Rominov School for Vampires

Drake looked at the two students that he knew, then around the classroom. It was close enough to time, and there were enough kids to start the class. "Alright," he said standing, "For those of you who do not know me, I am Drake Manslik. I am your English teacher for the time being, unless you switch out. If you did switch, however, I am still the only English teacher. Call me Mr. Drake, Mr. Manslik, or Drake. The last, only if you feel comfortable enough to do so. I call you all by your first name, so I do not see why you should call me any different."

With that he turned around to face the board, and wrote, Forever, and Immortality. After that he turned back to the class, "You all are facing this. Facing a long, hard, life ahead of you. It was lengthened, either by accident, or quite purposefully. You all have to deal with immortality. For some of you, it may be a gift, and others may see it as a curse. One way or another, you have your own hopes, dreams, ambitions, and ideas. I would like to start off this year with a small quickwrite. I wish you all to take out a paper, and write what you think of the topic I have given to you."

He sat again in his chair, and looked at the class as they all took out their papers, pencils, and began writing. He thought about his own ideas on forever, and wondered how well he would deal with the years ahead of him.
(who is in Nicolai's class? Combat class?)

Ember moved into combat class. She hated this class most of all. She would rather be in magic. She twriled her razorblade around her fingers as she looks around to the students. Her eyes lay on a crossbow that was locked up. She grinned and glanced over to Dimitri(I hope he is in the same class.

Damon sat down beside Ember and looked up to the crossbow. "She is amazing right?" He followed her gaze to Dimitri. He grumbled as he moved away and into a empty seat.
Bram looked up at Evangeline the toxic enrapture from the moments that took place before still lingered in Bram's mind and body. As he looked at her he grabbed her hand and tugged her towards him signaling for her to sit next to them, but this was a bit closer then normal. "Why not we all be a couple?" Bram really had no understanding of what functions a couple does but it seemed like if it was anything like before it was a good idea to him right now. He slowly became more and more aware of his surroundings as he looked around seeing the weapons on the floor and on the wall. He slowly melted away his compromising feelings as he looked at the hand he held which was Evangeline. What the hell am I doing, holding her disgusting hand?! He looked at Hannah with a little smile feeling awkward about what happened in the bathroom. His mind was now clear he was back to being Bram, he slowly slid his hand out of Evangeline's as he looked up at her his face expressionless, wondering what she would say...
Nathan sighs and starts writing Immortality is a curse... Nathan continues writing, he didn't care that everyone he used to know would die, as she was already dead. And the way things were going Nathan wasn't sure if he'd live forever
Dimitri walked over, standing next to Ember. "We meet again. Maybe I should keep an eye on you so you don't put yourself in danger again." He joked, giving her the tiniest hint of a smile.

Liliya definitely thought it was an interesting topic to start off the year with. After thinking on it for a moment, she began to write in pretty cursive, Immortality is a gift... She smiled a little. Being alive for a long time like she was supposed to gave her a huge opportunity to help others. She never thought about the negative aspects of it, just about all the things she could do with that much time...
Evangeline stared at him as she sat next to him, "Umm... Do you actually like me?" She rubbed the back of her head, her brow furrowed in confusion, "That.... I... umm..." Evangeline was completely flabbergasted. She had no idea how to respond, but she shook her head, "...I wouldn't mind I guess..." Hannah was looking at Bram in confusion, He hates vampires, but he just asked one out? Well.... Asked both of us out.... If that is what he wants.... Hannah smiled awkwardly, "I guess it's ok if you want that Bram..."

After a long while, Drake looked back up from a book he had opened. Seeing that the majority of students seemed to be wrapping up their thoughts, he stood, "Now, would anyone like to share? Liliya? I know you are not lacking with writing skills. Would you mind reading aloud to us a bit of yours?" He looked around at the rest of the class, wondering if anyone else would volunteer.
Nathan looks at Drake and nods, motioning that he would go if called upon. Nathan looks down at his paper, it was way too long he would have to just say the key parts
Drake looked at Nathan and grinned, "Alright. You can go first instead Nathan. Read to us your quick write." He hoped the boy would impress, he needed another person to look forward to teaching and this was the first real test of sorts for him.
Bram's eye twitched in frustration as he had no idea what was happening... he just knew his hand was in Evangeline, and from the sound of it he said something he should not have. "Ummm.... Yea sure would be.... fine." The words left his mouth in confusion, as he just agreed to his own demise. The coming storm and future of Bram was uncertain, but he knew he was in trouble. Bram struggled to grasp the situation. When his eyes shot open his mouth went a gape as he remembered by the door what he had said... He slumped his head down his eye's shaking in anger at himself. What have i done no no no, I need to think this through. If I make mistakes like this because of what happened with Hannah maybe it would be better without her. I have to remember why I'm here. To kill them all not to make friends not to find merriment. Bram's objective and mission raced through his head he sacrificed his humanity for this purpose he watched his fellow knights die working to get him here. I must get rid of them...

