Rominov School for Vampires

("By the way I need to talk to you either tomorrow morning or later." is he talking to Bram or Evangeline because he is looking at Bram right now.)
Evangeline looked at Nathan and groaned, "Alright. Fine." She walked to him briskly and pulled him a few meters away from everyone else, "What do you want to talk to me about? You've already caused some unneeded tension, and I don't hate you for it, but it is quite annoying." She folded her arms across her chest and looked at him, waiting for a response.
Nathan frowns "I just wanted to say I was sorry, I just am not exactly the out going type and." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair "Just. Thank you. You're the first one who has been even remotely nice to me and I hope I can somehow make it up to you. If you ever need anything, or are bored or what ever. I'm your guy." he smiles crookedly and pulls his hood up "And I am curious what you would like me to do with" He glares at Bram "Him. Would you just like me to leave him alone?" Nathan sighs and looks at her his face was slightly red and he was very flustured
Bram eyed the two as they talked, he saw the little idiot place his gaze upon him. Bram smiled out of delight. Hahaha oh little pup I will kill you. Don't even think of me as your equal. you have no chance, hopefully that princess bangs it in your head before a bullet does. ​This isn't a story where you are the hero, where you think everything will be alright. Bram was taking great pleasure from the boys obvious annoyance towards him. He bent over and said loudly to Hannah "Looks like i have an admirer." and making a gentle point to the kid. Bram would tease and taunt this fool until he tried to do something, if Nathan forced it Evangeline's presence or intervention would be impossible and he would be using self defense to kill this boy so he would likely get off with a warning. "Oh and boy." now looking back at him "I am partners with Evangeline already, so sorry I cant waste my time on you." He shrugged as he said this then turned away from him slightly, Bram kept him in the corner of his view if he tried anything stupid.
"Bram is right. I already am partners with him. You shouldn't try to fight him. So, yes, please leave him be," Evangeline said, thinking about how dead the newbie would be if Bram fought him. "We should all go back to our dorms. Curfew is very soon," She said and moved back over to Hannah, "Come on Hannah, let's go find our room."

Hannah shook her head, "I need to talk to Bram about something." Evangeline smirked and nodded, "Alright. Don't be too rough with the boy." With that, she left, waving goodbye to the other kids there, and walked off to their room. She wondered how big it was, and what it had in it.

After Evangeline left, Hannah turned to the others and waved, then pulled Bram off towards his room, speaking softly, "You really don't want to start any fights Bram... Yeah, if he started it, you could be excused, but Ms. Rominov would question you more. She can get into people's heads sort of, from what I know. you don't want that." Hannah rubbed his hand in her's, "Also... I have a few questions..."
A solid thunk sounds through Nathan'a room as his forehead hits his door "Nathan. When will you learn." He opens his door and walks in locking it behind him "Bed time I guess. Who am I even talking to. My room is empty..." He sighs and slips off his shirt and changes into flannel pants "I doubt Rambo would be able to pull out his gun if I tore off his arms." Nathan hits his pillow and smirks "Why can't I talk to Evangeline with out saying anything stupid? Why am I talking to myself?" he grabs his pillow and covers his face with it "Ughhhh."
Damon's mouth watered as he moved forward toward Ene. His fangs grew as he lays her fingers under her chin and lifts her gaze to his. The smell of her blood made him want to drink from her. He snaps out of it and backs away from her. "Uhhh.. Sorry."

Ember whimpered as she bit where her lip was bleeding. She winces as her hand moves to her lip and her hand fills with blood. "Ember what have you done..." She looked at her hand that was filled with blood.
Bram was taken by surprise and was in awe as Hannah showed that she cared about his safety. It's not like he didn't expect it, it was just refreshing... He looked at Hannah his eyes and hers met as he smiled at her as they walked down into his room. He looked at her compassionately and caring look not sparing any emotion from her. He held her hands up and looked at them a slight happy smirk on his face they were soft and delicate next to his . "You can ask me anything. though I may have to kill you after I tell you." He laughed at his own joke like an idiot who was trying to hard to be funny... He was new at this hopefully she took pity on him and his terrible joke.
((Everyone I am going to do a time skip soon, so wrap up anything you're doing. Otherwise we'll never make it to the next day.))
Dimitri lets out a sigh, stepping back from the feeder room and letting the others go ahead of him. The announcement came on about curfew, and he knew he had to be quick. "You shouldn't keep that in your mouth you know," he said, walking over to Ember. It was then that he realized just how much his tall frame dwarfed hers, and he didn't want to seem... Menacing, for lack of a better term. He kneeled down a little, trying to ignore the scent of blood that was driving him crazy. "There are a lot of people in here who would really have to restrain themselves in order to not attack you and take your blood." Including me, unfortunately... He shook the thought away and examined the wound. "It doesn't look that deep, but it's bleeding a lot..." He said. He wondered if she should go to the nurse...
"I..." Hannah started and looked at a clock on a wall nearby, "Wow... Its getting late... or is it early?" She smiled and looked back at Bram, giggling at his joke, "Alright... well... It popped into my head," she looked around, making sure no one could hear. Once she saw that no one could hear but Bram, she spoke, "I just have to wonder... you are a half... why would they do that? They hate vampires so much, but to make one of their own more like a vampire? It doesn't make sense to me... I just have to wonder what else they want...."

