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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Shots rang out in the blonds ears, and her hand instictually crept to the fan that rested upon her back. Unstrapping the weapon hastily, she beckoned towards the people with her (@Israfeli @OnyxReaper ) , motioning for them to follow as she begin to sprint in the direction of the shots. The roar of a Bear Grimm near two slightly familiar girls met her ears, as well as the slash of metal against flesh, and Linnae clasped her hands tightly about her fan, pressing the button located on its hilt. Tiny needles burst from the fans top surface, clasping onto the nearest Grimm and pulling it apart. Glancing at the others engaging in the fight, Linnae nearly dodged a Grimms sharp claws, rolling to the side. A grunt of pain burst from her lips as she rolled into a thorn. Of course, that couldn't be taken care of at the moment, as another Grimm seemed to have seem her movement and was now running towards her. Leaping to her feet, she waved the fan, calling on her semblance of wind to blow it a ways away from herself.

"Well that was a close one." she addressed the two girls she saw. Eyes narrowed to slits as she recognized the red-head. "You."

@Aeri Rosevier @Evergreen98 @ValkyrieRose
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Daemon sprinted after Linnae, then leaped up high and pointed his sword down as he descended, aimed straight for the ground. He disappeared and reappeared above the Grimm that Linnae had used wind to push, shoving his sword into the creature's neck.
Weyland followed close behind, hands in his pockets and still yawning, waving gently to the grouped menagerie of students that we're going haywire on week Grimm, his yawn came out again "Ugh, need some coffee"

Jay had managed to further herself from her group, not wanting to worry about friendships at this point. She began making her way through the dense forest, never running into too big of a problem. It wasn't long before she saw a net lazily hidden under some leaves. She picked up a nearby rock and tossed it onto the net; the net immediately flew up into the tree. "Who the hell would be hunting out here?" she wondered aloud. She continued walked, now being careful of every movement she made.
Okay, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say this again since it seems like two of our fellow Role-players aren't listening. Posts should have a

6 sentence minimum. Failure to comply with this will result in being kicked from the Role-Play.
((It's rather difficult to tell using Tapatalk, it looks like it's much more than it actually is))

Daemon had known he was tired several teleports ago. Now, he was exhausted for sure. Daemon appeared in front of Weyland and sat down in the grass before him. "So...any chance of you giving me a hand?" He asked. "I am not entirely sure of how well I can do after being a pack mule for several long-distance teleports." Daemon laid back in the grass and watched a bird Grimm fly through the air. He wondered if he could teleport himself onto that....
Anise looked at Erika and smiled " thanks! My parent took me Grim hunting a few times" she said and the nodded " yeah we should get moving" she thought and was about to run off with her and Jinie when a sudden gust of wind stopped her. She looked up to see the rude blonde that was mean to Jinie whip up a Grim and send it flying and it was towards her. Her staff turned into a scythe and she cut it in half. She looked at blonde and tilted her head a little.

@Aeri Rosevier



After letting out a soft groan, Weyland gave Daemon a swift pat on the head "don't worry bro, I've got an idea"

After a short pause, he walked up behind the girls, yet again, fighting more rather low-class Grimm, he yawned once more "Yo, can you get me a Beowulf? My buddy back there isn't doing so well~" his groan escaped again, calling behind him "bro, I lost the five bucks, but you're buying me a coffee later for this~"

Jinie cleared her path of the Grimms until she finally reached the brunette, hugging her briefly to relieve that moment she felt worried for her when she was carried off by the bird. They couldn't have come at a better time, now that she noticed how much Grimm there actually were in the vicinity. Quite a number have been taken down, yet a few more still stand in front of them. She returned her killing spree, slashing her way through a few Beowolves before crossing her weapons in front of her in an attempt to block off the rolling attack of the boarbatusk. She was, however, sent towards the trees from its force.

"Right, strength isn't my strong point." she said, dusting herself before getting back into her fighting stance. She looked for the nearest target but before she could do a number on it, it was blown away, sending it right over her, the wind nearly knocking her off too if the Grimm wasn't in front of her initially. She placed one of her weapons on her belt, running her free hand through her messy hair, as if it wasn't unruly before. But her mouth hang agape upon seeing who had caused the gust. "You!" she exclaimed in unison with Blondie. She sighed before looking around. There were no more Grimms since the newcomers had joined in the killing. She returned her gaze to the woman in front of her. She was the last person she was expecting to meet in this wide forest and quite honestly, she was not exactly sure what to say.

