Rominov School for Vampires

Sky sat by herself somewhere near the garden. A small sketchpad was in her lap and her hand moved furiously across the page. She didn't want to be here, therefore she was not here. No, instead she was drawing. Drawing always helped her escape. On the page was a picture of three people playing videos games on a couch. One was tall and skinny with neatly combed black hair and determined green eyes. The next was a tad bit smaller with messy blonde hair and blue eyes, a grin was spread across his face. It was obvious he was winning. The final one was a small girl peeking over the back of the couch. She had raven black hair that was pulled into a ponytail atop her head and blue eyes. She seemed happy just watching the two boys duke it out. Glancing down at the drawing, Sky sighed. Memories were definitely not helping her bad mood. So instead she flipped the page and started drawing a flower. Flowers were always nice. So she sat and she drew, praying that no one would stumble across her. She knew what she was supposed to be doing right now, but that didn't mean she had to do it. She was going to stall for as long as possible. As long as she didn't get caught, that wouldn't be a problem.

((Sorry, I've been kind of out of this.....))
Bram felt the guns heat up in his hands but he had wrapped his hands for that exact purpose... he was out of bullets anyways, dropping the gun in one fluid motion he snatched the other two live guns from his holsters behind him. Evangeline sprang towards him, Full of openings. He placed the gun at her head ready to fire. He hesitated not being able to pull the trigger the gun pointed right at her head... a clean kill an easy kill. tsch. He moved his chest back as he sucked in his gut as the dagger moved towards him slicing his white shirt making the lower half dangle with a new sense of freedom. He felt her push off of him still in a daze as he had, had the chance to kill her... Why didn't you take the shot Bram... whats wrong with you. His arms dangled at his side holding the guns in his hand. his sleeveless arm dripping blood down his muscled bicep. He looked at the ground a feeling of sickness and fever flew over him. He started to breath heavier. The adrenaline kicked in fully not his heart beating out of his chest. He needed to get out of here and fast... He knew what would happen in a few minutes without his shot. His sweat poured from his face, his body stirred with an uneasy queasiness. Bram began to sway where he stood, losing his balance... Suddenly his head shot up to look at Evangeline, his eye's were filled with wrath and intent on death. his left arm started to shake as it raised up pointing at her it stopped shaking entirely he would not miss this shot he would not let her live... DIE BEAST!
When Liliya finished, she came back out of the room. Her crimson eyes appeared much more vibrant than before and her skin had more of a blush, rather than a sickly pale look. She saw Nathan still waiting, and while she did wonder how he managed to go so long without blood, she didn't question it. She wasn't one to pry into other peoples' business. "Okay, I'm ready. I think we missed class though." She added. Not a minute later, the bell rang, dismissing students to go to their second classes.

((Okay, everyone, we have to keep it moving along somewhat, so anyone who is actually in class will go to their next one. Class skippers can disregard this lol.))

Nathan shrugs and says to Liliya "I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air. I am starting to lose it from being so close to all this blood." Nathan walks outside to where Bram and Evangeline were battling, his hand slips to his daggers as he sees Bram point the gun at her "What is he planning." Nathan grits his teeth trying not to interfere
(Calm down [MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] I got my interwebz back but I agree. I want to Rid of Nicolai and just have the puppeted.)

