Roleplay [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Hayami lets out a small sigh, he knew that he really wasn't all that good with first impressions, he wasn't really good at being nice to people either,

"I know, I'm not really good at first impressions." Saiyoko makes sure to stay near Hayami, dare he stray off into the crowd and get lost or hurt. Even though his thought was pretty strange and slightly unreasonable, he simply just didn't want to go anywhere without the girl he's met. He would like to stick beside her for as long as he can for he could get hurt at any moment and that is not something that he fancy doing.
After a while of continuous running and sprinting, he finally manages to barely catch up. He can see Suki partially clearly now. He stops to take a deep breath, switches to his short sleeved shirt and armored pants, and with a deep breath, breaks into a full on sprint.
"Well I don'r really think about how I act, I just act. Other people will do act how they want. It's natural for someone to be a little more confident here because you can really do some awesome stuff that you can't in real life." Sora replied. Sora looked back to see Xavier approaching to the best of his ability. "I think it's best to judge people for yourself. Maybe someone can get this cold girl to open up. Xavier? Isn't he the dual claymore user from earlier, from my encounter with him all I think he needs to do is somehow just not be so blunt with everything. He may come off sounding more negative than he actually means to, which if I was the kindof person to get angry easily it could've ended badly considering we were both 7's at the time.. Like when you two explained why you jumped into the battle against the pack of wolves he was blunt about it so he seemed a tad bit of a superiority complex but I not going to make that a theory until more hypotheses are proven that relates to the theory. When you explained you said not to doubt my skills which implied you meant well and didn't see everyone else as weaker than yourself."
Xavier finally approaches, standing a little beside Suki, and by the new guy, taking deep breaths as he is hunched over, his hands on his knees and taking huge breaths after his sprint. After regaining his strength he stands up, holding out a hand to the new guy, smiling a little.

"Hey, the name's Xavier. I'm sure we met earlier with the Direwolf trouble, you're the guy with the claymore as well aren't you? I'm guessing Suki here told you to slow down a bit for me? If she did, thanks."

He smiles and gently pats Suki's shoulder, kindly smiling to her. He quietly takes a mental note to himself, remembering who each person is by their weapons... just for future reference.

He quietly speaks to himself, barely audible to be heard completely.

"Mental note... (breath) ... never run farther then about 2 miles... at full sprint.... ever..."
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"I know, I'm not really good at first impressions."

Hayami sighed, contemplating things as they headed towards the edge of town, noticing Adonis falling in step with them at some point. She wondered how this game was effecting people, well, the physical effects were obvious, but the psychological ones... Who knew? Saiyoko certainly didn't seem particularly stable, with the way he was jumping between moods, but was he always like that? Or was it his way of coping with the game? And the other members of her party, where they always the way they were? Suki trying to hold everyone together, and Xavier trying to play the hero? She knew that she was stable, but what was going on in the others heads? Would they end up snapping? Breaking down in tears and lashing out at the others? She'd need to keep an eye out. People would eventually start turning on one another, they'd start trying to take things from others, it was only a matter of time until people started to kill other players. And there was no way in hell she was going to be one of the victims, or one of the culprits.

Coming to the edge of the Safe Zone, and passing into the Hunting Grounds Hayami looked out over the horizon, noticing the sun as it slowly descended towards the earth. At this rate trying to catch up with Suki would be useless, unless they wanted to be running aimlessly in the dark, a slower approach to the next to would be the safer bet, so she sent her a message to inform her of the change of plans.


From: Hayami

To: Suki

Won't be catching up with you. We'll meet you at the Inn in the next town. Adonis is with me.


After sending the message she paused for a moment, speaking to the two behind her before continuing on her way. "We'll probably be traveling in the dark for a while, so keep your guard up, we won't have the Sun to point out all the enemies to us this time"
Suki shrugged "why should I think someone is weaker then me? Levels, could be the strongest person in this game and still die, if you don't have the right...heart for it. I don't want to lose sifht of humanity just because someone is "weaker" then me. I was raised to be kind and caring" she said

She glanced over as Xavier joined them panting a bit and gave him a smile, then frowned as she read the pm from Hayami "Hayami will catch up with us in the next town" she said to Xavier, but included Asura in the conversation as well "so once you have caught your breath we can be on our way again"
Xavier nodded and stood up, dusting himself off. Hayami was going to stay a little, he figured she would. He sighs and rests his hand on his sword's handle, scratching the back of his head.

