Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan sighs "Yeah maybe you're right." He slips one of his daggers out of its sheath and he twirls it "But he is taunting me. Trying to get me to attack him. And he already has Evangeline's feeder does he really need Evangeline too?" Nathan suddenly gets an idea I just have to talk to Hannah. ​ he smiles to himself
Sky shrugged, her eyes glued to the page in front of her. "Well, ignore him. If he's immature enough to taunt you, don't stoop to his level." She said quietly, glancing up at him again. She was almost finished. There was just a tad bit more shading to be done and that was it. I should draw people more often... This actually gives me something to focus on... She thought, hand continuing its work across the expanse of paper. "There.." She said softly, looking at the page with a smile. Carefully she tore the page out of her sketch book and gave it to him. "You keep it.." On the page was Nathan holding one of his daggers and smiling. The smile seemed victorious like he had just won a battle. She had made it that way completely on purpose.
Nathan smiles and slides his black dagger back into its sheathe "Eh, who needs them anyone." he smirks and looks at Sky "Wow this is really really amazing. I quite like it." he smiles and looks at Sky "If you ever want to draw someone else I can be of help." he smiles lightly at her. She was quite friendly "So. Do you want to go feed?"
"Well, I'm glad you like it. " Sky said with a smile. The question about feeding had caught her off guard though. She blinked for a moment before regaining her composure. "I.." She trailed off. She didn't really like taking blood. It was one of the things that she despised. However, it had been a while since she last fed and had been beginning to feel a tad bit weak. "I suppose..." She mumbled.
"good. I'm not a fan of feeding off humans but i have to to live." He stands uo and folds the picture putting it in his pocket "Lead the way miss." he bows over exageratedly an motions down the hall with his hands. He chuckles lightly and he hands her her sketch book "Don't want to forget this."
Sky giggled, taking the sketchbook and tucking it into her bag. "Why thank you." She said, the smile returning to her face as she set off down the hallway. Even though she was dreading the fact that she had to feed, it was nice to find someone else who didn't like it as well. Maybe she could make friends here after all. Besides, it was the species that she hated. She had to remember that not everyone chose this life.
Nathan smiled and followed her "So what's your story? How'd you get turned? I used to live on the streets of San Fransico. I met a nce lady who took me in. She said she would help me. She bit me. I thought I was going to die. I lied in the alley for a few days in the excruciating pain of being turned. It is.. Erm. Was. Horrible."
The smile dropped from Sky's face as she stopped for a moment. "I... Well.." She tripped over her words. She'd never really told anyone what had happened before. However, she supposed she have to trust someone and Nathan seemed nice enough. She started walking again. "Well... My older brother got himself into some trouble..." She started carefully, trying to choose her words. ".. and in order to get out of trouble, he sold me to a few vampires... They were just planning on feeding from me.. " She chuckled. "Didn't work out like that. One of them turned me on accident and I escaped..."
"Doesn't seem like a very loving brother." Nathan sounded slightly angry. He breathes out "I don't see how someone could do that to their own sister." Nathan growls slightly "That's rediculous." Nathan sighs "Where were you from before you were turned." he thought Sky was noce. The only other person nice to him was Evangeline. He shakes the thought out of his head he smiles slightly at sky
"I came from a small town in the middle of no where.." She said quietly, a smile on her face as she reflected to the happy days she had spent there wit her brothers. She knew it didn't seem like it, but she knew her brother had cared for her. Even though he sold her. "I don't think he wanted to... I think they told him it was me or all three of us.." She mumbled, more to herself than to him. She shook her head. She wasn't going to let thoughts of her brother and her captors ruin her time. Pushing the memories from her mind, she smiled.
"Well if it makes you feel better I wouldn't sell you." he smiles and looks at her he walks into the place to feed "Meet here when youre done." he is pulled back to a back room. He plunges his fangs un the child's tjeoat and slowly counts to ten "There. I'm done" he leans against the wall and waits for sky
Sky smiled. "Actually it does.. and alright.." She said, wandering into one of the rooms after she had her name checked off. Wandering over to the feeder, Sky sighed before leaning in and drinking a small bit. Even when she knew she needed it, she would only take small amounts. She hated this so much. When she emerged from the room to meet up with Nathan, she actually managed to look paler than when she entered. She forced a smile onto her face; she wasn't going to dwell on that either. Today, she had decided, she was going to try to avoid thinking of things that upset her. Things had started fine today, and they were going to end fine.
