Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan smiles "Great, it's a date." he turns dark red again "Not an actual date I mean the figure of speach. I mean unless you wanted it to be then I wouldn't care, but if you didn't then it was just a joke but erm." Nathan shakes his head "I'm sorry, I'm kinda an idiot." he laughs and looks at her biting into his cheek to keep himselffrom saying anything else
Sky stopped humming her tune as she looked down at her new drawing. Well crap.. She thought as she looked down at the short-haired black kitten with piercing green eyes. It had a blonde like cream colored kitten laying on its back. She couldn't even get away with drawing kittens for pete's sake with out thinking of them! Flipping to a new page, she tapped her pencil against her chin as she thought of what to draw next. She decided that she'd just let her hand guide her and she began drawing as she hummed an old lullaby to herself.
"A date?" She looked at Nathan wide eyed, unsure what to say. Evangeline didn't really want to date him, but then remembered what Bram agreed to, and she let her breath out of her lungs slowly, making words come forth with it, "I'm sorry Nathan... But I'm kinda dating Bram... I'm sorry."
Nathan shrugs "It's fine. It's what ever. See you later. We can talk then." Nathan sighs trying to shrug it off I told you you idiot! Do you really think anyone would ever want you? Idiot. Nathan swallows hard and shrugs again, he clenches his fists slightly So Bram is his name. Nathan shakes his head "Yeah it's completely fine. No harm right?" Nathan sighs. He felt ill "Maybe I should just go. You can just forget about teaching me, I'll be fine." Nathan looks at waiting for her reply
Evangeline grimaced, knowing she upset the boy, "Nathan... I will still teach you. Don't think about it too much ok?" She hugged him, an awkward action, but she relaxed. It may have been awkward, but having a hug still was calming to her, something she needed right now. Damn... Where is Bram? And Hannah? Maybe I can get him to let me bite him... Just so I can taste and make sure I'm not going nuts...
Nathan hugs her back before breaking away "I think I'm going to go feed. Want to come?" Nathan shrugs you're such an idiot, just quit while you're ahead. "Too bad Drake is teaching currently. He could help me out." Nathan freezes realising he had just said that out loud "I mean. Erm. I'm sorry for bothering you Evangeline. Maybe I should just go." Nathan stops for a second "If thou remember'st not the slightest folly That ever love did make thee run into, Thou hast not loved.' William Shakspeare." Bram wanted a fight. No. Remember what Drake said. Calm. Calm. Nathan's knuckles were white from gripping the hilt of his dagger, he relaxes slightly
Tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear, Sky finally looked down at what she had drawn. It was a picture of the night sky. Finally... She thought, a small smile on her face. To be exact, it was a night sky filled with stars and a full moon. There were dark clouds moving across the scene and a single bird flying in front of the moon. She had probably just been thinking to much before. Glancing up at the sky, she decided that she wasn't going to waste her time sulking. She decided that she was going to enjoy the time she had to herself while it lasted and keep doing one of the things that she still loved. She flipped to a new page and let her hand continue it's work across the empty page as she abandoned her humming and began softly singing under her breath.
Castor noticed the nervous manner in which the boy was speaking to Evangeline. 'It is quite obvious that his feelings for her are more than friendly.' he thought with an inward smile. 'However, I must speak with her quickly, lest I become too weak to even explain my situation.' With that, Castor sheathed his longsword in a manner that made sure that the sound of steal being put into its case was loud and clear. Having gotten their attention, Castor spoke. "Well, if I may interrupt for a moment. I would be happy to let you continue your conversation, as well as give the boy his lessons, after my question is answered. It is actually quite urgent. To be honest, I don't mind if the boy stays, so long as we can do this quickly." he said in a casual voice, although there was a hint of urgency. Castor could feel his strength leaving him. 'It is a good thing I didn't fight Bram. I couldn't have won on the amount of energy I have left.' he thought grimly. 'Still, hopefully Evangeline can help me with that predicament.'
Evangeline looked at him confused, then nodded quickly, "Yes yes. You still have not told me your name sir." She frowned, then looked at Nathan, "I have to go..." His comment made her blush, and she hoped he didn't notice it. With that, Evangeline caught Castor by the arm, and quickly pulled him to behind a nearby building, out of earshot. "Yes?" She asked, really quite confused about what was wrong, "You seem really not well. What is wrong?" Evangeline didn't know the boy, but she frowned, still concerned for him.