"Alright I'm good, ready when you guys are." He replies with a smile to Asura and Suki

Saiyoko paused for a second, he suddenly wondered what he would use as a weapon for he did not really know if he already had one or he had to earn one or what. Saiyoko rubs the back of his head before asking,

"Um, what do I use as a weapon?" Asks the kid followed by a sheepish smile. He really didn't want to admit the fact that he didn't know what he was doing, but he was really clueless to most of the game.
Suki smiled "excellent" she started to walk, figuring if Asura still wanted to run, he could take the lead. Which reminded her. She still didn't know where they were going or how to get there. She looked over her shoulder and smiled "come on slow pokes! It will be dark in a few hours!" She said brightly.

Suki just found that she interacted with guys better then girls. Perhaps that was her brothers influence, but...girls were just a lot more work then guys.
Xavier nodded, walking alongside Suki

"You're the lead boss", he says with a hint of a joke

He rests his arm around the handle of his sword, lazily holding it in his grip, its funny he always does that, maybe that it seems like something he is used to, he doesn't know, whenever he is relaxed, his hand is curved around a handle of a sword somewhere, tightly or lazily. His other arm just dangles at his side. He looks over the horizon, noticing the sun go down.

"Perhaps we should make camp? Attempting a night run can be suicidal with the things that come out at night."
"Not night yet so we should reachthe next town easy." Asura said getting back into a sprint. They were now trees flanking a dirt trail or road. Asura turned the corner and ran at top speed. Then he got a wild idea and rsther then running switched to jumping and running along the trees which he deemed more fun same speed but less energy.
"Um, what do I use as a weapon?"

Hayami stopped in place as Saiyoko spoke. Was... Was he serious, the game had been going for long enough now, and he was in the second town, how did he not know about his gear? Never-mind that, did he even know how to fight? Egh, this is what she got for trying to help someone... Well, trying to shake him now probably wouldn't work out, so she guessed she was pretty much stuck with him until she caught up with Suki, she figured that offloading him onto her wouldn't be the hardest thing, people did tend to flock towards her type after all. But for now, she'd need to manage, and Adonis was a pretty capable fighter, so he might be able to pull to the guy's weight for him...

"Do you really not know? How did you even make it to the second town without even knowing how to fight?" She says with a sigh, fighting off the urge to start trying to dig up just what was wrong with the guy. "Open your inventory, there should be a Beginner's Sword in there, equip that, it'll have to do for now"
"We should make it to the town. I honestly Don't want to be out of a safe zone at night. If we fall asleep, we could be attacked. And I don't want to die" Suki said, starting to follow after Asura, looking back to make sure Xavier was following and giving him a smile. She stayed in between him and Asura, so she could make sure they were both okay.

When Asura made his way into the trees, Suki cried out, but it was already too late. Several little Nepents were heading towards him, some dropping down, and Suki put on a burst of sped to catch up and help out, her rapier in her hand

Saiyoko nods slowly, he could practically feel the judgement steaming from Hayami,

"O-Ok." He stutters out, Saiyoko was completely embarassed. Hopefully Saiyoko doesn't blu- Oph, there he goes, Saiyoko blushes as he does what he's told. Saiyoko moves the sword around in his hand to learn the weight of it and how it feels. After moving it around for a little bit Saiyoko then sheathes it,

So, where do we head?" He asks, the blushing hasn't stopped completely but his face is a tad bit lighter.
Xavier noticed they were coming as well, the Nepents are already starting to spawn. He equips his Direwolf sword in his right and his Claymore in his left, charging after the Nepents alongside Suki. He does little hops in his sprints to increase speed.

"Look out!"

He sees one charging at Suki from her side, he drags his Claymore against the ground to increase traction as he swings it up heavily, knocking the Nepent into the air and into bits. He flips his Direwolf sword in a reverse handle as he continues to fight, using his Claymore as a defense and a sword as an offensive weapon. Its strange, they never spawned this much before... what made them tick...
"So, where do we head?"

Hayami exhaled, rubbing the back of her neck as she gazed into the sky, contemplating how to reach the next town. From what she'd gathered, there was a road leading to it, though it would take a greater amount of time than cutting through the Hunting Grounds as she'd planned, she couldn't be sure Saiyoko could hold his own against the enemies there, and even she wasn't going to go and get somebody killed just for the sake of efficiency. So the roads were the only real choice they had, and that could end up with them beating around in the dark... Whatever, waiting out the night and setting out in the morning would probably be a better plan, but Saiyoko seemed like he could use the practice a night-bound journey could provide.

"We'll be following the east road. Now come on, we've already wasted enough time" She says dismissively, setting off and within a short amount of time having left the safe-zone, and the town, following the road to her destination.

