Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan rolls out of bed and looks at his clock "Crap it's already six." he gets up and brushes his teeth and hair then puts in his contacts before he walks back to his drasser pulling out a shirt and some jeans. He takes a picture out of his dresser and shoves it in his pocket. Grabbing his hoodie as he runs out the door he realizes that he didn't have shoes on "Craaaapppp." he sprints back inside and pulls on his gray and white shoes before returning back to the hall. "Hmm. English first." He walks off down the hall until he finds te right room. "Is this the english room?" he looks at srake and frowns slightly
Liliya finally made it to class, and saw that the instructor and one other student were here. She recognized the teacher, Drake, right away as a close friend of her mother's. She gave him a sweet smile. "Hey, Drake! I guess you're my teacher this year." She said. She was happy to see him, she knew some of the English teachers here weren't very nice, but Drake was an interesting man. "Oh, sorry, should I call you 'Mr' Drake?" She added quickly. She knew him well, but didn't want to seem rude in a formal situation.
(Sorry for not posting! My computer was being stupid and not letting me get to RpNation. T_T I'm back now! I'm going to just say that Adaline had apologized and Alexander had quickly dragged her off so she wouldn't accidentally say something rude again. They found their rooms and now it's morning. Or evening, rather.)

Adaline woke up late and so got ready in a rush. She did, however, try to slow herself down as she got out into the hallways. She didn't want to run into anyone again. She had been rather scared by the vampire's reaction, and decided that she would stay away from him if possible. The girl seemed nice, though she definitely hadn't liked almost being run into, and Adaline was glad there was a human here. Sometimes vampires just got a little too scary. She ate her breakfast and hurried to her first class. (English?)
( [MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION] It can be any class you want them to go to, as long as it has something to do with your specialty or a basic class :3 just depends on why you wanna interact with)
Damon grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed and into his closet. He glanced over seeing his rookie was already up and gone. Damon slipped into some black skinny jeans, a white wife beater and a black leather jacket with his black biker boots. He looked in the mirror and left his bed head alone. He looked okay for a tired vampire. He drug himself down the hall to Mr. Nicolas' class. Combat. He leaned against the wall waiting to see if Ene would walk by. He wanted to say he was sorry again for what happened in the music room.

Ember smiled as she gout out of bed. She moved to her mirror and glanced at herself. She brushed her long pink hair down as she slipped on her fave outfit. (The one in her photo) She moved from the room and toward the cafe for a bite to eat. She grabbed a green apple as she glances over at Dimitri with a smile. She slipped the razor blade from her mouth and nibbled the apple. "Ember you need to stop staring. Its not nice." She giggled lightly as she tossed her apple away and walked by him. "But look at him..."

Nicolai sat at his desk in his college like classroom. He sighed as he got his papers and moved to lean against the front of his desk waiting for his students. He was going to have a hard time with the nn combat students but its not something he hasn't done.
Drake looked up from his work and nodded before looking at the door, where Liliya came in. "Hello Liliya. Most students here know me as Mr.Manslik, but Drake or Mr.Drake are both ok. You know I don't really care..." He looked at the boy in the classroom, "You, sir, came a bit early. Would you put one of these..." He brought out a large box of books, "...on every desk? Be gentle with them though. Hurt the books and your first day will not be pleasant. Not to scare you, it is just that most of these books are older than yourself, and are in new condition. I like keeping it that way."

Drake then looked back at Liliya and stood, "Your seat is in the front. You are one of the few I have chosen a seat for thus far. I did not want you to get lost in the mad scramble for a seat." He moved over to the back wall of the classroom, which, was entirely covered by a dark wood, and clearly old bookcase, "When someone says that they never make things like they used to, listen to them. They are usually the people with knowledge and a story to tell." He plucked a book from the back and brought it up to the front, reading it all the while as he sat.
"Beep beep beep" the alarm clicked on. A switch hand and knife hit the desk where the alarm rested in piece. The beeping did not stop, Bram lifted his head from his pillow a look of disgust on his face as he eye his extended hand. The knife was sticking in the wood nightstand a few inches away from the vitals of the clock. He slid his hand slowly off the top of the knife and it landing hard on top of the clock to stop it. He was met with a a happy silence. He squinted as he looked at the clock to realize what time it was. 5:30 pm... He groaned as he did not move to sit up but instead rolled from his bed and onto his feet in a lazy and smooth motion. He stood up and yawned as he dragged his feet to the bathroom a towel slung over his shoulder. He turned on the shower and slumped inside as the warm water hit him and washed over his hair and back he placed his hand on the shower wall to support him. i'm tired... he began to grumble.