Ember looked up to Dimitri. Ember is not the one to blush but she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She placed the razorblade in her mouth and it disappear. "Well," She paused letting the blade slide out between her lips, holding on to it with her teeth. "I'll stop being a danger to myself, maybe, if after class you go hunting outside with me." She clenched her teeth feeling the thirst burning her throat.
Castor viewed the ongoing battle between the pure blood and the boy. 'I can sense her blood lust, although she controls it well. However, she is also tiring because not only is she not a combat vampire, but she isn't accustomed to using her magic in such an aggressively offensive manner for such an amount of time. She will need to feed soon, or her energy will be severely depleted, and she won't be able to fight back.' As he thought this, Castor quietly removed the katana and it's sheath from his back and laid them on the grass. 'If I am to face that boy, I will only use my estoc. Otherwise, I might accidently overwhelm him... or worse.' thought Castor. It wasn't as if Castor was too arrogant, but he knew the limits of his powers, and although it was impressive that this boy was as good as he was, the experience of unknown origin that Castor possessed was more than enough. Most normal combatants would have to use two hands to wield Castor's other blade, which was a 1.3 meter longsword called an "estoc". However, Castor's superior vampiric strength, as well as his experience, allowed him to swing it around as if it was much smaller and lighter than it really was. He saw Bram raise his gun to Evangeline, and his eyes widened. 'I knew she wasn't experienced enough!' he thought. Without a thought, he sprung into action and ran with vampiric speed in front of Evangeline, holding the estoc up. 'Now, you face someone of your own caliber, and greater.' he thought in the split second that the bullet approached.
Dimitri gave her an odd look. Hunting? She obviously meant that she wanted to kill animals for their blood, but he knew of very few Vampires who still did this, especially with humans that would gladly volunteer theirs. Ember stuck the razor blade back in her mouth and he restrained a flinch. She was blushing now, the pink standing out on her face which was just as pale as any other Vampire. Hearing the bell ring to release them from class, he knew that they had only a short time before their next class would start. He wasn't one to skip, but he really didn't want to feel responsible if she cut herself again and someone attacked her. "Okay," he said. "Let's go."

Liliya follows him outside, seeing the battle at the same time he did. She had no idea what was going on right now, and why the two were battling on campus. "I don't know, but they could be kicked out for fighting like this outside of class." She said, concerned. She hated to see other students get in trouble for something as dumb as fighting. She couldn't even tell if this was a friendly duel or not. She noticed others watching the fight as well. The boy she'd seen earlier just joined the battle, taking on the other male student.

((off for the night, you can interact with my characters but I will not be able to respond until morning :3 ))
Nathan sees the man join the battle and Nathan hisses slightly, his blacker then night dagfers appeared in his hands almost instantly "I'd hate to see Evangeline get expelled." he frowns slightly and waits to see if Bram does anything stupid
Oddly enough the man running in between them made any thought of a fight erase from her mind, and she plopped down onto the grass, a big smile on her face as she was laughing, "I told you you would beat me Bram! I would be dead a million times over!" She was referring to the numerous times she got hit with the rubber bullets, "Wow am I gonna be sore in the morning! Thanks for playing hero... Hey! You're that guy who tackled me yesterday!!! What the hell are you doing over here? Wow that's a big sword though." Her eyes went wide as she looked at the sword, still sitting on the grass, her eyes back to normal.

Hannah was watching from the sidelines and breathed a huge sigh of relief. "That was intense..." she murmmered to herself, "I couldn't even keep track of most of it." She wanted to come up to them, but felt safer sitting where she was.
Nathan shakes his head. He knew that gun was loaded. "Hey Evangeline!" he waves motioning for her to come over to him, his daggers still in hand. He was hoping to pull her away from Bram as quickly as possibly no matter what he had to do
Castor was unsure of what to say. "I... I was protecting you from that boy. The fight seemed more serious than it seems to have been." As he spoke, he kept the sword facing the boy, who was still aiming at Evangeline in his peripheral vision. "About yesterday, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I was just very thirsty... and it seems that I have trouble with human blood. But, that's no excuse. I apologize again, and I assure you, I can control myself now." He gave her a smile as he spoke. 'It seems I was worrying for nothing. I'll take that over a conflict any day.' he thought happily. However, his instincts told him that something was amiss. Castor slowly turned to gaze back at the boy. 'I am sure that there are still bullets in that gun, and it is still pointed this way. If he dares to shoot, I will have too...'
Bram raised an eyebrow at this new person in front of them, man people are annoying here always getting in your way or running into you... What am I some main character in a book or something? Bram tilted his head to look at the now sitting Evangeline. "Alright we will call it here for today. And you owe me a New shirt." he yelled to her his arm still pointed at the man with gun in hand "Now if you would so kindly... Piss off." Bram said very sternly to the vampire with the sword, looking at him with irritation in his meddling in their affairs. His heart almost lept out from his chest a shrill of pain overcame Bram as he gritted his teeth together to hide it. Shit i need to get out of here what does this idiot want?

