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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Ethan was walking alone through the forest now, his right arm held at his side with Hawkmoon resting in his right hand. After passing endless amounts of trees, he felt lost now. But, he found hope: a group of three other students, two of which he saw back at that clearing. Those two girls looked familiar, one with blonde hair that controlled the wind and the other that leaped up onto a Nevermore. The third one, however, was new to him. This person looked like a girl with a thin frame, but Ethan swore he heard that that one said he was a boy. He decided to keep at a distance and hide in a bush. He didn't want to cause any trouble, but he didn't want to travel alone.
"Oh haha, laugh at the girly looking boy..." Grant huffed and put his arms across his chest and huffed, making him look even more feminine and a bit pouty. "What does 'trappy' even mean?" He said indignantly. He tightened his shield on his arm. Flowers weren't girly, they could be manly. "Oh God, do I look like a girl that much?" He asked with worry. In truth he did as he didn't even have a single trace of masculinity on him. "Nevermind, I'll stay at the back and defend the rear if needed." @Aeri Rosevier @Azalea
Ginger. Jinie chuckled at this. She was starting to enjoy things, which was sooner than what she had expected. Friends were definitely a great thing to have and though it was definitely early to consider most of them as friends now, she wouldn't mind developing their relationship as such in the future. If she was having fun like this with acquaintances, how much more when they were her friends? But for now, they were students who had each others' backs as they strive for a common goal.

Jinie studied Grant from top to bottom, silently answering his question with a nod. First glance, second and so on, he still looked like a girl. Well, that would be an interesting addition to the group. "Sure. Three is definitely better than one, or two." she answered his comment before running to catch up with Linnae. She stopped midway, hearing a rustling from a nearby bush. She readied her weapon before using her semblance to check what kind of Grimm it was, only to find out it isn't one. She lowered her guard. "There's no reason to hide. You're not a Grimm." she said, trying to urge the person out. She was not exactly sure what the person's reason was for hiding from them but as far as she remembered, only the Grimm were the enemies here.


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Ethan awkwardly shuffle-stepped out of the bush, Hawkmoon still in his right hand but held a little more loosely. He wondered how this girl had found him so easily, but his thought process was interrupted by a shooting pain in his right arm, still in pain from that encounter with the group of Grimm. He tried, unsuccessfully, to hide a wince of pain as he casually moved his left arm over to grab his right forearm. "S-sorry. Just not used to being with a group."
Weyland looked down on Erika and Anise, his Beowolf had been killed by him a while back, and his arrival was long before the rest who'd spent their time fighting. After a long time pondering, he started dropping sticks from the high branch he resided on.
His question, as well as the unintentionally overly feminine pout that down-turned his lips brought another giggle from Linnae's lips as they begin to move forward. Before she'd even begin to prep a response, Jinie's clear voice rang out, voicing a response, as well as alerting them to the presence of a newcomer. At the mention of the word Grimm, Linnae stiffened, hand creeping towards her fan in a subconscious motion. Giving it up as a boy emerged from the bush, she turned to continue to walk, not wanting to waste her time on conversation when they were just reaching the outside of the forest.

"I think we're finally out," Linnae vocalized, turning to face the group with an uncharacteristically cheerful grin. They'd reached a seemingly endless expanse of water, where a couple of boats rested on the golden sand. Running ahead of the group, Linnae neared the boats, noticing a note that rested upon the one in the center. Enclosing her fingers about it, she unfolded it, reading the words on it aloud to the group.

"Last Arc: Get across the river. Four to a boat."
"Four to a boat, huh?" Erika said, shrugging as she had finally gotten a chance to move about, now that more people had showed. There wans't really much to discuss. "Come on." She said to Anise, picking a boat... the second one from the right. IT was mostly random how she picked it, though she didn't do anything specific like 'eeny meeny miney moe.' Once she sits down, she closes her eyes again. "Hmm... so we jsut have to get across thw water?... What is it they know that I don't?" She asked aloud. "It can't be as simple as that. Be on your guard."
Anise hummed as she listen to the blonde say the instructions. She looked at Erika and got up and followed her to the boat she picked. She hummed and sat down. She then nodded at her warning and looked at her staff and got ready for anything. " there maybe some grims in the water...." she said although she never seen water based grim it is a possibility.

