Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan returns to calss eventually returns to class seeing everyone reading he holds up the titleless book and looks to Drake "Can I read this Drake?" he looks at him questioningly and sits down, his hands weren't even a bit wet. If you payed attetntion to detail you could see that he had not gone to the bathroom
Castor awoke in a field, once again without a memory of what was going on. 'My memory remains intact, so I haven't forgotten who I am... not that I knew it in the first place.' he thought. At that moment, he saw it; his snow white suit was drenched in blood, human blood from the smell of it. 'No... not again.' he thought urgently. Getting up, he saw the town. It was a small town, most likely operating on money from being a pit stop on a highway. However, the entire town was bathed in red, as if someone had decided to repaint the town. Bodies lay on top of cars, in windows, even in large cracks in the ground. 'I... I must return to the school.' he realized. Without a word, he ran back to his dorm. The grounds were empty because of classes, but Castor was careful nonetheless.

Arriving at his dorm room, he quickly changed into one of his many spare suits and hid the bloody clothes to be cleaned later. He decided the best course of action was to go to his scheduled class. However, something in his head was nagging him... he had heard unusual noises coming from a section of the grounds. His "experience", which he still had no clue how he had garnered, told him that there was a battle going on. Furthermore, his very psyche told him that someone important was there that he needed to protect. Normally, Castor was a cautious being, but right now, he had to trust his instinct because he couldn't make inference from his non-existent memories.
Drake looked at Nathan and raised an eyebrow, "You may, if you do not mind having to keep track of both the first book I have let you borrow, and the one you wish to look at now." He looked down at Nathan's hands, "Also, if you tell me where you went instead of the restroom..."
"This is the first book." Nathan chuckles and walks towards Drake and crouches down slightly so he is eye level with the sitting teacher "I went off to the bathroom and saw Evangeline and her friend. So I turned around and came back. That's it."
Bram steadied his arm near his chest and bringing it up and absorbing the blow from the kick. A smile on his face he breathed in when she hit him, then watched her move to behind him, exhaling now His body moved like a flow of water as he swept his body under the blade his hair barely getting tipped by the dagger. He drew back from Evangeline his guns still up as shields. He was waiting to see what she could do, this was his life. His adrenaline was flowing slowly in his body as it pumped into his veins awakening his blood and mind to the tactics of war. If this was her skills he would have nothing to fear when the time came to kill her. "Is that it?!" he laughed sadistically, his face towards her seemed bored, she would have to do much better than that, their gap in experience was to large if she wanted to hit him she would have to be willing to hurt him. Lets see if we cant see those flames you are so proud of.
Drake looked at him blankly, then back at the book, now seeing the symbol, "Ah. So it is. My apologies. You saw that girl you like? Please, tell the class," he smiled at him, "Either that or sit back down." Drake leaned back in his chair, unsure what to think of the child. He seemed to have issues, but who was he to judge?

