Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Suki smiled and rose from the bed, running a hand through her hair, "I guess I'm used to crowds. With Six brothers, its always crowded at home" She said with a laugh. "Sometimes I go to the trees at the back of our property just for quite" She said, "And then one of them finds me, so they all come" She laughed again, but it was tinged with sadness, as she greatly missed her brothers.

She cleared her throat, and said "Should we head down for breakfast?"
Asura was up early the next morning but not out in the fields grinding yet. But rather he was learning and improving his blacksmithing skills. No time can be wasted in such a situation, he had already gotten leveled up and new awesome stylish equipment from yesterday's solo field boss battle. Though it was almost literally a close shave and he pratically had a brush with death. But at least he knew what to expect of bosses now. As he finished up his last lesson so he aquire the blacksmithing skills he quickly left. He pmed Suki that he was going out to the area he didn't explore but crossed and would likely be spending the day there. With that he dashed out of town, he liked the speed increase these boots gave him, totally worth it as the same of the rest of his equipment from the wolf . He ran with his Claymore drawn and quickly slashed through boars, wolves, and Nepents that happened to be in his way.
Suki smiled, and as she headed out the room she read Asura's pm, and then posted to the rest of the team, saying she was trying to figure out what to do today, and that herself and Xavier were heading downstairs for breakfast. She then sighed, looking to Xavier "I don't know what to do today. We could take a quest, or train up a bit in skills I guess" she said, wishing she could be more confident. She quickly claimed them a table, and ordered some food
He shrugs as he followed and sat on the opposite side of the table. "Your call boss, I got nothing to do either."
Suki thought on that for a moment musing on what she thought might be best. "Well. We could take a quest. They are all over the place, so I'm sure we can find one in this town" she said, "that way we can also train our other skills. I'd like to train my acrobatics a bit and maybe my alchemancy. Is there anything you want to do?"
He shakes his head and shrugs, "I think I'm all good for awhile, I'll just take your lead boss." He coughs a little as he cracks his neck.
Suki knew she had chosen the role of leader, but...she wanted her friends opinions too. "Alright then" she said softly "there's a mini boss quest not to far from here. It's called cows of the counter attack, we can both do it-and Hayami and the others if they join too, and get a lot of experience each, helping eag other kill the minatour" she said, shifting as the food was brought over. She smiled and said "it's an idea. The stronger we can get, the sooner we can get to the next floor, right?"
Hayami groaned as she shifted in her bed, sitting up as she groggily equipped her usual gear. Another night of sleeplessness... And she'd been planning to use tonight as her night off too, but she'd been up half the night contemplating her argument with the rest of the group, and had missed out on her sweet slumber as a result. It was still niggling at the back of her mind as she made her way downstairs, though now she was more worried about whether she'd still be welcome with them after last night... Suki seemed to OK with it, but she had no idea what the others thought, something she took into mind as she spotted Caits and Riven discussing something over breakfast, and elected to take up a table on her own as she ate her breakfast, quickly ordering her meal, and doing her best not to be seen by the two as she did so.
He nodded as he agreed with Suki. He might be sounding like the loyal dog right now, but believe it or not, this is his actual plan, he doesn't have any of his "own" plans to be looking forward yet. He simply smiled and nodded in reply. He looks at her with an eyebrow perked in curiosity, "You know, you never told any of us, how old are you?"
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Suki, a little taken aback at this question. She was often told that she didnt look her age, and use to the question of how old she was, but never thought to be asked it bere. "Oh" she said with an easy laugh "I'm 19. Just turned 19. This was my birthday present" she said giving him a smile. She looked over and saw Hayami and debated for a minute whether to call her over or not, but decided that might either make her mad, or be a step in the wrong direction. Let her come over in her own time. She did wave though
He flashed her one of his own smiles as well, "Oh, well happy late birthday to you then." He noticed Hayami at the corner of his eye, but ignored her.
Oh. That was a good smile, Suki thought, and then wondered where that thought came from. She looked down, letting her hair cover her face as she blushed. She cleared her throat and said "thanks. How old are you?" She asked, figuring she may as well repay the question. She shifted as the food was brought over and took a drink of water, looking back up.

She quickly remembered that she should inform the others about what they planned to do for the day, so she quickly typed out a message to Hayami, Asora and the others in the team about the cows of the counter attack quest
He simply kept his smile as he sipped his drink slowly, noticing her slight blush but didn't want to embarrass her if he brought it up. "You are very welcome, I'm 20 myself." His eyes widened as the food came over and he began to eat at his food slowly.
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Suki smiled. "Well" she started to eat, not really knowing what to say now. Remembering Asura, she sent him a message.

You shouldn't be out by yourself too long. We are going out to fight a mini boss, if you wanna join us

Sometimes I think all I do is send message to people" Suki said musingly
He smiled at Suki's confusion of what to say next, it was funny, he chuckled a little. He continued to eat as he heard Suki spark up the conversation again, "Well, I'm right here, and we're talking ya know. I think different." He flashed his smile again as he returned to eating, sipping his drink quietly.
Asura was yanking his sword out of a boar when he received a pm. He checked it and saw it was Suki asking him to join them in a mini boss fight. "Field Boss yesterday on my own, today mini boss with a group." Asura commented. He turned around and started to head back on his speed enhancing boots.
Suki smiled, and nodded. "Right. Well...what do you so in the real world?" She knew people might consider it a big no no to ask questions like that...but what if they were here for a while? "I was taking a year off, before going to college. I want to be a computer designer. Which seems a bit ironic, considering we are trapped here" she said, and laughed softly
Kicking open the door to the inn Asura walked in. He walked over to Suki and asked "So what is it and when do we move out ?"
"Well I was currently finishing off some programming, so you can say I was a programmer for computers". he replies with a smile. "It's quite a fun job, you meet a lot of fun people." He looks over at Asura seeing him kick the door in.
Suki was about to reply when Asura came in, clearly wanting to show off or something like that. "Soon. We're going to each take the cows of the counter attack quest, one after the other, helping each other and that way we can all get a good amount of experience" she said to him, looking back to Riven, "so maybe we could talk about programming sometime? No one i knows interested in it"
"When we're movin out just pm me." Asura said. He kicked open the door and left the inn.

He darted straight to the forge. He was hoping to the last of the blacksmithing skills, metal refining. He went to the Head Blacksmith and started a conversation, he selected lessons when it's window came up and selected metal refining. He learned how to turn raw ore into usable material.

"Next order of business head out and collect money." Asura declared as he dashed out of town on his speed enhancing boots. Once into the area he was carried over yesterday he began to slaughter the wolves, boars, and nepents.
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Riven smiles and nods at Suki's reply, "Sure! All you need to do is ask and I'll be glad to help!" He watched as Asura ran off already doing his own thing. Seriously, Hayami calls Riven a show off, but seriously? If Riven is a showoff, then this new guy must be in a completely new level.
Suki watched Asura leave, disbelieving. She rose to check that there wasnt any damage, apologizing to the inn keeper. Just because they were NPCs didn't mean they should act like ignorant jerks.

She returned to Riven and shrugged. "He just seems enthusiastic" she said "well. Maybe we can talk tonight when we finish for the day" she smiled "I'm ready to go when you are. Should we go speak with Hayami?"
He nodded, "I shall follow with whatever you roll with boss." He stood up as he made sure his weapons were in check and ready to go condition.

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