Rominov School for Vampires

Drake shook his head, "I said might, not that she was. Listen to my words, not the ones you assume." Drake sighed and looked at the time again, "Class begins soon. I am ready for the lessons ahead. Are you Nathan?" He looked the boy up and down, "One does not simply reach the end without taking the journey. You have to work for something if you want it. I was bitten, pureblood vampires are rare. You simply have good taste I suppose. Her blood does not bother you? She is not only a pureblood, but the closest in lineage to the king. I have not met her, however, even Ms. Rominov's blood gets to me at times."

Evangeline smiled evily, and pulled Hannah up, and onto Bram's lap, "There ya go! Now she's sitting." Evangeline was a bit weird when she had just woken up, and was having way too much fun with this. "Now kiss!" Evangeline said, a bit too loud, leaning back again with a grin, "You two would make a cute couple. You know that? Human and vampire or not. Who cares?" Hannah by this point had just frozen, her cheeks a bright red, saying nothing.
"I-I haven't even noticed her blood. I'm always distracted by her. Well everything else." He chuckles and rubs his head "Nad her relation to the king is of no consequense." Nathan shrugs and looks at the clock "Yeah. I'm ready for class I guess."
Bram was angry that she would tease and taunt Hannah like that, masking his disappointment from Eva. He thought of a plan to get her to shut up, and so she would never bring up something like that. Bram looked at Hannah a devious smile on his face. He moved his hands fast and with incredible agility grabbing the soft cheeks of his target, locking eyes with her as he turned her face to meet his and pulling her in. He moved his face in with a purpose, He planted a kiss on the Evangeline's lips a soft and quick kiss he pulled back and stared at her. That will shut you up. He kept his eyes on Evangeline's never wavering as he leaned back in his chair, Hannah still resting on top of his lap.
Evangeline glared at Bram as Hannah bit her lip hard and hopped off Bram's lap, issuing a curt, "Be back later..." Before she ran off. Evangeline looked at Hannah as she ran off, clearly upset, "Now you've done it. Great. She really likes you. I was just playing, that didn't mean you needed to hurt her." Evangeline folded her arms, livid with him. If it was any other situation, she would have liked it, and been embarrassed by it.

Hannah went into a bathroom nearby, and no one was in it, seeing as how class started so soon. She wanted to cry. She knew he couldn't be like that to her in public, but to do it to Evangeline? Right in front of her? It really upset her. She stood in the bathroom, thinking in the back of her mind how remarkable clean it was. Hannah leaned against the bathroom wall, biting her lip.

Drake sighed once more and looked around, not many students it seemed were in this class for now. He always had transfers though, and late students too. "Next time you are near her, pay attention to details like her blood. It will be harder to resist than a human's. You wouldn't be able to kill her, so it should be ok if you can't control yourself. If anything, it is good practice." He left him at that, and walked back up to the front, writing Welcome to English, Pray You Last.​ in big letters, a small joke for him, meant to make the new kids nervous.
Bram slumped his head down in defeat. Hurt her it was all just a joke... I didn't mean for that.... DAMMIT! i'm so stupid! He shook his head in annoyance at the thought of what he did and how dumb he was. "Hurt her? I'm a vampire and she is a human..." his voice became really soft almost a whisper Evangaline would probably only hear the sharper of the words. "those fallacies of hers, those dreams can never happen. I never meant to hurt her..." He looked at Evangeline his eyes were soft. He was confused, this was the best way to get people off their track of being a relationship... if Bram didn't do this then there would have been suspicion due to a royals accusation and her getting away with it. Hannah I didn't mean to, it was to keep us safe... to protect us. Bram pressed his hands on the floor smacking it as he popped up. He side stepped looking back at Evangeline. "I'll fix this." He slid out of the door this class wasn't going to start anytime soon the teacher was just there sitting doing nothing. Bram following her faint scent he had become of accustomed to, to bring him joy and pleasure he had smelled it down the hall even before he unsuspectingly ran into them at the door this morning. He followed it into the girls bathroom not caring who was in it. He found her pressed against the wall almost in tears. "Hannah..." Bram started his voice trailing off as he got closer to her.
Nathan relaxes slightly and flips open the book to the first page In the beginning blah blah blah Nathan couldn't focus on reading, his mind was filled with thoughts of how to control himself, and how to best kill Bram first I get his guns away from hom. Then he's mine.
Evangeline sighed and swung her feet, looking at Bram, who was clearly upset at himself. She planned on going after Hannah herself, to make sure she was ok, but she figured that he might do a better job, seeing as how he needed to apologize. Evangeline looked around at the other students, who were looking at the situation in confusion. They all looked away as she looked at them. She thought to herself about the whole situation, A vampire and a human? Why does he care so much? I mean... it happens. Usually the humans end up being turned, but still. Here of all places they wouldn't frown on it much at all. We are taught to coincide with humans... what better way?