(I'm thinking we get rid of players having teachers or they get to be puppeted if not present, the combat class can no longer progress due to Nightmayr's absence and what do we do just sit here and keep talking waiting for something to happen?)
Nathan stands up "Immortality is a curse. . I don't see the point to Immortality. Half of us don't know what to do with ourselves on a rainy afternoon. What are we going to do forever? And I for one. Didn't know what i would do with my life before I was turned. Well now I guess I have forever to figure it out. Everyone you love." Nathan's throat tightens up a bit as he remembers how he killed his bestfriend "That is not one of us will die. Everyone you used to know will die. Half of us in this room will die." Nathan shakes his head "Those who are immortal are not always wise. I feel more alone among my own kind then I ever did living on the streets." Nathan frowns and sits back down

(Sorry it's just a jumble of thoughts :P )
Hannah looked at the clock as Evangeline looked at Bram, completely dumbfounded. Class should have started already, but the teacher still wasn't doing anything, so she tugged on Bram's hand, pulling him off of his seat and towards a corner where no one could hear them, "Bram... what.... I thought you hated them? If you really want that then its fine... but you seem upset..." Her eyes looked truly concerned as she looked at him, she didn't want to lose him in any sense of the word. They had just met, but this was the strongest that she had ever felt towards anyone. Hannah didn't want it to end.

Evangeline looked at Hannah and Bram, wondering, Something is so not right... That isn't like him... What the hell is going on...? She huffed, and leaned back, closing her eyes in frustration, and muttering to herself, "Whatever... doesn't matter..."

Nodding, Drake looked at Nathan and tapped his chin for a moment before speaking, "It needs work... however it does have feeling, which is needed in writing. If you feel the words that you write, what you write goes so much further. Thank you Nathan. Now, Liliya, could you please?" He smiled at her, thinking about how underwhelmed he had been by the boy's response, he expected better.
As Nathan walks by Drake's desk he drops the paper on his desk, it was almost full of a long paragrahp explaining in detail why Nathan hated being what he was "Sorry, I just wanted to cover the key points." He shakes his head and sits down I wonder what Evangeline is doing now.. I MEAN THE OTHERS. Not just her. Hmm. Nathan sits there deep in thought once again
Bram swiped his hand out of Hannah's grasp and looked at her. "I'm fine just leave it.... I can do this on my own." He said those words to Hannah but his thoughts and eyes were somewhere else thinking, Bram about his mission and what he was going to do about killing them. It was his task and his only task... getting blinded by these girls was something he didn't need, he didn't need friends and he didn't need them. Remember who and what you are.... I am Abraham Van Helsing... a hunter in the night. Bram had an evil smirk on his face as he thought about this as he turned away from Hannah, and walked back to his seat. Sitting down he looked up at the ceiling then looked back towards the teacher crossing his arms and reclining back in the chair waiting for the lesson to start.

(My guy is just going to walk out of class soon, so my character doesn't just sit here.)
Hannah looked at Bram, hurt, her breath caught in her throat. She looked at Evangeline, then back at Bram, and silently left the classroom. She didn't leave as quickly as she had before, but she just didn't want to deal with it right now. This emotional turmoil, she didn't know why she had thought someone would actually see her as an equal besides Evangeline. No one could rely on her, or trust her apparently, because she was a human. That's how she felt.

Hannah just went to their room, and sat on her bed, crying again. Why are you crying? She thought, Did you expect anything different? Hell. You JUST met him. Come on. Get a grip. She shook her head, unable to deny that she really did feel for him.

