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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Weyland offered little more than a soft groan upon hearing the announcement, unlike the rest of the students, he was absentmindedly making sure to keep a few feet away from larger groups of people; he pulled the hood of his Black/White cloak over his head in a cautious attempt to make him less noticeable. This had the adverse effect. He was now the rather short weirdo in the oddly coloured cloak. A few whispers started, but considering the wide array of students and their odd, mismatched appearences, his odd appearance and attitude was quickly dismissed, he was simply muttering unintelligible things to himself on their way to the hall.
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'How teams are decided?' she thought, pondering on Anise's words to her. Just how exactly would they be deciding the teams in the initiation exam? Through their applications? Observations? Whatever it was, it didn't sound quite favorable the way she saw it.

Another announcement has been made, asking everyone to line up. Fortunately, they were one of the first few to arrive, giving them the chance to choose their positions. Her companion had taken her by surprise the moment she started pulling her. It seemed she really just needed the right push to bring herself out there. She jogged to keep in pace with her, just once again, narrowly hitting that Blondie she had a small fight with earlier, eliciting a sigh of relief from her. She dropped her shoulder bag off beside the other bags, her weapon already placed on her belt right from the start. She returned the smile Anise gave her, sharing the same excitement that was evident on the brown-haired girl's expressions. She took a look around, observing the others and the number of students. There were these many accepted applicants? She never knew.

"It's alright." she replied to Anise's apology. She was just glad that she somehow broke the girl out of her shell. From her position, she could see the familiar four-ponied spikey hair of a woman adjacent to their line. Blondie's gaze was in another direction instead of the woman in front. She followed it to see some airships. No. Just no. She was glad to finally be on land and she didn't plan on riding another airship again. "Also, interesting weapon you got there." she mentioned, watching as the other twirled her staff.


Anise looked at Jinie and smiled happily " this is Slicer" she said happily said she kept " my trust weapon and partner that I made a Signal. I love her very much and I can't wait to use her in combat" she said to her. "I may not look like it... but out of all the classes... I am looking forward to the combat classes the most... but also history too...that a good class" she giggled and looked at her weapon " your weapon also looks really cool"

@Aeri Rosevier


"Ah, I see. I also heard that students from Signal made their own weapons. It's amazing. I don't think I'll be able to pull off something like that." she said, remembering that the subject back at Vale that tackled on mechanics and electronics was one of her lowest grade. She did take back her grades in subjects that were more physical. Like Anise, she was waiting for the combat classes as well. "Oh, my weapon? It's perfect for me, though I don't think it's as amazing as the other's." she said, patting one of her weapons. She did not care if other's weapons look better, shinier or more advanced. After all, it depended on the way the user fought with it. For her, she focused on speed, attentiveness and accuracy. You can't hurt what you cannot hit.

How long before the announcement would start? Jinie wasn't one to wait for a long time without expecting something exciting in return. She adjusted her jacket; the place was starting to feel hot with the numerous people coming in and chatting. She crossed her arms, giving a hard stare at the others who glanced at her the wrong way, meaning they were judging her right on the spot.

Katsuro Daichi

Location: Beacon Academy

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Tags: @Mockingbird

The announcement was made telling all Freshman to follow a specific course of action.

"Well, that's us, Daggers," Katsuro projected with the new nickname he had for his faunus acquaintance. He began following the other Freshman to the orientation hall, occasionally looking backwards to see if the girl was following. Looking over to the faunus, questions began to raise in his mind.