Erika looked betwene Anise, then the newcomer, the blonde. There was already tension between the two. She was over, standing between them. "Not here, not now." She says, looking between everyone. "Whatever issues you have, settle them later." She says. "We've been ordered to get out, and fighting delays the orders and makes the hunted see like a youngling." She says. "Whatever issues you have, deal with them later."

She looks at everyone again, wondering what exactly happened. "Anyone who disagrees will have me to deal with, got it?"
The two girls seemed to be particularly affectionate with one another, a thought that sent a pang of slight jealousy through Linnae. She hadn't been close friends with another person for a long time, maybe due to her less then friendly personality. She peered at the red-head for a moment, resisting the urge to snap at her as she wrapped a finger rather wearily about a spiky blond strand of hair. A voice broke the silence that had occupied the area since the two girls had connected eyes, and Linnae turned to peer at the unfamiliar voice of reason. Nodding her assent, she allowed a scowl to cross her face as she shot the red-head a glare, for the purpose of simply seeing how she'd react, before turning her attention away from her, resolving to ignore her.

"Alright. Let's try to get this... Mission thing done without any other fights."

@ValkyrieRose @Aeri Rosevier
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Anise sighed a little and nodded in agreement " i agree... we should all cool down a little and put our past behind us. We need to work together to get out this forest alive...." Anise said and stretched a little. Her weapon turned back to a staff and she twirl it one hand and smiled at the blonde " my name is Anise" she stopped twirling her staff and gave a polite bow "i am looking forward to working with you" she said to her politely as she started walking with the other girls.

@Aeri Rosevier



Jinie gave a huff as the faunus tried to separate them from each other, perhaps feeling the tension in the air that they had. The glare shot towards her did not go unnoticed, and she was utterly tempted to accept the challenge. She made a sarcastic cut-short laugh. Here she was, trying to think of words to say to try and relieve the tension between them but it seemed Blondie had other plans. She badly needed to do something but priorities had led her to choose otherwise.

"I can deal with that. I'm not the one starting the fights anyway." she remarked, distantly walking from the root of her annoyance. She couldn't imagine herself being in a team with her anyway... or at least, in a functional one. She used her semblance once again, checking for any other unwanted company on the ground and as far as she knew, only they were here at the moment. She just continued on her path, walking towards any general direction, unless someone had a better sense of judgment when it came to directions.
"So...need any help?" Daemon asked the girls as he rose to his feet. "When I'm not exhausted from teleporting repeatedly and being a pack mule, I'm pretty useful."

As they ignored both Weyland and himself, Daemon shouted out as they began walking the path. "Oi! Blondie, Faunus, Other person!" Hoping they heard him this time, and realizing that his weakened state may have led him to be a bit quiteter last time he spoke. He really hoped they heard him this time.
Linnae rolled her eyes upon hearing the red-heads response to the faunus' words, not bothering to respond, despite the snarky comments that she itched to yell back. She didn't consider herself to be the one who was mainly starting the fights, though she had to admit that she held some of the fault, like a tiny bit. The girl had begin to walk off after speaking, and Linnae pondered on whether to follow her or not, maybe try to make friendly conversation in order to make amends for her rudeness earlier. Before she could decide, another decidedly masculine voice rang out, pulling Linnae from her thoughts. It was one of the boy's she'd been traveling with earlier, the one who seemed to have the ability to transport himself from place-to-place. The 'Blondie' allowed another scowl to contort her face at the terminology the boy used when addressing her, as well as the other girls. Linnae fastened her eyes upon the speaker.

"I have a name, y'know, as do they."

She struggled to keep her tone from expressing the annoyance she felt as she extended a finger to point at the rest of the group.

@Aeri Rosevier @Israfeli
Weyland had given up and began strolling off, humming the lyrics to 'all by myself' in a semi-comical manner. After a brief pause and a glance behind him at the menagerie of students, he grinned "see y'all" and kept on strolling. Hands resting softly in his pockets, with the hood of his cloak gently slipping off his head as he left, flicking out the scythe Hope.



Thresh looked around the forest, there was no one there of course. He was quite disturbed. Thresh wandered around the forest adding some more dust to his gloves, as soon as he reached a clearing he put his gloves back on and looked to see nothing but forest and grass and that was so boring. Thresh sighed, he heard some commotion in the distance and decided it was best to go towards that area. He began to head towards that sound hoping to just find someone, it was dark and weird in the forest and he was getting the f out of there. Thresh looked to the sky and saw nothing but clouds, he was looking for like a nevermore or something so he could see where it was headed, maybe to some people or something.

