Rominov School for Vampires

Bram's eyes slowly flickered open as he regained his consciousness. a familiar scent accompanied by a warm body with flowing golden hair. He analyzed his situation slowly as he realized he was in his room. his strength was sapped from him, he was weak. He looked at Hannah. "Why do we always end up here..." he half chuckled bringing up little bits of pain back to his body as he did this. He was much calmer now but something was off from him, his primal instincts still in tact for food and pleasure... He was trying to stop the thoughts of what he would and wanted to do to Hannah in this moment. There was a beast inside of him trying to get out. He started to control his breaths to calm the temptations of it. I'll be fine as long as she doesn't do anything... He was trying to seal the demon away, scared of what he would do to her. I want everything from you! the lust the carnage. your purity, your blood, and flesh everything you have to offer! A voice that was not his own echoed in his head although it was a stranger he had an odd sense of knowing it. For it was his own and he knew it, there was no defense to stop it.His pupils shrank in size as he eyed Hannah's slender figure and her soft peach like skin. His arm trembling as she held onto it. His eyes tightened so he did not have to look at her. I wont! I can't!
Hannah looked up at him as soon as he stirred, smiling, "Thank goodness you are awake... are you alright Bram?" She rubbed his arm with her thumb, frowning, "I really thought you were going to die... that was too scary..." She kissed the inside of his elbow as she eyed the bruise on her own arm. Hannah hid it from him as best she could, and looked up at him again, "Why are your eyes closed?" She sat up, frowning with concern, "Are you in pain?"
Bram felt the warm injection from her lips ripple through his body from his arm... "H-h-hannah get away... please...." Bram was sounding almost as if he was crying as he tensed up. His beast was unsettling he was going to lose control. Bram's looked like he was in pain gritting his teeth together. His arm that was free from her grasp slowly raised up from the bed towards her. Bram was trying to force it away with his resolve but he could only slow it down. Hannah please leave I cant stop...The half vampire blood in his body had already given him a bad side effect, the pleasure and self seeking selfishness that comes with most new vampires and old. Bram sat there staring at her, his eye's pleaded for help he was in a panic. He didn't want to hurt her... he would never want that, but it was approaching a point of no return.
"Bram...? What? Why would I get away from you?" Hannah said, a little hurt, and very confused. She looked at him gritting his teeth, she didn't see the arm reaching towards her. She leaned down and hugged him, her head against his shoulder, "Why would I leave you? After all that? That would be cruel." Hannah really had no idea what was going on with Bram, but she kissed his neck, wanting him to get better, and she hugged him tighter, before pulling away to look at him. Her brow was furrowed in confusion, and her blue eyes screamed concern for him.
"Hannah..." the kiss on his neck sent im over the edge. His breathing became heavy but in a rhythm then slowly came under control. He sat up from the bed slipping out from under her his face covered by his bangs. All she could see was the side of his face. He slowly turned to look at her with only an evil white smile staring at her. a gap came between the smile as it opened a little bit as Bram breathed in and out. He could see the ocean of her eye's full of love and compassion. His arm raised from the bed and grabbed her shoulder his hands underneath the collar of her shirt. gripping it firmly, His eye's could not be seen but they were filled with tears not for his sake but for Hannah's . He couldn't stop himself anymore it was like watching a movie of yourself without any control over it... He clutch his hand and swept it outwards tearing the shirt off her shoulder it lay in rags half on her body on one side and the other side barely holding on to her shoulder. Her bra was the only thing protecting her flesh now.

He mounted on top of her and began to kiss along her naked bodies side. taking little nips against her fine soft skin. As he held her down against the bed. The tears slid down his face and fell onto her skin leaving the trail with drops of water as he made his way up to her neck. when his mouth hit the lower edge of the bra he moved both hands to her shoulders and tore the straps off. skipping over the band of cloth and moving to the top part of the breast and continued up. Hannah I'm sorry... please forgive me. When he reached her collar bone he bit down causing a little blood to drip out as he licked it up with his tongue dragging it to the side of her neck. He hesitated as he looked at the thing he wanted so much. He started to breath heavily as he moved his head to meet Hannah's eye's the tears still falling onto her body, His teeth ready to strike at her. He watched her for what seemed an eternity...

