Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

He blushed a little, but returns to his thoughts of escape. He nods as he slips his hood into place over his head, feeling the surge of energy from the hood into his speed being increased by a few points.

"Hang on."

He ran and sprinted and ran, running among Nepents, running toward the only opening he could see through the Nepent swarm. He dodged this way and that, this way and there, avoiding so Suki wouldn't be hit, however he continues to take damage, regardless, he continues to run. He hopes Suki was hanging on tightly, or that Asura was alright, or else this plan was pointless. He took hits and bites at his arms and legs, he winced, but didn't care, he had to run, to get both him and Suki out of the Nepent onslaught. Every once a while or two, he would take glances at his health bar after every hit, taking notice how much it was going down. Again, regardless, he ran, he had to, or they would both die.

After finally reaching through the opening and the Nepents didn't give chase, he slowly crouches and gently lets Suki down, breathing heavily. He took a look at Suki's health bar, a few nicks, but in the green. He turns around so he faces her, laughing a little.

"Well that worked, guess I should play chauffeur from now on shouldn't I?..." He laughs again, before taking a glance at his health bar, now in the orange level.

He grimaces and returns to Suki, "Oh dear..."

He takes a deep breath and falls over, completely unconscious due to exhaustion
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Suki didn't like to be carried like this. It wasn't comfortable, for The simple fact that she couldn't control what happened. The monsters, trees, obstacles...she had no power over dodging them and it made her panic slightly. Her breathing hitched, and she pressed her face against Xavier's back, whimpering softly.

She was more then glad when he stopped, let her off, and managed to smile "only if your willing to-" but she cut off as he fainted and she cursed.

She knelt, and shoved the health potion into his mouth, counting on the game to do this rest, but knew he wouldn't wake straight away. They had their limits here, just as they did in the real world. She bit her lip, and stood over him, glancing about them, rapier at the ready, using her detection skill to see any monsters coming and be prepared.
> Xavier awoke in an open plane, filled with clouds. He could see the world of SAO beneath him as he walked endlessly. His inventory is empty and all the options in his menu are unavailable. He also tends to notice that his health bar is missing as well as the other party member's health bars as well. He sighs and scratches the back of his head, "So this is what it feels like to be dead then, walking endlessly for the rest of your life?"

> As he sighs again, a timer appears over him in bright bold letters and numbers, AWAKEN: 3:20:16

> "Welp shit, looks like I'm stuck here for awhile..."

> He lies on the "floor" of the infinite plain and begins to sightsee the things the clouds can turn into as they fly by
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Saiyoko shakes his head, he keeps pace with Hayami pretty well as they walk down the road,

"I apologize for being clueless." He says followed by a sigh. Saiyoko wanted to simply get to Hayami's friend and be done with it. Why did he even buy this game? He must be an idiot to buy this game, but saying that would mean that everyone else was an idiot, and Saiyoko doesn't want to be rude or anything. Well, you're a little late for trying not to be rude, now aren't you, Saiyoko?
Asura woke up and grabbed his aching head. All he remembered was that when he was almost at the next town a giant bird snatched him up and then his mind went blank. He opened his menu and checked his map,he saw the point where he was kidnapped from but when he checked his current position there was a vast unexplored area between them. He he realized he wasn't on regular ground it was kind of like a bird's nest. Asura's eyes widened and he scrambled over to the edge he was in a huge tree and looking a little further he could see mountains. He must be on the other side of the floor near the field boss.

Asura stood and was about to leap over the side of the nest when he spotted a rather large bird incoming. He jumped back to the center of the nest as the bird landed. He drew his Claymore and charged the bird. He attack it with Avalanche, the impact of the attack knocked it over the side of the nest. Asura then followed after the bird by jumping off the nest and planting his blade in it's back. The damaged from the fall amplified his attack which left the bird with less than 1/4 of it's HP. But the bird struck back with poison claws which sent Asura straight into a tree, the words "Immortal Object" appeared on the tree. Asura got to his feet and charged the bird which chose to dodge to the side. that was it's mistake Asura then activated Cyclone and cleave out the rest of it's HP.