He finished up and put on his well worn jeans as he struggled to place his legs through the holes, a white button up shirt that formed to his body with each button getting fastened and a grey half trench coat that stretched barely to half of his thigh. he then looked down at his belt it was a black Kevlar belt that looked like any other belt in the front, but in the back cartridge holds for 6 on each side with holsters for 4 guns in it located on the back of the belt, 2 of holsters were placed lower then the top two with the handles of the guns facing out to the sides of the carriers body. He slid the belt around his waist then proceeded to fill them with 2 silver glinting pistols and 2 onyx black ones alternating between the holsters. He grabbed 2, foot and 1/2 long butterfly knives and slipped them into a sword sling that he could wear on his back and threw it over his shoulder not trying to hide them. he would drop a few of his weapons in the combat room. But today was most importantly a duel between him and the princess. He ate his military rations, brushed his teeth and went out the door clicking it behind him. He walked down the hall to his first class, the combat class, holding a mini arsenal. Yawning as he made his way to the door of the class.
Bitter woke up, tired and groggy like his usual mornings. He threw on a tee shirt and some neat gray jeans. Nothing too fancy but presentable. He looked over on the table near his bed, picking up a golden lined violin case. First up, magic class. He gumbled, having slightly bags under his eyes. No matter.

He walked down the hall, glancing up and see Damon. He yawned a hello, rubbing his eyes. He then sleepily made his way to the classroom.
Nathan looks at his schedule and says to himself "Alright, i have combat class next." He looks up as Drake tells him to set the books out "Yes sir." he picks up the box of books with ease and quickly hands them out to every empty seat in the class "May I just sit down?" his eyes instantly look to a seat at the back of the class, if he sat there his back would be to the wall so no one could get behind him, and from it he could see the door I wonder if Evangeline is in this class.. No shut up stop thinking about her you idiot. Nathan stands there seemingly deep in thought
Evangeline and Hannah both left their room at the same time yawning and tired, but also so very excited about school. "Think about it," Evangeline said as she walked, "Most teens in the human world dread going to school. Here we are though, looking forward to it so much." Hannah smiled and nodded, then her eyes lit up as she saw Bram.