BRAM there is no going back after this! get a hold of yourself please.... I don't want to lose..... everything!
Hannah looked at Bram incredulously, wondering what he was doing. When he grabbed her shoulder, and tore her shirt, she yelped, and whimpered. When he began to kiss, it wasn't as though she could do anything, and so a small sound escaped her lips, forming a word, "B-Bram...." He tore her straps off of her bra and she yelped, shaking her head and finally finding the ability to speak again. "Bram..." Hannah whispered softly, in tears, "Stop... please..." She shivered, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Hannah was afraid. She wasn't angry, or upset, or anything like that. She was just scared to tears. As he bit her collar bone she inhaled sharply, and looked at him. Instinctively she moved her head to the side, exposing her neck for him, but she bit her lip, crying. Hannah shook her head but said nothing, silently sobbing to herself, unable to look at Bram any longer. Why...? Why Bram...? Did I do something wrong? Is this your form of punishment?
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Bram screamed as he reeled back holding and pulling his hairs. His teeth still bared ready to bite. He could not last any longer he would lose all control and become what they were a vampire... He clasped his one hand that was under his control against the wrist of his left hand. slowly dragging it forcefully as it brushed against her skin on her body moving it down to his side of his pants. He watched the movement as he traced it going to his pocket. He noticed a red print that had swelled on Hannah's arm. Hehe I already am a monster... A slight grin went on his face as he had more resolve his left hand with help from the right reached into his pocket and pulled out his silver butterfly knife. Clicking it Open in a fast motion.

There was no sound in the room only an empty lonliness as the moon only slightly cover by the drapes the room was dark except from the soft light their skin permeated through the darkness. He could see Hannah crying her tears falling with sorrow as he stared down at her, her one tender flesh exposed from his carnivorous rampage of pleasure. and the blood drops that had formed on her on her collar bone from where he had bit her.

His head flung back flinging the beads of sweat from the tip of his hair as he reeled back in a new found agony and solace. His air left his body as he removed his arm from his stomach a silver glinting knife sheathing itself in his flesh. He bent over his mouth twitching along with his eye's the pupils were so large there seemed to be no white in his eyes. they trembled in fear. His shoulder tucked towards the earth as he rolled to his side landing next to Hannah. wincing in pain every so often but then it gave way to a smile as he turned to face the girl next to him. His eye's met hers his sea had calmed and what seemed like they met staring into eachothers souls the ocean of their blue mixing and becoming one. He smiled softly at her. his sheets around him stained with his new blood. His hand trembled covered in tiny rivers of crimson it shook and quaked as he slipped it into Hannah's hand.
As soon as he reeled back, Hannah squirmed away quickly, whimpering and staring at him, her eyes wide. She brought what fabric was left around herself, "Bram?" Her voice was quiet, but she didn't have a chance to say much more before Bram had stabbed himself in the abdomen. Her mouth was agape as she looked at him, his hand slipping into her's. Hannah squeezed his hand before letting go, swallowing hard to calm herself. She reached for the medical kit that was still on the counter, and rummaged through it furiously. Finding what she wanted, Hannah rolled Bram onto his back, and carefully plucked the knife, setting it down beside them.

Hannah gulped again and breathed out shakily, with this much blood, even she could smell it. Hannah sat him up slowly, not allowing Bram to argue as she took off what was left of his tattered shirt, and put a large, thick band-aid over the wound, then wrapped him tightly with an ace bandage. Hannah stood, putting the medical kit back onto the dresser, now closed, and the knife beside it. Hannah looked back at Bram then, and to one looking at her, it would look like something broke, and she began crying again. Her calm facade gone, she held her hands up to her face and collapsed onto her knees on the ground beside his bed.
Bram looked at her the tears in his eye's had stopped as hers began. He had saved her from him, and she had saved him from himself... He looked at her his eyes shaking laying his hand off the corner of the bed open to herthe blood that was still on it dropping to the floor. "I... I'm.. sorry." He knew it was a long shot but he stretched out his hand wanting to receive hers in his... He knew he had destroyed everything around them shaking the very foundation they were once standing so proudly on together... But like a mirror in his mind it shattered around him, each fragment playing a different scene with Hannah. He smiled despite his sadness trying to hide his fear of losing her... it was obvious what he wanted but...

