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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Erika was the next one in, simply walking past everybody and into the airship, taking a seat. She smelled a hunt coming up, so her blood began to heat up a little. She belonged on the battlefield- she longed to be one with nature one more time. To hunt, to kill... to run and track down her pray... the delight of the kill. So many emotions filled her, gave her that pleasure.

As she sees someone rap on the door, she doesnt bother looking at him. "If you consider those around you imbeciles without reason, you'll become just another marker on a grave." She says. "The hunter considers everyone around them a worthy threat... less they become the hunted instead." She says She closes her eyes, leaning back.

Weyland cocks his head, letting the Grimm crow out to sit on his shoulders "well yeah, but for me, when the hunted follow your will it isn't much of an issue, right?" he yawns "but anyways, I just find all this idle chatter like a waste of time, I'd rather get this test done with and fight a bit~"
"Hm, the puppet master plays with toys he doesn't understand." She says, opening her eyes and standing up. "The first thing a fighter learns is respect for the enemy. In the end, it doesnt matter how many kills or the amount of fights you've won." She says. Stretches her back out "I doubt weapons woul dbe allowed... but if you want a sparring match, I can provide." She says.
Weyland smiled "I respect the enemy, but I don't respect beasts. You seem fun to fight with. If you'd like I'd be happy to oblige that sparring match

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Jay rushed into the air ship, her wings tightly closed behind her. She could hear a few mocking 'squawks' from somewhere in the ship, but she ignored them the best she could. She made her way to a window, looking out at the clouds that they passed by. She imagined she was flying and not in this cramped space. Jay decided to take a seat on the floor and take a look at her classmates. She spotted another faunus and a boy speaking to each other, she was too far away to hear or care about their conversation.
Anise looked inside the ship and blinked a little. 'wow, this place need to be cleaned up' She thought as she walked into the ship, a spider fell on her head as soon as she got a few feet into the ship. Surprisingly instead of screaming like a little scared girl, she put a hand on her head and let the spider crawl onto her hand and set it on the ground. She smiled at it and then looked back at Jinie and Thresh "do you think Beacon is on a budget?" She asked them as she went over to a box dusted it off and sat down on it.

@Aeri Rosevier


Jay closed her eyes and rested her back against the wall of the ship. After a few minutes she felt something hit her legs, whihc was followed by large thud on the floor. She opened her eyes to see someone lying on the ground. "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" she asked, standing up so she could help whoever she tripped off of the floor.

(me and Onyx did a uqick spar. heres what we posetd. didnt want to write 100001 posts)

Erika nods. "I was a bitrestless." She admits, turning herself to where she's narrower and holds a hand out. "Whnever your ready."

Weyland set the scythed down on a nearby crate, they hummed as if irritated by his decision, with the crow Grimm grumbling In addition, Weyland kept his coat on, smiling "Hehe, think this hunk of junk will implode if we hit too hard?" He smiled a little, taking up a stance where his left knee was pushed slightly forward and bent down; a common offensive stance in Jujitsu.

"I can't garuntee it's safety." She says. She takes one step, suddendly bursting forward, using energy to increase her movement speed. "Here i come." She says, aiming right with her first punch

eyland spins his cloak off, lowering his stance as the long cloak alters her punches aim lightly. Erika blinks as her arms moving. Rather than fight the alteration, she flows with it, centrifigul forcing being added to her next attack- a short sweep of her legs. She applies some extra kinetic force into a a palm thrust.

"Hmm, offensive type?" Weyland moves his own Palm to hers in response, his arm pulling back relative to the speed of her strike, he clenches her wrist.

"Hmph. " She says in responses as he grabs her wrist. She pulls her arm back, dragging him with her. "I can be anything." She says, aiming a strike with her other palm at his stomach, using her semblance to turn the force of that moevement into a much heavier strieke

Weyland exhales all the oxygen from his lungs, forcing his knee upwards:

Erika moves back, letting the knee hit her arm rather than her body. "Clever little boy." She says. "But now you're open!" She says, sweeping her back leg against the boys other lef

"Really?" This time Weyland keeps his knee connected to her arm, grabbing her arm as well to bring her down as his leg is sweeped from under him "you're pretty good"

"You aren't too bad either." She says as she's pulled forward. She falls, she rolls on him, onto her feet. "My hand to hand needed some pratice." She says, holding her hand out. "Yhave potential, I believe." She laughs.

Weyland gladly takes her hand with a smirk as he pulls himself up "I think you might've kicked my ass if you were prepped"

Erika sits back down, taking a breath. “Been fighting my enitre life. I don't know much else...” She laughs, looking forward to whatever came next

(me and Onyx did a uqick spar. heres what we posetd. didnt want to write 100001 posts)

Erika nods. "I was a bitrestless." She admits, turning herself to where she's narrower and holds a hand out. "Whnever your ready."