"Names. I'm Katsuro. Daichi, if it sounds familiar. 'Royal disgrace to the Daichi family' and proud to admit it. How'd you make it to Beacon?" He began, giving the faunus adequate time to answer. He continued to follow the Freshman until he found the pile of baggage. He put his backpack down a distance away for easy recognition, turning to the faunus. Waiting for him, Katsuro pulled out the small brochure and looked at the map, just scoping out the surrounding area and getting acquainted. His next stop would be the school's entrance.
Once again, Miliana was devastated. No, not because of what he said. Frankly, she didn't understand most of the things he said. No, she was devastated by the fact that he had two of those! He could have at least given me one. She thought, her cheeks puffed from annoyance. "Hey wait for me!" She called out as she followed the two, not wanting to lose sight of the first two persons she met. Once she caught up with them, she walked at the same pace as them. "So, has any of you seen a grimm yet?" She asked her, mostly out of curiosity.

@Mockingbird @Shadowborn Omen
Chet was touched by the words of the Faunus. The only people that had ever cared about him like that were his parents. Chet walked beside Erika, still with a goofy grin on his hidden face. The orange clad hero-in-the-making felt like he could suddenly cross the top thing on his to-do list. Maybe the year would turn out all right after all.

Then he heard the announcement. All freshman were to go to report to the school's entrance after leaving everything save for their weapons and dust carriers. Great, this probably meant some sort of immediate combat test on the first day of school, not that Chet was opposed to such a thing. Then it came to him, it might even be team selection. That would surely be interesting to say the least.

Chet turned to Erika, "Well, we better get to it, wouldn't want to be late on the first day."

Erika made no other words, making for the entance. She didn't have much on her at the time, so she tossed her bacg underneath a bench, making sure Gae Bolg was loose enough to fall into her hands if she needed.

She looked around. There were a lot of students alredy lined u in front of the airship. Some were tense, some were curious about what was gong to happen. Erika takes a deep breath, making sure she was clear of any ill tension. It was okay to feel some fear, she knew. That's why she never advised anything stupid like be completely brave. It was about having enough courage to embrace that fear... Erika wondered how many people would fail by not taking that ito consideration.

"It's time...Show me what you can do." She says to Chet, getting in line, closing her eyes until it was time to move

Daggers? The Faunus raised an eyebrow. "So the name finally comes out." He smiled slightly. "I guess I don't have to call you 'fanboy' as much." He barely paid much attention to the announcement. Follow the students and they'll lead him to his destination. Or just follow his new companion in hopes Katsuro knew where he was headed. Besides, Theon was busy half day dreaming and half talking to Katsuro. The girl on the other hand Theon tried his best to ignore. "Such a mouthful...I think i'll call you Kat or Dai. Which do you prefer?" The smile widened with a more playful look to it.

"Honestly I don't care what you are called, disgrace or not. The name rings a bell however I have better things to do than to worry about something like that....no offence." The smile he wore never wavered when he answered Katsuro's question. "I should start off introducing myself. I'm Theon Reed." He rested Sin on his shoulder as he spoke. "How I got here? Long story short, I was raised in a White Fang household and that was very irritating so eventually I left. I had nothing to do after that, which was unbelievably boring, until I heard of Beacon. One thing led to another and here I am." The reply was simple and direct, honest. Theon didn't feel like he had to hide that his 'family' was apart of the White Fang seeing he left them and want nothing to do with them. It didn't matter to him at all. When the girl rushed after them Theon let out a little sigh, not breaking that oh-so-friendly smile. "I've seen Grimm before. Faced some before but nothing like the larger, tougher ones. A bummer really. That would have provided some good entertainment."

@Shadowborn Omen @CrimsonEclipse
She couldn't help but look at the faunus, whose name she now knows as Theon. He fought them before. She doesn't care if they were weak or strong, the fact that he saw them was more than enough for her. "That's so cool!" She exclaimed, adoration obvious in her eyes. "How did they look like! Do they really look the same as in the books?! Like animals with black fur and white markings?! What about you Kat?! Have you seen any of them?!" She asked in succession, calling the friendly guy Kat because that's what she heard Theon call him. At least, that's what she thought happened.

@Mockingbird @Shadowborn Omen
Katsuro Daichi

Location: Beacon Academy

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Tags @Mockingbird @CrimsonEclipse

Katsuro thought about the nicknames Theon suggested.

