Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Asura arrived ay the forge back in town. He rented it with the thousand col from the boss battle then began to work. He took the katana he got as a reward and began various task to use the katana to reinforce his claymore. His blacksmithing skills improving through the experience gained from performing the tasks. While working he decided to call his sword the Claymore of Courage.
Suki frowned slightly, wondering just how she had delivered. She had merely done what she thought most humans should do. What all humans should do. Still, when he nudged her, she smiled slightly. "Thank you. No one has ever done that, believed in me.'that I could deliver" she said, looking over at him, "obviously I'm doing something right" she smiled fully this time, and quickly looked about them to make sure there was no monsters around
He nodded as he stuck his hands in his pockets, "I believe you have and surely you are." He smiled as he looked around as well, "So, where to now leader?"
It should have made her feel better. Instead it merely made the knots of worry and fear in her stomach tighten. What if she failed them? She swallowed, glancing ahead, and said in responsent his question "for now, the town nearest the bosses labyrinth and then...tomorrow the boss" she said, somehow managing to keep her fear out of her tone
He nodded as he checked for the nearest town. It wasn't a long walk, surely they can handle it, hopefully Hayami and the others will catch up eventually. He reached over, gently patted Suki's head, and proceeded to walk off. "Now then, while we're on the way, any questions to ask about programming?", he asked as he looked over with a smile.
"Well should get to the town closest to the labyrinth like Suki said. Especially with my Claymore now with improved durability. I guess this makes it's final enhancement though." He said leaving the forge and getting back onto the road. He began to sprint once he was outside the safe zone and on the road. Whenever he spotted a monster he would quickly go out of his way to kill it. Like this he was traveling to the designated town, in the most profitable way by gaining col, exp, and materials.
Suki was a little embarrassed as Riven patted her head. It almost made her seem like a little girl, being rewarded for not doing something bad. She swallowed, looking ahead, but when Riven asked if she had any questions about programming, she laughed and said, "I have a lot of questions. You might get annoyed of me if I asked them all" She said, giving him a smile.

She judged they weren't too far from the town, and noticed that there was some monsters up ahead. Most likely Frnezy Boars and Direwolves. she jogged up, seeing that this was so, and soon dispatched the three monsters, looking back to Riven
He caught up to her, attacking a few of the creatures in his way. "Not as annoying as these little beasts", he replied with a laugh as he continued to slash at the buggers.
Suki nodded and smiled "aye, but they are getting easier to kill" she said with anusement, looking about then once they had finished taking them down.

"I'd say this area has been picked clean and not too many have re spawned yet"

She smiled shrugged and said "let's keep going. Tell me all you know about programming. That might answer everything" she said with a laugh
He laughed a bit, "Yes, indeed they are."

He perked an eyebrow with a smirk as he heard her comment, "All I usually say is it's a job that needs dedication and that it's best if you aren't quiet. Teamwork is the main goal so social skills is recommended, and that every failure is another point to success. Is that enough?" He chuckled as he sheathed his sword.
Suki pursed her lips in thought, looking towards Riven. "So it's like surviving here" she said "teamwork, speaking up...except for the failure since that night be death" she said.

"I wanted to create my own world. in not too sure" she said with a sigh
He shook his head as he put his hand on her shoulder, "Nonsense, you still can, but of course, don't push it too much onto an Extremist's level like Kayaba here." He smiled, "When we get out of here, I would surely enjoy showing you some of my own "little worlds", perhaps they'll shine a light on what you can do."
Suki smiled and nodded, "I'd like that" she said, seeing the beginnings of the town, "I'd like it very much. But for now, I'm hungry. Let's eat when we reach the town, okay!"
Suki smiled, and picking up the pace, she set her sites on the town. As they passed into the safe zone, she relaxed, and then sent a message to the rest of the group.

hey guys! Riven and I have just reached the town! We're getting food if you want to join us!
She looked about the toqn, which already seemed to be bustling with players. She supposed everyone was eager to defeat the boss. "What do you want to eat?"
He shrugged as his stomach growled, letting out a chuckle. "At this point I wouldn't care", he said to her. "If we stayed out there I would've just eaten dirt", he added, with a small laugh.
Suki laughed "I doubt that woukd be very appetizing" she said with anusement, loking about them. People swarmed around them, and Suki began to wonder how many people were going to try and fight the boss.

That made her wince. How many people would die in the next twenty four hours? She swallowed, hugging herself a moment, before choosing a random in. She claimed them a table, emailing to the rest of the group which inn they were in, the ducks pond.
Suki got them some food, really unsure what to say. Never before had she been in the sole company of a guy before, that wasn't blood related, for such a long time. It made her feel awkward, clumsy. Scared Anxious. Was she meant to say something, do something? She didn't know.

She didn't want to seem like a fool, but she had no idea what to do. "um..." she shifted awkwardly, stealing quick, darting looks at Riven. "Ah, hell. I'm not a social being. I don't know what to do now"
He smiled and laughed a bit as noticed her take quick glances at him. "Are you okay?", he asked with a small chuckle. He then smiled and answered her comment, "I don't know either, I'm okay with whatever rolls through, I'm just not that good at starting conversations." He laughed a bit, embarrassed at himself as he scratched the back of his head.
Suki wondered how people talked normally. It was easy to do so with her family, but it also made her feel awkward. Like she was going to say something wrong. or do something wrong. It was different then standing up in front of a crowd making a speech. One of one wa more....personal. Add to it that she was pretty much a novice with talking with guys and it just made a huge mess in her head.

maybe she was thinking it through too much. She didn't know. She swallowed, biting her lip and glancing to Riven again. She didn't want to just talk about programing. "Well. Um. What other things do you like doing besides programming?"
He sat back and scratched the back of his head. This was certainly an interesting predicament. "Well, I usually draw and of course, play video games", he replied in return, laughing awkwardly. He's never been in an awkward situation before.
Suki took a deep breath. Just ask questions. Comment on the answers. Easy, right? Not so much.

"What other games did you play besides this one?" She asked with interest. Her brothers, while they played games, werent really gamers
He gave it a thought as he scratched the back of his head, "Well, I've mainly preferred RPGs or MMORPGs... but I've also have been a hit for FPSs", he replied with a small chuckle. "You?"
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"Pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Hand held games, adventure games, Roleplaying games...I could go on and on, but I won't. I just enjoyed gaming. It was a way of escaping, and now...well, I guess we are now trying to escape the game" She shrugged, "Kinda ironic, don't you think?"

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