Asura dropped down breathing hard, his HP was a critical and he could tell the poison would kill him if he didn't get it cured. He chugged an HP potion to refill his slowly depleting HP. "No time to rest, this game keeps you on your toes." Asura commented. He searched around for a road and then traveled on it in the opposite direction of the mountains. Though Field Bosses can only be killed once it was not worth the risk of dying in the process. He ran as fast as he could looking for a town, he needed to find one fast.
Suki state standing, occassionally moving to kill a Nepent, or boar, or Direwolf. There was nothing major, and she managed to deal with them all okay. As it started to get dark, Suki began to get real worried. She didn't want to be out after dark, she wasn't scared of the dark, but just scared of not being able to see things properly.

Not to mention she was growing tired herself. And she hadn't heard from any of the others. And Xavier had had made no move or even shown any sign of weakening. She looked back to him, biting her lip. She was partly to blame for this, she knew.

If she could carry him to a town, she would. But she didn't think she would get far, with her strength "if you don't do something" she said tk herself "you'll both did here" gritting her teeth, she went over to Xavier, pondering what she could do. She looked about, and then smiled.

She set to work. She found two long branches, and with the ribbon she had, and frenzy boar leather, she managed to make a sort of stretcher. To her surprise, she recieced the notification "congratulations! You hVe increased your crafting skill!"

She laughed, and managed to nudge Xavier onto it. "Boys will be the death of me" she decided, again speaking to herself, as she tied Xavier to the stretcher, just his ankles and hands, before lifting one end up. It was a bit of. Struggle, but she managed it. She gritted her teeth in determination, and began to move.
After a while of running he eventually scrambled into a town and straight to a healer. He paid a few hundred col to have be cure of all ailments. After thanking the kind NPC he quickly left. He was now bound for the field boss. The village itself was already pretty close to the mountain, now Asura was closer. He drew his blade making sure to keep up his guard. Direwolves began to spawn and attack him as he dashed for his target. He easily took care of them one after the other while pressing onward to his the cave which was now in sight. He could see it an oversized den built into the mountain.

Asura got close enough that the Field Boss finally showed itself. It was a large black wolf named "Greyfang the Alpha." It acknowledged Asura's presence with a howl. Asura could see that any direwolf in the area immediately ran away. Asura got ready he knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight but the good thing is if he pulls this off he'll be the only one that did as Field Bosses don't respawn. Asura decided to attack first from above. He jumped high over the wolf's head. It stood up on it's hind legs to try and bite him but he was too high, Asura however seized his opportunity. He dived plant his blade in it's face but dragging it down along the beast's back. When he pushed away from the wolf half of it's first hp bar was gone. The wolf seemed genuinely pissed off now. Asura probably didn't help when he said "Nice doggie."
Suki had to stop every so often. She had to rest for a few moments when she found that she needed to, in order to keep herself going, to make sure that she wasn't about to keel over exhausted like Xavier had. She also had to stop every so often to stop some Direwolves or Frnezy boars. She was growing tired by the minjte, and feared that she wouldn't be able to make it to town.

She didn't want to die here, but it seemed like she was going to. She looked to Xavier over her shoulder, panting, feeling as if she could t get enough air into her chest. "Why do you have to be so heavy for?" She grumbled outloud "jeez, I feel like I could fall down any minute. I suppose this is compensation for you piggy backing me, But still, you are so damn heavy." It was easier talking to herself then it was letting her thoughts get the better of her.

"Maybe I should have tried throwing cold water over you. That might have worked. Damn, I wish I had a map or any way of knowing how much further I need to go. It's getting so dark." She bit her lip, chewing it for a moment, and then her heart skipped a beat as she saw lights. "Please God let that be the town, let that be the safe zone, let it not be too far away" she struggled on ahead, staring At the lights. And it seemed like a miricle as they got closer, as she dragged Xavier along, now occassionally stumbling, but each time she fell, she got back up, sometimes berating herself, sometimes arguing with herself until she dragged herself up.

But she made it. As soon as she had them both over the line for the safe zone, she collapsed. She lay sprawled on the ground panting, eyes closed, "I did it. We made it" she laughed breathlessly
Xavier finally regained the strength to open his eyes and attempt to move, however he found himself bound. He struggled until the bounds on his arms and legs broke free so he could sit up, gently feeling his wrists. He looked over, seeing Suki on the ground, tired. He walked over to her and crouched down, looking at her. He gently reaches over, pulling off his cloak and wrapping it around her for warmth, and kindly places a hand on her shoulder, smiling.

"I'm guessing you were the one who took me all the way here? Thank you. It's only right if you let me do the same in return, I'll find somewhere for us to rest, just relax."

