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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

Just before Jinie could say something again, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She took away her eyes from the girl for a moment, turning to see the rather muscular but short faunus. She was thankful for his intervention because he successfully calmed her down. Surely, this would have gone out of hand if her personality and Blondie's clashed this bad. Staying away from her was already part of her plan.

Before she could turn to leave, Blondie got herself into more trouble, calling this faunus a freak. She was not really surprised since it was normal but the person who owned those words seemed surprised herself. She took off the hand on her shoulder, gently bringing it down the dust-filled glove.

"Thanks, but there was no need for a violent intervention." she said, referring to his glowing glove. "Also, for the record, you're not a freak, and I don't think she meant it." she finished before leaving to go on her way. That little fight ruined her good mood and she was no longer in the interested in sight seeing. She kept an emotionless face as she walked off the airship and into the school grounds, standing out in the crowd of students-to-be who marveled at the beauty of Beacon. She noticed a girl who was just standing there and if she remembered correctly, was watching their fight earlier. "So.. uhm.. aren't you going inside yet?" she asked, just to spark a conversation. Hopefully, this girl did not judge by appearance.

The girl looked at her and smiled " yeah.. I am planning on going inside.. but the outside is really breathtaking...." she said looking at the nature around the school building. She then figgited a little " i am also very nervous about going in too...." she said looking at her a little embarrassed " but at the same time I am so excited... but my but my body isn't moving from my nervousness...." she looked at the building and then at the girl "oh... my name is Anise... what's your name?" She asked her curiously.

@Aeri Roservier

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"Jinie," she introduced herself, outstretching a hand for a shake. She took a look at her surroundings. The girl was right; she had not given herself the time to appreciate the place. "Sorry, I actually felt out of the mood to observe the place." she explained, running a hand through her hair. Once she is settled, she would take her leisure time wandering around the gardens of Beacon. She then turned her attention to the brunette. She did seem like a timid girl, and this reminded her of her childhood.

"It's overwhelming, isn't it? The feeling of wanting to join here and then finally, you're standing right in front of it." Beacon wasn't a life long dream for her; she just understood the feelings of these people. Joining this prestigious school was just recent and she did not have anyone to share any of her dreams really. Now, all she wanted was a change in pace in her life. She wanted an adventure where she wasn't alone and she was hoping Beacon could give her just that. She gave Anise a warm smile. "Shall we go in together?"
Anise smiled at her " nice to meet you Jinie" she said as she shook her hand. She then nodded when she mentioned that it's and overwhelming feeling " my parents told me about their time in Beacon and they said it was the best time of their lives. They would tell me about their missions and would get all excited and such..." she hummed a little " now I am standing here I hope I get to experience the same excitement and adventure like they have..." she said.

She then looked at her and smiled " yes... and thanks... if you haven't come along I would still be standing out here...." she said feeling a little embarrassed. " thanks..." she said again.

@Aeri Roservier



Thresh looked at his hand, he did not have a violent intervention his gloves just glowed all the time it they were his real gloves, he shrugged and watched as the girl called him a faunus freak "Why thank you my dear" Thresh says as she leaves blowing a fake kiss in a goofy manner not taking what she said to heart. People had there opinions and what did he care. He had ears and a tail, oh boy, really made him different....well maybe increased agility...harder punches...It's good the humans feared them they seemed to be stronger in all aspects which induces fear into the hearts of people thinking they would take over. But really all he freaken had was ears and a tail and he was considered an outcast. Eh, who really cared. He turned to the other girl as she began to leave as well, the red haired one.

Eh, the gloves always glow, and let her have her opinion, see how much I care" Thresh says shrugging it off as she left, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and left as well watching as the girl met another girl and they seemed to walk off, Thresh seemed to be alone again, oddly enough there was not faunuses, I mean maybe they were afraid of getting bullied or death. Death was always something to care about as well. Thresh put his hands behind his head and put his headphones on and begun to walk again following the rest inside, they all seemed to be heading to the same place so why not. Thresh wandered off the air ship and looked at all the new kids, how great it was to be a freshman. He just had to remember 'One punch at a time, one success at a time, one day at a time'

@Aeri Rosevier- Interacted then she left ))

@Azalea -Interacted then she left as well ))
Katsuro Daichi

Location: Airship

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Katsuro sat with his head in his hands until the announcement came. He opened is eyes - A little to suddenly - and had to squint them to readjust to the light of the room. He looked over to see his backpack, it held everything he needed for his stay at Beacon. Katsuro, however, didn't get up. He waited in his seat until after the landing. He got up and walked towards the landing deck. He seemed to get there in the middle of an altercation.

