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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

The two's arguing forced a barely suppressed smile to Linnae's lips, her eyes darting towards Weyland as he addressed her, questioning her on whether she'd be able to get him up there. Glancing at her fan, she nodded a quick affirmation.

"I think I can use my fan to have the wind carry you up." she offered even while glancing at her fan critically, wondering if it was even capable of such a feat. Hopefully, she'd be able to hold up on her word.
Weyland waved his hand "sorry Blondie, I think Daemon is a much safer bet~" he yawns again, obviously still tired for seemingly unknown reasons.

Daemon grabbed Weyland and they disappeared out of thin air. The two reappeared above the Nevermore. Daemon held onto the neck of the Nevermore. Then, Daemon looked back at Weyland. "Can you control it now?" He asked, hoping that Weyland would not end up causing their deaths in the sky.
He grinned "Bro, you're awesome, just gimme a sec~" he crawled forwards to the head of the Grimm, slamming his fist into its head crest. The Grimm completely stopped, wings unmoving it began to slowly plummet to the ground, then snapped back into action, offering a slightly warmer sense than a normal Grimm, Weyland was already peering around.

Anise blinked when Weyland and Damean suddenly appeared on the back of the Nevermore as she came close to and then it suddenly dropped making her miss. She landed on a glyp and then landed on the ground, somewhat disappointed that she didn't get to kill the Grim. She was starting to agree with Erika on his semblance on messing with the Grim. She said nothing and looked at Erika.

Erika huffs, sitting back on the ground and look at them, annoyed. "Meddling with my prey...is NOT something I will permit!" She hisses, annoyed. She looks to Anise. "Launch me up with your ability." She says, readying her lance. "That Grim is dying whether he likes it or not." She says, already focusing her semblance for the attack. Grim weren't meant to be toyed with- they were souless beings, in capable of using Aura. These monsters were not pets- they were creatures to be slain, and she'd hold true to that, no matter what.
((I knew it.. she is mad xD ))


Anise blinked and looked at Erika " Um..you need to calm down... I know you learn to only hunt them, but you need to also try opening your mind to other possibilities for Grims" she said to her " and no I am not saying that it is ok to make them pets and mess with them" she said looking at Weyland and then added " you should stop keeping that is suppose to die alive for your own amusement. It not funny... it is greatly disturbing" and with that she made a glyph appear beneath Erika and shot her up at the Nevermore.

Weyland spotted her on her boost, roaring at Daemon "teleport yourself down, now!" Before forcing the Nevermore into a barrel roll, wings wrapping round the main body to protect the creatures primary functions "keep away from Alexander!!!" He growled "Brawler girl, you're being irrational you sociopath!"

Weyland started casually moaning about coffee once more after his quick rant


With the force of the glyph launching her and her own kinetic force, she was able to fly at a pretty decent speed. AS the bird begins rolling, she begins to truly focus. "Its not enough!" She says, stabbing it in'ts wing and using that foothold to remain on for dear life. "Grim are not your damn playthings!" She says. Mid roll, she takes a breath, spins to where shes stepping on the wing and drags the blade along its wing, both dealing damage and realising herself. As she falls, she activates the grappling hook to latch on to its feet , ocming right back up. "Wake up!" She says, grabbing its foot once she has a hold, and begins stabbing at its underside.
Weyland growls "They're not playthings. And who cares about having no soul! They're not heartless beings you know, out of everything I can see, I think you're more pathetic than a Grimm!" The Nevermore yanks its claw up, slamming her head into its armored underside, considering the grappling hook, a dismount would be difficult, little else can be heard over Alexander's screams and the rushing wind.

Jinie quietly sat on one of the Ursa's shoulders, gripping hard enough to keep herself from falling. She was facing back from the direction they were going, acting as a lookout for any enemies coming from behind. It probably wasn't the best experience to be riding with someone else, or rather, two others as it had gotten quite cramp but she just shrugged it off. Just having the experience of riding a Grimm was enough, as it was something she had never thought of as a source of entertainment.