"Hey!" Hannah said, jogging up to meet him at the door, "Long time no see right?" She was all smiles, and Evangeline grinned, walking up slower, "So, combat class is our first. How fun. To start the day with a fight." She smiled at him and then looked at the door, "After you."
Nathan looks up from his desk and sighs "Class hasn't even started yet and I already wish it was over." he wanted to go to combat class becuase it was something he excelled at i wonder when I have lunch.. he yawns and streatches before looking up at the teacher of the class He is quick I can tell that much and... Nathan continued combing over every detail of his imaginary opponent trying to find his weakness or flaw
"Did you know there is a correlation between the seat you sit in in a class, and your grade?" Drake said, not even looking up from his book, "You may if you wish, but you may get moved. I am making a seating chart after today." Drake finally looked up from his book, "What is your name young man? And what is on your mind? I recommend if you dislike this class that you go to the office and request a change." Drake looked back down at his book, and made small notes on a paper to the side. He had the book memorized, but, photographich memory or not, he wanted to be thorough.
"Hmm? Oh nothing. Nothing at all is on my mind sir, well that's a lie. A lot is on my mind. Currently how I could best you in a fight. Secondly... Someone." he chuckles and blushe slightly "But no I quite like reading to be perfectly honest. When I was little I told myself I'd live in a big house and have a room that looks like this ." he motions to the bookcases all around
Drake smirked, "A fan of the two things that give me purpose eh? Books and fighting. I am sorry to burst your bubble, but," Drake looked up from his book once more, now putting it down at to the side, "You would be dead before you could get to me. Ever seen that superhero Hawkeye? Regardless, you can get that fighting energy out in your combat class." Drake stood and walked over to the boy, "You still have yet to tell me your name. Do you like Hamlet young man?"
"Sorry sir, my name is Nathan Marshall. Yes I do quite enjoy Hamlet." Nathan's hand twitched towards his knife ever so slightly when Drake stood up "I'm from San Fransico. Grew up alone on the street then one day I met a nice woman who said she'd help me. She bit me. In turn I fed off my only friend and killed her, now I'm here. I already have an enemy. Some kid who carries around pistols. And I already have a hopeleas crush on some girl." Nathan smirks "Some first day huh."
Bram looked at them his eye's drooping down... "Huh?" he wasn't really a morning person but once they started the combat he would wake up. "Good.... morning." he sighed his eyes closing as he said it. He clicked the harness of his blades on his shoulder readjusting them to get comfortable. These people are morning people... and I hate morning people... Although it was almost 6 pm he had trained his body to this new sleep cycle so this was his new morning. Watching Evangeline's smile and Hannah's bubbly demeanor he let out a sigh of sadness. He clicked the door open and held it waiting for the two of them to go inside disregarding what Evangeline said for him to enter first, his manners were bore into him and he would never change that no matter how tired he was. Bram looked almost passive and weak in his current state full of openings and a sloppy stance nothing like what he was yesterday. He swept his arm gesturing them to go inside "After you beautifuls." He said this half as a joke grinning at them... he had a snark and sarcastic attitude when he was tired.
"How all occasions do inform against me, and spur my dull revenge... Do you know the next bit? It is one of Hamlet's soliloquies," Drake said, "My name is Drake, Mr. Manslik, or Mr. Drake. Up to you. You do not need to be so twitchy, by the by... Just because I could kill you, it does not mean that I would. You are just a pup really, a newblood, yet already an enemy. I would be careful if I were you. Keep making enemies, and you shan't last long. As for the girl, who?" Drake wasn't really curious, but simply did not know enough to give Nathan good advice.
Nathan nods " What is a man If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more. Seems some how fitting" he smirks and runs his tounge across his fangs "Anyway. Her Name is Evangeline" he chuckles and slinks down in his seat slightly WHY DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU IDIOT Nathan sighs and looks at Drake
Evangeline smirked and giggled, "I'm not a morning person either mister sleepy eyes." Hannah yawned quietly and nodded, "We just woke up at 5:30, so we had a bit of time to wake up, plus showering really helps to wake me up." Evangeline sighed, moving in through the door along with Hannah, "I am not a fan of water much, but showering is extremely relaxing." She looked in at the large room, and sighed, "Fighting early in the morning... Fun.... Great way to make someone sweaty for the rest of the day." Hannah on the other hand looked at the room almost longingly, wishing she could spar, or at least learn a little about fighting. She knew she couldn't though.