(Im just gonna jump right in some how xD )

Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.fb6b0bd763b07d401ecd5286ece62326.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.fb6b0bd763b07d401ecd5286ece62326.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nightfall was close at hand, and the playful day breezes began to transform into eerie whispering winds that blew between the forest trees. It was best to hurry. Azure's pace was brisk and the darker it got, the more nervous she grew. No one should ever be alone at night, especially in a place like a vast forest infested with Grimm. Of course, she knew she could take care of self just fine, just shed rather avoid the creatures of darkness.

'The level of difficulty isnt that challenging, Azure,' she thought to herself,'just be on the search for a pair of glowing red eyes...' She tried to focus on the task at hand. Truth is, she was more nervous about not being able to make it to her destination than being attacked by Grimm. Her dual pistols, "Last Words", sat criss-crossed on the lower small of her back. She took hold of one and walked with it, feeling a little more secure and safer to pass through the forest's paths.

Her heterochromic eyes scanned everything infront of her, hardly blinking at all. All while her white, fox ears were turned slightly behind her, to listen to anything she may have passed on the way. They worked as her "eyes behind her head". She couldnt help but feel as though she were being watched. Perhaps it was her intuition warning her so, or...could just be a common case of paranoia. That shed have to decide herself.... And she tried. She tried shrugging off the feeling but it was still there, poking amd prodding at her brain telling her 'turn around...' but she refused.

'Turn around....'

She shook her head,'Its nothing, just keep going, youre almost there.' As she continued to walk the scents of other students were emitting from one general direction, helping her pin point the location she needed to be at. She was pretty close after all. A big relief for the young vixen.

'No....really....turn around'


Azure jumped and froze. Okay now it was clear what was was telling her to be cautious. All of that previous relief? Yea...its gone now. '1...2...3! Go!' in a second she spun on her heels, arms extended outward with gun in hand. And yet...nothing. A once held breath was released. 'I knew it was nothing....' Her weapon lowered and she turned into her intended direction. Only to be face-to-face with an exceptionally large Ursa. Well...large for her, she was 4'11 after all. A sharp gasp was instinctively taken in as the Ursa let out a loud, thunderous roar, a few feet away from her. The suprised look on her face was quickly replaced with determination.

Her free hand whipped around her back for the second pistol. The Ursa charged. A quick one, two, three, bullets were fired but only managed to make the Grimm bear stagger. she readied her self again and as the raging Ursa grew closer, she grew ready. He charged on all fours and when he met her, she leaped high. A hand reached down and landed on his head. With the way her body was positioned, she looked as if she was jumping over a hurdle. The open hand making contact with the Ursa, had the gun only hanging by a thumb (literally). The other hand came down and shot a single bullet into beast's spine while it passed under her body. It collapsed and skid forward. She landed on the ground with gracefully with ease. The bear was paralyzed but not dead. She came around to meet the face of the Ursa. It whimpered softly and quietly, unable to move. A small lump in Azure's throat formed, and her face became sad and she felt almost sympathetic. Raising her gun, aiming between the eyes, she said,"I apologize..." and shut her eyes. A single shot resounded through the trees. She sighed. She felt bad, but it was for her own protection. 'The creature only attacked because it felt threatened....' she told herself. It was just defending itself...just like she was....

A few minutes passed on her walk. She came to small clearing,"hmm?" Her ears stood straight up, turning and rotating. Voices could be heard, along with sloshing water. Her walked turned into a jog, making her way to the sounds.

Her legs lead her to another clearing along with, a lake or river of some sort. Up ahead she could see some few boats lined along the bank. Some people-like figures could made out from where she stood. The other students! Instinctively, her legs ran a few steps...but then...she slowed to a stop. She didnt know anyone. She cant just show up and assume theyd accept her...what was she to do...

(Sorry i have long intro posts)



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Ethan wasn't sure what to do with the boats. He had heard, what he assumed was, the leader of this group say the boats could carry four, but he felt that he would hold his group back should they come into contact with a Grimm. While true, he's never heard of a water-oriented Grimm, it was still possible for that to occur or a Nevermore to divebomb them while they were in the water. His grip around his katana/lever-action rifle's handle tightened instinctively as he scanned his surroundings.