She may have grabbed his hand or said something to her, but they fell on deaf ears as he passed out. That last thought in his head was how he had lost her. The tear of the clothing the cries of her scream echoed in his head... He could see her smile and fade away... He began to run in the darkness of his mind reaching but never touching the hand she held out for him. He lept and jumped as it was always just out of reach. The sounds of his heart beat lying underneath his struggle. "I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen! I cant lose you!...." He shouted at Hannah as she slowly dissipating away from him and turning back to the black void. He crumbled to his knee's he was broken and destroyed. "It's all my fault... it's all my fault." he cried into his hands.
Hannah looked at his hand, saying nothing and doing nothing until he passed out, probably from blood loss. She looked up at him and sighed shakily, forcing herself to stop crying before she climbed up onto the bed again, and into his arms, not caring about the blood. She was afraid of him. Afraid of the one thing that had ever made her so happy, and it killed her inside. No matter what though, she couldn't hate him. Hannah could not bring herself to harboring that volatile emotion. She would think about it, and then make a pained choking sound as she cried against his chest.

She was afraid, and she didn't understand... but Bram stopped himself, albeit by stabbing himself, but he stopped. He didn't mean it... he didn't... he could not have meant it... its ok... Hannah's mind just kept going over and over the same lines like a broken record, reassuring herself as she clung to his chest. Somewhere in her mind, Hannah knew she should hate him, and be furious at him... but the only thing she could think to do was cling to him like he was the last lifeboat on the Titanic, and wait for Bram to wake up.
Mathan walks back off to where the battle occured and he see Evangeline still sitting there, he shrugs and leans against the wall, he'd just talk to her when she came his way
The room was set in a world of dark purple the night sky battling the rays of the moon as they stretched into the room just dipping onto the end of the bed. The two figures were the only things that brought life to this cold and barren room. their presence noted by the radiance of their skin and gold hair. aside from the bed the room was empty, everything else was shrouded by the dark cloak of night.

Bram came back from his slumber to find Hannah on his bare chest crying. Her familiar warmth and embrace was a remedy for his uneasiness the instant he saw her and felt her... I did this, I was a beast and a monster to her... but she stayed with me. He rested his head back against the bed finding the same spot from where he passed out in, a small smile formed curving the corners of his mouth up. She must have stayed to make sure I wouldn't die, I have put you through so much haven't I... Hannah? He could hear her crying and her breath as she tried to get air in between each of her tears, which fell like rain each drop with a cold, warmth that soothed and hurt Bram at the same time. Let me be selfish for a little bit longer Hannah, let me be here with... just you. I know you hate me, because if you didn't I would be mad at you for it. His smile widened as he thought of this and his eyes closed gently. savoring this moment that he knew would come to pass.

Bram carefully wiped the blood from his hand onto the bed's sheet and lifted it slowly and carefully resting it atop Hannah's head, he began stroking her hair gently feeling the every strand dancing across his palm and finger in her sleek golden silk like hair. he spoke softly and calmly to her. "There are no amount of words or actions that could ever express how sorry I am." He lifted his head to look down at her. "Hannah... you are what made me get up this morning. Rising for the sole purpose of a chance to see that smile of yours... You are the sun that light's my world, you brighten and shine for all around you and take nothing for yourself. You give and you give while all I have done is take. The thing I cherished most, your smile... your smile in which I took from your face, in an act of malice and madness." He started to choke up after saying those words flashing back to the actions he had done to her and her crying face and eye's full of fear. "I never... wanted to hurt you... I would never...hurt-." Bram stopped speaking his chest felt heavy in his new found sorrow. He didn't know how she felt or if she was even listening to a word he said.
Liliya was glad that the fight was over, but was still unsure if it had been real or not. The girl in the spar had burst out laughing, so Liliya assumed they were playing around. Either way, they were just lucky none of the guards or professors had seen them doing that. Or worse, Liliya's mom. Some of the people had already dispersed, and even Nathan had left her side already. Looking around the place that had just been turned into a battle field, she saw the guy from earlier. The one that seemed so familiar. She started making her way over to him.
Castor saw another girl making her way over to him. 'Hmm... I can smell her pure blood. She may know something as well.' he thought. At the moment, he was waiting for Evangeline's reply as to his question about talking to her. Now, it seemed he could talk to Evangeline as well as the other girl who was walking over to him. As he looked at Evangeline, however, Castor was hit with another round of emotional instincts. 'Why do my instincts tell me to protect this girl?' he wondered. 'We have not interacted, save for that unfortunate incident at the Headmistress's office, yet I feel a strange, yet undeniable attraction to Evangeline. My very being commands me to defend her. But why? Why do I feel like she and I are related in a very close, intimate way?' Castor didn't understand these feelings, but again, he'd follow his instincts for now because he had no memory of any past experiences to go by. Besides, as far as attractiveness went, she wasn't too bad at all...
((Who are his thoughts about? You mentioned him looking at Liliya but then the sentence sounded like it's about Eva since she was the one attacked at the office. Lol, just might want to clarify that. :3 ))