"K, Kat, Dai, whatever. Used to be K to an old group of friends, I was Kat to my family, so whatever you prefer, though I've taken a liking to an old friends: 'Kato'," he advised. Theon went on to answer the question from the following female about whether either of them had seen Grimm, then she directed it towards Katsuro again.

"I've seen the many times, never fought one, though," he responded, reaching into his pocket to feel for one of his daggers. "I had a friend who said he'd fought a Death Stalker, but he pissed his pants when we saw a scorpion in the woods, so I doubt that," he continued, chuckling a little afterwards. He looked at the girl, "How about you, what's your name?" He asked, patiently waiting the answer while he continued to walk.

Katsuro continued towards the school entrance, and upon getting there he found a large mass of people forming a line, along with a really sketchy-looking airship. "Now that's my kind of thing," he joked, laughing semi-loudly as he did so. "Looks like we're lining up," he commented while lining up himself, looking back at his two followers with a grin once he was in place.
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Thresh watched as everyone began to gather at a couple airships, and then a leader of some sorts said they all had to drop there stuff, grab there weapons and get ready. It seemed that the wonderful entrance exam was starting, he decided to get in line and get ready for whatever was going to happen. He had no idea what was exactly gonna happen but if it was the same as last time then it would be easy. Grimm were dumb in the forest and Thresh had heard the stories, he really hoped that the boss would do something new but he felt they would enjoy sticking to the old. Thresh watched as all the groups continued to talk, he had no one really to talk too, not like he wanted to spill his emotions out like some of the kidsthere. I mean some of them were legit puking out there feelings out all over the place and Thresh was getting none of that.

Thresh decided to head for the only person he knew...or at least relatively knew because he helped her. He never found out her name.So he approached herand another girl and decided to ask what they felt about what was about to happen. Thresh approached Jinie and her new found friend, or whatever. "
Hey person I never got the name of and her friend I hope." Thresh says trying not to screw up, he needed some friends because he felt that right then that he was being secluded maybe because he was a faunus freak or something. Without friends he was sure to have problems, being lonely was never fun. "Sorry about busting into your business earlier just did not want a fight so early and that chick was a jerk...you deserved backup." He says the last part in a funny tone smiling hopping back and forth his arms raised "Midget gotta protect his homies" Thresh says looking at the shady airship "you guys ready to crash in a blaze of glory?" He asked the airship looking super flimsy.

@Evergreen98 ))

@Aeri Rosevier ))

He looked at Katsuro. "Kato it is then." To the girl he tilted his head to the side in thought. "What they really look like? Similar to the books, yes. Though they are alive, rather large, and a bit deadlier looking then what the books show. Darker and 'scarier'. Personally I don't find them to frightening. They are just large animals who could kill you." He added a joking tone at the end. Kat's story about his friend amused Theon. "Really now? What would ever make you doubt he fought a Death Stalker? Scorpions are far more terrifying and deadly, it's smart to be afraid." He responded to that with sarcasm thick in his voice.

Theon looked at the airship they were suppose to board, not paying attention to the girl if she introduced herself. He already had a name for her. 'Annoyance'. "Well this looks safe and secure. Defiantly not something that could possibly crash then kill us all. Joy oh joy, totally not regretting coming here." He sarcastically said once more. "I guess that would provide some more entertainment. Maybe it's apart of the test? Whomever survives makes it. Good luck to you~"
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Weyland eventually got bored of the idle communication, smiling to himself, he glanced around; naturally with no one to pay attention to him, he voiced his thoughts aloud out of idleness "I've still got my little guy" he poked a small crow-like Grimm that hid under his cloak "isn't that right Geoffrey"

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Anise looked at Jinie " every weapon is specila in theor own way...." she said to her with a smile " minebis special because it toonme hours to think of a weapon type because my fighting....." she hugged her staff " i love it... when i first tried it out.. it felt like i was dancing..." she said to her. She turned around and looked at the fauna that came up to them with a kind smile "hi, my name is Anise and this is Jinie" she said to him kindly "your the Fauna that helped her out when that blonde lady was yelling at her" she did a small bow "thanks for doing that..." she looked at him " what's your name?" She asked curiously. She was being nice and very excited, she is also talking a little faster than before " oh... and tell me about you weapon..."