Then it hit her, He kissed me... He KISSED me... Holy crap... I don't even know how to react to that... He's... him.. though. Wouldn't that be kinda weird? I.... ugh She shook her head, trying to stop thinking about it. Evangeline stood then, and went to look at the weapons in storage.

Hannah glared at him, all kindness in her eyes gone, "What do you want Bram? I know you can't be like that to me in public because of some old idea you have, but that doesn't mean that you needed to do that of all things... Of all damned things! Great way to start a school year Bram." Her words were curt and like daggers as she tried to push past him and leave the Restroom.

Drake sat at the front, looking over Nathan from the front as he sat down in his chair, his feet resting up on his desk. He then looked back at the clock again, wondering why time was ticking by so slowly. He knew it really wasn't that long until classes started, but it felt like forever. Forever.... an odd concept for a human, but a normal one for a vampire... That would make for a good topic for a quickwrite...
Nathan closes the book and walks up to Drake's desk "One enemy, he had four pistols, one drawn and three holstered under his coat. He moves slower then you and has most of his weight on his back foot, two possible casualties and the gun is against your forehead. How do you proceed."
"I am not the Math teacher, nor the combat teacher..." Drake said with a smirk on his face as he looked up at Nathan, "I know both well enough though. If his reaction time is slow enough, simple. Disarm him, he should not have enough time to get under his coat to grab the other guns. You take the gun he had, toss it to the side far from you two, and pin his arms behind him tightly. Basically, if he is slower, you shouldn't lose. If he is smarter though... you probably would, because he could easily swipe at your legs, or something of the like." Drake thought for a moment, going over the scenario in his head, "Why? Young warriors often die. This is why wars are ridiculous. It could mean the end of the civilization, and a breakdown of the moral code... not that I mind."
Bram couldn't handle it anymore... as he grabbed her wrist and flung her spinning into his chest, He was forceful with that wrist snap to get her back to him. The move was designed with a purpose his face was covered in his bangs. He wouldn't leave not until he had achieved what he wanted. He grabbed her face and kissed her... her warmth from her lips and plushness flowed through him forcing him into a state of ecstasy his body went numb as his mind gave way to a light headed feel like he was flying. As he retracted from her lips, his breath escaped him. Shaking now he put his forehead to hers trying not to fall over from the dizzy sensation he felt... "I'm sorry... i'm so sorry..." Bram's came out as apologetic whisper his eyes trying to avoid her gaze. His pupils moved to find hers now, slowly he met her blue eyes as she did his... "I don't want to lose you." the taste of compassion flowed with those words into her ears. If only he could tell her he kissed her "sister" because it was to protect what they had and make people believe they weren't together. If only she could understand it. "I'm such a fool." he said with a sigh angry at himself his hands fell to his side now in a slump numb to his body. his head slipped off from her forehead as he looked at the floor in anguish and hate in himself for what he had done... Bram you need to think things through, not everything is a battle that can be won by force...