Blondie yelling for them to look up caught her attention and as soon as she did, something large overshadowed them. Of course, her initial thought was it being a Nevermore but she never thought she would see several of its species. She wanted to just avoid them, seeing as they weren't exactly attacking them yet but some had already started shooting at the birds. She sighed and used the newly decapitated Ursa as a launching pad to get up to the Nevermore. She turned her weapon into a gun and shot downwards, hoping to make her jump higher but she failed to reach the Grimm.

"Damn." she said as she landed hard on her feet. Her ears perked to Blondie's suggestion to one of the guys, which he had declined in favor of the teleporting one. She put a light hand on the fan-wielding girl's shoulder. "Blon— I mean, Linnae, do you mind if I.. borrow your powers to get up there?" she asked, referring to her earlier suggestion of using her wind to get someone up there.

"Patheic?!" She curses, taking the hit. "Using the Grimm... treating them like pets! they will KILL you, do you undersntand." She says. She takes a breath. A dismount was not nessacary... if she could deal as much internal damage, it wouldnt matter! Making sure she was grabbing the talon tightly, she begis focusing her semplance. Wind provided kinetic energy... the flapping of wings, lrge ones, created an enours amount of the stufff. All Erika had to do was weaponize it. She gathers the sheet amount of energy. "BLOCK THIS, BIRDBRAIN!" She says, stabbing it right in the gu. While no outword damage would be seen , a light shone, the combined force would deal an insane amount of damage to it's insides. She twirled her lance, smiling, letting go and twirlling her way off, grappling onto its back and looking at Weymond before taking another brreath. "Everything in this world adds to my strength. Make it fall already, or next I'll do a more concentrated force... and i can't guarantee your safety."
"Well then, guess I'm at risk..." A small tear ran in Weyland's eyes as the screaming of Alexander the Nevermore intensified, then dulled, the beat of its wings came to a stop.

And Weyland was there, swinging from the wing "while your lance is stuck, you can't block!" And with that, Weyland tossed himself at Erika, in a form of flying rugby tackle, holding no consideration to his own safety "Daemon, teleport yourself, NOW!"


Daemon dove at Weyland and Erika, "Nope! Gotta make sure you two don't die!" Daemon grabbed Weyland's arm and reached for Erika. "Come on, grab my hand!" Daemon's plan was to teleport both of them to safety. Having either of the two die did not fit any of his ideas quite well; especially in this circumstance.
A glyph appeared in front of Erika and act like a sheild and blocked Weyland's careless attack. She then made multiple glyps appeared below the falling Nevermore, they acted like platforms and stopped the grim from falling. She softly sighed and said nothing as she slowly descended the Nevermore. She collapse on one knee ' this is heavy...' She thought as she was using quit a bit of energy. Once it was down, she sat down and sighed again

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Weyland gripped Daemon, swinging to shove him towards Erika "sorry man, a captain goes down with his ship, and I'll accompany a friend till their final moments!" With a grin, he made sure Daemon was on the direct path to hit Erika and teleport, before swinging back to the Nevermore's head, patting the crest softly "sorry.... Alexander..."

Daemon teleported Erika to the ground. Looking up at Weyland, Daemon immediately teleported back up to Weyland. "Come on, man, death is not the best idea right now." Daemon grabbed Weyland's arm. "Just let the bird go." Daemon teleported with Weyland back to the ground. Then, he looked at Erika. "Are you insane?!"
Thanks to Anise, the attack was block, letting her enough time recovering, she releases herself, and grabs Daemons hands. Teamwork was something Erika valued, though she didn't seem like she did at time. "Let's get the hell out of here." She says, knowing the bird was all but dead know, and that sufficed for her.

Upon landing, she stood up, looking at him. "I know my limits." She says, turning and beginning to walk towards the exit. "A Target's a Target." She says
Weyland just walked off after he was teleported down, sitting near to Anise with a dejected look, then looking at her, hateful "What the hell is wrong with you?" Was all he could say in a dry and somewhat raspy voice, he dropped the white scythe, Hope.