He gently picks up Suki on his back, holding her tightly and making sure the cloak was still on her, as he quietly and peacefully walks into the town.
Asura is still in battle with GreyFang. The mighty wolf has driven him back quite a lot as they were now in a bunch of trees. Asura had a brilliant idea now, he jumped into the trees. Since the enviroments in the game are indestructible he need not worry if the beast should attack the tree itself. Asura attacked the wolf with a series of hit and run attacks which cleaved down it's hp to 3 bars. But after then it suddenly grew smarter as it countered Asura knocking him out the tree and into a tiny lake.

Asura stood up drenched but fine for the most part not including the half hp he has left. The wolf leapt into the water splashing water in all directions. It was smart and swept low with it's paw kicking up water to distract Asura and then smacking him onto his back. He stood quickly and decided he should use a similar tactic. He used Cyclone which splashed a ton of water hiding him for him to get closer and use Avalanche on the GreyFang's face. The beast whimpered and face planted into the water losing 1/4 of it second hp bar. Asura wasted no time in using Cyclone on it's legs to cleave another quarter of hp and cripple the wolf for a moment. He then stabbed the Wolf in it's midsection then jumped back avoiding it's counter attack.

The wolf glared at him and growled. It then dashed straight at him. Asura charged the wolf as well but at the last second dropped to slide on his back and drive his blade through it's entire underside cleaving out it's second hp bar completely. The wolf fell rather then landing but it recovered quickly. Then it reared around, it's paws glew then suddenly it's speed increased to the point where it was a blur. Suddenly Asura went straight up in the air and then fell. He could tell it hit him. As he recovered and prepared for it's next attack he tried to think how can he counter it. It charged again as a blur and once again Asura went flying to the air and back down. He stood and prepared for the next attack. He has to pay close attention. Then he had an idea. He swung his blade forward planting it in the ground the wolf came again and knocked him in the air. When he stood he checked the direction where he planted his sword to the wolf's current position. It seemed that the wolf moves in a straight line when attacking like that. The picked up his sword and hoped his hypothesis was correct because one more hit and he's dead. He stood ready when the wolf's paws glowed he jumped to the side used cyclone to strike it's legs as it went by. It's own speed attacking alot of extra damage. As well as it's impact on the surrounding rock as it went flying out the pond. Asura had sidestepped before it attacked and swung at where he supposed it's legs would be to use it's momentum to have it go flying out of the pond.

Asura chugged an hp potion and got out of the pond facing GreyFang with only one HP bar left. The Wolf's fur turned scarlet fever red and it's mouth foamed, it's growl intensified. It howled forcing Asura to cover his ears. When it was done he placed one hand on the normal grip of his sword and the other on the second grip. He knew he couldn't use sword skills like this but he figured whatever the secons grip granted him was worth it, The wolf this tome around jumped into the air and disappeared in a blur. Asura had the common sense to move from where he was standing. The wolf reappeared right where he was standing. Asura ran at the beast and slashed it's side then quickly ran awah from it. He checked it's hp bar and concluded using the second grip with the first grip doubles his damage as he actually cleaving out 1/10 of it's hp. Asura jumped anticipating the wolf's jump. When GreyFang jumped Asura could only see the world as blur before he was on the ground again. He looked at GreyFang and saw the stab mark he left in it. It was missing another 2/10 of it's hp. It seems using the beast's momentum against it was working. When the GreyFang disappeared he pointed his blade in the direction he thought it would come to only be hit from behind and sent flying then he was hit again before he hit the ground knocking him back to the point he started at before he was hit. He stood and then focused coming up with a strategy. He switched back to placing both hands on the regular grip. When the wolf disappeared he used cyclone which smacked it away as soon as it reappeared taking another 1/10 of it's hp. Then he ran forward and used Avalanche to force it's faced into the ground. Asura then placed on hand on the second grip and jumped onto the wolf's back. He stabbed it in it's neck and prepared for a rodeo.

The wolf went wild trying to toss him off, but Asura kept wrenching the blade and taking more of it's hp. Asura eventually fell off but he left the sword in the wolf'a neck. As he fell GreyFang's hp depleted itself and the wolf shattered. Asura was excited beyond belief. After he retrieved his sword and sheathed it then chuggin his last hp potion took a nap on the spot without checking his level or rewards only hitting the accept button.