What am I doing here. Do I even belong? All these weird people but walked past to get here. A random school in the middle of a mountain? I was drawn to this place, it radiates a feeling of solitude, it feels like a school. Does it rain on mountains? It definitely snows! Right? Rhetorical questions suck... I approached the door carefully and stared. This is it. I need to be for mercy! I BELONG HERE! I burst through the door to see a woman at her desk, "I would like to enrolled into your.... School.."
Nathan sees a girl sitting on her own drawing, he sighs and walks over, with out saying a word he sits down on the bench next to her, he didn't really bother with intorducing himeslf, or asking if the seat was taken, he just sat down and frowned slightly, he nods absent mindedly to Sky
"Sorry. My name is Castor. Apologies for the first time we met, but I didn't get to introduce myself." Then, with a chuckle, he added, "Well, unless you count pouncing on you for your blood to be a greeting." With a more solemn tone, he said, "Ah, sorry again. Anyway... your blood is actually one of the reasons why I need to speak to you." 'This is it. This is what I meant to ask her about. I hope she is receptive to the idea, although who would be?' With a mental shake of his head, he chastised himself, 'No, you mustn't think like that. She is one of the only chances you have.' Speaking to Evangeline again, he asked the one of his questions. "It seems that for some reason, my body cannot handle the blood of humans. From what I can tell, I can only consume blood that has been "processed" by a pure blooded vampire. Since you are deeply connected to the roots of the vampire world, do you know of anyone or anything of this nature?" Taking a deep breathe, Castor asked the hardest question that he had prepared for. "Also, if you don't mind... would you allow me to drink some of your blood?"
Abruptly Sky stops her quiet singing, glancing up as someone sits down next to her. She visibly tensed up, her blue eyes looking at him curiously as she carefully closed her sketch book. No matter how much she wanted to, she was never really good at ignoring people, especially when they seemed upset. With a soft sigh, she turned to face him. Even if she herself was bitter, she couldn't hate someone until she had a reason to. Besides, this boy had never done anything to her. "You seem upset..." She stated quietly, tilting her head slightly to the side.
Nathan sighs "I'm sorry to disturb you. Go back to drawing, I kinda saw a little before you closed your sketch book. You are amazing." he shakes his head "I don't mean to be rude. My name's Nathan." he sighs and looks down at the ground glumly "And I'm fine. I have no reason to be upset." he swallows hard and sits up "I'm.. Just... Fine."
"I'm Sky.." She said softly, continuing to look at him curiously. No matter how much she didn't want to say it, she ended up saying it anyways. "I don't mind. You're not disturbing me....." She responded almost automatically. " ...and thank you.. I've never really let anyone see my drawings before, so.." She trailed off. However, she did not open her sketch book again and return to her drawing. "I don't want to pry, but it doesn't seem like you're ' just fine'. " She said raising a slender eyebrow at him. "It seems to me like somethings troubling you.."
"Wha... What?" Evangeline stammered, then cleared her throat, looking around nervously, "No... I've never heard of any vampire like that... I mean, most vampires like pureblood better, and royal pureblood even more... But I have never heard of it like that..." She wondered how she could trust him, that he didn't just want her blood, but the vomiting human blood wasn't normal at all.

"If... If I let you... What would happen? Would you be able to stop yourself?" Evangeline said, eying Castor cautiously, "If you can't... I am not going to be kind to you.... You would be stopped with a nice fire in your face." With how she felt, she really didn't know if she could spare any blood, but Evangeline felt almost obligated to let him. "Ok..." She said gulping, "You may..." She knew she would heal afterwards quickly, so neither Bram nor Hannah would know and worry.
Nathan shakes his head "Other then just getting turned down and being told she is dating someone I want to kill, nope I'm fine." he chuckles "I hope that I'm not bothering you. You don't seem like you are a fan of people." he frowns and looks at her. Then he looks in the direction Evangeline went "yeah, well hey if you ever need anytimg to draw You can always draw me." He smiles trying to change the subject
"Ahh, I can see why that would be upsetting.." Sky said, pausing for a moment as she remembered a scene from a long time ago. She didn't remember it that well, but it had something to do with her twin breaking her favorite toy because she'd called his self proclaimed rival cute. A smile appeared on her face at the thought. ".. and it's not people that I don't like... It's something else entirely, but I won't burden you with all of that. It seems as if you have enough on your mind as is." Sky glanced down at her sketch book and then back up at Nathan. "Well, I suppose that I could.." She said with a small smile as she glanced down at her sketch book. Besides, it would give her something other than her brothers to draw.