(not to get technical but my guy had only one gun with no holsters to show he had 4... and since when was he slower? I can understand you want to make your character a hero or something, but he is a fresh vampire... my guy has fought and killed them since birth.)
"It's a scenario I keep reliving. I bumped into Evangeline's personal feeder, and her boyfriend or what ever got all mad and pulled a gun on me. So I naturally put the Barrel to my forehead and yell at him to pull the trigger. He didn't" Nathan shrugs then sighs and thinks about what he will do next time he sees Evangeline "Now he is trying to taunt me into attacking him. And I'm close."

(Well assuming he is slower atleast slightly because isn't your guy a human? In combat no doubt Bram would probably win because he has more experiance)
Hannah was about to yell at Bram some more, but she didn't get any words out before just about melting against his lips. Electric feeling wouldn't even describe it, it was like all her nerves were on overdrive, starting from her lips and expanding everywhere. She felt dizzy and leaned against Bram's chest, her hands up near her face, and she shook her head, "I shouldn't have reacted like that... I... It was... I'm sorry Bram..." She started crying then, having avoided it for as long as she had. Hannah wasn't really sad, but kind of scared, and overall upset.

"Don't fight him," Drake said simply, "You fight him out of turn, you shall not only be in trouble, but if he is Evangeline's friend, don't you think it would hurt her to have you fight him? He may taunt you, but isn't that only another test to your reserve? If you wish to learn by Evangeline, I recommend you do not start things... let alone things you cannot finish."
Nathan nods "I want to face him. Maybe I'll catch him in combat class or something. " Nathan shrugs and paces in front of Drake's desk "Am I a fool?" Nathan shakes his head yes, you are. Evangeline hates you you idiot. Nathan sighs and continues pacing back and forth. Hm There has to be something I can do. Ill just do what Drake said and focus on her blood. Excercise restraint.
"Calm down young boy," Drake said, rolling his eyes, but otherwise not moving, "You worry much too much. If the teacher allows it, perhaps you two can fight, but otherwise, exercise restraint. You do not need to fight. If you think about it, what can it really solve?" He glanced again at the clock, then around the classroom, Is this class really just this small this period? He shrugged, figuring that if it was, then all the better.
Bram was stunned he was not good at handling crying or handling girls in general... that much was obvious "Hannah.." Bram's voice was soft and kind. his hand lifted her chin up from his chest so he could look at her... he moved towards her forehead and kissed it then backed away. "Stop crying..." he awkwardly laughed... His voice went back to the romantic tone to condole her "I still have you and you have me." he moved his hand from her chin and grabbed her hands in both of his making them into a little ball her brought them up to his mouth and kissed them. Hannah I only see you... I promise.... He couldn't say those words he was a coward when it came to something like that. The one thing he fears most is the one thing they never taught him how to handle which was love or how to feel it or handle. He was never delicate in his handling with people but now he had someone... something so fragile in his hands that could be shattered in an instant... something weak and yet so strong, he held Hannah's heart and he knew that now. Bram was more afraid of how much he was going to hurt her in the coming times but as of now he was happy.
Hannah slowly relaxed in his arms, and stopped crying. Her voice was soft, "I'm sorry... How nuts is this..? I mean... why do we already like each other so much? We barely met..." She wanted to say love, not like, but was much too afraid of the word to say it. Bram would be comparative to a forbidden fruit, someone who she should never love, never hold so dear. Instead of listening to her apprehensions though, she brought both of her hands up to either cheek, and pulled his lips to her's tightly, harder than one would expect one such as herself to do so.
Bram was surprised by this sudden force. His eye widened then their lips connected. He was once again met with a wash of warmth spreading head to toe his lips ached with a sudden fever to the touch of her lips. He was so happy. He put his arms around her back holding her tightly sliding one of his hands to the top of her head and pressing it against his head a firm grasp as he slip his fingers in between the weaves of her hair and touching the skin beneath it. He was melting in the moment of the kiss. He backed away to look at her. His eye's frightened... he didn't know what to do or what to say he was a knight, he never had romantic novels or movies or romance of any kind to learn from... for the first time in his life he felt real fear unbelievable fear... his heart beat raced and his hands began to sweat a little. He had to stop kissing her and going back for more gasping for air.... What am I doing! I don't know? this is terrible? am I terrible? what is she thinking!?
After a moment Hannah laughed softly and contently, an airy sound. She pulled further away from him and smiled, "I don't have words for how I feel right now..." She smiled bigger and held onto his free hand, "Are you ok Bram?" Hannah's heart felt like it was about to explode, her heartbeat was so fast. She didn't know what to do, "I hope I am a good kisser... You are the only person I have ever kissed..." Hannah blushed, trying to calm her all too fast heart.
"uhhh uhhh... I don't know that was my second time doing it. remember." He looked at her blinking as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "We should probably go back to class Eva is probably worried about us..." Bram was so confused on what to do he just spurted it out to get rid of this awkwardness He gave her one last kiss on the lips a short and sweet peck and grabbed his hand in his and drug her out of the bathroom. He didn't know what was happening to him or why or even how to perceive it. His body was walking like he was floating off the ground. He made it to the door. "Don't tell Evangeline please..." Bram was embarrassed and didn't want her to know about it, plus he didn't want her to put it out there... if he could trust her with his life secret he could trust her with this much at least. He smiled back at her as he left go of her hand and held the door open.
"Yeah..." Hannah said, and bit her lower lip, smiling big, and blushing as she got pulled along. "I won't tell her Bram, not that she would care either way." She sighed and regained her composure as he opened the door, thinking about how badly she didn't want to let go of his hand. Evangeline's head shot up as they came through the door, and she practically skipped over to them.

