Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Suki looked down at herself, seeing she still had his cloak "oh. Uh thanks" she said, looking up and giving him a small smile, before heading out the room. If anything, it would give her a little be more

Defense on the field.

At the sound of voices, Suki sighed recognizing Hayami's, hearing what was said. She looked around the common room and went over "I'll buy the meal, since Hayami deems she has done enough. Go order. Tell

Them I'll pay. I'm Suki. Did you guys have any trouble getting here?"
Xavier nods and walks along, following beside her quietly. He looks to where she was talking to, seeing Hayami and frowning at the companion who made fun of him earlier.
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Asura was woken up by a pm, he looked at the time and seeing he couldn't get back to sleep he decided to go out and see what her party memebers are doing. He wrote back "Yeah i'm better than fine got some new equipment liking the new speed enhancing boots and gloves I had made from the paws of a giant wolf. I'm coming out, can't get back to sleep for a while."

Asura checked his map and walked to where it said her location was. He made him menu disappear and was there in time to here "Food". He noticed he was actually hungry. "Did someone say food, after all that work I put in earlier I'm quite hungry. Is there a diner here or is it room service?" he asked Suki.

Saiyoko feels extra threatened by Hayami's threatening fork thrust, Saiyoko scoffs at her,

"Well excuuuse me! But I'm quite new, as you know and-" Saiyoko wished to continue but Hayami's friend walked up to them right before he went off on Hayami. Saiyoko has a pout-like face and glances off to the side,

I guess things were ok, this meanie was an alright escort. Not too good in people skills." He adds on quietly, Saiyoko glances back at Suki but his gaze slowly moves over to Xavier,

Oh fuck! It's you." He says, first in a rather excited tone, and then in a more bored tone.
Suki smiled, "she takes a bit of getting use to, but then, I imagine we all do to people who find us a bit off putting. Still, I'm glad there was no trouble" she said, sitting down, looking over as Asura appeared "I'm glad you returned to a safe zone safetly. I think we order here for good. I don't think there is room service" she said

She smiled again, looking to the new comer "so it seems you have already met Xavier, then. That's Asura, and like I said, I'm Suki" she said, "if you tell me what you want, I'll order for you" it didn't seem like this guy knew how to survive in this world, if he didn't know how to get food.
He crosses his arms at the new guy's quote of "Oh Fuck! It's you."

He frowns again as he peers and turns around, already having enough of the conversation even though it just started, clenching his fists, silenced, yet angrily. It seems both the new guy and Hayami have the same thoughts about Xavier, and he hated it. He sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets as he stands by Suki, whispering to her, "I'm going back to the room, I've had enough of being hated by Hayami and this guy." He then quietly walks off back to the room, walking in and closing it behind him with a silenced shut.
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Asura whispers to Suki "Seemed your party needs some work with these kind of conflicts going on. Well nothing I'm sure you can't handle. In better news I was kidnapped by a bird and carried to the other side of the floor where I defeated the field boss and rode back on a death trap horse. Sometime between that I got this cool equipment made from the field boss, you got admit pretty cool right? So how was your day when we got split up by the Nepent attack."
Suki sighed and watched Xavier go. She turned to Hayami and said, "do you really have to act like this? We have tried to be nice to you...and why do you seem so...defensive towards Xavier?" She asked the new guy with a frown. Had she bitten of more then she could chew, with this leader thing?

"Sounds like you had fun" she said to Asura, her tone resigned and weary, "Xavier got me out, the. Passed out. I did what I could, but as it got darker realized I needed to do something. I made a stretcher and dragged him here. It's nice to know I can keep my promise not to let my team die" she said, managing to smile.
Xavier sat in their room, meditating with his sword on his lap, facing the wall. He sits in the darkness, quietly trying to be calm midst the thoughts in his head. If this is really how life is in the real world, it seems like he didn't miss much at all. He sighs and returns to his meditation.
"Wow so while I was tangling with a wolf way too fast for it's size you were dragging a Xavier to this town. How ironic, I expected you guys to have fought tooth and nail side by side and back to back to get out of there." Asura replied. He then looked at a waitress NPC and flagged her over. A menu appeared out of nowhere and after browsing it for a moment he picked a sandwich. The waitress nodded and then walked away returning with a chicken sandwich with jalapeño and green peppers. Asura thanked her and then began consuming his burger. He swallowed and said "Not too bad for a videogame."
Hayami sighed at Suki's question, waiting for her to finished speaking with Asura before shifting her own gaze to meet gaze to lock eyes with her staring coldly into her eyes, she began to speak. "You want me to be nice? How is that going to help? Nice isn't going to level us up. Nice isn't going to get us out of here, and most importantly. Nice isn't going to save anyone's life." Getting to her feet mid-speech her expression shifted slightly, a hint of fear flickering across her normally calm features as she mentioned their chance of dying, she approached Suki, stopping a few feet from her and staring at the floor, her hair falling over her face hiding her eyes as she continued her 'speech'.

"So, tell me... Why should I be playing nicely? This is..." She said, choking on her own words "This is life or death. And you, all of you, seem to be treating this like it's still a game. You could have died today, you could die tomorrow, and you idiots are still walking around like this is some sandbox for you to screw around in..." Her voice trailing off as she finished speaking Hayami clenched her hands, practically staring holes into the floor as she stood silently, waiting for a reply.
Suki let Hayami wind down, let her get what she wanted out, and when it seemed like Hayami had finished, Suki said softly, yet still in a carrying voice, "it doesn't matter to me if I die in five minutes or in five years. The point is that by being nice, I can help others. In this death trap especially, I think it is important not t lose our humanity and not to lose the ability to be nice" she said, looking back to were Xavier had disappeared up the stairs to the room, before looking back to Hayami.

