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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Another rather pointless pause, and Weyland began to act like normal, his upset over Alexander's demise, apparently short-lived. He yawned again and shouted out "just hurry up and complete the mission objective, you bloodthirsty brutes are just wasting energy~" and with that said, he started moaning about coffee and energy again, straying off and going in the direction he and Erika had previously indicated to be the exit, after a short roar from himself as he left the clearing, another bestial roar came in response as he vanished from sight; leaving little more than the sound of the padded footsteps of a Beowulf under his command as it darted off into the trees.

Ethan decided showing off wasn't worth his life and locked Hawkmoon's lever and leaped off the tree, jamming his blade into the trunk and sliding down, leaving a long cut in the tree. After he landed on the ground, he removed Hawkmoon's blade from the tree and cleaned the blade on the sleeve of his jacket, leaving wood dust on the jacket. He dusted it off and slid his katana/lever-action rifle into the sheath on his back and started running after the first person he saw leaving: Weyland. He heard a loud roar and swore he saw a Beowolf darting off deeper into the woods. Probably a problem he could take care of later.
That was it. Instead of gravity pulling on her, she continued up into the air, the winds from her gigantic fan somewhat giving out winds strong enough to push her up. It felt rather uncomfortable, her not used to not having anything underneath for her feet to fins security from. It was a wobbly ride and she had to give part of her focus on trying to keep her posture right to avoid spinning uncontrollably in the air. It wasn't too hard though, and soon enough, it only felt like flying. With the right usage, Linnae can probably learn to fly with it.

A Nevermore straying from the rest caught her eye. It was heading for them but she wasn't going to let it get close. Pointing her weapon towards it, she shot several rounds of bullets towards the Grimm until she heard the clicking sound that replaced the loud bang indicating her lack of ammo. At that moment, she felt the winds become stronger and without warning, a strong one sent her high up. She braced herself as she was about to collide onto the creature. She thrust outward, her blades embedding themselves into the Grimm. The flight wasn't too bad. It did its job though it wasn't a smooth outcome.

She climbed onto the back of the Nevermore, careful not to misplace her footing and plummet to a several meter drop. It was flying a bit too fast, the wind hitting her almost toppled her over. She accepted the challenge. Before the Nevermore could come any closer to the ground, she stab it at its spine, shooting with her newly reloaded weapon. Paralyzed, it fell down and she jumped off of it, using her gun to propel herself onto another one of the air-borne Grimms. With each Nevermore she stepped on, she jumped off again, repeating her actions to jump onto another and another. She knew it wasn't enough to kill them but she was enjoying herself. The last one she had stepped on had suddenly turned to dust, leaving her unable to gain momentum to jump onto another. With that, she was in a free fall towards the ground, with nothing to break her fall.
As Anise walked in the direction of the exist, she started thinking. "Hmm....." she had a calm looking on her face as her mind started to clear up. 'Wait... those Nevermore should have attracted...'

6 grims then jumped out the bushes and surrounded her. ' more grims...' She finished her thought. A glyp appeared below her and shot her up in the air when they all pounce on her. They were those average grims that looked kind of like a bear but could move fast. She sighed softly as she got ready to attack them, from the air.

Ethan had turned around after hearing lots of movement. He unsheathed Hawkmoon and unlocked the safety. He jogged back near the clearing and noticed one of the girls before surrounded by Grimm, but before they pounced on her she leaped up in the air using some sort of glyph. Ethan took aim with Hawkmoon and began to open fire, pulling back the lever before each shot. He wasn't aiming at the Grimm in particular, but he was landing his shots close enough so that he could get the Grimm aggroed on him.
Half the Grim looked at him and started to run towards him angry the other half looked at Anise, who landed in the middle with Slicer, in scythe form with the blade glowing blue The 1st grim that charged towards got cut in half and then frozen. She then kicked the second Grim in the third one and and detached her scythe from the iced Grim and dashed towards the other two with a normal blade. She side stepped and Alice the head of the other and hit the stomach of the other grim with her staff part making it tumbling back a feet and then cut it in half.