(How does everyone know the gun is loaded with real bullets I fail to see how any of that is known since Bram was using rubber bullets the entire time.)
With a sigh, Sky lifted her head. There appeared to be some kind of commotion going on nearby. "Oh well.." She mumbled to herself, turning her attention back to her flower., It was a rose. Her favorite. As long as they were all over there and far away from her, she didn't care what they did. She was relishing the time she had to herself. This was almost as nice as... No.. scratch that. she was drawing a rose, not thinking. That's why she was drawing.
(I just said Nathan knew it was loadedn not with what :P , and he had only seen the part of the battle with Bram holding the gun to her head, not him using rubber bullets.)
Castor was a bit surprised at the sudden end to the conflict, but he was glad. He didn't know the boy, but he seemed agitated. So, in a friendly voice, he replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I just thought it might get out of hand. Of course, it seems you had it all handled. My apologies." However, in a slightly lower, colder tone, yet still eerily friendly, he said, "Also... you don't have the right to tell me to "piss off"." As quick as the mood appeared, it dissipated. "Anyway, I hope to see you around in a class or on the grounds." he said jovially. Turing to Evangeline, he asked, "May I speak to you in private? I have a question of a somewhat sensitive nature that I believe only you can answer." He waited for her reply as he sheathed his blade.
Evangeline hopped up, and Hannah ran over happily, neither hearing Nathan. Evangeline spoke, smiling, "Thanks.... whatever your name is. Yeah, I do owe you a shirt huh? Its ok. That was so worth it. Sorry I actually cut you. Your blood tastes really good." Evangeline giggled, and her fangs tingled, wanting more, but she ignored it for now, she was just thirsty.

Hannah nearly tackle hugged Bram, "I am so sorry for earlier! I am way too emotional and I know it... Watching you two fight was cool though. You are really fast!" She held onto his hands, "We have english right now! Come on. Or do you wanna stop by your room first? Get a new shirt? That'd be best." Without wasting a moment, Hannah pulled him off to his room, intent on getting him to his room for a new shirt.

Evangeline looked at the two with a smile, "See ya later then." She looked down at herself, "Oww. These are gonna welt. That last move was a different gun though. Scared me a little. Ah well." Evangeline smiled at the boy, "So. What's your name again?"
Nathan sighs "Whatever." he slides down the wall and just sits there, he slowly spins his knife around in his hands "Crap, my book is still in Drake's class." Nathan walks off to drake's class still slowly spinning his knife "I'm sorry Drake." he grabs the book and looks him
Drake looked at Nathan coming into his class, "You missed the end of class young Nathan. No worries, just take your book, and hurry off to your next class. You are already late I do believe." He looked Nathan over and sighed, "You look burdened by something. What is wrong?" He couldn't just let something like that noticed go unhelped.
Nathan shrugs "What can I do Drake. I have no chance with Evangeline, she is the type of girl who you CAN'T compare to a Summer's day, and that friend of hers gives me a bad feeling in my stomache. I over heard her saying she is coming to your class next by the way." Nathan shakes his head not sure what to do
They clamored into Bram's room, he was falling on top of Hannah to try to stay vertical. He could feel everything around him vibrating and causing his body a disruptive feeling. Things seemed almost in slow motion. His breaths were loud in his head like he was listening to it through a headset. He could feel Hannah's soft flesh as he grabbed onto her to stop from falling over. The tingle the sensitivity he felt was euphoric loving every touch on the tip of his fingers, He could feel his mind receding into the back of his head and leaving him to his primal instincts. his eye sight and depth was failing as he could no longer tell how many steps he was away from things or how long his arms were. He reached down to the silver case on top of his bag on the floor and fell over with a thud his breathing becoming sharp. he stared at the silver case his arm slowly inching closer and closer to it. I just need too just....the breath began to slow down and the adrenaline that was keeping his body from the pain ceased he cringed and shrinked up at the pain letting out small yells of pain and wincing. He could smell his blood on his outstretched arm, Bram wanted to tear it off but couldn't move his other hand as it clasped his chest over his heart. His vision started to turn darker and darker... this is how I die... pitiful isn't it and all based on a duel with a girl. There was a reason why the blood acted up, maybe it was Hannah or the thrill of battle. He still had no idea how to control it, all he knew how to do was weaken it for just to subside it for a little bit.
Hannah was freaking out, not knowing what was wrong, A bad reaction to the mixed blood? That was the only thing she could think, and she saw him grab for the silver case. Hannah grabbed it for him, opening it quickly as she winced from his sounds of pain, "What... What is wrong? What is happening? What can I do to help Bram?" Her hands shook, in fear for him, and she remembered him saying something about purifying his blood.