@Aeri Rosevier


Rodon stood nervously, clutching his two modest sized bags closely. The youth wasn't a fan of flying, not in any sense of the word, and he had a sneaking suspicion that the craft he current traveled on was not up to par. He could feel it in his bones. And in the appearance, mostly the appearance. His blue eyes shifted across the common area's he wandered, people were so liberal and free on the air ship. As if they didn't consider the possiblity of the vessel crashing down onto the city below them. Flight was not natural, not for people at the very least. The faunus in hiding shifted once more, grateful for the familiar weight of the nodachi on his back, it gave him some reassurance that Rodon would be able to defend himself. Even if a would-be Hunter's weapon wasn't particularly effective against plummeting to ones death, false confidence is all the man needed.

The man jumped slightly minutes later when the announcements warned the freshmen that they would land soon. Great, that's the fun part. Where the landing gear doesn't properly function and we all crash into a blaze of united misery. Fuck flying. He thought bitterly before sending a hand to scratch the back of his neck, smoothing out an annoyingly uncouth tag itching his neck from inside the grey polo he wore. With minor hesitation, Rodon moved carefully yet quickly to the landing deck. At least I won't go down alone, misery loves company. The aquatic faunus once more pondered, this giving him little overall satisfaction.

Loosing himself in his own subconscious, Rodon's nerves dulled once entering the Landing deck. Despite it being a very short trip from his own residence in Vale to Beacon, the man was already on edge. Rodon's thoughts drifted into what a future team may be like. He pictured a group a strong humans, all sharing more or less the same common interests. A romanticized idea that they would stick together, through thick and thin. Like heroes or main characters from old adventure novels. A quick scuffle between two of the students, both female he noted, disturbed him of his thoughts. A smirk rising to his lips when the woman who the Faunus assumed was the victim shouted at the mutt touching her. "Dirty little thing." Rodon muttered to himself, lost in his thoughts of a perfect team, perfect stay at the academy.

Soon enough Rodon found himself walking out of air craft, thankfully. The faunus looked over at a mountain of luggage, which only encouraged him to hold his own closer to the chest. The idea of it being lost was unsettling, he brought several more personal items with him to Beacon. Unfortunately, the announcements (an aspect of this school he was already growing tired of,) told him and all the other fresh meat to leave their luggage behind. Curiously, not his weapon or dust. Rodon reluctantely dropped the two bags in the pile with all the others, but reached and unzippered the larger of the two. A belt of dust ammunition, all of the fire variety ready to be worn. The faunus plucked the belt up and threw it over his shoulder before moving towards the gathering point.

"A line? So organized." The Lawyer's son grinned before falling in line with the rest of the freshmen, not bothering to take a look at the other students around him. Now was not the time to socialize, that could come after all the work was completed.
She let out a sigh. It really felt like she was the only one who hasn't seen a Grimm yet, even though she was the one who probably wants to see them more. She didn't care if she just sees them from afar or if they're small, she just wanted to see one. She almost didn't hear Kat asking for her name since she was moping. "Oh right, sorry about that. My name is Miliana." She said with a smile, not noticing that Theon was ignoring her, or that his voice sounded funny. She heard Theon's comment about the aircraft, and she can't help but agree with it. "It looks like it'll fall apart just from a Nevermore's flapping wings." She muttered to herself, almost hoping it would happen.

@Mockingbird @Shadowborn Omen
Thema Zhanbene

Thema glanced to Rae. "No side-trip to the dorms? They're sure making us hustle," she said, picking up the pace to wheel the trolley to an unoccupied spot in the hall. "Need anything from your duffle?"