Saiyoko nods, he wasn't feeling as sad as he was a minute ago, he nods and proceeds to follow her,

"Do you mind explaining what's going on?" He asks quietly. Saiyoko didn't want to be left behind on knowledge of what's happening like an idiot, although he was a rather clueless person. Despite all of that, he was rather curious about this "Suki" person, Saiyoko wanted to meet her as soon as he could. Saiyoko didn't know why he wanted to meet her, it was like some kind of weird cosmic force or something.
"Guys, what are you doing down there? Switch to the trees which have some height to them. Monsters won't bother you if your up high. Except maybe a few Nerpents but they'd have the slither up the tree way before we cross their path. Besides it's way faster and more fun." Asura yelled looking back at them. Then he turned to see Nepents were trying to get the drop on him. He drew his greatsword and swung it cleaving most of them in two. He then hopped off the side of one tree to alter his path leaving the survivors behind him.

He sped up confident that Suki and Xavier would catch up shortly. Afterall they're all level 7's.
Suki could see what was going to happen. She tried to call out, but Asura was already speeding up. As the Nepents gave case, she saw that some of them had roots. They were using them to stay in the trees, causing them to be in the way of Asura. "Stop! We dn't know what the game will throw at us! Stop being a fool! We should stick together!"

She began to attack Nepents, slashing and moving her way through them smoothly, managing to dodge serious attacks, as she tried to get closer to Asura, but the swarm of Nepents was preventing that.
Xavier watched as Asura ran off, hoping he would get them to follow. He stands beside Suki, his Direwolf sword in his right and his Claymore to his left, covering his body as his Direwolf sword is held forward in front of them. He slashes his Claymore, slicing a few of them and launching a few into the air again. He angrily lunges with his Direwolf sword straight, stabbing straight into a Nepent. He looks over, hopefully Suki is defending herself, to which he sees her doing fine on her own.

"Suki! They're everywhere! There is more then when I first came in with you guys! There's too many of them! We got to get out of this place!"

Xavier was about to look back to his front until a Nepent attacks him landing a hit on his chest. He falls backwards, angrily grunting as he uses his Claymore to hold himself up, his HP dropping down to at least 85%. He swings his sword forwards, slicing it in two. He stands up, limply as he quickly switches his Claymore to a katana, now a bit too weak to hold his Claymore. As he switches his weapons, he checks his stats and gets an idea and figured one idea is better than none.

"Suki! Climb on my back and hold on tight!"
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"Do you mind explaining what's going on?"

Hayami sighed, she distinctly remembered telling him where she was taking him, and she didn't see too many areas where the phrase ' I'm taking you to an acquaintance of mine' that would be too hard to understand, but... The guy didn't seem to be having the best day, and the fact that he didn't seem to know what the hell was up with the game probably didn't help out his processing abilities.

"You're stuck in here, congrats. I'm taking to with me to meet the girl who put together the party I'm in, because I really don't want to explain everything myself, or play the emotional support if you freak out again. Anymore questions?" She says, not breaking pace as they headed down the road.
Suki continued to try and bring the number of Nepents down. As it seemed like there were more and more no matter what they did, Suki began to wonder. Where there so many because no one had been here, or...was the game specifically aiming to kill each and every player? Was this just a way for a mass murder? Surely not. But she couldn't rule that out.

"I am not going to die in this damn game!" She shouted through gritted teeth.

She continued, until Xavier said to climb on his back. Suki was average height, and a light weight, but she still found this shocking that he would suggest that. "I'm, are you sure?" She asked, killing another Nepent, before stepping back to approach him
He nodded, sheathing both of his swords away.

He knows both of his strength and his speed are even and are both highly powered.

He quickly pulls out his cloak of Speed, the one he wore when he first met the group, the one that gave him enhanced speed capabilities. He crouched down, holding his arms out.

"Quickly! We don't have much time before the hole out is covered completely! Hurry!"
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"Ah hello nah, they can do that too!" Asura exclaimed. He quickly altered his angle on his next jump to dash down to a lower height. Asura didn't turn back because he couldn't. The Nepents had covered his only way of going back. Then he had an idea. "Spread out, we should go straight in three separate directions. I'll continue forward on my own. The Nepents would split up making them less dense as obstructions." Asura yelled. He dashed forward switching elevations quickly to avoid Nepents that has miraculously clung to the tops of trees. He headed in the direction he knew the dungeon was in.
Suki bit her lip, but nevertheless climbed onto Xavier's back, feeling half a child. She wasn't able to call out to Asura when he said to split up. She didn't think it was a good idea, but then he was gone.

"Damn it" She sighed, "Let's move" She said reluctantly. She hoped Asura would be alright, but for now, she had to geet out of this mess, and Xavier as well. She took out a health potion, ready to shove it into Xavier's mouth, if he needed it.

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