He heard a rustling from a row of trees nearby and held Hawkmoon, his weapon, out at his side, then brought it up on level with his head with the tip of the blade/barrel of the gun pointed at the trees. After seeing a humanlike shadow, he lowered his guard but still held Hawkmoon in a tight grip at his side. Once the figure came into view, he realized it was a Faunus and lowered his weapon all the way, relaxing his grip. His left arm immedately shot to his right forearm as the pain from his earlier encounter with a group of Grimm was still present.
Daemon appeared two feet in front of Anise and ten feet up. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he exclaimed as he fell to the ground. "Holy crap, I need to get better at this...." Looking up, Daemon saw Anise. "So...are we almost out of the forest? I was scouting around the area, and accidentally overshot a tree." Brushing himself off as he stood, Daemon stretched and yawned. "Good to see you again, though."

Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7d70926a2c34840d9f27c172f5d59189.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7d70926a2c34840d9f27c172f5d59189.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The wind blew again. A little stronger this time. Long wisps of blue and white hair waved and blue into her fair face. Long, dark lashes came together as she blinked. Stood there for a moment, guns in hand and lowered at her sides. She pondered for a moment. What if they talked to her? What if they wanted her to talk?! Azure's shoulders lifted as she took a deep breath,'Now isnt the time to be debating about such things...you must get to the objective,' her eyes closed and she released the breath, chest deflating with the motion.

The idea of speaking to others (specifically strangers) frightened her. Her eyes moved downward to her hands. Open palm, with guns in them. They glinted in the sun's dusky light. Her head sank into her shoulders a bit, she was thinking about it. Meeting new people. She blinked again at her weapons,'Just go, they wont harm you...' azure raised her head, shaking her bangs to adjust them from blicking her vision. Looking at the boats and other students again she took a hesitant step before continuing on.

Each step brought her closer and closer to the groups. 'Maybe they wont see me...' she hoped. Why would they? Other than the fact that she has ears coming out of her head, why would they look at her? She was a competitor, she highly doubted they were there to make friends. Then again, who knows. In either case she always had this...phantom-like demeanor about her. She is contantly ignored and overlooked that often times people just plain out dont see her. She really was like a phantom, to others she appeared and disappeared when they werent paying attention. But thats just it, they werent paying attention at all.

Lost her own thoughts, Azure didnt notice she had reached the bank already. She only became pulled from her thoughts when the terrain from under her feet changed from dirt to the loose gravely/pebbly shore of the body of water. The voices also helped her snap out of it. She blinked a couple times, coming back into reality,"Wha--Where am i?" she looked around. When she noticed she was around the others, her body tensed up, the fur on her tail puffing as she did. Her face went from emotionless and blank to something more like this (' :| ). A white fox ear twitched awkwardly... She wiped the expression off her face before any of them could notice. She tapped into that "composed-on-the-surface" mode and she seemed fine. She went along her own business, approaching an empty boat...



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Weyland was doing little more than gazing around the bank from a tree branch, standing to make his presence obvious and skimming stones out of pure boredom, he understood what the instructor had said, bit held little to no intention of entering into a place he wasn't wanted, bored again, he lay back.

"So...four to a boat..." Grant muttered aloud as he stared at the boats. "I guess I'll go with you guys then." He said as he walked up to the two women. "Uh...speaking of which, I never got your names..." He added awkwardly with a cute frown. The girly boy looked a the two women. 'I wonder if...nah, no one would...' He thought sullenly before snapping back into reality. @Aeri Rosevier @Azalea
Ethan shook his right arm of the lan and looked up at the sky, dusk setting in and night almost upon them. Night would bring more Grimm, and their dark forms would only be recognizeable by their glowing red eyes. Ethan slid Hawkmoon into its sheath on his back and walked back over to the bank, looking over at the Faunus who had almost fell in the river. He thought to himself, 'Was she so absorbed in thought that she didn't notice her surroundings?' He stepped up to a lone boat on the end, sitting down on the shore in front of it and wait to see if anyone would approach him. He slowly grabbed a small notebook out of his right jean pocket and opened it to a blank page. He looked up at the forest, gathering inspiration, and began to draw how the trees were caught in the dwindling light. Even though he lacked proper social skills, he had great talent in drawing and singing.

Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.1c174a4e62d2fc57e92930b00382af5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50711" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.1c174a4e62d2fc57e92930b00382af5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A lonely boat stood on shore directly infront of her. Her legs carried her to the side of it, stepping into the water a tad. When she stood infront of it, the boat was bigger than she thought. The petite faunus struggled to hoist her self up and over the boat's side and into the boat itself.

On one of the wooden seats was a small folded note. Before picking it up, she looked at it curiously, with a puppy-like head tilt to the side. "Last arc: Get across the river. Four to a boat."