For herself, she pulled out a suitcase labeled ZB-APB-004, giving the locks a spin before revealing a set of greaves and armoured boots. Hopping back and forth, she shucked off her shoes and strapped on her gear. "Whoop, sorry, hope we're not late." Really, when her brother had said to always be prepared, he could have said it with a straight face.



Thresh was looking at all the kids weapons around him, they all seemed to buffed up, his were just more of his strength and not relying on his weapon to do all the work, to him, it was only a tool. And that was probably why sometimes he just used brawlers gloves and not his actual weapon, he learned to live without it. But the weapon was pretty strong so what did he care. Thresh particularly noticed the massive sized weapons, why did everyone go big now a days. It felt odd. Thresh looked back to the two he was with, they seemed to be talking to him. Thresh looked at his hands where his weapons were located. He thought his weapon was boring, everyone's weapon was so cool and his were just gloves.

Thresh looked at the girls "
Name's Thresh" he says pointing to himself his ears flicking around the commotion really bothering him "My weapons, they really are nothing special....just gloves...I'll show you guys more on the field, it's hard to explain what they exactly do" Thresh says.

@Evergreen98 ))

@Aeri Rosevier ))
It wasn't often that Rae became to lost in thought she could hear that which was around her, it was in her nature to be aware of every word that's spoken within her vicinity. But the academy was so overwhelming, and self doubt had begun to worm it's way back to the surface of her conscious, as well as the new energy from Thema, which was something she was trying to become acquainted with.

As the intercom sounded off, directing them to their destination, it slowly became apparent to Rae what was going on. "O-Oh? Tey, I'm sorry, my mind races a million thoughts a second and I just..."

She trailed off, watching the trolley be moved to a more obscure location within the hall and, finally attuned with the present moment again, she nodded. "Sure do."

Rae didn't wear much in the form of gear, the less she carried, the more flexible she could be. She slipped on what she did have, slipping her sigh within straps that criss crossed her back, between her shoulder blades, and then pulled her hair into a high ponytail to keep it from getting caught around the weapons- it'd happened before, and it hurt like hell! Even so, her hair still fell to her mid back- Trimming it? Out of the question!

"Don't worry about it. I don't stick to schedules, they can't very well lock us out." She spoke with an honesty that'd either come off as admirable or ignorant, but if there was anything to learn about Rae, it was that she despised being rushed and expected of.

"Hmm... Does make me curious about dorms, though. Perhaps we'll undergo some exam to put together who we're stuck with," She said thoughtfully, folding her arms over her chest, and then, remembering the importance of body language, she dropped them to her hips.

Thema Zhanbene

Thema's eyebrows shot up together. "Exams for dorm assignments? Really?" She laughed at the absurdity as they headed back out. She hadn't picked up on the change in Rae's demeanor, but she contained her energy enough to not spur a race.

Matching Rae's strides, they eventually found the line of people boarding the beaten-up airship. "Whoa-kay. I don't think that's up to code." She chuckled nervously. She peered at the people in line. It looked like their freshmen class alright.

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Jinie turned towards the person who had approached them. He was the same faunus who backed her up earlier, and she was thankful for that. Actually, she doesn't remember if she expressed her thanks earlier and apparently, she also forgot to introduce herself to him, having been consumed by anger that time. She scratched the back of her head, feeling silly for it.

"Like Anise said, the name's Jinie. And thanks for earlier." she repeated, wanting to introduce herself to make it more official whilst nudging him lightly on the side as she said her thanks. He then proceeded to telling them about his weapon. Remembering the events from earlier, his glove was glowing, most probably containing dust somewhere inside of it. Although she agreed to Thresh's words about waiting to be on the field to show her abilities, she just wasn't the type to be broadcasting her abilities. She liked the element of surprise, if there will ever be any.