Liliya finally reached Evangeline and the boy standing with her. She gave Eva a sweet smile, feeling like the girl was more of a sister than anything at this point. She glanced over to Castor, and her smile fell. She didn't look at him in a mean way, but more of a look of confusion. She felt like she knew him. She HAD to know him, after all she'd never gotten this strange feeling before. However, she knew for a fact that the two of them had never met. "Hello," she said to him. ".... I'm Liliya Rominov, and you are?" She tried to sound casual, but her heart was racing with nervousness and excitement. Maybe his name would ring a bell and she'd figure out who he was.
Nathan sees Liliya and he walks up, following a few yards vehind her "Hey again." he smiles lightly and waves at Liliya, he takes a step back and his hands find the hilts of his own weapon as he looks at the man, catiously.
Hannah looked up at Bram, and shook her head, "Bram... its..." She wanted to say it was ok, but it wasn't. She knew it wasn't, and it never would be. Still though, Hannah felt the need to comfort Bram, "I can't hate you..." she said, looking up into his eyes, "I just don't know if I could trust you though... now anyways..." Hannah shook her head again, looking down once more into his chest. I should hate you... I shouldn't even want to be near you... she thought, biting her lip. Hannah wanted nothing more to be comforted by him though, still.

"I know you didn't mean to or want to," Hannah said, pressing away from him slightly, her hands on his chest, "I am just scared now..." She breathed out slowly, and leaned towards him, giving Bram a quick kiss on the lips before looking down at herself, then to Bram. She smirked, then started laughing, "You really don't like shirts do you? First you get your own shirt cut, and now mine? Who is next? Shirt murderer." Hannah pushed his shoulder playfully, she wanted to get her mind off of what just happened, but she really couldn't.

Her smile dimmed a bit, and she just looked at him, saying no more until she finally could form her thoughts. "Is... is it safe to kiss you and stuff?" Hannah bit her lip again, still smiling a little, but not nearly as much. "Something about suffering slings and arrows right? That's what Hamlet said. We all have to deal with our troubles, but in the end it is nicer than the alternative."

Hannah sat up, and looked around, "We are missing our classes you know.... and if they see me in one of your shirts... people will question. I have shirts in our room, but it isn't like I can just go walk over there like this." She spread out her arms to show her shirt, mostly ripped off, the bra barely holding on, "My favorite bra too. Darn."