Ethan relocked the lever for his katana and stood still, focusing himself to enter that moment of zen needed to use his Semblence. A soft green aura surrounded him and he opened his emerald eyes, them too glowing a soft green hue. He held Hawkmoon at his side and began walking forward, gradually picking up his pace. By the time he hit a jog, the Grimm were on him. It stood on its hind legs and brought a massive arm down on him, but he crossed his arms and held the blow back, feeling a pain in his arms. He bent his knees and sprung up, staggering the beast. He then took his chance and kunged forward, driving Hawkmoon's blade through it's head with the tip of the katana and edge of the barrel sticking out the other side. He heaved the corpse and positioned the barrel at the next incoming Grimm, firing a shot that pierced its head and caused it to fall dead before it hit the ground. He removed Hawkmoon from the dead Grimm and watched it too crumple to the ground. He dusted off his jacket and wiped both sides of his blade on the sleeve of his jacket. After the aura faded, he immediately grabbed his right arm, wincing in pain. His Semblence may enhance his speed and strength, but it didn't increase his damage resistance.
Seeing the others having trouble with the Grimm, Daemon unsheathed his sword and ran towards them. As one roared at him, he dove under its claw and sliced its paw off with his sword. Sliding under the creature's legs, he spun and sliced through the monster's torso. Seeing the second one approach him, his sword erupted in flame and he teleported directly above and behind it, immediately beheading it and then spinning to slice off the legs of the Grimm behind it. With all three dead, he stopped and sheathed his blade.
Grant was frowning. She...err...he had gotten lost ever so quickly. "Hello?!" He shouted with his feminine voice as he strode deeper. He saw nothing but trees as he ventured deeper. Tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, pack of Beowolves glaring at him, tree, tree...He suddenly froze as he turned around. Beowolves were stalking towards him and getting ready to pounce. She...He brought up his shield before running straight at the entire pack and proceeded to beat the everliving crap out of them into submission with his shield.
Erika was continuing her walk. She was growing impatient... how long it was until she reached the end? As some Grimm appeared, she turned around and fired a few shots with her weapon, before turning back around and continued walking. She had faith in her teamates... if they couldn't handle a few grimm they weren't hunter material. It was better for her to scout ahead, rather than sit around.

She sighed, in a bad mood still, for whatever reason. She placed her weapon on her back , and continued her walk, jumping on a treetop to get a better view as she did so, jumping from branch to branch.
Weyland was near the exit, sitting atop the back of a Beowolf that was under his control; travelling at full pelt to the point wind rushed into his ears. He was forced to hold on tightly to the creature, it being bipedal meant its quadrupedal sprints were rather shaky, he made slight comments to himself as he travelled "ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch my butt; need to consider getting a saddle or something ouch ouch ouch~"

Anise took out a few more Grims. She ended up getting of track, but managed to get back on track after listening for footsteps. She ran in that direction, she also heard the constant rustle of tree, leaves and branches. ' someone is jumping from tree to tree' She thought as she followed that noise which soon lead to her fauna friend Erika. She followed her on the ground as she used the trees.

Wiping the black dust from her fan absently-mindedly, Linnae glanced up into the sky to verify that Jinie was alright. The girl was floating in the sky as if she possessed wings, jumping from Grimm to Grimm. She looked as if she were enjoying herself, that high up in the air, and Linnae allowed a smile to upturn her lips. Then she begin to fall. Shock widened the blond's grey-blue eyes as she got into a position underneath the fast-falling girl, waving the fan in a swift up-and-down motion. If this worked properly, Jinie would most likely continue to float up in the air, maybe even be propelled to a higher height.

A Grimm temporarily pulled her attention from her still falling teammate and Linnae ducked to the side to avoid being sliced apart by one of the nevermore's claws. Glancing up at Jinie hastily to verify that the girl wasn't to close to the ground, the blond swung her fan in a downward motion, sending the Grimm hurtling into a tree. This would hopefully leave it out of commission for a while, as Linnae was begin to feel some exhaustion seeping into her. Glancing up once more at her comrade, Linnae begin to wave her fan up and down once more.