Asura woke up a little while afterwards and checked his rewards. He could see all the col he obtained. He also made plans for the spoils from GreyFang. He quickly made his way down the mountain and back to the town he came from. He already made plans on what he was going use for what. He went into a blacksmith shop and went straight to the front desk. He placed an order for some custom items and laid out exactly what should be used to make what.

"Okay so I want the bones made into some armor plates. The claws I want them made into one sturdy claymore. The paws I want a pair of boots and a pair of gloves. I want the pelt to be made into a coat." Asura told the NPC. He dumped all the mentioned materials onto the desk. The NPC replied "Ok it'll ne a while." He scooped up all the materials into a sack and carried them into the back. Meanwhile, Asura bought some lightarmor to wear over his current leather armor. He also bought so under armor. He equipped the the new lightweight armor over his leather armor added a sort of skeletal look to him. He checked to make sure he held onto the nepent oil and wolf fangs. He was saving that for Cleo. He would have two katana made out of the fangs. Two fangs for each one as wolf have four fangs.
Suki wrapped the coat around her, grateful for the warmth of it and grateful that Xavier had woken. "There wasn't much else I could do" she said, with a yawn. "I was getting worried cause it was getting darker and darker and you weren't waking...I knew I couldn't last forever so...I knew I had to get us both back, but Im not tall enough to carry you, like you are me, so...stretcher" she wrapped her arms around him, to have a hold so she didn't feel like she would slip off.

She looked around the town, it had NPC houses, and stores, and a couple of inns. She yawned again, "we shouldn't hVe too much trouble finding a place to stay"
Hayami sighed gratefully as the next town rolled into sight, the walk here and been especially frustrating with how little Saiyoko knew about the place, and even furthermore how she'd had to give him a little tutorial on how to fight when they'd been attacked by a pack of Direwolves. But, that little escapade had finally concluded as they approached the town, unexpectedly quickly in fact, she'd been expecting to be walking through the whole night, but has only just peaked it's head over the horizon as they approached the town.


From: Hayami

To: Suki

What Inn are you staying at? We're at the town entrance.


She sent Suki a quick message as the came to the entrance of town, before turning to Saiyoko and speaking, the relief the the trip was over clear in her voice. "Well, here we are. You'll get a proper explanation soon, I just need to find out which Inn my group is staying at"
Xavier blushed a little as she wrapped her arms around him. He lets the blush die off as he nods and walks to a nearby inn, smiling hearing Suki yawn a little. As he enters the inn he asks and pays for a room, and then walks off to it. He finally reaches the room and opens it to a lone bed in the corner of the room by a small window, which he didn't mind. He walks over and gently lies Suki down, leaving the cloak still on her but gently covers her with the blanket as well. He smiles as he lets her sleep and sits in the corner of the room, quietly meditating with his Direwolf Sword laying on his lap.
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Saiyoko nods slowly, he gazed at the town that they had traveled to. As strange and new as this game was to him, he had to admit that it had amazing graphics,

"Ok. Uh, may I ask what your friend looks like?" He asks quietly, Saiyoko hoped that she didn't hear him the moment after he asked her the question. Saiyoko probably sound like a creep or a pervert- y Mcpervertson at this point in time. Well Saiyoko, may you shouldn't have asked such a creepy question.
Leaving the town he began slotting equipment into one outfit and saved the outfit on his menu.


He found it satisfactory, the outft composed of the leather armor he wore earlier plus the new boots, gloves. under armor, armor plates, and claymore made from the wolf. The wolf pelt coat is just something he's saving for when it gets cold. But a little of the ppelt was used in the armor.

He decided some travel by night would be alright he did have a nice nap.But on foot is a dangerous Idea even with the speed enhancing boots of this outfit. Maybe he should try going on a horse. He made his way to the stable only to find out the stables are closed. He left disappointed and walked into the town inn and bought a room for the night. He was asleep as soon as he hit the bed.
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Suki sighed softly at the ping of a message, and roused herself enough to open, read and reply to it. After all, wasn't that what leaders did.

She yawned, typing with one hand, to Hayami

From: Suki

You: Hayami

: we are at the sunshine inn. If you are near, give me thirty minutes, if you aren't, all the better for me.