When she looked down into the case, it made so much more sense, and she grabbed a syringe. She knew it would hurt, but a more direct way into the bloodstream was best, and so she stabbed it into his chest after she moved his hand, aiming for his heart. Hannah pressed the liquid in, her heartbeat loud and fast, completely scared for him now.

Drake smirked at the reference to Shakespeare, "Nathan. Let things come as they may. You may pursue her, but she could very well be interested in this other boy." He looked at the clock, next class should be coming in soon. Almost on que, students began to walk through the door, and he stood, looking at Nathan still, "You cannot force one to love. What makes her so amazing? You hardly know her, yes?"
Nathan shakes his head "She just is. I can't explain it. And, her friend seems to have some sort of relationship with her feeder." Nathan sighs "But with my luck she would feel something for him. Thanks Drake." Nathan takes his book and walks out of the class, he leans agains the wall waiting for Evangeline to pass so he could talk to her about her teaching him things
Bram's body rose up as she stabbed him the syringe sticking out of his chest. As he raised up he gasped for air that he had just found so hard before to do. He looked down at the syringe in his chest a look of relief on his face but not for long. Brams mind was still lost to him going on primal instincts, the syringe was working but it was fighting an uphill battle. He snatched Hannah's arm in his hand trying to find comfort to his current situation of anguish. He was in so much pain he squeezed hard on her forearm letting out a yell in pain as his body fought back control over itself. He could see through his returning vision that he was causing her pain. His breathing became violent, as his body was settling to its original state. The wound on his arm had healed all the way there was not a sign of him getting cut. His eye's closed as he let go of Hannah's hand slamming his fist on the ground. He screamed this time a loud and short scream his eyes shot opened and looked at her one last time to see her look... He laid there with no movement, his body limp, his eye's were glassed over as they slowly closed.... he was unconscious.
With another sigh, Sky scrapped her drawing. She couldn't seem to get the petals right. She faintly registered hearing a bell. "Oops, I'm missing another class.. Oh well.." She muttered, not really caring. Class was one of the things she was avoiding anyways. It sounded like the confrontation she'd been hearing had stopped which meant that the people would be moving around now. "Just stay away from me.." She grumbled under her breath. She knew what she'd do now.. She'd draw a cat. Cats were nice too..
Hannah winced as he grabbed his arm, but didn't move. When he slammed his fist into the ground, she looked at him in the eyes, scared. Once he passed out, she calmly took the syringe from his chest, and picked him up as best as she could. Hannah half dragged, half carried him to his bed and laid him down, then she broke down crying. She didn't know what else to do, and really hoped what she did do helped him. Hannah laid down next to him, her head on his chest, and her arms were wrapped around one of his.

She couldn't sleep, she was much too awake. Hannah looked up at Bram's face, then back down to her arm where he had grabbed her. She could already see the beginnings of a bruise, and she knew Bram would hate himself for that. She just laid there against him, studying patterns in the wall, the ceiling, anything, as she waited for him to hopefully wake up.

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