"I had a chance to just think of myself today. I didn't. Instead, I took the risk and dragged Xavier back, and I won't change that for the world. I will be able to wake up from this game and say, I did my best. I tried to protect and save my friends. I didn't let the game turn me into someone I am not" she said, trailing off for a moment or two.

She took a deep breath "if you want to be heartless and not nice, then I can't stop you. But I will lay down my life for you, and for anyone else. Because that is who I am"
Asura paused for a moment and said "Suki speaks the truth of herself, that I can tell. Furthermore, you said nice isn't going to level us up well being mean won't do that either. Just because there's the threat of death doesn't mean we need to lose ourselves to despair. Now no one can change you but you. You can remain hating everything and enjoy the isolation that comes with that or you can treat people better and have those who lessen the threat of death by your side."

Asura finished his burger and then wipe his hands on a napkinu then stood. "Alright Suki I'm off to bed, goodnight and stay safe." Asura said before walking up the stairs to his own room.
Hayami listened quietly to Asura and Suki speak, processing what they'd said, before letting a small laugh escape her throat as she made her way around Suki and headed towards the staircase to their rooms, pausing for a moment as she headed up the staircase, speaking breifly to Suki, her gaze not shifting from the floor as she did so.

"You have no idea what you're talking about do you?"

She didn't give Suki much time to deliver a response after that, resuming her pace and soon finding herself at at dull-looking room, which she'd been sure to rent when she'd purchased her meal, pushing the door open and throwing herself onto the bed, not bothering to unequip her armor as she lay there, staring at the room, thinking about the 'conversation' she'd been having only a few moments before.

Blowing up like that wasn't like her, sure, she wasn't one to hold back criticism, but she'd been on the verge of tears down there. "I guess this ordeal is getting to me more than I thought it was..." She muttered as she looked over the back of her hand, before letting it fall back onto her chest. "I wasn't in the wrong there..." She once again spoke quietly, fairly sure the words that left her mouth were the correct ones. What was the big deal being nice anyway? Despite being 'Mean' she'd been trying her best to keep everyone from dying... And all they ever seemed to care about, well to her at least, was goofing off. Was that what being nice was? Ignoring the crisis at hand to have fun?

She sighed as that thought ran through her head, before curling up up on her bed and attempting to go to sleep.
Suki sighed. She knew that Xavier would soon come back and drag her back to the room. Her thirty minutes was nearly up.

She yawned, watching Hayami climb the stairs. What was she meant to do? Follow her? Stay here? She looked down at her hands wearily, then she began to climb the stairs. She found Hayamis room, and she knocked.

"Please open the door"
Xavier continued his meditation despite the obvious conversation outside. Suki seemed to know what she was doing by talking to Hayami. He simply shrugged and quietly returned to the void of silence in his head, letting Suki do whatever she wishes.
Hayami shifted in her bed as she heard Suki's, slightly muffled, voice sound through the door, swinging her legs over the side of her bed as she looked towards the door, regarding it with a halfhearted stare as she made her way towards the door. Reaching out towards it she paused for a moment, breathing in deeply, so to regain the last of her composure, sliding herself back into her usual composed state before gripping the handle of the door and letting it swing open.

"Well, what is it? You have something else to say?" She said bluntly, leaning into the door-frame as she waited for her to respond.
Suki shrugged "just that I know it's hard being here, for everyone. And that's why I try to be nice. Because it makes it a little easier. I don't know anything about you in real life, but...sometimes having friends or people you can rely on makes everything easier. Sleep well, and don't heaitate to talk if you need" she smiled, then darted to the room Xavier had gotten them, slipping inside. She watched him, seeing that he seemed to be meditating. Not wanting to disturb him, she moved as quietly as she could, turning so her back was to him, even though she knew that changing clothes happened instanously, it still embarrassed her. She changed to more comfortable clothes then her armor, before settling down
He hears a rustling of clothing while his eyes remained closed. He simply turned around so he faced the wall, keeping them closed. "Don't need to worry about me, I'll just face the wall, have a goodnight", he replied, facing the wall, still meditating.
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Suki swallowed, and settled down on the bed, then sighed "are you sure you don't want the bed? I don't mind the floor" she said, not wanting to be a bother as well as not wanting to put Xaviour out of comfort. She felt guilty for it.
He shook his head, "No, I'm fine, I spent most of my time tied down somewhere remember?"
Suki sighed "alright" she still felt guilty about it. She had just done what she thought was the right thing. She bit her lip, and lay down, curling up.

She woke early, as was her habit. She looked over to see if Xavier was awake, not wanting to wake him if he wasn't.

She let out a yawn, opening her menu, and looking to see if there were any new entries in the guide book. There Didnt appear to be, so she sat there a minute wondering what to do for the say
Xavier was lying against the wall, facing the window near Suki, sharpening his sword quietly. He looked over with a small smile and a wave. "Hey, good morning", he replied with a smile on his face, "I didn't sleep much, not that I couldn't, but I just didn't want to, so I played guard for the night." After finishing quietly sharpening his sword, he sheathed it, sitting up.
Suki watchdd Xavier, a little bit taken about that he would do that. For her. Why? It surely couldn't be because she had guarded over him, could it? They were safe, in the safe zone. Weren't they? She didn't dwell on that thought too much. "Oh" she said, returning his smile, "well, thanks. Good morning to you too! I hope it wasn't too much of a dull night" she said anxiously
He shrugged with a laugh, "No no no, my swords seemed a bit dull so I guess to pass the time, nothing better to do then weapon maintenance. Otherwise, it was quiet and relaxing, to which I enjoyed. Preferring a quiet over a loud evening due to it being more... Relaxing."

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