Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

"A bit yes", he let out another short hearty chuckle. He let his gaze return to the window, seeing the prairie and beyond. "Honestly though, in the current state of the world, this place is beautiful compared to the real world, wouldn't you think?"
"It is beautiful" Suki agreed, looking out the window as well. "But...there's beauty and lots of it, in the real world. We just don't take the time to stop and look at it" She said, looking to Riven, and shrugging. "For now...we need to focus on beating this game, to destroy the ugliness that has been put in this game. I want to beat this game, and give some sort of justice to those who have died in the game"
"How did I get myself in this mess???" says Ariel while running at the top speed her Sprint skill can manage. A pop-up suddenly appears in front of her saying "Sprint skill lvl. up! Congratulations!", she quickly cancels the windows, normally this would be a reason to do a small victory dance in her head, but there was no time for that now. She takes a peek behind her and sees a large group of Little Nepents mobs that we're chasing her. "After almost a day of search I finally found one with the flower, and it blew up on me, damn that quest NPC for not telling me they would act like that".

In reality it wasn't the NPC's fault, but she had to vent her anger on someone."When I'll complete that quest I'm gonna ..." but she didn't had the time to finish that thought, since a mob behind her suddenly jumped. She turned around, unsheathed the sword that was strapped to her back and and used the Uppercut skill to kill it instantaneously , then used Sonic Leap to once again, gain an advantage and started running using Sprint again.

"Great, now I got their agrro again, and with that last attack I got poisoned too, just my luck."

How did she got here, you ask? well have a sit, I'll try to make it short.

(describing Ariel's past that can be found in the Character's Profile, section short bio + personality, and now continuing the intro)

After the GM's speech on that first day, while everyone around her was either worried, desperate, or crying, a small grin suddenly appeared on Ariel's face.

"Stuck in here you say? a world which has sword art as its fundamental lifestyle. You think you trapped me here?

Bring it on mister big bad GM, I'll clear your world in no time." Big words right? soon after that she started grinding, she played some games like this before, on her little free time, but all of them felt "weak" in comparison to her real-life training experience. But she played enough to know that she first had to do is to grind and lvl up fast, and that is what she had done. Somewhere along the road she ended up in the Horunka village, accepting a random NPC's quest thinking *How hard could it be?*

Now she was running for her life, chased by a group of angry mobs, funny how things turned out, right?

After being chased in a random direction, foranother 30 minutes, her pursuers lost interest and broke the chase, as she tried to dodge their attacks rather than kill them. Happily stopping to catch her breath,he sees a city is surrounded by large castle walls. She quickly takes out from her inventory a book labelled «Strategy Guide by Area» which she purchased for the price of 10 Col from a girl that looked like a rat, back in Starting City, and quickly reads the First floor towns descriptions, after a while she gasps in surprise.

"So I'm near Tolbana huh? a sudden pain spiked through her entire body, she looks under her health bar that was yellow-ish, after her Light armor passive skill icon there was another icon that shouldn't be there, Poisoned status it said.

*Good job Kayla, really, great job* she then sights while dropping her shoulders."Guess I'll rent myself a room and crash there for the rest of the day and..." she didn't get to finish that sentence as her stomach started growling,"But first I'm gonna get myself something to eat".

She enters the city of Tolbana not paying attention to its interior, She sees a nearby inn, the nameplate wrote "The ducks pond", while thinking *why not?* she sluggishly enters the inn and orders a drink, BUT she didn't event got a chance to taste it, as she suddenly collapsed on the floor.
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Suki was up in an instant when the girl passed out, and a quick look at her status, showed her that the girls health was declining. How was that possible, in a safe zone?

"Hell, are you okay?" She asked, kneeling down beside the girl, trying to figure out what was wrong. A quest box appeared

The Sick Companion


Your ally has mysteriously fallen due to an unknown illness. If you do not help them, they may suffer.

Defeat monsters in the area, and obtain three different monster drops that do not normally drop.

(The three drops will contain the monster's name, and one of the following (Blood/Sap, Leaf/bone, Skin/Flower). Depending on the monster types in the area will determine what the drops will be. e.g. If an area has one plant monster and an animal monster, The drops could be animal blood, plant leaf and animal skin, or plant sap, animal bone and plant flower, etc.)

- Alchemist must then craft the medicine using these three parts. (Always 75% success rate, and can be repeated to find the cure)
She swallowed, looking to the girl, and then glanced back t Riven "We need to help her"
Asura made it to town but he was getting enhancements done on his current outfit and equipment, All to be in top shape for the boss battle tomorrow. He had already rented a room for the night so this was his last must do task on his list. When the enhancements were done he left with swiftness and darted out to the fields on the side of town opposite where Suki and Girl was to test just how much better his equipment got.
He nodded as he stood up and looked at the popped up Quest Box, "We should, I'm ready when you are."
She slowly opens her eyes and sees 2 people by her side and a Quest box in front of her, she can hear bits of their discussion:".....are...okay?..." then slowly glaces at the quest box, she reads only the first line, with a blurry mind she would like to speak, but only her lips would move slowly without a word."What is this..?am I a quest NPC now? quit joking around."
He rampaged in the fields killing monster after monster, he found this easier than he thought it would be. Seems his skills have reall improved with all the hardwork he's put in. He was surrounded by boars, wolves, and nepents yet he didn't feel the slightest bit in danger. "Come on." he taunted them. He dashed forward crashing into the enemies up ahead cleaving monster after monster. Eventually they were all gone, dead and he was surrounded by the reflective shards of their bodies as they floated and faded. He saw an alert saying he reached the next level. He quickly allocated skill points, then he scrolled down his friends list seeing Suki was on the other side of town but seemed to have paused just at the safe zone barrier. He decided to go see what was so interesting and dashed over to the other side of town at a full sprint kicking up lots of dust in his wake.
Suki looked down at the girl and said "yes, you're a quest. I can give you some health potions and if your health gets down low, drink them. We have to go find the cure for this Posion or you will die. So sush, sit back, and relax. Riven and I will make sure you stay alive"

She ran a hand through her hair, going over the quest, thinking what they might need. "Bone or blood, leaf or bone, skin or flower. Well this Area has Nepents, dire wolves and frenzy boars, so we have a choice. I say lets go with what ever appears first"

(Sorry. Been in hospital)
Seeing the girl search for something, she remembered that she herself some had HP pots...making a few hand gestures she summons the Menu window then removes from her inventory a Small HP Potion....and tries to drink it all..but couldn't finish it. Her Hp restored a little but she still had the poisoned effect that had her hp constantly dropping a little..and as a extra effect she still felt weak..but can walk...and maybe fight a little. Trying to stand she puts her hand on the girls shoulder: "I'm good for now, can you help me kill some mobs, I'll repay you somehow." Now was not the time to be proud, she thought....she had to ask for help or she could really die there.

(welcome back:D)
Riven stood with his hand on his blade, remaining silent. Being the quiet dog he is, he watches them converse and will simply follow Suki and help out wherever she goes. He checks his menu and goes through his map, surely the group isn't too far split up, hopefully...

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