....Her worst nightmare. Azure stared at the words "four to a boat" for a few seconds, letting the directions sink in. With closed eyes, she sighed. She felt sick briefly, her stomach turning and flipping. A sudden dryness was in her throat, and Azure swallowed the lump from nervousness. She tore her eyes away from the note and looked up and around. Most other students had already made companions. This was going to be tough. However, one student, with tousled black hair, sat on the ground infront of another empty boat. He was engaged in something, something on paper and he seemed to have all his attention on it. 'It is only one boy, just try...' she tried encouraging herself. A deep breath was taken. The little vixen climbed over the side of the boat again and landed back onto the ground. She walked slowly and hesitantly. Scenarios were playing in her head, and she thought about what she was going to say (if she mustered up enough courage to talk at all...).

She stopped about 2-3 feet away from him. Her hear was racing and her her hands felt stiff and shakey. That turning in her stomach grew worse. Heterochromic blue and grey eyes looked down at him. Is this where shes supposed to say something? Or should she just wait until she was noticed by him? 'Perhaps this was a faulty idea...' she thought. She turned on her heels to walk back again but then she stopped. She had to do it, how did she expect to get along and communicate with a team if she cant even speak to one person. She turned once more to face him. There was a small kindle of determination and courage burning in her chest. She tapped the drawing boy on the shoulder, this time with out second thought.




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Ethan looked up from his notebook, the drawing almost finished. He had captured the shadows of the trees amazingly, and the trees themselves looked almost real, in black and white. He had heard the footsteps approaching him on the gravel and sand of the beach, but they then went away. After he was tapped on the shoulder, he looked up at the Faunus girl with his emerald green eyes. 'Maybe now,' he thought, 'maybe now I should try to talk to someone.' He grabbed a stray leaf off of the gravel and slipped it into his book on the page with his drawing, closing it and slipping the pencil into the spiral before casually putting it in his pocket. He looked away briefly before standing up, looking at the girl. He quietly tried to swallow his anxiety and opened his mouth to speak, though unsure of what to say. He thought he'd just go with a standard greeting.

"H-hello. My name....uh.....my name is Ethan. Ethan Drake." He extended his hand out to the girl with a small smile at the right corner of his mouth, confident he had done the right thing. He had noted her nervousness after hearing her start to walk off, but came back to try for a conversation. He made a hypothesis that maybe she was just a little shy. He was too, having very few friends at Signal, so maybe he could try and get along with this girl. He even thought her differently colored eyes looked rather....cool.

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Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.51f4712fc57f720387505f916081fe7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.51f4712fc57f720387505f916081fe7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Or....maybe not... That little determined fire died right after she tapped his shoulder and saw him look up at her. 'This idea was faulty!' She could see what he was writing...er...drawing rather. It looked very nice and detailed. Her attention turned back to him. The boy lifted himself from the ground.

Azure looked up at him and blinked. He was very tall next to her. He was roughly around 5'10 and she was just a mere 4'11. His height was definately intimidating. Instinctively, she took a step back, she didnt like the feeling of being towered over.

He introduced himself, and even when he did he stuttered. As bad as it sounds, it was a little relieving to hear him stutter. He was just as shy and it made her feel better really. 'Ethan..' she took a mental note. Her face brightened to a smile. When he stuck his hand out, she jumped back a bit, she wasnt expecting the gesture. She looked at his hand for a moment then looked back up at him. She raised a small hand and fit hers into his. Her grip was delicate and light when she shook. Her smile returned, and her white tail wagged a bit. 'Oh! I have forgotten!' she remembered about the "four to a boat" rule. Her left hand held the note with the instructions. She raised it to him, the writing facing him. She wasnt comfortable enough to talk yet, but she hoped hes figure out she was seeking someone to come along with on the boat by presenting the note.




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Ethan looked somewhat content. He had gotten this girl, roughly a foot shorter than him and less social than himself (which he didn't even find possible), to open up a bit more. After she broke her gentle grip from his handshake and held up the paper, Ethan squinted his eyes to make out what the note said in the diminishng light. It appeared to be the same note the woman from earlier had read. He understood that she was trying to ask him if she could be in a boat with him. He kept his small, shy smile and nodded his head. He spoke yet again, this time trying a lower voice as to not make her any more nervous than she already was. He also noted that her small tail was wagging. He took this as an indication of an inner desire to have friends, just like him.