"Did you guys have fun off in some corner?" Evangeline said, smirking, "Were you gentle with him Hannah?" Hannah sighed and frowned, "Eva that's not funny anymore. Ok? Please stop?" Evangeline held up her hands in mock defense, "Sorry, sorry. I'm done. I was just having fun. You guys look like you'd be a cute couple is all. Sorry."
Bram was in such a happy state he didn't care what race Evangeline was or what her heritage was. Bram placed his hand on Evangelines head then bent down to her vision with s suave smile and flirtatious look he stared into her eye's. "But then you would be jealous and we can have that. So why not we all just stay together." Bram probably was acting exceedingly strange than he normally did as he slid his hand down Evangalines head and touched her soft cheek then with a little tap with his fingers he walked by her. His hands slipped into his pockets he may not look it but Bram was standing on top of the world. He was feeling fantastic and there is no way anything could bring him down, as he went back to his weapons and sat down. stretching his arms behind his head as he looked at the two as they were just standing there.
Nathan shakes his head "That's not what I meant. I mean. It was kinda what I meant. Look. What I mean is two things, am I a fool for going after Evangeline. And am I a fool for wanting to kill a friend of hers?" he cocks an eyebrow and laughs it was more of a laugh to disapate the tension in the air then anything else
Liliya listened to the two guys banter back and forth. Other students were now filing into the room and taking seats. Drake was right, she was glad he'd reserved her one ahead of time. Who knew where she would have gotten stuck? She felt a little lightheaded. It was probably from lack of blood, but she needed to get through class before she could think about feeding. Her magic affinity wasn't helping; magic users always had a lower tolerance for lack of blood. Leaning her head into her hands, she just focused on the class.
"You should sit down. Class is very soon," Drake said matter of factly, "Also, no and yes respectively, if you wanted my opinion." He looked up at Nathan, and waited for him to find a desk. Students were coming in, and it would be hard for him to find a desk if he waited much longer.

Evangeline blushed when he touched her, and she turned to Hannah, "Did you slip something in his drink or something?" Hannah giggled and blushed, but shook her head, and went to go sit next to Bram. She didn't expect him to act like that, but right now her mind was a blur of thoughts, none really complete.

After a moment Evangeline, the only seemingly clear headed person of the group, walked over to Hannah and Bram. Looking down at Bram, she questioned, "Umm... What... What did you mean by that?" Her cheeks were still red, and she wondered slightly about how long he'd act like this.
Nathan shakes his head and takes the seat at the front next to Liliya maybe this class wouldn't be that bad. He let himself slip into his thoughts thinking about what he would do nexttime he saw Bram and more importantly, Evangeline.

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