Anise looked at him and softly sighed " Grim cannot be friends but at times they can be friends..." she stood up " but the time you were using was not the time for them to our friends...you semblance has potential... but the way your using is... your wasting it..." She then started to walk away from the group towards the direction they were originally going. All this fighting and yelling has clouded her mind and she need to be alone to think for a bit.

(Sorry for the late replies! I have finals so I have a lot studying...)

Linnae frowned as Weyland denied her request. Ungrateful little Grimm lover. The blond thought with a bad-tempered sniff. "Whatever. Suit yourself." she intoned, throwing a hand behind her shoulder casually in a gesture of no concern. Fuming silently, Linnae returned her attention to the battle. A hand touched her shoulder, and Linnae jumped slightly, her hand instictually falling back towards her fan. But it was only Jinie, asking a rather unexpected question. "Uh..." Linnae pondered aloud. Declining was not an option in this matter, so Linnae quickly nodded her affirmation. "Alright... So what you're going to do is jump in the air. And then I'll... I'll fan you up the rest of the way." Hopefully this would work though the blond wasn't sure of the outcome, as she had never tried this particular method of air-gliding. Stealing a glance at the Grimm to make sure the flying-herd of nevermore weren't to close, she mentally prepared herself for what she about to do.


@Aeri Rosevier
Jinie nodded, playing in her mind whatever outcome she was expecting. she couldn't help but smile when her proposal to cooperate was accepted. She trusted her... kind of. Linnae seemed somewhat unsure of it, but Jinie had a certain amount of trust that she would be able to control her power best, especially since she was the one who suggested it in the first place. That meant she, no matter how small, had some confidence that she would be able to at least pull it off. The red-haired positioned herself, her weapon ready on her arms, its blades already out.

"Ready." she said as she jumped as high as she can, waiting for the impact of the wind to send her up.

//Sorry for the short post. I'll make my next one longer

Ethan just watched in awe at the events that just occured as he sat in his tree above the now decapitated Ursa.. They've only known each other for a few hours, yet they could coordinate tactics and moves like that? He had a lot of work to do if we wanted to get on their level. He slid Hawkmoon into its sheath after clicking the lock for the lever. He eyed that Weyland guy out of a slight feeling of disgust. Most of the students that apply here wish to use their gifts to protect Remnant from the Grimm, yet he just uses his Semblance to make Grimm his pets? Selfishness like that is unbecoming of a Huntsman-in-training.
"Ready," Linnae softly repeated the spoken words as the girl leaped up into the air. She begin to wave the fan in swift, deft motions underneath the girl. A small worried pout lifted up the corners of her lips as she sped up the fans motions. Failure was not an option, she knew. A nevermore dove at them, and Linnae resisted the urge to scream as she fanned faster. The red-head was beginning to rise in the air, though it seemed as if it wouldn't be fast enough at the rate at which they were moving. Hastily calling on her semblance, the wind begin to build up underneath Jinie, propelling the girl into the air - maybe a bit too high? - right into the nevermore. She knew that Jinie could handle the creature, so she only yelled a slightly amused "Sorry about that!" up at the girl.

Returning her attention to rest of the Grimm, she allowed her hand to rest on the silver button on the weapons hilt, pressing down on it with her thumb and index finger. Tiny, almost microscopic needles were launched from the fan's top, fastening about the nearest Grimm and tearing it apart viciously. The remains of the creature, black dust, scattered into the air, and for a moment Linnae stood and watched, amazed at how something so vicious could come from something so simple as dust.

(It's alright!)

@Aeri Rosevier
Seeing more Grimm advancing on their little clearing, Ethan thought it would be best to stop sitting back and start doing something to help. He slid Hawkmoon back out of its sheathe and unlocked the lever, pushing it down and back up, then fired a shot up at a Nevermore, one that had been left alone by the group. The shot was broken by its tough skin, and now its focus was on Ethan. He thought disapprovingly to himself, 'Smooth move! Now its focused on me, and I doubt I can hurt it. Crap...'

(@Azalea are we controlling our enemies, or are you?)

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