Weyland set the scythed down on a nearby crate, they hummed as if irritated by his decision, with the crow Grimm grumbling In addition, Weyland kept his coat on, smiling "Hehe, think this hunk of junk will implode if we hit too hard?" He smiled a little, taking up a stance where his left knee was pushed slightly forward and bent down; a common offensive stance in Jujitsu.

"I can't garuntee it's safety." She says. She takes one step, suddendly bursting forward, using energy to increase her movement speed. "Here i come." She says, aiming right with her first punch

eyland spins his cloak off, lowering his stance as the long cloak alters her punches aim lightly. Erika blinks as her arms moving. Rather than fight the alteration, she flows with it, centrifigul forcing being added to her next attack- a short sweep of her legs. She applies some extra kinetic force into a a palm thrust.

"Hmm, offensive type?" Weyland moves his own Palm to hers in response, his arm pulling back relative to the speed of her strike, he clenches her wrist.

"Hmph. " She says in responses as he grabs her wrist. She pulls her arm back, dragging him with her. "I can be anything." She says, aiming a strike with her other palm at his stomach, using her semblance to turn the force of that moevement into a much heavier strieke

Weyland exhales all the oxygen from his lungs, forcing his knee upwards:

Erika moves back, letting the knee hit her arm rather than her body. "Clever little boy." She says. "But now you're open!" She says, sweeping her back leg against the boys other lef

"Really?" This time Weyland keeps his knee connected to her arm, grabbing her arm as well to bring her down as his leg is sweeped from under him "you're pretty good"

"You aren't too bad either." She says as she's pulled forward. She falls, she rolls on him, onto her feet. "My hand to hand needed some pratice." She says, holding her hand out. "Yhave potential, I believe." She laughs.

Weyland gladly takes her hand with a smirk as he pulls himself up "I think you might've kicked my ass if you were prepped"

Erika sits back down, taking a breath. “Been fighting my enitre life. I don't know much else...” She laughs, looking forward to whatever came next
"Guess I'm in the same boat, though I've rarely ever fought with people, always Grimms" he smirked "I'm putting five bucks on this airship crashing"

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Weyland was suddenly hit in the back of the head with a crumbled up five dollar bill. "I bet it explodes first. And it's all because of the Hinden-" Daemon was suddenly cut off from his sentence. "Anywho...what's up?"
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Weyland grinned as he made a small turn "We're all gonna die as were flown on a budget-cut airship to what I'm going to assume is a forest full of beasties we chop up to be assigned into teams; speaking of which, I need to have a chat with Ozzy~"

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Daemon thought over what he'd seen of the ship so far. "Welp, I may lose five dollars today. Such a shame, that would have paid for a pizza. I'd invite you to join me if I'd won, friend."
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Katsuro Daichi

Location: Beacon Academy

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Tags: @Mockingbird @TheAncientCenturion @CrimsonEclipse

Katsuro was still catching his breath from his previous sprint when the freshmen were ordered to get on the sketchy airship. "Well, the bell tolls for thee," he quoted turning to the group of two and the guy he dragged. "Well, that's us, let's go. And you," he said, looking at the guy that he accidentally pulled towards the group, "Guess you're with us," he finished, turning back around and walking into the poorly-maintained airship.

He'd only been there for a couple of seconds before it seemed a fight had broken loose. A man and a woman were fighting in the middle of the airship, and they'd only been at Beacon for a matter of minutes. They were landing real blows on each other, the girl even seemed to knock the breath out of the guy at one point. Every time they lurched, Katsuro seemed to feel the airship slowly falling apart. Maybe it was in his head, but the airship really didn't look up to par. After the fight, though, it seemed that they got along. So it must have been more of a challenge than a full-out fight, he thought.

Katsuro looked around, noticing no chairs but instead boxes that were obviously supposed to serve the purpose. Katsuro leaned up against the wall calmly. He wasn't afraid of flying, no matter how sketchy the aircraft was. He waited for the group he was with to enter and sit on the aircraft.
Daemon thought over it for a moment. "Fellow that has five dollars, I just realized something. What does it matter if this blimp crashes?"
Weyland grinned "these are beacon students, half of us won't even die if this hunka junk crashes"

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"What is your power, Liam?" Daemon asked Weyland. "I'm curious at this point. I'd rather you didn't die in a crash."
Weyland cocked his head "did you... Just call me Liam?"

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"Yes, I did." Daemon answered. Then, with a straight face, he continued. "Now I want to know of your particular set of skills."
( ^_^ ah, this needs to be an inside joke now!)

Weyland smirked "you don't get to know my power till you see it in action" he moved to retrieve his scythes and cloak, then a Grimm perched on his shoulders.

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"Do you have the power to turn normal birds into Grimm?" Daemon asked. "Or do you have the power to summon puppies that can grow wings and beaks?"
Weyland just laughed "I used to have a pet Tajitu, not quite"

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Weyland groaned, turning his neck to the bird-like Grimm "next time he calls me Liam you get to peck his nuts off" the Grimm squawked happily in response

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