Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan frowns "Why don't you draw something. You seemed happy when you were drawing." he smiles and pulls the drawinnout of his pocket. He smiles and looks at it before putting it back. Nathan pulls a picture of a girl from his pocket. He tears it into peices and drops it to the floor "Good bye Savanah. "
Sky's lips turned upward in a smile as she pulled her sketch book out again. Flipping past the pages with random drawings of flower, kittens, and her brothers; she finally found a blank page. She tapped her pencil lightly against her chin. "What do you think I should draw now..?" She asked, glancing over at Nathan to see him tearing up a picture.
Nathan smiles "That was a picture of Savanah. The last thing I had to remember her. I have to move on." he smiles and looks at Sky "Well, you could draw um. I don't know. Draw something meaningful. Draw who you want to be. Not who you are. Then try your best to become the person you drew." he shrugs and looks at Sky
"Good idea.." She said softly, pausing for a moment before she let her hand begin to move across the page. She couldn't help the smile that lit up her face. He was right, drawing did seem to make her happier. She decided that she was going to draw who she was on one half of the page and then who she wanted to be on the other.
Liliya moved on to her next class, taking a seat somewhere in the back. Luckily, this was a magic class. It was a lot more interesting than the "normal" classes she also had to take, but unfortunately she didn't actually get to use her magic, just learn about it. But that was still better than not doing anything with it at all. She sat quietly and looked out the tinted window that over looked the night covered grounds while she waited for others to show up.
Nathan's face lights up as he remembered it was dark outside. "Can I show you something. Something really cool?" he smiles and looks at her, he crosses his legs infront of him Indian-style and he faces her
Sky looks up at him, curiosity shining in her eyes as she sets her sketch book aside for a moment. "Why not." She said quietly as she tucks her legs underneath her so that she could face him as well. He had successfully managed to catch her interest. She was now curious as to what he was going to do.
Nathan smiles. He pulls her to her feet and gives her her sketchbook. He grabs her hand and pulls her down the hall. He walks out a side door and looks around. He pulls her a bit faster to a small lake on the edge of the campus. There were rocks that formed a kind of shelter, it covered their head and sides, but gave them a view of the campus and the small lake "Here." he smiles
Sky looked around in delight. This place was beautiful... "You know, you're probably never going to get me out of here now.." She said softly, a smiled lighting up her face as examined the area around her. Sky had always enjoyed places like this. She decided that after she finished the drawing she was working on that she was going to draw this place.
Nathan smiles and puts his back against the rock "Good. I don't mind sharing." he smiles and scoots over to sit next to her to watch her draw. It inrested him a lot. He smiles and closes his eyes yawning slightly then he opens his eyes and returns to watching her draw
After taking in the sights around her, Sky had settled herself down and resumed her drawing. By now she had managed to sketch a detailed picture on one side of the page. In the center of the picture was a small girl holding a white kitten. On either side of her was a boy. The one was rolling green eyes towards the top of the page with a hand resting on his forehead in an exasperated manner. The other one was grinning wildly with his arm around the girl. He was giving her bunny ears. Behind them appeared to be a tree house in the center of the woods. There was a small sign hanging from it that read 'The Lookout' to the side of that was a lake with another wooden sign sticking out of the ground. This one read 'Lake Tillany'. On the other side of the page the outline of an older girl was currently being started. "Thank you for bringing me here.." She said softly, pausing in her picture to smile at him.
Nathan smiles "No problem." he yawns and leans on her slightly, he hadn't been sleeping very well lately and he was kind of tired "I assume those are your brothers?" he points to the two boys and smiles slightly, he analyzes what he can about rhe drawing before turning his attention back to the older girl being drawn he smiles slightly
"Yeah.." Sky said quietly, pausing in her drawing for a moment. She points to the exasperated one. "That one is Ethan.. He was the oldest..." ..and also the one that sold me. She thought, keeping that little tidbit to herself. No bad memories. She then pointed to the grinning one. ".. and that one is my twin, Tyler." She told him, shaking her head slightly. Tyler had been such a goofball. Then again, so had she. "This was our forest. Well, it wasn't ours exactly, but we found the place so all of our friends respected that. That's why the lake is named after us." They had experienced many fun times in that forest. Games like.. Sky burst out laughing. "Oh the irony..!" She said, still laughing hysterically. "We used to play a game called Vamps vs Slayers in that forest and I was always the Vamp leader.." This was truly ironic considering where she was today.