A blonde girl, obviously of some high-ranking family, like Katsuro, yelled at a muscular and short faunus boy who seemed to have helped another female up from being on the floor, calling him a "faunus freak." Huh. How repulsively ignorant. Katsuro commented in his head. Based off of the look that the blonde had afterwards, Katsuro judged she didn't think about what she said before she said it. Katsuro was about to intervene to stop any further conflict, but the faunus boy seemed to brush the insult off, so Katsuro kept to himself for that moment.

When the hunters-in-training began to exit the ship, Katsuro followed suite. While walking, Katsuro's path seemed to be nearing two others: A faunus boy and a human female. They were both turned away from him, looking in the direction of Beacon. Katsuro grinned and walked up behind the two, reaching up to grab their shoulders in a gentle and friendly way.

"Hey, we're here you two lovebirds! You'll have all your time here to talk to each other, now's your chance to get a head start on the view!" He blurted jokingly. He chuckled and walked around to the right of them, turning around and walking slowly backwards when he got in front of them. "The longer you wait, the less time you have!" He reminded, before turning around and striding towards the colossal academy before him.

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A smile tugged at the lips of Chet's bandana covered face. The girl in front of him clearly had worries of her own. It was nice to know Chet wasn't the only person in the nervous newcomer category. Chet listened carefully to every word the girl said. She wasn't from around Vale, which meant Chet had a way to befriend the Faunus.

"Before we get ahead of ourselves," Chet began, "I'm Chet Deadman, what's your name?" Chet almost immediately regretted saying that. What if he was being too forward? What if she got offended? Chet shook the negative thoughts from his mind. The only way he was going to make friends and scratch the top item on his to do list was to talk to people. Chet took a deep breath and eagerly awaited the answer of the Faunus girl.

The answer would make or break Chet's day and he was ready for either situation.

"...It's Erika." She said after a short moments paused, turning back to look at the buildings. There was no real reason to hide her name from anybody... they would learn it sooner or later. What will out will out, as her mother always told her. Erika breifly wondered what she was doing right about now before snapping back to reality.

"You struggle when it comes to people." She noticed... the man was tense in a way. "Not used to people,.. I can understand that..." She said. A few years wasn't enough for Erika to get a grip on people. They did too many weird things, did things no faunus would... was that due to her heightened animal instinc,t or the foolishness of humans, she wondered.

She muses something/ "Chet... it rolls off the tounge." She says, more straight faced then that should have been. "I see...:

She grinned widely at his response. "I know right?! I'm so excited to see a Grimm!" She said, even though it has nothing to do with what they're talking about right now. She was too happy to notice it, too happy in fact to notice that the faunus she's talking to is just forcing himself to appear friendly. She really can't sense the mood.

She was just about to introduce herself when a guy put his hand on her shoulder and said something about birds and waiting. As usual, the blissfully naive and childish Miliana had no clue what he really was talking about. After his brief comment, he proceeded to head towards the academy. What a friendly guy. She thought to herself. "Hey hey, why was he talking about birds just now, did some fly by? Was it a Nevermore?!" She said, a happy expression was on her face when she mentioned the birdlike Grimm.

Not more than a few seconds have passed when something else caught her attention. The faunus was toying with a cool looking weapon, and of course she was unable to resist noticing it. "Wow! That is so cool! Is it yours? What can it do?! Can I have it?!" She asked him in succession too fast for normal people to keep up with.


".....?" He looked at her with a confused expression as she jumped to Grimm. When did we-? The Faunus began before someone, without permission, touched Theon on the shoulder. There was a hint of disgust in his face at the mention of 'lovebirds'. "You're one of those weird fanboy shippers aren't you?" He tilted his head to the side with a raise of his eyebrow. Without waiting for the 'fanboy's ' answer Theon paid attention to the talking girl.

"No...there was no birds flying." Is she serious? He scoffed silently at the innocent hyperness of the 'child'. Truly...with a mind like that how does she expect to make it through here? That's when this girl began barraging him with questions about Virtue. He tilted his head to the other side with a smile. "Obviously it's mine, it can do many things, and no you cannot have it. Don't you have a weapon of your own?" He answered each question with a direct answer. Theon let out a big yawn as he tucked Virtue under his arm.