"I hope the ceremony starts soon. I can't wait to start training!" she exclaimed, still having that confidence inside of her, bubbling in sync with her excitement for this day. It was almost unbearable, and she needed a something for her to let out her energy to. Despite this wild emotions raging in her, she kept a cool facade. After all, it won't do her any good yet to let it out.
Katsuro Daichi

Location: Beacon Academy

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Tags: @Mockingbird @CrimsonEclipse @TheAncientCenturion

Katsuro cracked his neck without thought, noticing all the people around him with weapons in hand. He reached into his jacket pocket to pull his two daggers out when a cold chill ran down his spine.

There was only one.

“Hey, uh, Theon, Miliana, I’ll be right back, I forgot something,” he mentioned nervously before breaking away from the group and starting a light jog back to his backpack. It has to be in my backpack, I can’t get through any kind of combat with only one knife, Katsuro thought to himself. Without his second dagger, he lost not only the weapon itself, but its pistol form and the combined forms of a halberd and sniper rifle. His fighting style was almost tailor made to fight with both of his weapons. Without them, he was a goner.

With these thoughts in mind, and now that he had jogged past most of the line, Katsuro went into a panicked full sprint to his backpack. He almost ran into multiple people by the time he got to his backpack. He never lost his cool like this, this was an emergency’s emergency. He didn’t know where he would have put the dagger if he had put it in his backpack though, so he started looking everywhere. He started with the small pockets on the side, it wasn’t in either, then the first of three pockets on the front, no luck. He nearly ripped the backpack open to get the middle pocket open, and shoved his hand in to feel for it.

He jumped with pain as he felt sharp metal cut his right pointer finger open. He let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the pain for the pleasure of having both of his blades back. He pulled the dagger out and put it in his pocket with the other, and squeezed his sliced pointer finger tightly until he felt as though it had finished bleeding.

Katsuro, now equipped with both of his daggers, darted back towards the school entrance to get back in line. He didn’t slow down when he saw the line hadn’t moved, neither did he slow down when he got to the mass of people. This was a mistake he soon realized. He tried to dodge the mass of freshmen who were lined up, but only managed to miss the first two or three before he full-out body slammed one of the freshmen out of the line, sending both the freshman and himself sprawling across the ground. He didn’t stop to look at the man he’d ran into before he continued.

Embarrassed and anxious, Katsuro sprung back to his feet and grabbed the arm of the man who he knocked over and pulled him up. “Sorry, my bad,” he blurted. This was his first bad impression on a person since he was a toddler and did embarrassing things he didn’t even know where embarrassing. Katsuro half-walked half-jogged back to where his two previous acquaintances were, realizing afterwards he’d never let go of the other man’s arm and he had dragged him all the way to them. He quickly dropped his grasp and put his hand on his head, pointer finger on his left temple, thumb on his right, the rest of his hand covering his eyes. Great, you’ve been at Beacon for less than 15 minutes and you’ve already blown your cool, now you look like a klutz. He thought to himself, breathing “Sorry” to the best of his out-of-breath ability.
"Alright, all freshman on the plane!"

The woman raised her voice to a yell as she pulled the airship's heavy door open with a barely audible grunt.

"All questions will be answered when we take to the sky. You got it everyone?"

She didn't wait for a response before sliding herself through the plane door into the large space. Boxes littered the dusty area, intended to act as seats for the students, as did many spiders and other critters. A smile brushed up the corner of the woman's lips as slid into the only other unlocked room on the plane, the pilots quarters.

"You can take off now." she instructed. The pilot gave her a thumbs up. The woman slid out of the room, gazing at the students rather boredly.

"Are you going to get in? Better hurry. It'll take off without you."
Weyland was the second student in, dashing ahead for the opportunity to find his own secluded space to relax in, he looked for a place where he could relax and not be forced to listen to the idle chatter of the irritable students, so; without knowing the layout of the ship whatsoever, he lightly rasped his knuckles on one of the doors; pilots quarters "Yo~ I need to escape the horde of imbeciles"

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