Thresh walked towards the sound and looked down at some footprints, they were nearby but as soon as Thresh looked up and saw a pretty heafty sized ursa and its various companions of beowolves. Thresh turned and began to walk away hoping they did not see him only to hear a roar that shook the ground. He turned "
Never was good at stealth anyway" he says a wide smirk goes across his face, handicap match 3 versus 1...who will be the first to go down. Thresh ran forward as the first beowolf charged forward he quickly cocked back his glove and sucker punched the wolf sideways a massive ie spike going through its face. He quickly turned to the other, it swung and he dodged downwards, the ursa swinging as well, smashing him backwards but thresh stayed up, he never went down.

Thresh then ran at the second beowolf and put his hands up, right left right left, the ice dust puncturing the beast as the dust ran out the beast fell the ursa roaring and charging, Thresh cocked both his gloves back and charged as well. A fury of different dust fists smashed into the ursa as thresh and it burst into the area where the others were, the ursa clawed at him but he continued to block, then a aura glowed around thresh his smirk still there when finally he pulled back his right hand and smashed upwards his hand a flurry of colors smashing into the ursas face sending it back and down onto the floor, it was pretty cool till Thresh spoke "
OW HOLY HELL" he says grabbing his hand and looking at some of the scratch wounds.

@Azalea @Aeri Rosevier @Evergreen98 @Israfeli @OnyxReaper @ValkyrieRose ))
Erika noddedd. "Good." She said, looking at everyone. She may have come off as kind of bossy... but Erika didn't want to lower her in he schools eyes. She had come way to far to get kicked out due to a mistake here. She closes her eyes, sniffing and feeling the air round here. "Due east from here... the smell of the forest begins to dissappear. We should head in that direction."

Realizing she was being stubborn again, she tils her hea back. "I'm Erika." She says, before turning and walking in the direction she had mentioned ealier. "So the orders were just to get out? I wonder if there is a specific goal in mind..."
Weyland let off a soft groan "The names Weyland brawler girl, and just to assure the others, Erika is right, me and Daemon scouted for the exit earlier and her direction is right..." The boy's voice began to slowly trail off, his eyes shutting as if asleep before snapping open "God I want coffee...." He strolled off for a second, into a deeper thicket of trees, after a few howling noises, he walked back to the others sitting ontop of an Ursa, lying on its sturdy back as it walked to where he pointed. Yawning again, he spoke with a trailing voice again "So~... We gonna go with Brawler Girl? I agree with her by the way~"

Anise watched the the others and quietly follower Erika since she knew what she was doing and where to go. As she let the other figure out what direction to go to she put her sense on high alert. She heard growls far away but not close to them. ' luckily nothing loud happens and we won't end up attracting alot of Grim creatures...' She thought, with a small smile as she jumped on a tree and grabbed an apple from it and jumped down and continued to follow them. She munched on her apple. She tilted her head as she saw a bear-grim point in the same direction at the boy with he two scythes. " interesting ability..." she commented.

Weyland smiled "I like to have pets~ though it's a shame I won't be able to keep this little guy at beacon~" after his voice continued its trail, he chuckled a little "I think this thing can move pretty fast at full sprint, let's say this is our battlebus shall we?" He pondered a second "Yo, Daemon~ If you're still tired hop on~ it's a bumpy ride but it's so warm~" he prodded the Ursa softly, with it resounding with an odd sound, oddly akin to a dog letting off a groan.

"Well, I never caught your name, so I'm not sure how exactly I would know it." Daemon pointed out. "So...does your group need the further assistance of an exhausted guy who can teleport from place to place?" Daemon approached the group of girls. "Although I do apologize if I offended. I really had no idea what else to call you, I assure you."
Jinie stopped in her tracks when she heard someone suggest the right direction. She shrugged, no good leads herself and she followed the rest of the group, although she kept a comfortable distance from Blondie, not wanting to put herself, the girl at hand, and the others in a bad mood. Besides, assuming this resentment would go on until the end of this exam, they'd have plenty of time to bicker.

"I'm Jinie," she said, enough for everyone to hear. If they were to stay together until the end of this exam, it'd definitely be best if everyone knew who's who. She noticed a guy who had just recently left comeback and surprisingly, was sitting atop the shoulders of an Ursa. She chuckled. This guy was intriguing, in a sense that brought interest to himself. She would love to ride on that Ursa herself, just for the sake of the thrill and experience. Besides, if it tried to do anything funny, she'd be more than happy to kill it.

"Hey, do you mind if I ride with you?" she asked him, hoping he'd agree even though she was not invited on.


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