Drake nodded approvingly, "Perhaps you won't be a bore to teach young Nathan. One can find connections in almost any piece of work, not just Shakespeare," he paused, thinking for a moment, "As for this girl... Could this be the Aeternus girl? If so, she is a pureblood, you know this yes? She is heir to the vampire throne. Her father and mother are thusly the king and queen." He tapped a finger on Nathan's desk, then stood suddenly and went to the wall of books, searching there for something. After a while he came back with a fairly large book, "The history of the vampire is in this book," Drake said, running a hand along the symbol on the front of the book. It had no title. Drake opened the book and looked down at the words, "The original was Latin based, this copy is translated somewhat roughly into English. Read and learn, should you wish."
Bram had a stupid smile on his face as he thought about Evangeline and Hannah showering together. It was waking him up, he may be a knight but he was still a guy... He followed them in and they made their way to the back of the class where he placed his knives on the next to him as he sat down almost falling asleep as he did. He swung his head around to look at his soon to be classmates and his teacher... He drifted off in thought thinking about the duel with Evangeline and how good she would be at it, and if he should go easy on her. He breathed out as he decided he should go easy on her. Bram couldn't handle an upset Hannah not even on the best of days and he knew that. He looked at Evangeline and whispered "Hey if you cant keep up just tell me." He didn't know if while fighting a vampire he could even go easy like he wanted to. His blood was that of a natural killer, sure he had sparred with other knights to train, but never with his natural enemy to learn. He then moved his gaze to Hannah and gave her a silly smile his shirt half open since he forgot to button it more then half the way up.
Nathan nods "I didn't know that. She is supposed to be helping me learn self control and such, so I assume her and I will meet again at some point in the future." Nathan picks up the book "Love is begun by time, And time qualifies the spark and fire of it. See but there is the fact that her gun toteing frind wants to kill me as much as I want to kill him, and all in all I bother her soo" Nathan shrugs and looks to Drake for help
Dimitri starts to leave the cafeteria but then notices the girl from yesterday. As usual, she was talking to herself, and as usual, she had that damned razor blade in her mouth. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head. If she wasn't careful, half the Vampires here would go rogue and drain her. Not that they could help it, since Vampire blood was so alluring to other Vampires, but was it really worth it? She seemed to be focused on him, but a beeping from his watch told him he'd be late for class if he delayed any longer. Nodding towards the girl in sort of a passing greeting, he threw the apple core away and walked to class.

Upon entering the training room, he saw a few other students already here. This wasn't a weapons class, but he saw a few younger kids checking out all the weapons locked up in storage. He smirked a bit, knowing that after they'd been in this class a few weeks and had their fair share of getting their asses handed to them that the interest would fade. He waited silently for class to start.
Hannah blushed lightly as she realized Bram'a shirt was mostly open, whereas Evangeline just laughed and nudged him playfully, "You might want to button up your shirt. You might make the other guys jealous." Bram was fairly well built from what the shirt showed off, which wasn't much, but enough to make fun of. She sighed, leaning back on her hands as Hannah stayed standing, "Well, I hope I can hold my own well enough. It'd be pretty pitiful if I couldn't. You'll make a good partner though, I will just have to remember not to accidentally fry you." She smirked and Hannah looked at Bram, a little concerned that she actually would.

Drake looked at Nathan for a moment, contemplating, "If all the world is a play... Why do I only have a bit part?" He stood once more and tapped the book, "Borrow it and study it. You need to know of our history before you can possibly understand our part to play in literature. It goes from the beginning, speaking a bit about a entity of some sort, creating the first vampire. The way that vampire, king Dagan, came about are shrouded in mystery. It will go into detail though about the lineage of vampires. The Rominov's are not far down the chain."

Drake looked deep in thought as his eyes darted to the clock, "Perhaps a more famous quote...'It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.' This is, however, a very pessimistic way to look at things. You, should you get involved with this Evangeline girl, will be dealing will many trials and tribulations. 'Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...' It all has to do with perspective young boy. She is a noble, a royal... How would people of your generation say it..? She may be out of your league."
Nathan looks up at Drake and frowns "Sadly you're right. She's a pureblood vampire and I'm some kid who was in the right place at the right time." Nathan looks at the book "Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps." He sighs and looks down at his desk "There has to be a way for me to atleast make her like me a littlebut you are a hundred percent right. She is way out of my league."
Bram looked down to see his shirt opened, a little grin showed up on his face as he fastened 2 more buttons leaving only a couple inches below his neck showing. He slowly turned to face Evangeline, "Evangeline so full of yourself." Bram extended his hand to Evangeline and pressed his index finger on her head giving it a slight push. "Don't get to cocky I don't want to hurt you in front of Hannah, because then my life would really be endanger." He laughed at this as he looked up as Hannah with a silly little smile. Bram started to scratch an itch on the side of his head. "Hannah sit down you're making us feel awkward." He knew why she was standing, probably because she thought sitting would show disrespect to the vampires or some kind of rude gesture to them. Bram would definitely hurt and or kill anyone that went against her so he wasn't worried about it. He was guessing Evangeline would support his encouragement to sit with her friends and be apart of this.

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