(Sorry if a bit short. In school @w@

@CrimsonEclipse @Shadowborn Omen )
Katsuro Daichi

Location: Beacon Academy

Time: Mid-day

Status: Healthy

Tags: @Mockingbird @CrimsonEclipse

Katsuro stopped in his tracks at the comment from the faunus. He turned to his right, just enough for his left eye to see the man. His cobalt blue hair falling over the right eye. "No, just a friendly face offering some time management advice," he added with a grin. The girl had made a comment about 'birds', confusing Katsuro's 'lovebird' comment as a literal bird. He scoffed at the realization, but didn't judge. He could tell from the obvious concealment in the faunus's face that he was trying hard not to, as well. She asked about the weapon the faunus was fiddling with, she asked a couple of questions, actually. The faunus answered somewhat sharply. The blade reminded Katuso of his own. Katsuro reached and felt one of his daggers, secured in his jacket.

He tilted his head down, still turned sideways. His hair fell away from his right eye as he lifted his head back up and flipped it sideways, looking back up at the faunus. "Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there?" He asked. He didn't mean for it to sound like he wanted them to follow, but it was too late for him to take the statement back. He began to walk towards the academy once more, still somewhat turned to see the faunus and the girl.
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Thema Zhanbene

With her suitcases finally loaded and secured to the luggage trolley, Thema headed out from under the wing of the airship. Tall enough to see over the stacks of suitcases, she manoeuvred down the boulevard with ease. She regarded the pristine, castle-like academy thoughtfully, still not sure what to expect within.

The grounds were well kept at least. Now was a good a time as any to see how the company would be.

Passing others by, Thema eventually caught up with a girl who shouldered a black duffle bag. They were about the same height. Thema turned and smiled. "Hello. If you'd like, you can sling that bag up top. Figure we're all going to the same place, yeah?"

"Your life seems quite thrilling." Jinie replied to her short back story. From that, Jinie could say that life in Beacon was indeed adventurous, and to think that was only the start as a huntress-in-training. "Hm.. No one should go through things alone. If you need me, I'm here." she told her. It was too early for such words, especially since they had just met, but she just said them out of instinct. Besides, she wouldn't mind it. She then made her to the entrance, nudging Anise to come walk with her too.

The entrance itself was grand; two doors so large she could only imagine what its height was meant for. Upon entering, the other students have already gathered around in front of the stage, making themselves comfortable and interacting with the other students. It seemed the staff were yet to start, most likely still waiting for everyone to come in. They still had time to do as they wish before having to listen to an upcoming speech.

"Have your parents told you what is the initiation exam? It is the only thing keeping us from being official students here, after all." she asked her new companion. She wanted to get ready for whatever it was. Read if she needed to study; condition herself if it was something more physical.

"Oh, really? You're a life saver, I was not built to carry," With an eager motion Rae tossed her duffel up onto the trolley, rolling her left shoulder around until it gave an uneasy pop to which she smiled sheepishly.

"Much appreciated- I'm Rae, and you are?" Hand shaking had always seemed too formal in the brunettes opinion, so she offered a friendly grin in its place, her eyes lit with the chance to socialize with an amiable being and gradually she matched the woman's pace, now walking by her side in the same direction as before.

@Cirno (:
Miliana frowned slightly when he said she can't have it. If she had not sworn to be a good girl in the academy, she might have tried to take it away like she did before to someone she knew, but that's a story for another day. She pulled her weapon, Valkyrie's Retribution, out of her bag. It was close to 2 feet in length, so how it fitted in her bag was a mystery, even to her actually. "I mean, I do have one, but it doesn't look cool. It just looks normal." She said as if she was a child whining about the present she got.

She was to say more, a whole lot more, but her thoughts were interrupted by that friendly person from a while back. He's really so friendly, I hope more people are like him here. Maybe he'll give me his weapon if I ask him. She thought to herself. But before she could even ask him about it, he left, saying that they should go too. "He's so friendly." She mumbled, looking at him in awe.

@Mockingbird @Shadowborn Omen
Anise smiled " my parent's lives are thrilling... mine is just getting started" she said as she walked along with her new companion. So far it was exactly like how how her parents described the school and the feeling some gets once they get when they see the double door. Her mom said she squeaked from excitement and ran through the doors. Her dad said he just stared at it for a few seconds before walking through the door after he her mom run past him. But the two of told Anise that when they saw the double doors they were able to tell right off the bat that their future is going to be one filled with many adventures. Anise looked at Jinie and said " thank you" as they walked through the double doors.