"Yes you may speak to me in private," Evangeline said, raising an eyebrow, "And you may not have heard me, but I asked what your name was as well. You never replied." She smiled, but in the back of her mind was still thinking about Bram's blood. I would really like to get a better taste of thaaa- What am I thinking?! He is a vampire. That's just weird. She shook her head again of the thoughts, grumbling slightly as she looked at Castor.
Nathan grumbles damn it. Can I not catch a break, if it's not that damn friend of hers it's always something else Nathan grumbles to himself and looks at Evangeline "Um, before you guys go talk in private can I talk to you real quick? It doens't have to be in private."
Evangeline looked from castor to Nathan, and she smiled, "Hello Nathan." She turned to face him, "What's up? What's on your mind Nathan?" She was curious, but more curious about castor, the likes of which she still didn't know his name. She spoke again, "Is thirst getting to you again?"
Sky hummed softly to herself, so far her day had gone exactly like she'd wanted it to. Glancing down at her sketch book, she pulled her hand away to see how see had done. On the page sat a fluffy white kitten that looked up at her with big, blue eyes. She sighed. She'd wanted to draw cats, but not that cat... It was time to start over. This time she was determined to get an outcome that wasn't from her past. She would draw a fluffy black kitten instead now. Besides, she liked the color black and she thought the kitten would have to be cute.
Nathan shakes his head "No, i'm fine. But um. I was thinking about the whole you teaching me self control and stuff and um." Nathan blushed and his whole face turned red he talked faster barely able to croak out the words "I was wondering if we could do that soon? You know just us two?" you'reanidiotyou'reanidiotyou'reanidiot
Bram sat up from the bed wincing when he bent his stomach to sit up. I have a flavor for the dramatic don't I? He reached the corner of his bed and rummage through his bag one handed spewing clothes around on the floor. His other hand holding the spot he had stabbed himself. "Here." He placed a white hooded sweatshirt in front of her. It was his work out one that he wore while jogging or training. He looked back at her... with a concerned look on his face she was taking this way to lightly and Bram was not a fan of it. He wanted her to hit him, slap him and call him names... But to still care for him... I would rather you hate me. He looked away from her and stood up from the bed. I'm going to take a shower before I change for class I smell to much like blood and sweat. He moved with effort as he made it to the door of the bathroom. He looked back at her. "I'll meet you at class alright." He walked into the bathroom slowly unbuttoning his pants his mind wandering onto her and what she said. He moved on of his hands from his button and touched his lips at the thought of her kissing him. He stepped out of his pants and leaned back out the doorway to her only his upper half showing. "And to answer your question. not till I'm better here." He tapped the side of his head with a slight grin on his face. As he walked back into the bathroom and turned on a hot shower. He slid the glass door open and walked in. The warm water washed the lingering blood from him his body his bandage wrapped around him was getting wet showing the blood it had stained underneath through it. tsch that silver blade really does work. Silver is used to slow down the healing of vampires by 5 fold making the cut flesh, like a humans. The steam poured out of the open door of the bathroom.
Evangeline smilled at him awkwardly, "Um... Sure. I don't really mind. Uh... When do you want to? Right now I still need to talk to the guy with the big sword... But later maybe? I'm sorry." She rubbed the back of her head.
Nathan smiles and blushes darker, he reubs the back of his head also "Maybe after you talk to him? Hopefully?" Nathan looks at her, he was so releived and happy Yes!Yes!Yes! Nathan had to try really hard to keep a coll demeanor, well as cool as someone who was smiling like an idiot, and whose face was as red as the blood that he drank for food "I mean. If that's okay. It's okay if it's not okay, and if it is okay that is great. I mean. No need to, if it's too much of a bother. I don't want to be a bother." he shrugs STOP TALKING he closes his mouth "Um. Yeah."
I'm really scared of him right now... Hannah thought as she smiled at him, giggling slightly at his comment about getting better. Once he went back inside, she laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she hugged one of his pillows. She shook her head, I can't let him know how scared I am... He will only be really hard on himself... Hannah looked towards the bathroom door, the sound of running water loud in the otherwise silence. Should I be harder on him? Call him the monster that I can't help but think of him as right now...? No... He didn't mean it... He couldn't help it...

Hannah stood then, releasing his pillow and slipping on the hoodie he lent to her. Hannah looked at the door and bit her lip, Maybe I'm just in shock... Shock... That's a real thing right? Not just in movies and books? Hannah shook her head again and furrowed her brow, I CAN'T TELL HIM!!! Hannah huffed and kicked the wall hard, making both a loud noise, and hurting her foot in the process.

"Bye..." Hannah said quietly, wincing and not caring if he heard. She hoped that he didn't hear the kick, though he could have... It was on the same wall as the shower. With that she half walked, half limped out the door, and down the hall, heading to her room to change.

"No bother!" Evangeline said, smiling still, "I said I would help you right? So... Why not live up to my word?" She giggled a little, then bit her lip. Damn it... I can't focus on this boy when I am still thinking about Bram's blood... I am probably just thirsty... But, I don't know where Hannah is. Evangeline frowned for a moment before catching herself an smiling again at Nathan, "Like I said though, I don't mind teaching you."

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