She shook her head, "Sorry... on a happier note... Do you want to act like my boyfriend?" Hannah's cheeks went bright red, "I... I mean... It could behoove you to be more close to the vampires and get more information..." Or something like that... she thought, mentally kicking herself, Great approach Hannah... just great... might as well have fallen on him... She smiled weakly, a bit embarassed, "We should get to our rooms..."
Bitter hissed," Oy, Damon! What was that..?!" He said, seeing him getting hungry over Ene. He stood up, thonking him on the head while speaking with bared fangs. "Looks like someone needs to go outside for dinner." He stood curtly, fist still held up from thwacking him. Seconds later, Bit's stomach started to growl too.


He breathed.

"Alright. Let's all go out and get food because-well... Tummy says so!" He rested his hand down, patting Damon lightly where he hit him.
Drake walked around, looking at all of the new faces he would have to teach. He was playing a fun game in his mind, guess the grades, 'A' probably.... B.... Oh, they are probably going to get an 'F'... Looks like a good amount of 'A's and 'B's this fun. Drake sighed, he was the only English teacher, and most of the students who weren't Freshman knew him. He saw people scrambling to get to the dorms, and he glanced at a clock on the wall, "Ah..." he mumbled to himself, "It is near Curfew... Perhaps I should visit Ana Rominov before she goes to bed..."

With that he walked to the office and knocked on her door. Once she answered, he opened it and leaned against the doorframe lazily, getting a bit tired, "I am ready for the new school year Ana... I hope you are as well? It seems we have quite a few new students. Teaching them Hamlet and Edgar Allen Poe should be fun..." His voice was monotone, a stark contrast to his bright blonde hair and slim frame that looked playful and made him seem like a black sheep.
Bram looked puzzled at her question it was an order from the highest authority of the Order. a decree from the council themselves for him to undergo this. "Hmmm, I don't know. I was following orders." Bram was slowly processing his thoughts until he got up to the last sentence she had said to him... hmmmm boyfriend.... WAIT WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! Bram slowly backed away from her his mouth ajar slightly "Um, um, um, um..." he cleared his throat his hand in front of his mouth... He got everything under control finally slowing his heart beat and breathing. "Yea... we can act like a couple when we are together. but when we are out at school, its still a vampire and a human relationship. I cant be seen dating a human." Wait what am I saying that would serve no purpose... its dating but keeping it secret... acting like her boyfriend would be bad for my cover, a human feeder and a Vampire... So I just accepted her proposal of secret love then... so its not just an act. Man I am stupid... Bram smiled at her "I would love to be this "boyfriend" of yours" He gave a slight bow of acknowledgement. no going back now. He grabbed her soft hand and placed a kiss on between her index and middle finger. He looked up slightly at her his eye looking through his bangs in his face"Hannah... you should get going. Let me escort you to your room." He and Hannah made their way out of her room and out to Evangeline's new dorm room.

(After Kinadra talks to me as Hannah Bram just goes straight to his room. after dropping her off so I am set.)
(Let's just say Evangeline and Hannah are in their room and about to sleep. ^.^ (By the way... OMG so cute!!!))
Ana filed the last of today's paperwork away, glad to have survived the first night of last minute scheduling appointments. She heard a tap on the door, and a moment later Drake appeared. She gave him a sleepy smile. "Oh, hey," she said in a friendly tone. "Oh, there seem to be a ton of brilliant students this year. I hope they live up to the expectation."