As they entered the room she looked around and saw that the student were mingling amongst themselves and already making friends and such. She looked around room. It was pretty big and simple. But the colors were bright making it stand out. She got goosebumps from just being in the building ' i wonder what classes are like...' She trailed of and then looked Jinie when she asked about the initiation exam " they just told that the intimation exam is how they met and that it is how teams are decided..." she answered

@Aeri Rosevier

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Thema Zhanbene

Thema chuckled and returned Rae's smile. "Not a problem. Name's Thema. 'Tey' works too."

She wiggled her fingers against the sun-warmed trolley bars. "Have to say, this is a pretty big campus. Any idea what's in store for us here? I mean, I've heard great things from my brother, but when I ask him for some particulars, he just goes mum. Gives this look." Thema straightened, jutting her chin out as she mimicked his indulgent, all-knowing smile. More of a smirk, really.

"Tey it is, then."

"I can't say that I do," She laughed lightly as the woman mimicked her brothers odd response, her imagination already conjuring up an appearance for the man as she peered over at Thema. "All that I do know is that our diligence will be tested, and we're bound to double in questions than have many answers freshman year. Though, I'd assume that's how most explorations go."

A bit of apprehension swelled in her chest, though overall, Rae was eager to adjust to the Beacon lifestyle, and having never really lived with a stable foundation of her own, she'd adapt admirably well, for its all she knows to do. "I'm just praying we're not pitted against Beowolves as a surprise evaluation when we come through the doors."

"I know teams were mentioned on the flight up, not sure how that'll work out, though I do hope it's co-op 'cause one too many women playing for leader will be a disaster in itself." She sheepishly smiled again. "I don't read instructions, I just kind of jump into things, enrollment at the academy wasn't an exception to my impatience."

"Mmhm, the freshman experience," said Thema, grinning wryly.

"Beowolves?" She looked to the great doors they approached with mock apprehension. "Now that you mention it, Rae. The grounds must be this big for a reason. I mean, they'd only have to expend a few every year on orientation day. Thin the herd. On both sides." But she wasn't able to keep her dramatically downturned pout in place after catching Rae's eye.

She laughed at the story of Rae's enrollment process. "Hey, keeps things exciting, right?"

It was hard for Thema to stop grinning. This was what she had really missed at her other school. Basking in Rae's infectious good mood, she felt a tingle of excitement for the first time in a long while.


He smirked slightly at the 'fanboy' in front if them. Strangely enough Theon has taken a liking to the strange man through their brief interaction. He seemed like someone whom Theon might actually enjoy talking to. The girl however.... "Tch." He scowled as he noticed her disappointed look when he rejected her of Virtue. His left ear twitched in irritation at this. His gaze went to the weapon she just pulled out. "Someone once told me that a weapon reflects the owner. So perhaps your weapon is 'normal' because you are nothing special. However you must also know that a weapon defines a person, not just by appearance but by skill. If you can truly use your weapon well then it doesn't matter how it appears. Also if you want it to be something more then think of it as something more." He left it with that. When Fanboy called after them he chuckled. "Coming Mr. Fanboy."

Theon jogged up a little to Katsuro's side, matching the others pace though not paying much attention to the man. Not that he was ignoring the person but Theon's mind began to once more wonder. Swimming in a sea of thoughts. He twirled Virtue once more before returning it to its sheath. He stared at the academy with an almost bored, blank look but interest still sparked in those green eyes. Subconsciously he pulled out Sin then did the same routine as Virtue. Twirl, rest on shoulder, twirl, shoulder, twirl, shoulder...

@Shadowborn Omen @CrimsonEclipse


Thresh watched as all the kids seemed to find friends and start to chat with each other, he felt left out of it all, he saw one other faunus and it was a guy and he was with a group of three so Thresh kept walking a blank expression on his face as he neared the entrance of the school, he knew that there was an entrance exam and he was sure he knew what would happen because his uncle had to do it but he could never be sure. Hopefully they change it up and don't launch them into the forest, that was boring and it always created problems. Thresh just hoped he did not get stuck with the girl with the fan, she was a real witch to him, you see he did not care about what she said about him but he sure as hell was gonna hold a grudge till they talked, dirty looks were in store.