Evangeline looked around and shrugged, she really did not want to go to her next class. Instead, she could smell Bram. Why am I paying attention to th... Oh screw it. I will just go talk to him. She walked to his room, following the scent of him. She was a bit perturbed she was paying attention to his smell, and it bothered her, but it seemed like a better idea than going to class. Once at his door, she knocked lightly, but firmly, the sound easily heard, "Bram? It is Evangeline.... May I come in? I want to talk to you." She could smell the tiniest bit of Hannah's blood, which concerned her, but she figured Hannah must have just gotten nicked on accident.

The smell of Bram's blood was prevalent though, and it was making her dizzy, What in the gods names is wrong with me!? This is another vampire we are talking about. Bram no less. Get a grip on you- WHY is there so much of his blood?? I didn't nick him that bad did I?! She shook her head, a little concerned for him, and walked in, "Bram, did I really hurt you? I can smell a lot of blood. Your blood no less."

Hannah had stepped into her shower by now, her torn clothes tossed into a plastic bag, then into the trash. She shivered slightly from the water, then turned the heat up and began humming to herself quietly, wondering what Bram was doing. Had she forgiven him? No. Would she? She didn't know. Could she trust him ever again..? Again, Hannah didn't know, and that worried her the most. She wanted to trust him, and knew it wasn't his fault. If anything, she felt she should have listened to his warning.

Hannah cringed slightly as the bite near her collar bone stung, the water hitting it hurting slightly. How am I going to hide this from Evangeline...? What if she sees? She... She would be very very mad at Bram... Hannah sighed and rested her head back on the shower wall, "Let's see... Missing classes... check. Vampire hunter boyfriend... check. Vampire sister basically... check. Molested... check... What else is going to happen?" She looked up at the showerhead above her and sighed, "A human in the mix. How fun for me..."
Bram tucked the necklace in his pocket as the door opened from Evangeline stepping in. Great what does she want now. Bram quickly tore the sheets off his bed just leaving a bare mattress. he threw it in the corner of the room, the blood stains clearly visible. He scratched his head as Evangeline stepped in. "Yea I bled alot more then I thought I would, it's no big deal just have to get new bed sheets." Bram's body was shining from his sweat from the moonlight, he moved to the window and opened it slight it must have stunk of his blood, but since he was in his room for so long he was used to it. The slight breeze as the window opened lofted the sweet smell of Bram's sweat and blood perfuming the room in his scent. He looked at Evangeline. "You wanted to talk to me princess... I mean Evangeline?" He remembered she hated being called princess, and he would indulge her for fear that she would ask questions about Hannah.... Bram had an overall entreating appearance to Evangeline, but he was on edge due to the circumstances that happened before in this very room. The attack flashed through his mind like a film real sped up the sound of her screams and cries echoed in his head. He sat back down on the bed staring at Evangeline.
Evangeline stared at Bram, confused, "That much... blood? From such small cuts? What? Did I hit an artery? Or where you trying to play doctor on yourself and made it worse?" She shook her head, then the smell hit her hard as he opened the window, and her head spun. Evangeline looked down at the floor, holding her head in her hands for a moment before breathing in deeply to try to calm herself. Bad idea. She looked up at Bram, her eyes almost glowing red, and her hand was held up to her mouth, shaking visibly. Why? Why why why why?! This makes no sense... Evangeline was actually a little scared. Was something wrong with her? "I want to bite you so badly right now..." Evangeline confessed, going down to her knees to make herself have further control, "Why...? It makes no sense... Just... I don't understand. I shouldn't want your blood. Not at all this badly..." She backed up against a wall, wincing at the burning sensation in her throat, ​Thirst... that's normal... Blood, wanting human blood... that's normal.... What is wrong with me!?