Nathan smiles "I told you my problems, feel free to tell me yours " He smiles and he lifts his head "It's not enough to speak, but to speak true." Nathan smiles "Of course if you'd rather draw that is okay too." Nathan smiles lightly, he was in a slightly better mood "I'll probably be better eventually, if not I'll just fight her boyfriend." Nathan shrugs, seemed like angood idea
"My problems lie not within the present, but the past.." Sky said with a small sigh. ".. and I can do both at once. "She responded, glancing up at him with a small smile before she opened her sketch book again. As soon as she found a clear page her hand began darting across the paper. Every now and then she'd glance up at him and then resume drawing. "You know, fighting won't solve the problem. It would probably just put the girl in an undesirable position. Well, unless she's one of the girls that like guys fighting over her, that is.." She added as she glanced up at him again before resuming her work. "Let time heal your wounds, not your fists." She felt like a hypocrite by this point. She wasn't really one to talk about fighting not solving problems. She did it all the time, even though it usually didn't turn out to well... Although she will admit, winning did make her feel better.
Bram heard the thud against the wall of the shower. He let out a sigh and pressed his hands against the showers wall his head dangling towards the floor the warm water rushing down his back and careening to the floor. the tap of the water hitting against the floor soothed his mind and soul. As if the water was cleansing him from his misdeed and betrayal. He moved his arms away from the wall and placed his back on the wall and slid down to the floor the water falling in front of him like a waterfall. Ugh I am not going to class today... I'm sure Hannah will understand. He finished up taking the shower cleaning off the blood and sweat from him. He made his way out of the shower in a mist and fog of heat. He wrapped the towel around his lower torso and walked to his room slowly unwrapping the bandages around his abdomen. Removing them and throwing them on the floor next to his bed. He dressed himself in a pair of pants and redressed his wound. Bram would not just idle and let this time go to waste. Evangeline had cut him through his own carelessness. He began to work out to tone his body up and work on his reflexes. From the comfort and safety in his dark room.
Ana looked up to see a young man standing in the doorway. He simply stated that he wished to enroll in the school. Nodding, she motioned to the seat in front of her. "Please, come in." She said. She brushed away a stray hair that had fallen out of her bun and over her shoulder. Looking at the boy, she wondered what his story was. Then again, when there was a late arrival, she always wondered what their story was. "What's your name?" She asked. If he wanted to enroll, they'd have to start by covering all the basics.

Liliya crossed her arms. It wasn't like her to become upset over something, but she'd spoken to him and he'd completely blown her off. Now he stood here, asking Eva if he could drink her blood. She shook her head as Evangeline agreed. What a weird bunch this year... But something he'd said intrigued her. He required Vampire blood to survive.... Her thoughts seemed sort of jumbled, not able to remember where she'd heard that before.
Evangeline looked at Liliya awkwardly, Everything seems awkward to me right now... what's with me? She sighed, feeling like she should explain, "He tackled me earlier... after puking up a lot of human blood... I think he is telling the truth... which is weird, but if so, I feel like I should help him." Evangeline rubbed her arm nervously, she had never had someone bite her before, and the thought scared her a little. She actually wished Bram was here to drag her off to do something, or Hannah could come and save her.
Liliya didn't reply at first, still trying to figure out what Castor had described. It was on the tip of her tongue. His need for Vampire blood sounded a lot like the Creator, but that couldn't be right. Maybe he was just playing some huge joke on Evangeline, but Liliya really hoped not. "Puking up human blood?" She asked finally. That, at least, was concerning. And he'd attacked Eva earlier, as well? This person didn't seem to have a whole lot of self control...
(Sorry, but I have to take my leave now and get some rest. So, I can't reply at the moment. But, I'll respond as soon as I arrive home tomorrow, around 3:00-3:30 PM Easter Time. This RP is actually pretty good so far. :) But the current situation is pretty awkward. XP)

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