Liliya heard the curfew announcement come over the intercom. She turned to Izio. "Sorry, I guess we're going to have to cut this tour short. It really is simple though, luckily it's a small school. It'd be hard to get lost." She smiled and said good bye before heading back to her dorm room. She noticed that her room mate still wasn't here. Shrugging it off, she changed into her cute pj's and snuggled in under her covers, more than tired enough for bed.
"You look incredibly tired. Were there a lot of last minutes this year?" Drake asked, giving her a small, apologetic and understanding smile, "I hope they do well... I look forward to giving the bad apples a piece of my mind. To see the first person who falls asleep in my class..." He actually smiled, a small fire in his eyes, "I should let you sleep. Come on. Hurry up, and do whatever you need to. Call curfew, and I will walk you to your house. It would be rude of me otherwise." He held a hand out to her then, waiting for her to be ready to go.
Ana smiled back, glad she didn't actually have to call another curfew. Typically, the guards that started to roam the grounds around dusk were enough to keep kids from sneaking out or staying too late past curfew. From her window she could already see them starting their rounds. She smiled, set the rest of her paperwork to the side to be finished in the evening when she woke up, and headed with Drake back to the small homes meant for staff.
Once at her home, Drake bowed to her and set off for his own without another word. After a short time, he was there and settled, getting ready for bed as he prepared in his mind for the task ahead. He fell asleep in no time.

(Time change nao? ^.^)

(I really wanna time skip myself... >.> but I dunno if that'd be out of place for me...)
((nope, we can time skip. Everyone who posts on a normal basis has already caught up. We'll skip to the next evening. It's now around 6 PM, classes commence one hour from now. Annnnd, go !! :3 ))
"5:00pm," Hannah said as she looked at the alarm clock between their two beds, "maybe we should get ready for school now?" Evangeline nodded and groaned as she got up and proceeded to get ready for school. Hannah did the same, and they each took quick showers, and did other necessary things. By the time they were both done, it was about 6pm, and they sighed, laying back on their respective beds.

"Wow," Evangeline said, "First day at a real school. I wonder what it will be like... To have real teachers, and not just tutors...." Hannah smiled big at her and sat up, "I am excited personally. You'll do amazing. You are so smart, I'm sure you'll make the other vampires jealous!" Evangeline looked at her incredulously, then sat up, laughing, "I hope I don't make any enemies... Oh gosh... And that Nathan guy might bother me a bunch again. I don't mind teaching him... But... I think he likes me."

Drake was in his classroom by now, a large, well equipped place with a library of its own. He sat at his desk, organizing his class list, his agenda, and various papers. For now the large whiteboard behind him was blank, no writing on it whatsoever. Drake sighed, both dreading and being excited for the first day of the new school year. "So..." He muttered to himself, "...class attendance, introductions, seating chart, then we see how much time we have.... Sounds alright."

The first day was always hectic, tons of people late, classes being confused, classes changing, and on top of that, there were many new kids to his classes he would need to teach to be quiet... Let alone teach English.
Liliya awoke a little too early. She looked out the windows - which were tinted to protect the Vampires while still letting them look outside - and saw that the sun was just setting. She got dressed in some jean capris and layered tank tops, happy that this late in the year, North Carolina was still warm enough for light clothing. Even the nights were warm enough. Humans would consider it jacket weather, but Vampires were more adjusted to cooler temperatures.

Once Liliya had pulled her long black hair into a ponytail, she left the room and headed down for breakfast. Rather than go to the feeders, she went to the cafeteria for some regular food. She tried to hold off on going to the feeders until later in the night so it wasn't as busy. She took some food and sat down at a table, waiting for 7 pm to roll around so that she could get to English class.


Ana awoke and dressed quickly in a long black gown, once again low cut in the back but covering more in the front, which came up and tied around her neck like a scarf. She made the morning announcements and invited all the students to breakfast before the first classes which started at 7 PM. After wishing everyone a great first day, she turned off the intercom and pulled her dark hair back into a messy bun, pinning it in place with a black clip covered in small diamonds.

Anastasiya went to the main building where the offices were, sure that there would be a long line of people waiting to do a late registration. Sighing, she plopped down into her large chair again, leaning back into it. "Annnnd so it begins."


Dimitri barely slept that day, waking up in the evening just in time to get to class. He threw on his glasses and some comfortable jeans, wearing a long sleeved black shirt and sneakers. He wasn't as accustomed to the cold as the rest of the students. He had his reasons for it, but it wasn't the business of anyone else. After dressing and getting ready, he walked to the cafeteria, seeing his sister finishing up her breakfast. He grabbed an apple and bit into it, keeping an eye on her as he usually did. She was sitting by herself, which was weird since she could be so charming, but then it was only the first night of school. Shrugging it off, he walked back out to head to his combat class. It was one that involved hand-to-hand training along with a few forms of martial arts. His specialty.

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