Bram forced a swallow, as he become afraid instantly... She wants my blood, shit does she know I am a Human no that's impossible I have vampire blood she shouldn't want it. Unless... that is the reason why... Her glowing red eye's that he saw, Bram instinctively grabbed the blade he kept in his pocket. I know what a vampire is capable of doing, when they want blood... I know what I am capable to do for it... "Evangeline you don't look well... maybe you should go back to your room. You don't look so well." Bram still held firm the knife and stood up from the bed glaring at her. "I have not been bitten before, and I do not intend to be." He slowly walked towards her the wind still blowing his fragrance around the room. The window would help air out the room to control the stench, but as of now it was instigating it. Bram was very wary of his knew enemy that stood in front of him. A classmate with one thing on her mind his blood. Bram lowered slowly in a stance getting ready for her to leap at him. Evangeline would go hungry tonight Bram had no thought of letting her have her way with him. Get out of my room before something that can not be taken back happens again. Bram was all to aware of his terrible luck with everything in his life.
Evangeline half growled at him, "Tell the hungry vampire to move. That's smart. Just... let me get my barrings so I don't try to bite you. I don- Ok. Well, I really want to, but I really really don't. Primal instinct versus humanity in me." She tucked her head into her knees, still shaking from the ever worsening smell of blood. She needed to get out of the room, but was really holding onto her sanity by just sitting still for now. Evangeline wouldn't even look up at him, she couldn't, "Do you have any idea why...? This shouldn't happen. All I got was a tiny taste of your blood... Yeah... it tasted really good... but... Why can't I get it off of my mind?" She shook her head in her knees, and stole a glance up at Bram, her eyes a very bright red, but full of fear, then she tucked her head right back down into her knees.
Tsch I need to get her out of this room fast, and i need to do it now. She is getting worse, she needs it or else this situation one of us will get hurt and it will not be me...​ He lifted the warmed steel from the heat of his hand from his pocket, with 2 flicks of his wrist the blade snapped to attention. He moved to the desk and grabbed a small glass cup. The blade was sharp and glinting, as it slowly moved to the hand opposite it's holder. cup dangling from his finger tips to capture his life force. The blade slid along the palm of his hand, still holding onto the cup as a stream of red fell into the cut. Bram was unaware of the pain he was trained to handle much more than this. As it streamed he watched as it slid across the sides of the cup and leaving a little pool in the bottom. I wont let you touch me with those god forsaken fangs. As he walked closer and closer to Evangeline, the cup held barely a centimeter of blood before he clicked his black shut and put it back in its home in his pocket. He switched his hands hold the cup and extended the small glass toward Evangeline dangling it near her face. He lifted his slightly bleeding and and licked up the rest of the blood on his hand. "Drink this and get out." You freak.. Bram's eyes never wavered from the girl that was on his floor her white skin that glowed softly that complimented her snow white hair. Her red eyes glowing from her complexion. She was no girl to Bram but an animal like he was moments ago.
Bram may not have winced, but Evangeline winced for him when he cut open his hand, her eyes looking back up and straight at the cut on his hand. She bit her lip hard, almost losing it at the sight of fresh blood. She shivered and held her breath as he handed her the cup, she took it eagerly, but didn't drink immediately. Instead Evangeline looked Bram in the eyes as he was staring at her, "Thank you..." Her voice was quiet, but audible, fear present still. She didn't understand the sudden thirst for Bram's blood, and almost wanted to cry. Evangeline looked down at the cup, at it's contents, and sighed. She gulped down the liquid as gingerly as she could, not wanting to seem crazed, or like the cliche of vampires. After it was done, she put the cup down next to her and closed her eyes. When Evangeline opened them again, they no longer looked thirsty and menacing, and she stood, holding her arm awkwardly, "Again... thank you... You really didn't have to... you could have just left the room, or just made me ride that out..."