"I won't let you fall." words bubbled from her lips, half to herself. "that's a promise."

Pushing away her exhaustion as she focused on the constant up-and-down motions of her fan, Linnae didn't dare brush away a strand of blond hair that was beginning to work its way out of her ponytail and into her face, for fear of losing concentration over her semblance.

@Aeri Rosevier
"Wahoo!" Grant shouted as he barreled through the trees atop a makeshift still living Beowolf surfboard. "That's one way to ride them Ig-AH!" He shouted in his very feminine voice as he crashed onto a grim with his shield and sent it flying. He looked around to gain bearings to where he was and saw a girl in the air and another one with a fan. "Uuhhhh...hi?" He said awkwardly before being jumped by a Grimm only to be cut up by his shield. "You guys look like you need help." @Azalea @Aeri Rosevier
Jinie gritted her teeth as she fell. She didn't blame whoever killed the Grimm she was supposed to land on. Instead, she blamed her own recklessness for this. Normally, she would somehow be able to break her fall, same way she did earlier from the aircraft, but from the height she was in while falling towards a clearing, she didn't really have much choices. Her heart was pounding on her chest. Se felt queasy from that feeling on her stomach as she fell. She faced downwards, hopefully to find something to help herself with but once again, with the same wind that had lifted her into the air, it was now keeping her from falling.

Linnae was keeping her in the air. She later stopped to protect herself from a Grimm before returning to fanning. This was a surprised to the red-haired girl. It was evident that the other was exerting effort into help her. Her opinions on Blondie had started to change a little. She glided down safely towards the ground with aid of the wind. Taking in a deep breath, she calmed her nerves, the adrenaline starting to fade. The exhaustion was coming to her now and looking at the person who had saved her, she seemed exhausted as well.

Jinie approached the blonde, placing a hand on her shoulder again.
"That was some teamwork there, right?" she exclaimed, giving her a grin. This might be the best time to settle things between them. " And uhm.. Thanks. you know, for saving me back there. Maybe you're not so bad after all." She turned her head towards a rustling sound to their side. With a quick activation of her semblance, it didn't seem to be a Grimm so she kept her guard at level. After a moment, a girl revealed herself, asking if they needed any help. She looked around, seeing that pretty much all of the Nevermore had been dealt with. "Well, Miss, we're almost done here."


Linnae was mildly surprised to hear the girl’s thank you. A genuine smile twisted up the corners of her lips as she prepared to say something nice in response to the ginger as well, concerning their team work. Her jaw snapped shut, blue eyes widening with angry shock as the words “maybe you’re not so bad after all” were uttered. “Maybe I’m not so bad after all? Me?” she screeched, suddenly overcome with anger. “I'm the one who should be saying that. Your the one who -" she broke off mid-sentence as another’s voice drifted to her ears. Giving Jinie a last withering glare, she pasted a smile to her lips once more as she turned to face one of the most beautiful females she’d ever seen, asking them if they needed help.

“No, we've already gotten this.” Glancing up into the sky, she watched as the remaining nevermore retreated into the distance. The sun was beginning to set, the sky darkening as the last bits of light faded away. “and we should keep going, so we can get out of the forest already.”

“What’s your name, by the way?”

He smiled. "My name is Grant Versous...I'm a guy." He said while adjusting his shield before stepping off the Beowolf. It whimpered before running back into the forest. "And I completely agree, getting caught in here during nightfall is a bad thing." He added before looking at the two of them. "Any of you girl know the way out here? I kinda got lost so...yeah.." He said, looking very sheepish.

@Aeri Rosevier @Azalea
."It didn't take you too long to track me down." Erika says with a smile as she feels Anise below her. "YOu must have good hearing, because I was masking my prescencein every other way." She says, jumping down so she could walk with the human. "We should be almost ot the exit. Not a bad first mission, plenty of Grimm huntng." She says.