Evangeline looked at Bram, then Hannah as she left, and she sighed, "Bram, I don't care what your issues are... but if you are going to ask us something like that, you can at least be kind. You look so high and mighty. I hope you feel just great. I hope Hannah can trust you again after whatever you did to her." Evangeline thought about going after Hannah, but figured that whatever she said, it wouldn't help her.
Bram looked at Evangeline in his normal face not entreating or caring for her at all. "I said nothing hurtful, or mean. I simply told her I didn't need her help. "In what way does that make me a villain?" Bram stood from his seat grabbing the harness of his mini sword, and flung them back over his shoulder the metal handles of them clacked together as they bounced off his shoulder then remained still. He looked down at Evangeline "Wanna learn something princess? You wont by just sitting here..." Bram looked at the teacher, then began to walk slowly towards the door a few steps away he looked back at Evangeline to see if she would say something, or stay or go with him. He needed to know his enemies strengths and he was not going to forget about their promise of a duel. I dont know why Hannah is so upset, I didn't say anything rude to her or anything like that. What does she want from me?... Bram's thought back to Hannah before shutting them out completely as his face become a stone wall again.
Evangeline huffed, following Bram, "Yeah. I wonder why she's upset. If you really don't know, then you really don't get girls at all." She caught up to him, "Yes, I would like to learn something, but could you not call me princess? I don't like it much. Considering this is a combat class, and the teacher seems either really busy or really oblivious, I don't mind sparring with you." She wanted to yell at him, He doesn't understand that what she wants is to be close to him! The poor girl! She just want's to help you. Evangeline shook her head and just followed Bram silently.
Nathan sighs and his head hits his desk "Drake can I go to the bathroom." He just wanted ANY excuse to get out of class, he was too couped up and his thoughts were starting to get to him. His hands were pale and shakey
Drake raised a brow at Nathan, then simply waved him on, "Yes Nathan. Next time, just go. You don't have to ask. This isn't an elementary kid's class." He glanced down at the paper he had handed in, reading it within a second. He nodded, thinking to himself, Nathan. Do not dumb yourself down. Your paper is good.
Nathan walks out of the class and rounds a corner immediatley bumping into Evangeline "Crap I'm so-" he stops and looks at her realising it was Evangeline "Sorry." he frowns and runs a hand through his hair "Looks like we keep running into each other. This time quite litteraly." he rubs his neck then he sees Bram and grits his teeth Remember what Drake said.. Nathan nods to Bram
"As you wish princess." he said in a devious tone obviously try to annoy her at that point. His voice went back to its cold self "You are right I don't understand women, and she knows that, so maybe she doesn't understand me and wishes me to be something I'm not." Bram walked the corner to the side of the building where there was an open grass lot with a large tree with a thick dark brown trunk and heavy hanging branches, resting in the middle of it. He looked back at Evangeline as he walked a 5 yards away from her. He dropped the harness from his back and it fell to the grass beside him. "I believe in learning on the job, so come at me whenever your ready... Oh and these guns have rubber balls in them so they wont kill you just hurt you... a lot." He lowered his head slightly as he thought about hurting her, an evil grin spread on his face. His hands moved to his holsters behind him slowly bringing the onyx and silver gun out from behind him, holding the silver one below the side of his face and the onyx out over his stomach pointing it towards the ground at an angle. This was a defensive stance meant for blocking an aggressive attack. He bent his knees slightly and lowered himself accordingly. This was natural to him, he looked relaxed and totally focused then he had previously was. This was the real Bram.
Liliya waited for Nathan to leave before turning her attention to her paper. It was very long, so she decided just to read off the first paragraph or so. Her ideas conflicted greatly with Nathan's. The two papers even started similarly. "Immortality is a gift." She started. She knew of the myths surrounding the origin of Vampires, and had always been greatly interested in it, even using those myths in her paper.

"Immortality is a gift from the Creator, who gave us never ending lives which we can use to better not only ourselves, but the world. In a human lifespan, someone can become a ruler, a leader, or an enemy of the world. In a Vampire's lifetime, you can become so much more. You can become a prodigy, a legend, or a master. You can cure entire diseases in the span of your one life, something that takes thousands of humans hundreds of years just to scrape the surface. You can challenge yourself and your abilities through risks a human couldn't take."

She smiled, knowing that there was always something for her race to invest time in. She hoped she could become as great as her writing said she could be. "You can learn a universe of knowledge, and teach that universe to others. All in just your own lifespan..." She trailed off, having finished her first paragraph. Looking up, she waited for some sort of critique.
"You two look really cute together. I hope you'll sort things out. I don't think it's that she doesn't understand you, but that she doesn't know how to react to it," Evangeline said as Bram prepared himself. She didn't really know how to come at him, "So, no fire, right? I only have my daggers with me." As she said this, she brought the daggers out of her boots.

Hannah had come out of the room after calming down, and moved slowly towards the building again, but then spotted them outside, and decided to watch them. She sat nearby, quietly, and hoped they wouldn't notice her. She felt like she needed to apologize to Bram.

Evangeline sighed, and shifted awkwardly, the daggers feeling natural in her hands, but everything else felt wrong. She dashed towards him suddenly and swung her leg hard at him once she was in range, swinging to behind him afterwords, and slashing at his head with the flat side of her dagger. She wasn't as fast as a combat vampire, but she was still much faster than a human.

Drake smiled approvingly, "And that is what you should strive for class. Good work Liliya. The repetitiveness of it worked well, and again, it had feeling. I always look forward to reading your works." He looked down at his desk for a moment, reading something, before looking back up, and pointing to the far wall, "Please, each of you grab a book. It will be your homework to read. Pleasant and simple enough yes? There is no use looking for a child's book. All books that I have are good, long reads." He sat, waiting.
Liliya smiled, glad he liked it but wishing the class didn't focus on her so quietly. It felt awkward. She was glad when Drake asked them to retrieve their books. She stood up and stood in the line of people to get the readings. After picking up her slightly tattered copy, she began immediately leafing through it, always curious about new books.

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