"I am not completely into this fight, nor am I allowed to use my flames," Evangeline said, sighing. She didn't like this so far, and she really didn't want to try against him. She again moved quickly towards him, swinging her leg low, and attempting to hit him with the hilt of her dagger. She hopped behind him, and swung again with her leg, low so he couldn't throw her off balance, but she frowned.
Castor approached the grass lot when the sounds of battle assaulted his ears. 'As I thought... it seems my instincts were right.' he thought as he approached the two combatants. He didn't want to interfere, lest he hinder their battle, but once again, his mind intervened. It commanded him to protect the girl, and for some reason, his instincts told him that she was important to him. Castor still didn't jump into the fight. However, he got much closer that he would have intended, and he was in clear view of the fighters, albeit still out of range of any attacks. 'That girl... the pure blood. She is powerful, more powerful than that boy.' he thought. His sensory skills had always been top notch, but that was something that Castor prided himself on and practiced quite often. Continuing to observe the battle, he analyzed the participants further. 'Although the power difference is great, the experience gap is larger. The boy was well trained. I don't know if the pure blood can overcome it without her magic.' If she truly needed help, Castor resolved himself to step in. He was fairly sure that the boy posed no real threat to him at his current level. But, then again, the human blood he'd consumed was not holding well...
Nathan sits down and opens the book. he probably thinks I have issues.Well. I kinda do. I mean. There is no way someone like me ISN'T a bit damaged. Oh well. Nathan goes back to reading "God this book is so boring. But if I must read it to learn, might as well."
Liliya suddenly felt the lightheadedness from earlier coming back to her. The room spun more wildly than before. Looking up at Drake, she raised a shaky hand. She hated to bail mid-class, but she felt as if she would pass out if she made the choice to stay. She clutched the desk with her unraised hand to steady herself. "I'm sorry to interrupt... I..." She blinked until the room came back into focus. "I need to go to the feeders..."
"Of course," Drake said, looking at Liliya with concern, "If you needed to feed, you should have done so before class started. It is ok though, just make sure you get your fill. Nathan, go with her." He looked down again at his work as the class read.
Bram noticed the hesitation and total disregard for her own safety. Does she think ill let her swing half hearted at me, and not punish her. she is really starting to piss me off. Bram slid his forward leg back and dodged the heel of her foot by a mere inch. He used his wrist to collide with hers as it came to strike him with the hilt. She rounded behind him again Tsch same strategy... He swung his body quickly to face her as he caught the glimpse of her leg coming at his. He stiffened his leg's muscles tightening his abs and breathed in as she collided her leg into him she would think this was a clean hit, he moved his arm moved and secured her leg. A menacing smile splayed on his face. As he pressed the silver pistol against her thigh in the leg he caught and fired a rubber bullet almost point blank into it. Then swiftly brought it up to her shoulder and dug it into her shirt and muscle right above the armpit and fired. Using his body he stepped his foot forward and threw his body in with it letting go of her leg he flung her to the floor. Her underestimating me would get her killed. He crouched down and looked at her his arms resting on his knees. "You can't protect anyone with that. Maybe I should protect Hannah instead of you." He smiled at her come on little princess lets see what you've got.
Nathan hops to his feet and nods "Alrighty." he over exageratedly bows and motions to the door "After you miss." Nathan smiles and rubs his head hopefully we don't run into Evangeline.. ​Nathan smiles brightly at Liliya
Liliya nodded, not mentioning the fact that she didn't feed earlier out of choice, wanting to wait until later. She didn't realize it had been as long as it really had, and she stood up, crossing the room. She tried not to wobble, so as not to draw any more attention to herself. She couldn't wait to see if Nathan was following, though she knew he was close behind, she only had one goal right now, and it was to get there without fainting. THAT would be terribly embarrassing on the first night of school.

She made it outside fine, and the cool night air helped calm her down a little. She was able to focus a little better. Walking across the grounds, she looked over to see someone who looked vaguely familiar. She squinted, trying to make out his features. They had never met before, but she felt like she should know him from somewhere.