Thresh wandered around waiting for something epic to happen or something, he just wanted this exam to start so he could pass or fail and get it over with, he so far did not like this place, he was already discriminated against and the girl he was helping seemed not to enjoy his help...sucky day already i'll say. Thresh really was not good with his luck today. He did notice another faunus however, a girl with the weirdest looking guy Thresh had ever seen. Who wore all orange and matched it all up, looked like a prisoner and it was ten times worse because it was tight, Thresh was not one to judge fashion but his outfit was pretty odd. But the guy was probably pretty nice, what did he know. Thresh sighed and decided it would be best to just keep walking, he would talk eventually and he really did not want to butt into anyones conversations anyway. He did see the jerk girl from before with someone else, again, Thresh did not judge but it looked like she was making another girl carry her stuff and that was messed up.

(( @Anyone, I did not want to bother anyones conversations so here is a filler for now if anyone is feeling bored. ))

"Well nice to meet you Erika," beamed Chet. Chet blushed a little under his bandana when she spoke his name. Chet couldn't believe he had gotten this far without offending the girl, or scaring her off. Chet took a moment to gather himself. He couldn't let the conversation die here, otherwise it would just make for awkward acquaintances. Chet then remembered the crowd around him.

Chet almost lost his cool. Talking to people was hard enough, but with anyone eavesdropping and judging... Chet grabbed ahold of himself.

"Yeah," said Chet, "People are hard for me. Probably has something to do with me being an only child." Chet thought deeply on that for a few moments before speaking again, "Hey, we should probably get moving, isn't orientation or something of the sort starting soon?"

As eager as Chet was to make friends, he was equally as eager to become a hunter. The greatsword/gun on his back was ready to be used.

"Steel your nerves." She advised., looking ahead. "IEmpty your thoughts. These people are shadows, nothing more." She said, looking out. "Focus on your objective and move with urpose. Do that and no one untoward will bother you." She said. "Guard your emotions, then guard the world." She said.

She began putting one foot in front of the other . "That said... find a family, change your fate if it hampered you. Let;s get moving." She said, making her way towards the orientation hall.

"All Freshman. Please make your way to the school's entrance. Leave your luggage in the orientation hall. Take all weapons or dust-carriers with you."

Linnae glanced up as a decidedly feminine voice sounded over the intercom, informing them to go to the school's entrance. Glancing at her luggage, the blond reached in her pocket, removing the school's brochure, which featured the map of the school. "Let's see..." the blond took in her surroundings. "I'm here." she pointed a finger at the area near the lockers, a guess at her location. "and the Orientation Hall is here."

Folding her map and placing it determinedly back in her pocket, Linnae begin to take off down the hall, wheeling her luggage with her. Leaving her luggage in an inconspicuous corner a ways away from the other students mountain of baggage, She absently-mindedly spun a blond strand between a finger as she walked towards the school's entrance. Many student's, large groups of freshman crowded the hallways. Linnae irritably shouldered her way through the mounds of people, until she'd reached the schools entrance.

Many others already populated the grassy expanse, but a tall, dark-haired women with strange silver eyes stood out to her the most. She stood near the front of the group, a slender hand resting on her hip, her lips done up in a smirk as she observed her environment the way a predator does potential prey. The woman's gaze paused on her, and Linnae tore her eyes away reluctantly. A flash of black in the corner of her vision caught her away, and the blond curved her body in the direction of the object, taking in a large, battered up looking airship of sorts.

"they expect us to get in this?" outrage rang clear in every syllable as Linnae shot the only person of authority, the woman a glare.


"Everyone. Make a line." the woman announced, prancing to the front of the airship with clear disdain.

"Uck," she spoke to no one in particular. "this thing looks like it'll barely last one more ride in the sky." She laughed, though the words hadn't been particularly funny.

Her hand slowly curved about her weapon, a bow-and-arrow with a dangerously curved front. Observing the kids once more, the woman shook her head.

"This is a large group. Let's see how many last."
Anise heard the announcements and an excited smile appeared on her face. She took Jinie hand "come on!" She said excitedly and started to drag her to the school entrance. She was getting all excited. ' my adventure is about to begin!' Her grip on Jinie tighten a little as it started to shake from nervousness and excitement. She hummed happily and looked back at Jinie with a smile and kept walking. Once they got they're they saw student lining up and got into line with them of course she pulled Jinie along with her. Once they got in line she let go off her "hehe... sorry..." she said to her feeling a little embarrassed for dragging. She twirled her boo staff in one hand which she had with her this entire time and grinned at her " it's starting..." she said.

@Aeri Rosevier



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