"Your not bad with your semblance." She adds. "Glyphs that do a variety of things is quite useful. Makes you a capable fighter." She compliments.
Anise giggled a little and rubbed the back of her head " thanks... I use play in the woods a lots when i was bored. I would sit down and just listen to nature. The wind blowing... the animals moving around...at night i would sitting on the roof top and listen..." she smiled at the memory and added "and I also did alot of training at Signal..." she said to her with a smile. " your not so bad yourself, I would love to spar with in the future"

"Sounds good." Erika says. "BAck in my clan, we did a lot of the same. We would play games where we guessed what was making a noise in the bushes. We play what i learn you humans called 'Hide and Seek' a lot, though we simply called it 'Hunted' She says with a twinge of nostalgia. "It's how we learned to hunt down things, keep a sharp eye out for anything. The whole forest was our playground." She says.

She looks out with a soft sigh. "I wouldn't mind sparring with you later. I feel I could learn a few things off of you."
Anise smiled when she agreed to the spar " i get the feeling we will be teaching each other alot of things.. I hope we end up on the same team" she said to her and hummed as she looked at the sky " the forest is a beautiful place.... I wish people would appreciate it more... you know..." she said with a soft sighed as she started to twirl her staff in her left hand. She looked ahead and noticed that the end of the forest was different from the rest. " Hey the exist is ahead!" She said happily.

Oh, here it comes again. Jinie decided to ignore the supposedly incoming argument this time and just playfully punched the blonde's shoulder. She was still in a pretty good mood after all. She returned her attention to the girl upon hearing her say she was a guy... Er what? She was dumbfounded at what she.... he had said. He didn't seem like a guy at all. He's facial features held no proof to say he was a guy but as she continued to observe him, he did seem a bit more masculine... At least his body does.

"Uhm... Right." she murmured before looking up. It was getting dark. She hadn't noticed the time and she agreed that it was best to leave the forest soon. Grimm would be harder to spot then, and they'd have the element of surprise. Although her semblance can help them get through with the night, there was still no guaranteeing it. After all, it would be tiring to use her semblance all night. Fortunately, she was sure none of them planned on staying in this forest overnight. "Lead the way Blondie." she said to Linnae in a joking manner, bowing and making a hand gesture as if she was letting her through.
A punch she assumed was good-natured hit her in the shoulder, calming the blonde down considerably. She really had to find a way to control her temper. Almost starting this many fights in one day was unacceptable. The girl's voice suddenly occupied the brief silence and Linnae turned her attention to her, registering her words. She - No wait - He was a guy?! Linnae's lips parted, shock lighting up her blue eyes. Part of her wanted to ask him if he was sure, but another part of her informed her of just how rude that question would be. A giggle shook her shoulders as she begin to laugh at just how ridiculous this situation was. Hopefully he wouldn't take it as mean laughter directed towards him.

Pausing in her chortles as Jinie's equally surprised voice broke the silence, Linnae followed her gaze to the sky, being reminded of just how dark it was. Jinie spoke up once more, a teasing comment that for once brought a smile to her lips. "Then follow along, Ginger and..." she peered at the gir-guy, trying to come up with a nickname for him that wasn't offensive. "trappy." another snicker threatened to burst from her lips as she ran ahead.

Erika leans against the tree...the very last one in the forest. "We were ordered to group, so we should probably wait..." She says, closing her eyes and listening to the activity of the forst. "I would love to team up with you. Least then I know i have someone worth fighting with." She said allowing herself to realx. Winding down at the end of a hunt was always good, made you savor your actions earlier...and fighting that nevermore brought a smile to the Lioness' lips, , which she licked out of habit.
Anise nodded and sat down next to her and looked at the sky " i wonder how loomg until the others everyone get here..." she trialed of and then added " i had alot of fun... this was the best exercise I ever had...." she said with a smile and leaned back on the tree. She stared at the sky as it stared to get dark "the sky is pretty....." she said as she listened to her surroundings out of habit.


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