She sighed and sat up, "Hayami is nearby, I guess" she said to Xavier, after a quick glance told her he was in the room too. She frowned, seeing that there was only one bed, and he had chosen to sit on the floor.
"Her name is Suki" She says, her fingers playing through the menu screens as she spoke, going over the few drops she'd obtained on the trip here, and checking her progress towards the next level, which turned out to be surprisingly close to the point where if she logged a few hours training tonight she was pretty confident she'd be able to hit the next level by around midnight, that is, assuming the mobs here were the same, otherwise she'd need to spend her time learning their attack patterns...

She dismissed her thoughts as the ping of an arriving message sounded out. Her nightly planning could wait until she sorted her business with Saiyoko and got an actual meal in her stomach.

"Ok, destination found... Look out for a Sunshine Inn" Speaking abruptly Hayami once again turned and began walking, searching the town for the aforementioned inn.
Asura awoke some time later that night. He looked outside to see what had woken him and he saw it. Apparently it was the midnight stable hour. He didn't even go down stairs he leapt out the window. And quickly went to go rent a black steed. Cost him almost all the col he got from GreyFang but the NPC said it will be worth it.

Asura mounted the horse and sped off. Asura could barely see his whole ride. The horse was going far too fast for his agility skill and easily dwarfed the speed of that wolf he fought earlier. He manage to raised his finger to open his menu and saw he had reached level 9. He slotted his skills points and then put down his hand because the horse was still accelerating.

Asura Level 9

Strength: 20

HP: 1825


By the time he was able to see again and the horse came to a stop they were at the town where his map said Suki was. The perks of friends vs. party status. He fell off the horse and quickly stood up. He made his way to Suki's location seeing it was an inn. He went inside and spent what he had left from GreyFang on another room. He didn't want to get left behind surely. He made his way into his room and slept more soundly this time.
He looks up at Suki with a frown on his face, he stands up and walks over to her, gently lying a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it, you rest, I've had enough sleep, I'll be on guard, just relax."

He pats her shoulder gently and returns to his meditation spot on the floor, quietly breathing.
Suki shook her head, "Hayami said something earlier about having someone she wants to introduce to me. I'm sure it won't take long" she said, pulling up her menu, opening her friends list and party list, pleased to see that Asura had made it back her safetly. She started a message to him.

From: Suki

To: Asura

: Hi, glad to see you got back safetly, Hope everything is alright, see you in the morning!

She climbed out the bed, moving slowly. She glanced to Xavier, stretching "thirty minutes, and then you can bundle me up and drag me to bed, okay?" She said with mild amusement

Saiyoko remained very quiet as they walked around the town. He wasn't exactly sure where he was but that would soon be explained to him, Hayami's friend sounded nice to him, wait, why was he even thinking about that? Anyways, Saiyoko starts to get on track when he notices a weapon shop that is a real eye-opener. Hold on, does Saiyoko have Bi-polar disease or ADHD? Whatever, Saiyoko finally gets back on track and searches for a "Sunshine Inn", he doesn't see one at first but he quickly spots the sign with a rather nicely-drawn sun on it,

"Ooh! Ooh! There it is!" He says as he's suddenly happy out of nowhere.
"Excited enough?" She said as she turned towards the Inn, soon pushing open the doors an swishing inside.

After quickly sending Suki a message that they were in the common room Hayami approached the Innkeeper, ordering herself a meal, and neglecting to do the same for Saiyoko, before taking a seat at a table near the back, soon after collapsing gratefully onto it, the exhaustion, both physical and social, hitting her and soon as she took her seat.

"OK, She should be down soon. Hope you enjoyed the trip" She says somewhat sarcastically as she picks herself back up, before setting into the meal that lay in front of her.
Xavier looks at Suki with a smile and a laugh, "Alright, sure." He stands up and stretches himself as well, "I guess I can take a walk anyway." He looks at her with a smile again as he sheathes his sword, noticing his cloak is still wrapped around her, "You can keep that if you want, I rarely need it anymore."

Saiyoko sits in the chair, he's now quite aggravated that Hayami didn't order him a drink or a meal or anything, Saiyoko's entire vibe changed in a second,

"Hey! Why didn't you order me something?" He asks like a child would ask his mom why she didn't buy him a toy. Saiyoko simply wanted to get away from Hayami at the moment.
Hayami raised an eyebrow at Saiyoko's small tantrum, chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth before replying. "Now, I just walked you here for free might I add, so someone could explain your situation to you. And now you're expecting me to buy you a meal too?" She said pointing her fork at Saiyoko while she spoke, her voice filled with more bemusement than annoyance at his sudden outburst.

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