Evangeline glared at Bram, her thigh hurt, but she wouldn't show it as her eyes went a glowing red, "Fine. Let's play harder." She swung her arm hard towards his midsection, and brought her knee up in the same motion before hopping backwards. Her expression was blank, but her eyes were full of fire, and she smiled, making his hands heat up as she stared at him, at the same time little balls of fire popped up around her head, above her. While that distracted him, she came in again, faster, and ran the length of her dagger against his arm cruelly, passing him and stopping behind him. Evangeline turned towards him, her eyes still bright red.
Nathan walks up behind Liliya and puts an arm around her "You obviously are having trouble walking, come on." he puts his arm around her back and rests his hand on her hip "Just put all your weight on me."
"Oh, I, um..." She stammered a little, not knowing quite what to say. She didn't talk to very many people, and when she did it was mostly about books or magic, which she was a good tutor. "Thanks." She said finally, leaning into him a little bit. "I'm sorry he made you come with me." She added quickly. Not only was she missing class now, but she'd dragged Nathan along with her. She turned her attention from the other student and continued towards the feeders' building.
Nathan smiles slightly "Anyway, we haven't been properly introduced. Nathan. Nathan Marshall." he looks at her, he already knew her first name from Drake saying it, but other then that he knew nothing aboout her, but he could smell her blood and could hear her slightly faint heart beat "I should feed too. But i don't trust myself to."
Bram dropped his guns on the floor, as a warmth was felt from his arm... tsch i dropped my guard. He rolled from his position then stood up tearing off his jacket. He looked down at his arm that was now staining his white shirt a bit red. A smile glowed onto his face. As he walked to the blades on the floor picking up the harness and sliding his arms through it. 'Hahahaha, Your hit there." He smiled at her kindly he was glad she had gotten serious. The sweet smell of his rare human blood mixed with his pure vampire blood filled his nostrils. Shit I need to end this fast... my two guns in the holster are filled with blessed silver bullets, I don't want to kill her if I hit her, or wound her too bad. ​ He looked at their two spectators he spied Hannah farther off but this new one could be a problem. She wont back down now I had said those words that would send her over the edge... SHIT SHIT. Bram tore the bleeding sleep off from his shoulder then tore it in half and wrapped them around his hand Bram sprinted forward to the guns on the floor bending down quickly to pick them up never stopping. He clasped the handles of the guns lifting them swiftly He spun his body always keeping the guns pointing at her the silver at her shoulders and chest and the onyx at her stomach and thighs so she couldn't dodge them all. only momentarily did the guns ever move from the target only changing to suit his bodies position he unloading the entire clips into her. still sprinting towards her.
The Vampiress gave him a small smile. "Nice to meet you, Nathan." She said in her usual sugary sweet voice. "I'm Liliya Rominov." She never considered the fact that people might treat her differently just because she was the Headmistress's daughter, and she remembered too late. Then again, Nathan didn't seem like the other students. He didn't seem like a suck-up just looking to get on her good side. He seemed more down to earth, but either way, it was too late to take back her introduction.
"Ah daughter of the Headmistress. Very cool, it must have its perks, but also disadvanteges. " he shrugs and continues pulling her along "Well, I am son of. Well I don't rightfuly know. So. Sorry, i'm not really related to anyone in a position of power." he chuckles
Liliya grinned a half-ditzy smile. She pushed open the door to the feeder's building and saw that there was no one else here. "What a relief..." She mumbled as she went inside, glad to have Nathan supporting her. Otherwise she may not have made it this far. She approached the woman guarding the feeder room and gave her name. The woman went through her papers and marked her off, showing that she'd already fed today. Students could only feed once a day, the school didn't have enough human volunteers for it to be an all-you-can-drink buffet. Liliya smiled wearily and thanked Nathan. "You said you hadn't yet today either, are you going in?"
Only a few pellets hit her before she created a small wall of flame, melting the others that came towards her. She dropped the wall shortly after that, hissing at Bram, her eyes still red. Damn, she thought quickly before Bram could get to her, If I have to do that again, I will be way too tired, or way too thirsty. As is she could already feel her thirst growing. She didn't want to lose herself in the moment, a hard task considering she felt like she was fighting for her life.

Evangeline smelled his blood, which only made it worse. His blood smelled odd, but very good, and she bit her lip as he sprinted towards her. She sidestepped at the last moment, and ran a finger against the cut she had made before. Evangeline smiled, looking at him as she licked her finger playfully, tasting his blood. She still couldn't tell what was wrong with it, but at the moment she didn't care. It just got her more raring to go.

She dashed towards him again, fast and suddenly, making his guns heat up fast in his hands before slashing at his chest, not meaning to make a deep wound, but rather just a cut. She snapped at him playfully, before pushing Bram away from her hard.
Nathan shakes his head And says quietly "I don't like feeding off people. I'm scared I'll kill them if I do." he looks down and away from Liliya "you go ahead."
Liliya tilted her head in thought. "But then how do you feed?" she asked. "Even combat Vampires can't make it more than a week, a week and a half absolute tops, without drinking blood. Magic Vamps could only last a few days..." She didn't have time to stand here and question it as another wave of nausea rushed over her. Stumbling into the feeders room, she finally gave into her bloodlust.
Nathan answers as she walks away "I don't." which was true for the most part. The last time he fed was yesterday, and before that it had been a week and he couldn't stand it anymore

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