Nathan hugs Sky and smiles weakly "Sorry. You just looked like you needed a hug." he chuckles and rubs his head. He lightly pulls her arm in the direction of where they were sitting and he starts to walk that way "Sky. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?" he sighs
Sky stiffened when she felt Nathan hug her. She still was kind of unused to people being close to her. "It's fine.." She said softly as she managed to relax. she followed after him as he set off to their previous spot. "Hmm.. anything... " She mumbled to herself. She was thinking. for the most part she liked herself.. It was really the past she didn't like. "My height.." She said with a laugh. She was on the rather petite and delicate looking side. "My brother's always used to tease me when I was young about it." She remembered her eldest brother getting in trouble for beating up a girl who was going after her when they were younger. His excuse was about how breakable she looked. "How about you..?"
Nathan sighs "Everything." he shakes his head as he sits back on the bench. He frowns and looks at Sky. He'd make himself stronger. Physically and mentally. He'd make homself smarter. He'd change his face. And most other things "Alright. Not everything. Just. My face. And I'd want to be smarter. And stronger. And nicer." he shakes his head and looks up at Sky, he realized she was just a bit short "And you're not short. You're just fun sized."
"A little self critical, I see.." Sky said as she settled herself back onto the bench. "Don't be to hard on yourself." She told him with a small smile. Her smile grew at what he said. "Of course I'm fun sized. " She couldn't help but to laugh. That was the first time anyone had told her that. She was used to being picked on about it since it made her look younger than she actually was. If she remembered correctly the titles she'd been given for it was 'vertically challenged' by her twin and 'my delicate kitten' by her eldest brother. Fun sized was a new one.
Nathan chuckles "Besides. You're like a um. I dunno. It's cute though. Nothing wrong with being short." he shrugs and looks at her. He looks down at the grass and frowns "So. Back where I used to live. There was a stray cat. I called her 'Cloud' she was the sweetest thing you would ever meet. Since I'm gone I wonder if anyone has been taking care of her." Nathan sighs and looks at sky
"I hope so, every cat deserves a loving person to take care of them. I wish I could have gotten to meet her.. I adore cats.." Sky said softly. Another smile came to her face as she remembered her own cat. "I used to have a cat. Her name was Snowball and she was this spoiled little white fur ball... She absolutely hated my twin.." She laughed.
Nathan chuckles slightly and looks at Sky "Wow a twin? Not sure if I could handle two of you." he laughs and looks from her head to her feet "Was... Is she as um. Erm.. Fun-Sized as you?" he smiles and chuckles
Sky couldn't help but to laugh. "My twin is a he.. His name is Tyler.. and no, he is not fun sized. He was actually quite a lot taller than me which he used to make fun of me for because everyone thought he was older. "At that she crossed her arms over her chest. "He was only older by ten minutes.." She grumbled. He had held that fact over her head a lot.
"What is age to us?" he looks at her and smiles "We will live forever." he shakes his head at that "You remind me of annold friend of mine. Her name was Savanah. She was my only friend. People said she didn't treat me right but I think she treated me fine." I'm the only person who will ever care about you Nathan. You're worthless. Nathan shakes his head as those memories pop into his head "Wait.. I just realized. Those people were right. She was emotionally abusive. She is why I hate myself..." he sits there in disbeleif. I eventually killed her after I was turned." he shakes his head again
Sky was shocked. She couldn't believe that another living creature could be so cruel. "Then she wasn't really a friend..." She said softly. "Anyone who could make someone hate themselves doesn't deserve a title such as friend." Sky gave him a small smile. " ...and you have no reason to hate yourself. You seem like a nice enough person to me.." She told him.
Bram sat on the edge of his bed, it bending to his weight as he breathed in and out tired from his training. A light sweat laid on the surface of his exposed chest. He laid back slowly in the bed the springs giving way to his mold. His hand clasped around a silver chain attached to the orders cross, his identification that he is a Templar knight. He lifted his hand towards the ceiling slowly letting the chain slide and dangle from his fingers. The cross like a pendulum drifting back and forth from the release of tension. The shimmer of the chain dancing in the moon of the night. Bram's eye's never wavering from the cross as if almost hypnotized by the sway and swing. What am I? I belong to nothing now forever in limbo. I am no longer human nor am I a full beast. There is no way Hannah could ever like or love me. I don't even know who I am or what I am anymore. Bram would skip the rest of his English class if he had it his way, he was already well versed in it so he believed going on the first day to just introduce and do absolutely nothing was not worth his time.
"Sure I'm nice I guess. According to her I was worthless, and ugly, and stupid, and she was the only one who would ever want me. Seems like she needed me, not the other way around." he frowns but looks at sky and smiles slightly "Eh, it's done and over with. I guess it's fine now." he looks at Sky and sees her reaction "It's fine."
"The past is the past.." Sky said firmly. That statement applied to her as well, she realized. This made her feel like a hypocrite again. Here she was telling someone else to let go of the past when she herself couldn't even do it. She sighed. This was pointless. She remembered her older brother telling her that she couldn't help others unless she first learned how to help herself. She guessed he was right. Well, not technically. The saying should be she can't help others without feeling like a hypocrite unless she first helped herself.

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