest... but also a good place to practice and train... since it's filled with the element of surprise..." she said to her as she listened to her surrounding again. She looked at her " my name is Anise Feathering...what about yours?" She asked as she was about to start looking but heard gun shots in the distance " did you hear that?" She asked the fauna and started running in the direction " come on! You'll get more to hunt and kill!" She said to her with a laugh.

"Look at you, all read to kill." Erika laughs, following after the girl. "Erika Fayt." She says, following after her and matching her pace eventually. "Of the Fayt Clan." She says, laughing as she uses her hook to swing herself ahead a bit "Well then Anise, we're almost there." She says, jumping towards a clearing where a woman was pointing a gun at a few Grimm, landing on one and rolling. " She rolls, lookingf at the woman. "Apologies, but we felt like coming." She says

Weyland grumbled "well, that's one gone... Ugh" he took another second before roaring out at the top of his lungs "Students of beacon, I believe it's best you all run like Hell! You never know when a Nevermore might come!" He turned to Daemon and the rest

@Azalea @scaryyangell

"We should get moving pretty soon"

She sent a barrage of shots to an Ursa that refused to fall before she rolled away to avoid it scratching her. She definitely didn't have the time to deal with them now, because her first friend, or at least a good acquaintance if one would disagree, had just been carried off by a Grimm. Jinie felt a pair of footsteps coming at her direction. It didn't seem heavy and rugged enough to be that of a Grimm's so she assumed it was from one of the others who had jumped off the plane. She turned to their direction just in time for one of them to speak up. Along with this woman was no other than the person she was trying to save earlier.

"Anise!" she called out. She was glad someone was able to help her, but thinking about it, she had been underestimating the brunette. Of course, as someone who was able to get into Beacon, chosen from the hundred, or even thousands of applicants who tried, Anise with no doubt is capable of handling herself. She was about to jog towards them but her recent target had blocked her path. "Actually, let's save the pleasantries for later, after we get rid of them." she said, blocking the heavy paw of the bear-like Grimm.

@Evergreen98 @ValkyrieRose
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" Hey! Jinie!" She said waving at her as she did a backflip to dodged at least 4 boar like grims. She grinned a little as she landed on a glyp that increased her speed. But before she moved, she took a deep breath to calm down the excitement was getting to her and really wanted to calm down before she does something she will regret.

By the time she was calm the 4 boars were charged towards her again. Her scythe turn to a katana, the blade was glowing blue and she stabbed the ground and it started freeze. The boars tripped and instead of ramming her they all hit each other and then a tree. She then uses a glyp to jump in the air as she turned her katana into a spear with a glowing blue blade and shot that the boar. As soon as it came in contact with the flesh, the boars froze and got turned into an ice statue. She then landed on the ground with dodge roll and took her spear.

She then ran off to kill the other grimly surround her friends.

Erika was dealing with Beowulfs this time. Ah, the classics never got old. “ Not bad.” She says to Anise. “You defiantly have some skills.” She says, twirling her lance to cut one of the grim up. She impales it, swinging it on her lance like a hammer, using it to club another on, and they both go flying. Not missing a beat, she twirls Gae Bolg Above her head, stabbing one that was coming down on her. This is why Erika was considered strong... a zone wide defense immedatly interchangable with a ruthless assault, using her semblance to work both once... at least, that's how she felt.

As she dealt with the, she turned back. “We should get moving.” She says

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