"Sure. Would you like help getting in?" His tone seemed kind and sincere, and his body tone seemed relaxed, even with the weapon in a sheath on his back.


Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b795cf648192e4021de3457383878d6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.b795cf648192e4021de3457383878d6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He accepted. A huge relief for the little faunus. She was glad she pushed her self to approach him, other wise she might have been in that boat all by herself. Courage definately payed off.

Ethan offered to help her get in and she jumped at his gesture. Her head shook rapidly and her cheeks went a little red. She bit her lower lip and wondered if the reason why he offered help because of the way she struggle to get in and out of the other one. Sure it was a tad challenging, but it wasnt impossible. She couldnt help but assume he saw her.....how embarassing.... Azure placed her hands on her cheeks and she looked at the ground.

It was long before she collected herself once again. Taking a deep breath and clearing her throat, she was okay now. Cheeks still a little pink but thats alright. Her left ear twitched,'Maybe he did not notice at all... If he did not...lets keep it that way...'




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Ethan tilted his head to the side in confusion. She seemed scared at his offer of help. Maybe she had a slight phobia of touch. Whatever it was, Ethan couldn't help feeling a little guilty for causing this reaction. He spoke up with a guilty tone in his voice.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to cause that reaction. I just thought you'd consider me less of a stranger if I helped you in." He hadn't noticed her struggle to get in the other boat.

Anise blinked when Daemon suddenly appeared and fell into the boat. It shook violent for a few second before it settled down "Um... are you ok?" She asked him a little. When nodded she smiled and them answered his question " we are... we just need to get on one of the empty boat.... the instructions were 4 to a boat and then cross the this river..." she explained. So far on this boat it's me and Erika..."

It was unbelievable. The forest that seemed to never end had led to this wonderful place. Who knew this place actually held such a wonderful gem... or maybe it was just her not being observant enough from above. Nonetheless, she was happy they were done with the trees, as she was getting tired of seeing nothing but green for hours. This blue mixed with the ranged colors of the setting sun was definitely a wonderful change.

By the shore were boats, most probably left there for them. Other students had arrived as well. Most of them being familiar to her, as she had already met them earlier. She noticed a few new faces as well. From the initial number of students there were, it seemed they were only reduced to this few. Well, it was survival of the fittest. If they can't even get through the initiation exam, then they weren't meant to be in Beacon.

Linnae had ran up ahead, checking out one of the boats and pulling out what seemed to be some sort of note. Jinie peeked from behind as the girl read what was written. Instructions. It made sense. Only fours per boat and Jinie pieced things together. Perhaps this was the way Beacon chose teams. It wasn't entirely random since you somehow got to choose who you would want to be with. And this young red-haired girl already knew what she wanted.

She hopped onto the boat sitting at one to the sides since it didn't really matter where she sat. She looked at the others. "Well, I'm going with Blondie. I don't mind who comes along. Maybe I'll let her decide." Jinie said as she stretched, making herself comfortable. It was nice to finally take a break, especially in a peaceful place like this. Surely, the academy would not pull off anymore tricks and have some kind of water-borne Grimm in this body of water.

"I'm coming with you." Grant told the other girl as he followed he onto the boat. "It's going to be useful to come with attack oriented people in case of an attack." He said intelligently. "Not that there's going to be an attack, who would put Grimm in the water anyways?" He added as he stepped into the boat with the magenta flower shaped shield on his back. @Azalea @Aeri Rosevier

Azure Snow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.082fbcb835f44e5693962acd0e235385.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.082fbcb835f44e5693962acd0e235385.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She watched Ethan frantically apologize. Poor thing, he didnt mean to make her feel that way. Azure knew it wasnt his fault at all, it was her. She only reacted like that because of her embarassment. Azure looked up at him then at the ground and shook her head with a smile. Her right hand raised and extended infront of, gentley placing it on Ethan's arm for a moment. She smiled amd nodded, letting him know it was okay. The embarassment only lasted for a moment. Her hand lowered back to her side.

Azure's left ear twitched. Her head turned slightly over her shoulder to look at the other students that have gathered. A couple more came to the boats and joined the ones that were there. Her eyebrow's furrowed and she frowned, so many people were knew eachother already. But that isnt what made her turn around. She could hear small sounds in the forest surrounding them, hopefully not grimm. She shrugged it off and looked back to Ethan. Do they have to have four people in order to move on?




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