Bram swiftly moved to the dresser on his table and grabbed a bandage, Sitting on his bed wrapping his hand watching Evangeline carefully. "I know all to well you are going through... but to make this clear..." Bram narrowed his eyes and wore a serious expression. "This is a one time thing." He did this out of pity for her and for the guilt he felt towards Hannah. Evangeline is still a beast and a monster Bram would never forget that. There was a glimmer in his eye's as he watched Evangeline on the floor. A smirk appeared on his face. This scary monster is so pitiful right now, this is thoroughly interesting. The smirk slightly grew at this knowing she was nothing but a runt only in touch with her pleasure. Bram stopped himself but he surmised she couldn't. "So princess is there anything else you need?" He tilted his head in a demonic amusement. The moon was covered by a rogue cloud. The once lit room turned to black if for an instant, with only Bram's glowing blue eyes visible a deep glare centered at Evangeline.
Evangeline ignored the glare, and even the princess comment, she figured she deserved both, "Why would I need anything else? Or deserve anything else? I drank from someone... even through a cup... I drank from you. You are not Hannah. I am honestly... ashamed of myself..." She stared at her feet, unmoving besides her mouth, "I didn't even think about how that would be to Hannah... thirst or not... I should have thought of her first. I hope she forgives me... I have to tell her about this, there is no way I can't. I would feel... I do feel... way too guilty." She looked up at Bram, "Hate me if you wish. You probably do after that little thing... If Hannah hates me for it though, and doesn't want to have anything to do with me, I wouldn't blame her. It may not seem like a big deal, but it matters to me. If she hates me for it, you have to make sure she is safe and well. Ok?" Evangeline looked like she wanted to break down into tears, but she didn't, "I feed from her and only her... gods that be... I hope she forgives me..."
Nathan chuckles and smiles "It's getting. Um. Early?" he chuckles "We should go back inside. I think the sun will be coming up soon." he looks at Sky and smiles birghtly She's nice, I'm glad I actually made some friends here. It's better then my old 'home' for the most part. ​He shrugs
Bram smirked at this Evangeline was more then emotional to make rational decisions. "Why would you tell her at all, this was one time thing... no harm no foul. Telling her would be completely unnecessary and only cause all of us pain." Bram placed his hands in front of his face resting his elbows on his knees. His mouth covered by the overlap of them. Bram had a feeling his ploy would work but he had to cover some of his tracks just in case. "Ahh yea... before I forget, when me and Hannah got back to the room she tried to take off my shirt real fast which caused me to slip from being twisted out of it, and i slipped, trying to grab hold of something while falling I caught Hannah's cloths... and well damaged them, she got a little cut from it as well from my nail in my scramble to stay upright." It was just a tiny nibble it could easily pass off as a scratch or claw. "She was rather embarrassed by being so bare in front of me... please don't bring it up, I know you are her master and so I though it wise to tell you." "Evangeline, think of this as owing me a favor. I do not wish to hurt Hannah and neither do you so that is my deal for that blood you received. I'm sure you will find this more than fair, and fortuitous for us both." Bram could be the diplomat or the snake he can and will play the villain and he knew that. He was looking out for Hannah but most of all himself with this. Evangeline wouldn't refuse would she? if she did she was a much greater fool than he thought, friendship to Bram was only protecting someone else. That is all he has ever known in his life, He trust's no one with what he says, he was only outclassed by Hannah for that moment so he had to make up some realistic lies to cushion himself on...
Evangeline nodded, "You are right Bram... It will make things so much smoother." She paused and almost smirked when he mentioned what had happened, "Aww poor Hannah. She must have been so embarrassed by all that! I won't bring it up, and you are right again. I owe you. Though, this doesn't make my debt repaid. I still owe you one. Though again... Please don't call me her master. I really don't appreciate it. It makes me seem like I think that I am better than her." She looked at the door and sighed heavily, "I will be on my way then. You had sounded like you wanted me out." With that Evangeline headed to the door and left the room, cursing at herself in her mind. She didn't know why things had to get so complicated. At the moment things seem worse than a human soap opera... Evangeline calmed herself and walked around, if anyone would try to stop her, and question why she wasn't in class, she would say she was looking for the restrooms.

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